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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 750x882, IMG_1291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7004480 No.7004480 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine going on a vacation that only costs $347 dollars and you needed to sell 1.4 Litecoin to do it.

>> No.7004524

Sold at ATH, so good for him

>> No.7004536

$500 vacation? americans really are poor huh

>> No.7004557
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>imagine having a wife and not being lonely

>> No.7004562



>"Here you go honey, a $500 vacation! We'll be staying at the FINEST Holiday Inn and I've got us a table for two at Pizza Hut!"


>> No.7004605

This is actually really sad

>> No.7004637

I can't imagine being such a slave to superego that staying in a decent hotel in a beautiful area and eating non-poisonous baked food doesn't refresh and satisfy me.

>> No.7004663

I hate when people encourage me to basically piss all of my money away because i'm young. I decided to put it in crypto instead so that end of this year maybe sooner i'll have a shit ton so I can take 5-star vacations rathe than staying in some shitty hostel in Europe where people steal my shit and having to drink tons of alcohol to make me feel better about being a poorfag on vacation.

>> No.7004724

It could be a weekend getaway. That 500 bucks could be for the room. 2 nights at 250. Now he has money to do something more.

>> No.7004764

>hon look it's the ocean!
>okay, well time to head back!

(((vacations))) are a great use of money

>> No.7004791


so fucking what? What else do you need?

A hotel room with a sea side view, pizza, a couple of wine bottles and bed to fuck/cuddle all day, watch some sitcoms and later go walk near the beach.

You dont need $ to be a happy person.

>> No.7004838
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>> No.7004840

ath was like 380 though

>> No.7004872

A nice dinner
A good room
Nice town
Good weather
Etc etc etc

Your holiday sounds like it would be fun once.

>> No.7004923
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I would trade all my cryptogains for this

>> No.7004934

Sounds extremely comfy

>> No.7004938


He doesn't realize we don't have to buy a plane ticket to the U.S.of God Blessed A. to take a vacation like he does.

>> No.7004962


Well there is a big difference, what kind of vacation are you up for?

I dont care about activities, town, other people, thats not fucking vacation, the point of vacation is rest.

I couldnt be more happier than spending all day on a isolated sunny beach with my gf, tanning, having a wild fuck, sipping some cheap ass wine and just lying, talking about life while cuddling with her.

>> No.7004993

delete this

>> No.7005002

So you’re a typical resort faggot ameriblubber

>> No.7005070


No I am not lmao. I am European, from Croatia and everyday I see tons of tourists coming here, with their cameras, goofy outfits and being ADHD, LIKE HOLY SHIT THESE STATUES, HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHERE THEY FILMED GOT.

Jesus you people have no chill, never understood how you call that a vacation, just fucking chill and enjoy in the sun, nice walk or on a cofee with a viewside of a hundred year old street.

>> No.7005094

the thing is i dont see any teslas, lambos, mustang GT's. that tree looks pretty bad.

>> No.7005227

Not that many rich people in central California

>> No.7005244

i dont get the hate for poor people on this board, i really dont

>> No.7005324

San Simeon, CA. It's probably a 2 night vacation.

>> No.7005343

its not hating on poor people but their decisions

>> No.7005361
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This guy spent his sold his litecoin, went to a vacation, probably took his wife out to a nice dinner and had a night of wholesome sex after.
What did you get out of your "hodl bro xDDDDDD" ?
Nothing. You're still the virgin living in your mom's basement drawing lines on charts all day while he bleeds money thinking he's the next warren buffet

>> No.7005388

Where on the coast is this? Living in California is expensive but you never need to leave the state to go on vacation. I can be in Eureka and giant redwoods in 5 hours or San Diego and the best beaches in the world in 8. I prefer Santa Barbara and Tahoe though

>> No.7005433

>not staying in a comfort inn
>being mad that they didn't spend 20 dollars a plate at some restaurant, and instead got some pizza for 20 for 2.
>being ass blasted they didn't go to an expensive hotel.
>He want to pay x2 x3 for a hotel that will give him chocolates under his pillow.

