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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7009962 No.7009962 [Reply] [Original]

First ever BTCP conference tomorrow, big news upcoming about the fork. Hope you didn't sell all your ZCL

>> No.7010217
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Conference was called off. Do you even read bro?


>> No.7010256

Sold today to buy back in after tomorrow's dip.

>> No.7010266

I did sell but il buy back when its cheep again.

>> No.7010352


>> No.7010386

Pajeet tier fud. But actually the news is 90% guaranteed to be shit so I sold half my stack already and I’ll buy the dip

>> No.7010412

I'm thinking about doing this too. Can't risk her dropping 30% again.

>> No.7010444

What did you sell at?

>> No.7010526

Same here. I swore I wouldn't touch mine until the fork, but it's just too obvious in this case.

>> No.7010567

I own 1 ZCL. Am I going to make it /biz/?

>> No.7010594

each btcp will be worth 50 to 60 mil so yeah

>> No.7010618



>> No.7010621

They are looking for a programmer right now on twitter so I think the fork will happen very soon within 12 month.

>> No.7010655
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>> No.7010682

shielded transactions still WIP though

>> No.7010698

140, at worst I’ll buy back at the same price

So this means the announcement has got to be masternodes right? What’s the fuck else would it be

>> No.7010703

What I want to know is why is everyone giving this shitcoin a pass while Roger Ver was raked thru the goals for attaching the word "Bitcoin" to cash.

>> No.7010812

>raked through the goals

this actually hurt to read

also, if you're actually this new, a large part of it is that roger ver says bitcoin cash IS bitcoin

bitcoin purists are still gonna hate btcp, but its much easier to distinguish it from bitcoin cash

>> No.7010851

another fud rumor squashed. It is clear what they are doing here....buy any remaining dips before tomorrow or stay poor.

>> No.7010863

Electrum wallet has been released. Fr*ck the fudders who said that the big announcement will be the wallet release. This is your final chance to get in before it goes past $300, don't say I didn't tell you.

>> No.7010968

One more announcement left before tomorrow's conference...

>> No.7010992

The announcement could be anything, it’s definitely not gonna be fork, could be another ZCL listing on an exchange. Either way it’s probably not gonna pump

>> No.7011001

Announcement still can't be the forkdate though, and that's what a lot of people are expecting.

>> No.7011023

Is BTCP going to be a slow as ZCL? because that was a 45 minute transfer at an off hour.

>> No.7011048

I think it might dip a lil.. At least according to OmegaMaker but the names not trustworthy really cuz he doesnt have a tripcode

>> No.7011059

Why can't it be?

>> No.7011079

So with the Zlassic Electrum Wallet Beta will i be able to get BTCP with it after fork? Should i use it right away or wait?

>> No.7011100

Read the roadmap.The BTCP team has actually been very clear on this.

>> No.7011103

Check the roadmap, we aren’t there yet

>> No.7011262

>Stay tuned for one more update before our major announcement taking place tomorrow at our first ever Bitcoin Private conference (will be live-streamed).

There's the possibility that they're going to announce the BTCP wallet before the big announcement tomorrow.

>> No.7011348

I can't wait for it to dip again so I can buy more cheap. I love weak hand shakeouts.

>> No.7011559
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Nope, that won't be for another few days based on their own stated schedule. They've got their hands full with the ZCL wallet right now- this is only a beta.
I've been all in on ZCL for literally a month straight, and haven't touched a coin until today. It seems that people just haven't been following the project that closely if they're expecting a fork date this soon But since that's the general sentiment I'm getting, I've decided to sell half wait for the dip. Still definitely in it for the long haul though.

>> No.7011702

Seems soon to me. They said the BTCP wallet may even release tomorrow. Maybe I'm just optimistic, but I think we're very close to an announcement for the fork

>> No.7011871


“Major announcement” means fork date release. You’re mentally retarded if you think otherwise.

