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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 508 KB, 1280x720, 27x8xd2a2wb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7002568 No.7002568 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who thought XLM was a worthwhile investment is a complete and udder rando, and you deserve to lose your whole investment.

XLM is a day late and a dollar short, like it has been the last year.

If you bought in above 0.40usd you fell for the FUD and FOMOed like a douche.

Robinhood beat SDEX to the punch.
SDEX is now obsolete.

No word on FairX and you will be lucky if it launches this year.

Their roadmap was a joke. It read like it was written by a bunch of amateur goons making a project for extra credit in computer class and not a professional group of developers.

This coin has IBM, Tempo, and other partners and it still cant break 0.64.

The last 5 days have been threads nonstop of dolts posting "To the Moon", "We made It", "Its Happening".

What a joke.

Enjoy your losses.


>> No.7002626

Robinhood is dogshit retard you don't even own the cryptos you own fucking shares of the cryptos (wtf?). Only dumbfuck normans use that retarded shit and it's going to have ZERO effect on the market. BTW nice reddit spacing on every fucking sentence

>> No.7002701

Nice fud mate. Just bought 100k thanks mate. Did you forget to buy mate?

>> No.7002737

Damn dude how pissed are you that you didn't get in XLM early? Its not too late

>> No.7002860

cant use robinhood anywhere but usa

>> No.7002861

B+ for the FUD effort mate but you won’t be breaking these hands any time soon.

>> No.7002931
File: 491 KB, 1400x1222, 1516880715282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, considering that all these idiots are trying to fomo in on next moon mission even though this thing breaking 10$ would give it bigger marketcap than ETH.

>> No.7002987

>even though this thing breaking 10$ would give it bigger marketcap than ETH.
What makes you think it wouldn't have a bigger market cap than ETH? It does everything ETH does and does it better as well.

>> No.7003016
File: 264 KB, 1024x624, 1509558548293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell us how you really feel

>> No.7003040

xlm will be 2nd place to eth and both will be successful

>> No.7003077
File: 8 KB, 249x236, 1375453384555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't get in before .50

>> No.7003103


>look at this rando who sold at the bottom

no fuckj u faggot were never going below 0.60$ have fun

>> No.7003110

cant you only buy BTC and ETH on robinhood? and the other are just there to look at

>> No.7003190

>100b supply
100b supply
>100b supply
100b supply
>100b supply
100b supply
>100b supply
100b supply
>100b supply
100b supply
>100b supply
100b supply

>> No.7003285


>cant you only buy BTC and ETH on robinhood? and the other are just there to look at


lol the fact that he related Robinhood to SDEX in the first place shows the pathetic shilling attempt

>> No.7003352

Lol, ok gook.

It was just 0.30 last week. It will be 0.30 again next week.

Your coin sucks balls.

You lost. Savor the feeling of failure.


>> No.7003413

For now.

How hard is it to add coins 4o buy on an already established and working exchange? Not hard at all.

How hard is it the build a whole new exchange and add coins to it? Yeah, answered your own question didnt you shitskin

>> No.7003424












>> No.7003632
File: 1.06 MB, 4175x3635, 1517087423670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be you when XLM drops to 0.25

And i will take great pleasure in imagining your life ending as you currently know it.

>> No.7003770
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 542346452543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks it'll go below 0.50$


>> No.7003942

Yea I checked it out yesterday and noticed you couldn't put in or take out

Sketchy as fuck

>> No.7004071

>>your a fool


>> No.7004568

I really hope xlm goes back up. I invested more than i can lose into xlm when it was 0.40usd. Was really hoping to see 70c before the end of Jan