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7006287 No.7006287 [Reply] [Original]

How can millienals afford a house?

>> No.7006676

We cant.

>> No.7006858

By getting a mortgage.

>> No.7007000


>> No.7007357

Thats a wicked deal you brainlets. Bit of elbow grease and some martha stewart style you can flip that shit for easy 50k profit.

>> No.7007426

Nice. Less than 100k.

>> No.7007442


Hard mode: Entire neighborhood is filled with Dindus

>> No.7007470

By not wasting all their money on Starbucks.

>> No.7007496

Join the military you get 0% down 30 year loans with no PMI

>> No.7007524


>> No.7007527


>get a mortgage and slave away for your half million dollar house or perish in the ghetto, goy!

>> No.7007541

70k what are you crying about? The same place in my city would cost 800k

>> No.7007559

In my city it would be 8000k

>> No.7007613

By going to places and making lowball offers. This is even more awesome because you can make stressed out women cry.

>> No.7007646

Maybe if they stop eating avocado toast they could afford it!

>> No.7007648

https://www zillow com/homedetails/5834-N-Holly-Springs-Dr-2-2-Capitol-Heights-MD-20743/37541292_zpid/

Omg OP I thought you photoshopped that shit. I would be embarrassed to post pictures, I would just show the outside and say interior is in poor condition.

>> No.7007660

Half as much elbow grease, jail bird martha stewart style, rent for $800 a month and $5MM coverage on insurance.

>> No.7007680

That’s cheap compared to houses in Australia. Would be looking at 2 times that at least

>> No.7007690

I still live with mommy.

>> No.7007739

Rupees cost less pajeet.

>> No.7007769


>> No.7007791

Spotted the maplenigger

>> No.7007884

whats a zestimate?

>> No.7007894
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Houses cost over $1M CAD in Vancouver. $1.2M for an absolute shithole old tiny house.

So that example is an absolute dumpster for $70K USD. I assume for say, $150K USD you can get a really nice house in that area.

How can you possibly be so bad with money that you can't buy that and thrive making a shithouse living like $20/hr.

>> No.7007916


have to wait until more boomers pine for the fjords so that the housing market gets in a glut. right now boomers are using housing as their retirement package, trying to squeeze their world trips out of their slums.

>> No.7007954

Yeah, our housing is like 10x your average housing, but we're the niggers.

>Wah, I can't support my family on minimum wage, gubbmint needs to make McDonald's pay us more.

>> No.7008192

This is the house I wanna buy. I have ~$100k in crypto, and $20k in the bank. The thing is I only made $55k last year, and my gf made $45k. I dont know if a bank will loan us that much money, even with a 20% down payment.


>> No.7008360

Looks comfy, good luck anon

>> No.7008572

Home ownership is bullshit unless you're moderately wealthy because your buying power is drastically lower than you might think due to water/electricity/gas bills, unless you want to constantly be living paycheck to paycheck worried about the utilities being shut off

>> No.7008605

Probably not, the bank will only use one of your incomes unless you are married

>> No.7009014

Well at least you've still got plenty of options in Canada. The only place you can find a cheap house in England is in an inner-city dumpster where your neighbour can hear you take a shit. Not to mention being surrounded by 3rd-world trash who got the same house from the Government for free.

>> No.7009018

If you move out of your parents' house one day, you'll find most people that rents pay for some/all of their utilities.

>> No.7009146

>How can millienals afford a house?
useless tard

>> No.7009164

Real boomer hours.

>> No.7009183

It'll never happen. As soon as the boomers die the liberals will import the entire population of africa. A family of 45 ethopians will all pitch in to rent a place. Housing will stay impossibly expensive and the minimum wage will become the maximum wage because the labor market will be so flooded. If you complain a diversity squad will throw you out off of an Amazon done for being racist.

>> No.7009216

>remodeling a house and going through the process of selling it
>easy 50k profit

i've made 6 figures in profit in a week before from buying and selling a make believe digital coin. which one sounds easier?