>> No.7012508

That's what most people believe and the reason why it increased its value in the past few days. Roadmap wise, we aren't there yet, but only for a few days. Maybe it's official bittrex fork support, that would be major news. And a couple of days later, the real fork date.

>> No.7012779

Apparently you can't announce that before the fork date announcement.
Could be they successfully did the fork test?

>> No.7012911
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Hey bitch you are the one who told me not to post in /a/!!! have some of my bad cropped wallpapers

>> No.7012989

ive told you guys time and time again the announcement will cause a huge dump. ffs you fuking idiots never listen
making a thread 1 hour before livestream to break the news to biz about what the announcement is.
(its trash btw)
tune in 3pm cst

>> No.7013045
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People like you are the reason we're in this predicament in the first place. Many will be pissed off tomorrow, but they have absolutely no reason to be. The team has been totally transparent on this issue.
Do your research or stay poor. I'm trying to help you.

Bittrex support would be huge, but that can't be finalized until they at least have an actual forkdate- and more likely not even for a while after that. That's one of the main reasons they're trying to raise money.

>> No.7013046

Just say it now

>> No.7013064

the announcement won't cause a dump you fucking retarded mongoloids, it's gonna do the opposite

>> No.7013072
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fuck off john titor larper

>> No.7013117

let me just tell you this
Announcement has nothing to do with the roadmap or the future of zcl.

tune in 1 hour before the livestream ima release the news in the official livestream thread

>> No.7013141


Fucking piece of shit tell the fucking thing now

>> No.7013144

Get Ernest on the line we need tripcode proof youre not a larp Omega

>> No.7013176

Its the fork date.

>> No.7013179


Ohhhhhhh wait you are the one who is partner with Ernerst KEK

idk why people trust you two piece of useless shit for anything i mean who the fuck you two are?

Fucking pieces of shit

>> No.7013197


i dont need a tripcode in my thread tomorrow i will prove myself through screenshots of idiots replying to me. just stay tuned 3pm cst for the official announcement. it has yet to even be mentioned in any of these threads. you guys just speculate the most stupid things

>> No.7013202

release your fucking dehydrated shit that's rotting inside of your lonely stomach u retarded nigger, get the fuck out of this thread and stop being a jew
go buy ripple

>> No.7013205

Why the fuck should we believe you when you haven’t called a single thing before it happened.

You’re a nobody.

>> No.7013209

Well they've said things before they happened soo.. i think what they post is at least worth some credit

>> No.7013218

he doesnt know shit.

It is the fork date. He will post something stupid if he posts at all, he gets off on acting like he has insider knowledge for god knows what reason.

I promise you it is the fork date.

>> No.7013226
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People who sold all earlier today already lost ~15%
It'd be hilarious if they announced the fork date tomorrow

>> No.7013233

implying i didnt call the pump from 1m sats to 1.35m sats. implying i didnt fucking tell you guys to buy in before they made that announcement tweet

i am 100% sure it is not the fork date. you must be a stupid idiot to believe that

>> No.7013239

They just wanted to pump their shit, now they're shaking weak hands.

>> No.7013255

whats going to be funnier is that the people who listened to me will buy in 25% cheaper then you did top kek

>> No.7013264
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I sold today based on your statements in a thread earlier. I've seen you in ZCL/BTCP threads for weeks now. It's obviously on me and me alone if your persona is a larp and I get burned, but I'm trusting you and hope you're legit.

>> No.7013275

u didn't tell anyone anything u sad miserable tranny cuck
anyone who has half a brain knows that an announcement is positive news and causes an uptrend no matter what it is

>> No.7013289

You’re a fucken retard. Anyone could have called that 1.35m pump, TA and catalysts. That ‘announcement call’ was posted on the telegram 10 minutes before you posted the thread

Shut the fuck up and get out

>> No.7013291

even so they said the right thing

>> No.7013296

I'm going to buy the dips when they don't announce the fork date tomorrow. I don't know why so many think there will be...