>> No.7005452
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>> No.7005469
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>> No.7005533

that feel when in Poland you could have a two week vacation by the sea for 500$

>> No.7005538


>> No.7005612

But it's probably still shittier then those 2 days ih california

>> No.7005874

at least we don't have niggers here

>> No.7005887

tfw no faithful wife who will stay home and raise the children and not leave you out of boredom

>> No.7006011

you have bydlo's though. Anywho i wouldn't mind a week at the polish coast. Have literally no idea what it looks like. What would be the best place?

>> No.7006140

>tfw crypto will never buy you love

>> No.7006167

Go visit gdansk and gdynia

>> No.7006217

How safe would a football match Lechia Gdansk-Aria Gdynia be to do as an activity?

>> No.7006243

serious question by the way

>> No.7006323

No idea I don't watch football. I'm actually an American with family in Poland, I visit a few times a year. I can't tell you in detail how the city is like a lifelong citizen but I would recommend it to a tourist

>> No.7006349

Oh shit! OP if you are still in the area head down to the smoke shack in Cayucos. Amazing smoked fish or chicken tacos. I grew up there. Thanks for supporting the central coast with your crypto gains! Good people in that area

>> No.7006432
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>What else do you need?
let's start with a gf

>> No.7006834

Americans are a very poor people. Most of them don't get any vacations at all. This is a luxury vacation to your average American.

>> No.7007030

i always look down on these people yet my parents were exactly the same and still managed to raise me really well and enjoy life much more than i ever will

i honestly remember us delivering paper routes as a family to afford a trip to toronto (from ohio) when i was really little. i remember going out to eat at pizza hut was such a special occasion. fuck. i'm literally crying right now my parents were good to me i need to stop looking down on them.

>> No.7007230


>> No.7007369

>wake up to this
>shit fucking view

>> No.7007410

Looks like where I work lol

>> No.7007454

>tfw this is me
... I need to call my gf

>> No.7007526

who the fuck are you to look down on anyone
you spiritually bankrupt piece of shit

>> No.7007560
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cu-cuddle what's tha-that anon?

>> No.7007719
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>> No.7008165


guy may be a thrifty millionaire for all we know every response in this thread is p dum

>> No.7008220
File: 1.08 MB, 821x615, shobon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making me feel lonely

>> No.7008324

>view of a road

Fuck this is funny but sad

>> No.7008349

This. I got sick of taking pictures when i toured europe. It was nicer to just soak it all in and enjoy myself

>> No.7008459

thanks for this. crypto been tough to me lately but my gf made me biscuits & bacon for breakfast today.

life's alright.

>> No.7008472

Former german territory.

>> No.7008507
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Found the motel. This is fucking depressing.

>> No.7008561

Please don't dig anymore. I'm getting depressed now

>> No.7008625

Stay the fuck out of Tahoe you filthy commiefornia sodomite powerbottom. We don't want your kind up here.
>Incline Village NEVADA!

>> No.7008642

Our windows in room #15 did not lock nor did the heater work. I called the front desk, which was sent to another hotel Moonstone Cottages and spoke to a female and asked her if she had any types of locks or maybe sticks to put in the window jam to keep from opening. She said no. The phone was handed to Robert and he too told me that they didn't have any sticks. I asked to him to put us in another room. He chuckled and stated "how is that supposed to help you?" I replied "I don't feel safe in this room and the windows should then be able to lock in another room". He then replied "all our rooms are full". I then asked for my money back since I do not feel safe with unlockable windows plus the screen was hanging off. Robert did a loud sigh and stated "meet me in the lobby in 15 minutes". Robert came to my room and saw that the window did not lock, he gave my husband a key to another room #4, then took it back stating "you have double beds, I'll be back". He came back with another key for room #14. At this point, me, my husband and daughter were all outside the hotel room with our luggage after 1030 PM, Robert asked for our keys. I had trouble finding my key and noticed he was more frustrated. I asked him "are you okay? You seemed pissed?" He did not reply, but gave me a smirk and continued chewing on a toothpick of some sort. Robert demeanor and lack of professionalism was uncalled for. He lied to us that no other room were available, when he tried to set us up in room #4 then move to # 14. We paid for our services which were not delivered! He made it appear that WE were at fault for the bathroom and front windows not locking or the screen window hanging off or the heater not working properly. Robert stated that his job was "night auditor"...well guess what? He lacks doing that job also!

