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7012748 No.7012748 [Reply] [Original]

>B.A., Philosophy and Management

>> No.7012787

h-hes fast!

>> No.7012822

Yo, let's solve this oracle problem that isn't really a problem.
Rory wakes up
Let's solve something
Alright I'll go find people, you try to code this blockchain shit without being blockchain, just ask some temporary pajeets
>Rory: k
Let's post some walt disney quotes to get more money and say swifit is involved even though they only gave us anemail saying their interested in the idea
Oh deliotte has an RnD team, let's try to get into that
Oh shit they declined because they had other options and their RnD team said we are shit
>Rory: I'm hungry
Lemme go do BIZNESS
>Rory: We are lions, we rather be lions than sheep
That's right rory.

>> No.7012830
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Don't you dare diss the stinky linky god, you know linkies worship him right? They literally have an altar for Sergey and they pray to him every morning and every night, they literally treat him as a god.

It could be stockholm syndrome, they are so imprisoned by their worthless shit coin, and they take multiple beatings daily, that they just worship their master who tortures them.

>> No.7012852

I wish I burned a bigmac everyday for him, sounds like a pleasure.

>> No.7012961

Dude, I was randomly browsing the chainlink slack a few weeks ago and saw the weirdest thing. Sergey and Rory were having a barbecue. Just a barbecue, nothing else. They were eating sausages. And the chatroom was full of people who were tipping left and right. And suddenly someone donated 200 tokens ($20.99) and says 'show pussy pls'. A minute later he donated 500 tokens ($44.99) and says 'show pussy'. 30 seconds later 1000 tokens ($79.99) and 'pussy'. Then, finally, Sergey stood up and flashed his pussy for a second. Then they banned him. What the fuck?

>> No.7013063

Damn just sold 100k

>> No.7013191

Also Aeternity is better than LINK

>> No.7013336
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>Looks down on Philosophy major

>> No.7013442

>128 IQ
anon most people on even fucking pol are 140

>> No.7013530

>one github commit

>> No.7013781

No they're not, /pol/ is 2-5% intelligent bigots and 95% screaming subhuman autists. Most of pol is 90-105 IQ range.
t. 132 brainlet here (by sci standards)

>> No.7013859

Nah they did a lot of online screening for a year, compilation reported an average around 130-140. Just being realistic.

>> No.7013899

> Online IQ tests
Opinion discarded, these all have repetitive questions and are easy to study for. I can easily get a 170-180 score on an 'online IQ test'
furthermore all it takes to study for online IQ tests is a basic understanding of matrices and matrix inversion methods and combinatorics.

>> No.7013955

125 is slightly above the mean IQ of 4-year college graduates, bragging about your IQ on an anonymous board to validate whatever it is you're saying only shows how insecure you are

>> No.7014010
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Yep, this

Maybe even lower, this anon doesn't seem to grasp basic statistical concepts

Try out a few IQ tests and humble yourself

>> No.7014069

This anon I meant

>> No.7014159

That's not true since you can correlate actuary tests and those subjects to how well they perform online tests and then run that analysis w/ a algo to fix any errors. But you're like under 140, so why am I telling you this?

>> No.7014234

Anon 132 is 98-99th percentile, my IQ is also under repped as my gifts are in mathematics, where I am studying my PhD in at the moment.
Irregardless, theres no statistical study linking only IQ tests to those done by a psychiatrist as their is no validity to online tests, they all reuse the same questions and don't test the actual categories of a standard IQ test - Working memory, perceptual reasoning, comprehension and processing speed.

>> No.7014352


>he fell for the online iq tests can't be valid meme

i bet you'd think the sat wouldn't generate a valid score if taken online either, brainlet

>> No.7014382


here you go


>> No.7014396

The Sat is utterly pointless, if you dont get within 10 points of a perfect score then you are a brainlet, the SAT isnt valid as a standardised test because it fails to discriminate high achievers who unlike yourself actually study and do well.
> He fell for the online tests that try to get money out of you are valid meme and now calls me a brainlet because he got a higher online score then my real irl score despite my online score being in the 180s

>> No.7014417

mobius not bag coin stink link shoo am serious would not lie mobius win big try

>> No.7014426

exactly what I thought until I took a fucking philosophy course as a CS major back in university.
My god that was the most difficult course of all time.

>> No.7014431

>their is no validity
>failing at 1st grade grammar

and we are supposed to believe your high IQ?

>> No.7014497


yeah man mobius is the future, like mhy bf told me about it after shitting on the street and i was like omg buy some for me? and he's all like suck me first and I was like...okay ;) so after he came he sent me some and now I have some mobi. That night when he bent over i ripped his pants open and stuck my dick inside him and he was like "wtf i thought you were a girl!" I violently threw my wig off and said "I got my MOBI, now you're about to get yours" just before thrusting my hardest into his pajeet ass.

Co-founder of Mobius

>> No.7014507

> Criticizing grammar on a Taiwanese cave fishing board
> Starts sentence with and
> Not capitalised
> your

>> No.7014545

>intelligent bigots

2/10 made me reply

>> No.7014557

He already said his intelligence sphere is mathematical so its pointless if he messes up a grammar rule or not. Kind of like how I am imagining you to be really uncoordinated. Did you know that coordination is a type of intelligence?

solve an equation of the same relative complexity as compared with there their they're


>> No.7014587

You can, by taking those people who took the test and having them perform online test and algo it to fix the test. I told you this in my last reply and it's the basis for many online tests.

>> No.7014627
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>> No.7014686

Sergey and rory don't know how to run an operation as they are really micro management heavy. That's why I don't invest in LINK and PHD's also have a self obsession compulsion makes that even more true. Invest in something with an actual team instead of having one "ORACLE" giving pajeets orders for a week and recycling that for a year.

>> No.7014703

Either your or you're would be acceptable here.

>we believe your high IQ. (the high IQ that you possess).
>we believe that you are of a high IQ.

>> No.7014706
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>> No.7014754

I'm surprised that with all the geniuses we have here nobody seems to have a shred of understanding in statistics. The score only exists as a comparison to others and as you get higher up it means less as there are fewer people with whom you compare.

>> No.7014765

X= -(7/9)

>> No.7014906

This and honestly IQ is one of the least determinants for success - wealth and even intellectually. A good work/study ethic is more important, I know many brainlets on paper that have done much more then so called 'geniuses'

>> No.7015012


>the SAT isnt valid as a standardised test

the sat has relatively low correlation with IQ if that's what you mean (0.50), but it's certainly valid as a test of academic aptitude within a specific curriculum

> He fell for the online tests that try to get money out of you are valid meme and now calls me a brainlet because he got a higher online score then my real irl score
>try to get money out of you

proctored tests are way more expensive than online tests, most of which are free. not sure what your point is

>> No.7015168
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