>> No.7013299

I'm the real omegamaker, don't trust these larping faggots. Listen, i'm going to hang myself live on stream an hour before the ZCL conference begins, make sure you're there.

>> No.7013332

someone teach this idiot buy the rumor sell the news. i wouldnt be surprised if it started dumping far before the announcement you idiot.

my thread was almost an hour before the tweet you idiot.

you wont regret it man believe and me and ill shall lead you to lamboland

>> No.7013347

Hence why you should make tripcode along with those screenshots of you replying

>> No.7013365

ahahaha u're the same fucking cuck who was saying it's gonna go below 125 before sunday
guess what happened u fucking niggerloving dicksucker??
where's the price at now?
sell your dad some news that ure gonna kill yourself and make your mum buy it u fucking piece of shit rotten egg

>> No.7013372

u autistic fuck you'd have a tripcode by now if u were worth fucking anything, ur just some poor faggot that's trying to force a dip so u can buy in cheaper. kys

>> No.7013387

The announcement was posted in the telegram by an admin 10 minutes before you posted anything you autistic faggot. I proved it in that thread and the real omegamaker didn’t even reply to it.

Fuck right off please

>> No.7013389

just tune in tomorrow so you guys can look like idiots fine by me

>> No.7013413

well if that was really the case find out what the announcement is before my thread or fuck off. its that simple idiot

>> No.7013438

dude literally no one buys ur bullshit and nobody likes u in this thread or /biz/
just fucking leave and go die already
u're made for wagecucking not crypto

>> No.7013441

Can you clue us into what the announcement might be about? Not saying I don't believe you, just want to know how bad rhett can fuck it up to make the prices tank

>> No.7013455

That’s not the point. I feel like I’m talking to a child, I’m not saying I can tell what the announcement will be I’m saying that one announcement that omegamaker apparently ‘called’ was absolute bullshit.

>> No.7013466

it has nothing to do with progress let me just tell you that. its just an important historical part of any crypto

>> No.7013486

I sold at .0138 earlier and am now getting FOMO. Tell me I'm gonna make it anon

>> No.7013542


youre not unless you buy. There may be a bit of a dip right before the conference, but things will be parabolic once they announce the fork date tomorrow.

>> No.7013677


Shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit you don't know shit

fucking pussy who do you think you are? you have no credibility here fuck off

>> No.7013713

This doesn't even require any kind of have to "insider knowledge". It's just two simple facts:
1. The recent pump of ZCL is based on the expectation that the announcement will be for the forkdate
2. The announcement cannot be for the forkdate.

It doesn't need to be a major fuck up to make prices dip. Apparently, almost no one actually follows the progress and updates of the project. They just jump to conclusions for no good reason.

>> No.7013728


I hope tomorrow you get the fuck out of this board because fags like you ruin /biz/

Who the fuck has a name tho?


Fucking autist fuck, you want attention so bad that you want a name? kek

>> No.7013816

Understood, but what I'm getting is at is that these guys would go through the trouble to create hype, then have the prices come crashing down. I'm sure they know this at least, so there's has to be some reason behind that. Someone's trying to accumulate

>> No.7013875

do you not remember when they made the whole "fork date announcement is so close i can almost taste it" rhett is a bit immature and just likes to fomo his project through any means necessary just tune in mate

>> No.7014155

they've been getting stuff out fairly on target and early

no one really expecting a fork until end of Feb or mid-March now so soon can be a month

>> No.7014226

That guy is a moron who gets his jollies bsing people because he cant figure out how to turn his $50 into $100 these last 6 months.

Its the fork date guys. I love this place, its one of the main places I come visit and it makes my days that much less boring. I really do know what is happening and we are getting the fork date tomorrow.