>> No.7008652

>central coast
>in January
Boring af. Can't even enjoy the ocean.

>> No.7008811

The morning all male cleaning crew was bizarre!!!! There was one man that appeared to be cleaning and the rest were just standing around going from room to room. There was one man that suffered from a very obvious chemical dependency. You could see signs of formication, especially on his face, and what appeared to be severe methamphetamine-induced tooth decay. This man was going into every single room this morning and lurking around the property and trying to talk to my young daughter. I doubt the property did a back ground check on any of the men that were there this morning. I did not feel safe and definitely would not recommend leaving any valuables in your room at any point if you stay here. He ended my stay here on a very sour note and I will not be returning. I'm still creeped out by him!!
We would like to address your comments about the housekeeping experience and assure you that at all times, your family was safe. The staff member you mentioned is part of a program we have been implementing with the local Achievement House, which employs young adults with minor challenges or who have fallen on bad times. The company provides employees that work as a team. A team is considered two people plus the Coach that supervises them. The young man that you are referring to has moved on to another project and is actually very nice, but perhaps a little scary looking because he has no teeth.

>> No.7008827

oh damn....i dont understtand why he'd sell his litecoin for this.. i cannot relate could have traded it for link or anything else ltc could be 1k one day even though its a piece of shit but why do this. and why do people praise this/feel need to tell people this is how they managed their money...i dont get it

>> No.7008851


you're a funny guy

>> No.7008881
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>> No.7008988

basically whyd he feel the need to brag about it? could have easily found a better picture of said hotel if it was just for the jarma

>> No.7009005
File: 1.57 MB, 2368x3200, IMG_20140214_135301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 30,000 bitconnect coins at $40....it was worth it to wake up this (the vomit after i tried to overdose on painkillers)

>> No.7009084

This is the best piece of advice you fuckers will ever see on /biz/. Don't forget it.

>> No.7009090
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God damn annons, just let the normies enjoy their small victories. Kudos to that fucker for making the most of it.

>> No.7009127

why do u eat that much cabbage

>> No.7009466

It's possible he was just $500 short of the cost and it actually cost a lot more.

>> No.7009766

Anon it's like $130 per night.

>> No.7010231

holy shit

>> No.7010305

>6hr ago
>Literally 40% of the value it was 2 weeks ago

Whew, worth.

>> No.7010356

>imagine always fucking the same woman

>> No.7010387
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forgot this

>> No.7010422
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>pushing away your main source of income
>t. brainlet
you should really be sucking my dick asking for me to spend more money when I visit my cabin

>> No.7010426

starbucks going be accepting LTC for currency soon.

>> No.7010460

What is this shit. /biz charging for .gifs by the fucking frame?

>> No.7010501
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>> No.7010504

better options out there icx to name one

>> No.7010527

sounds like a shitty vacation

>> No.7010543

It's that brutal. My reCaptcha is always timed up for not uploading quicker

>> No.7010583

Imagine having a loo

>> No.7010584
File: 1.86 MB, 227x250, anigif_enhanced-28702-1494589253-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, i just forgot how choppy giphy's 2MB option was. here's a better one

>> No.7010606

sounds kinda nice actually

>> No.7010615

A proud Amerilard basking in the tranquil setting of a motel carpark.

>> No.7010756
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>> No.7010856
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This guy also bought bitcoin at 19k...you think he sold for a loss and took a vacation? Is this what we are up against. I'm beginning to think we might make it. Holy fuck I hope.

>> No.7011782
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>> No.7012174
File: 6 KB, 456x73, NORMIESBITCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this guy i saw on facebook.

>> No.7012443

only 3 more companies to spell FAGS!