>> No.7009226


>> No.7009312

If millennials want a house, all they have to do is go to the Faceberg headquarters, look Mark Zuckerberg in the eye while they shake his hand, and they will get a $100k/year job just like that.

>> No.7009355


>> No.7009431

Is it too late to cancel social security and medicare? We could replace them with a voucher for cyanide capsules.

>> No.7009448

Wrong on the way in you have to take down their help wanted sign and when they ask what you doing say that your the man for the job

>> No.7009472
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>> No.7009556

Just call the bank and find out, have your girlfriend either co sign with you as joint ownership.

But a mortgage for 440k @ 100k income is easy where I live.

>> No.7009660
File: 55 KB, 240x159, angry-boomer-couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer: "I bought MY house for $75k in 1980 when I first got married and now it's worth almost a million dollars. What do you mean wages haven't been consistent with inflation since 1968? You millennials want everything on your avocado toast don't you?"

>tfw I know a real boomer couple that paid this much for their house and it's now worth almost a million dollars.

>> No.7009717

MD/VA area is particularly egregious
highest income area in the nation and everything is either niggerville or overpriced suburban hellworld sprawl

>> No.7009776
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>Implying all the liberals haven't been gassed by then after Islam spreads like cancer for the next 30 years.

>> No.7010076

gas boomers now

>> No.7010133

buying a house for straight cash is a bad investment. the price of the house won't go up and your just letting your cash stagnate. go to your bank and get a loan you can pay back at a flat percentage, then use the extra money to invest in crypto and make back the amount you used on the house.

>> No.7010271

its a nice house man.
if this is your moon i respect it.
>what i would recommend is to buy shitty houses like OP's (make sure the area is alright and maybe a school nearby) and flip it.
>about 10k-20k to fix up a house depending on if you wanna work on it yourself or pay people.
>then you have a steady income for the rest of your life (make sure to have good tenants who pay on time)

>> No.7010346

>1)buy house in good area
>2)fix it up, takes about a couple weeks
>3)call someone who can inspect it, (maybe should do this first to see what needs to be fixed) then make sure he signs that the house follows the code/law
>4)rent out to people, make steady money for rest of life

>> No.7010375

>btw use the money you get from the rent to pay off the mortgage
>???? free house????
>also value can go up and you can sell/ give as inheritance

>> No.7010423

>No one talking about being an airbnb slumlord
I mean come on anons are you even trying?
>Buy condo in tourist city for 70k
>Good location, not too far from malls, entertainment, airport, etc.
>Put 10-15k in for furinishing
>List on airbnb
>100$ a night 3 night minimum stay
>50$ "cleaning fee" which is me going in and swapping sheets and bedding for replacement. Wash used sheets and bedding.
>Minimum 350$/week all year
>Easy to pull 700$/week most year
>Bad month = 1400$ gross gains
>Good month = 2800$ gross gains
>Write off mortgage and furnish costs/cleaning fees/electricity/etc and any other costs on taxes for property since its a short term rental asset

Why arent you doing this?

>> No.7010436
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>Take out bank loan
>Max out all possible credit cards
>Put it all in crypto
>Declare bankruptcy.
>Keep all the money.
Yes people are doing this shit and getting away with it. But you totally shouldn't do it. Bad goy.

>> No.7010448

>unzips 100k in tax liens that no one caught until you go to sell it
nothing personnel kid

seriously that actually happens be careful

>> No.7010462

Cos in some countrys 70k in a 'tourist city' will buy you space in some pajeets wardrobe about 50 miles from anything interesting.

>> No.7010467

>Why arent you doing this?

I live in a 1'st world country that taxes the shit ouf ot this?

>> No.7010510

this is a good idea. it would also be popular since most airbnb's are out of person's home and the guests don't really feel comfortable.
>make sure to put something like "enjoy the space to yourself and your friends without being bothered"

>> No.7010521

>Live in Vegas
>500$ license fee, thats it.
>Condos near strip are easy 50-80k range.
The only hard part is finding one that doesnt have an HOA that will cuck you. But its definitely possible.

