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7012794 No.7012794 [Reply] [Original]

Insteading of fudding it to accumulate?

Because its a shitcoin from a shithole made by people who literally dont know the proper place to take a shit. It has all the signs of an exist scam trying to milk as much as possible before LINK releases the mainnet and bitchslaps the brown off of their skin. Their shills were confirmed paid in rice and or curry

>> No.7012815

Just give up Salty Linkers. Sell at a loss and jump on Lambo train.

>> No.7012847

See what I mean? Literally a bot replying with premade responses to any posts with the tags "link" or "mobius"

Now read that post in a pajeet accent and tell me a fucking indian didnt type that shit

>> No.7012865

just youtube mobius interviews for full cringe. Praise Sergey

>> No.7012915

I didn't buy Mobius but I'm shilling it to piss off stinky linkies. I assume most people shilling are doing that also.

>> No.7012918

I'm a link bagholder since ico but I've been shilling mobius frequently since their partnership with wtc because I find it funny

>> No.7012923

>its a shitcoin from a shithole made by people who literally dont know the proper place to take a shit.

velly much this my dude sah please be quieting now sanjeeb

>> No.7012949

But seriously, Mobius is much better than Chainlink.

>> No.7012966


This, lmao. I own neither but it's funny as fuck to see linkies sperging out. They're so insecure.

>> No.7012973

>stinky linkies
ALSO prajeets but with a vatnik kning instead of pookings with Mobius shills

001 poo has been deposited in ur loo

>> No.7013003

but seriously what is public sewers?

>> No.7013012


Post picture of your hand to show you're not just another disgusting POO IN LOO.

>> No.7013040

Why so racist you bastard?

I'm buying Mobius thanks OP.

>> No.7013140
File: 77 KB, 900x900, baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's 4chan man, it's all a joke.

>> No.7013149

I didn’t even read and I know you’re a linky.
Mobius is a shitcoin but link has far more shill than mobius, in fact just by seeing you’re attaching mobius in the first sentence I know the rest is a link shill.

T. Increasingly nervous stinky linky.

Thought u were mooning went it went over 1 dollar?
HAHAHAHAHAHA only because ethereum mooned, link won’t make all of u neets billionaires, while u hold that shitcoin actual smart people constantly trade and catch moon missions, holding link cucked you out of the biggest bullrun you will witness in ur life.

>> No.7013169

I'm gonna smack the tikka marsala out of your mothers mouth while you go scrub the crusty shitt off your legs, sewer squatter

>> No.7013222

You are a dog.

>> No.7013425
File: 300 KB, 625x415, shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just grabbed a picture of the mobius dev team yesterday. It was hard to get close because their deep suspicion of people who use toliets, but I disguised myself as ranjeet and took a shit on the street in full view of them to gain their trust. After that we were like family. After they plagiarized link's whitepaper, they built a shrine to sergey to try to steal the rest of his powers