>> No.7014377

It's not really a lot of trouble though. It's all based on a twitter post that says there is going to be a major announcement at the first conference that they want everyone to have their eyeballs on. Pretty standard, really. The alternative is saying, "Here's the first conference, but it's only stuff you already know and nothing new". And you can't really blame them for the over-hype when they've made perfectly clear time and time again that the forkdate will only be announced once certain conditions have been met. Those conditions have not been met as of tomorrow. All signs point to a forkdate announcement somewhere around the second week of February. So the prices will dip, but they'll recover quickly. It's all pretty meaningless if you're in this for the long haul.
(Of course, we still have to look forward to everyone "finding out" that the actual forkdate will not be until a whole month after the announcement, even though that should already be well known.)
As for manipulation for accumulation- that's definitely happening, but I don't think this is a good example of it.

>> No.7014423


i said shut the fuck up piece of shit you have no credibility here fuck off the board

and take ernest with you piece of shit

>> No.7014425

>they've been getting stuff out fairly on target and early
It looks to me like they've been getting stuff out on time, not "early".

>> No.7014452
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>> No.7014679

How long till the conference? It's Sunday night here

>> No.7014738

Just sold .24, gonna buy back at a dip to make it a coin.

>> No.7014810

this was always a scam u got just'd by a single dev

>> No.7014849

Stupid nigger

>> No.7014850
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>> No.7014885

>bought in at 65k satoshis

No, I'm just waiting for the pre-announcement pump before I sell. But if this shit doesn't pump, I'm selling before the conference.

>> No.7015179

what time is the announcement and where can we watch the stream?

>> No.7015253

>what time is the announcement and where can we watch the stream?

3pm CST 4pm EST I think.. Theyll probs share a link on twitter

>> No.7015268

u got no zcl or u tryina fud and scoop? cuz...we fuckin OUTTTTT

>> No.7015424

dude stop trying to take my identity and fud

>> No.7015632

>important historical part of any crypto
They're making a foundation or something like that?
If they announce the fork date it would still be 4 weeks until that.

>> No.7015704


Which one of you is the real Omega?

>> No.7015733
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>holding ZCL from $30 on up

>hodl through the crash because I wasn't GUD enough to buy the dip safely.

>see the immense and ever increasing amount of FUD

IL DUCE is about to fucking wreck you fags if you aren't already in.

>> No.7016234

les gooooooo

>> No.7016943

Doubt the announcement will cause a real dump unless it's literal shit tier.

>> No.7017717


masternodes will pump price, i better get back in

>> No.7017743

dude mastercodes=pump another exchange=pump (you)=idiot

>> No.7017760

if they successfully do fork test, that would mean they can announce tmrw

>> No.7017922

I'd wait if you plan on accumulating during dips

>> No.7018016
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Well it's reaching ATH now. Not much volume right now though.

>> No.7018024
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im jerking off so hard thinking about all the money im going to get from this fucking yes aaa i can already feel it im cumming so hard

tomorrow i will be watching the live stream while fucking jerking off thinking about my BTCP taking over BTC im going to cum so hard

>> No.7018038

Neither, real one has a trip

>> No.7018065

whoa. dis real pic? OUCH

>> No.7018074
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>hey guys its free money just buy this coin that was worth $4 a month ago!

Kek this is going to end well

>> No.7018171
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its going to dump hard 25-30%

>> No.7018209

not in usd

>> No.7018236

what? did u just put a screenshot of a post you made?

>> No.7018426

I guess we'll see. Only someone with insider info that actually knows what the announcement is would know this.

>> No.7018531

>could be another ZCL listing on an exchange
nope, this will be after fork announcement

>> No.7018645

ernest was confirmed fake news

>> No.7018770

It's not going to dump as hard as it did last time, also Bitcoins price ins't going back to the 9000's again so we should see more stability. Since we're just getting closer and closer to the fork date we'll see more holders maybe 10% to 15% dump if the news isn't the fork date.

>> No.7018858

Skeptical. It’ll be news that doesnt cause a dump

>> No.7019259

wrong trip, nice try tho