>> No.7010550


I said 1'st world

>> No.7010551

also following up on the airbnb idea, you can airbnb literally anything.
>look at this yurt airbnb (mongolian esque)


>> No.7010580

this literally costs like less than ~5k to make if you have the spacious ones
>source am mongolian

>> No.7010592

Because you will never find an ideal location condo in a major tourist destination for 70k.

That is like saying "Why isn't everyone buying a breakout biotech stock?"

>> No.7010601

>He didnt read the article of the guy who didnt even live in NV doing exactly what I just said.

Literally no excuses if you have ~30k to invest. 20% mortgage and rest for furnishing. Theres even start ups willing to manage these listings now. So you can literally go full /comfy/ and do nothing.

>> No.7010656

>$150 a night for a fancy tent
so this is the power of the 'experience economy'

>> No.7010674
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>mfw bought a studio apartment for 600k AUD a year ago
would have made it by now if I had just rented

>> No.7010692


>> No.7010714

Do people actually airbnb in vegas though?

Thats probably the one city I wouldnt consider staying in an airbnb apartment, the hotels are already cheap, spacious and totally fine plus you literally cant get any closer to the action.

>> No.7010750

Literally two second google search. 90% of these condos are within 3-4 miles of the strip which is optimal for this strategy.


>> No.7010795

A lot of kids come to Vegas too. Broke as fuck. Cant afford 200/night.

Think EDC. Group of 15 friends come to vegas and split an airbnb home for 1000/night instead of 7 roomes for 300/night. EDC and other big holidays like MDW or LDW are big cash cows in terms of short term rentals.

>> No.7010873
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>> No.7010919

i know this feel

>> No.7011020

I dont pay for any of my utilites, thankfully he's renting the upstairs apartment through Airbnb so he doesn't really give a shit. He just wants people renting the house in case the gubmint starts asking questions.
If its real nice you can easily charge 150 usd a night.

>> No.7011077

Room rates change drastically in Vegas. My numbers were just an example. Easiest way is to check websites for Wynn, MGM, Caears weekly to get a pricing idea. And uncercut them by 30-40%

>> No.7011105

Halt immigration to the west and gas all the boomers.
Suddenly you'll be able to get a mansion for 15 dollars.

>> No.7011180

Nobody is going to point out that OP has "Jail" in his ID?

>> No.7011208

Where as there is next to no risk in sell the house there is tons in buying/selling make believe coins.
Even if you fixed it up for a rental, you'd easily get 1500/month in that area.

>> No.7011298

Damn, nice.

>> No.7011444

link websites please

>> No.7011460

>buy house you can't afford
>pay to renovate it with even more money you don't have
>pay homeowner association to approve your renovations
>pay some kike to inspect it
>pay property tax on owning it
>pay rent tax on your earnings from renting it out
>pray that people will be constantly be renting
>pray that you are getting enough money from renting it out to cover mortgage + renovation loans + taxes + water/gas/internet/utility/etc bills + occasional repairs from dumbfuck idiots that rent it + upkeept + and more
>pray that the neighborhood isn't going to go to shit with the affordable housing garbage that's been pushed allowing for niggers and criminals to over-saturate every neighborhood
yeah, have fun with that
if you can't pay for a house up front, you can't afford it
on the other hand, if you can then you probably make enough money to not have to go through any of that bullshit to live comfortably

>> No.7011615

This. Get Excalibur or Tropicana for $80/night. Even Caesars or Wynn which have really nice rooms are only $200/night.

>> No.7011647

its pending sale buddy. however you could probably get a loan for a similarly priced house.

>> No.7011666


>> No.7011684

> investor opportunity
No shit. Looks more promising than Chaonlink, so Im in

>> No.7011698

I bought 1, for only slightly more than that piece of shit in OP cost. This is why u buy in the suburbs, mine was ready to move into

>> No.7011757

Yes. Between resort fees and taxes it is way too expensive to live on the strip short term.

You are much better off trying to find an airBNB or a short term rental if you are going to do a month or slightly longer.

>> No.7011796

i'm a "millenial" i guess, born in 83. bought a house 3 years ago in one of the most expensive areas in the country. got a deal though, 300k. put down 10%. took a 4.25% rate loan to avoid PMI, would have been 3.75% without. and the bank gave me a few thousand bucks for closing costs, seller also gave $5k for closing.

it's tough but doable. pulling in ~$1k a week after taxes. mortage is just under $2k. you might call that being house poor but it doesn't really feel that way. still putting 10% towards retirement, covering all my bills pretty easily, can go out to eat a few times a month if i want, and a vacation once a year with a couple weekend trips thrown in. plus if this whole crypto thing works out, who knows.

ANYWAY the point is most millenials can't buy houses because they go out the bar 3 times a week, spending $50 each time, plus uber, plus brunch on sunday. they're too tied up in being as social as possible, they blow all their fucking money on it.

>> No.7011834

Lol I continue to hear that meme but then I look at the bigger picture and that does not seem to add up when the baby boomers could do all of that and more.

>> No.7011868

they'll get their parents houses when they die

>> No.7011886


baby boomers could go out to the bar 3 times a week + brunch + cabs? while buying their first home and having kids? no fucking way man. they did luck out on having good/easy to get jobs and cheap housing compared to today, but there wasn't disposable income for that crap back then. it ALL went to the house, the kids, the car, and if they were lucky a vacation once a year. if they had friends, they hung out at each other's houses. BBQs and shit.

bars are stealing all your money. restaurants are stealing ALL YOUR MONEY. fuck. just stop "going out." that's really the answer. but you won't, because you want to be out, you want to be seen, you want to be cool.

>> No.7011895

$300k in one of the most expensive areas in the country...
Do you live in Laos?

>> No.7011945

My parents are maxed out on all their credit and will only be 5 years into a 25 year mortgage and will basically have zero estate when they retire. They'll be pensioners living in a shitty apartment.

>> No.7011987

Can we have one fucking the ad about houses without you faggot leafs and your stupid Vancouver bullshit. Yea I get it the cuck shed is a million dollars, it was interesting the first time now I don't care anymore. We're trying to have a real discussion here about normal houses in normal cities you piece of shit. Kys

>> No.7011992
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long island. 300k is probably as cheap as you can go without buying a literal trash heap in the ghetto.


>> No.7012092

wow, gratz on the house m8.

>> No.7012408

>$15/week is the difference between being able to afford a house
classic advice m8

>> No.7013066

We can't man, so we're all in on internet money

>> No.7013248
File: 65 KB, 750x420, 2_gn2tey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead women inside
50 bids during auction
$1.1 AUD


>> No.7013368


they could have at least removed the old mattresses and shit before taking photos lol

>> No.7013632
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Seems like a decent way to get a down payment. Not that it'd take 15 years.

>> No.7013740

TFW I'm a millenial that owns 7 properties. Get Rent, Trade Cryptos. You guys must suck with money.

>> No.7014150

have you ever given head?

>> No.7014332

If you are on the front edge of the millenial category (aka +30) it is disgraceful to not own property

>> No.7014335


>> No.7014762


>> No.7014813

New Zealand is completely fucked.

>> No.7014990

>~4k a month income
>2k just in mortgage
>50% of what you make goes to mortgage
This is what happened to everyone 10 years ago and its been steadily happening all over again but much worse. If you bought anything for more than 100k expect the market to have a serious contraction again. And if its gets real bad, you might lose your jobs again and end up foreclosing. Good fucking luck top kek paying HALF of every dollar you make just to the bank. Jesus fuck. I make 6k a month and my rent is barely 1100.

>> No.7015608

>anon ignores the risk he takes if the housing market or crypto crashes
>not using the money saved from rent to cost average into crypto, precious metals and basic supplies
It's like you don't like being secure and comfy

>> No.7015712

>19th century
>build a bunch of shitty homes
>still use them
why don't we just demolish that shit and build new ones. old american homes aren't comfy like old brick European ones.