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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 485 KB, 848x771, 1517042397637-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6999032 No.6999032 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ will defend this
Thought you chimps didn't want to get jewed out of every cent you have.

>> No.6999077

Lol supply and demand nigger
eat shit gaymer

>> No.6999088


Supply and demand cuck

>> No.6999109

I already have a graphics card.

>> No.6999126

Good goy. Be sure to invest into those ponzis, too!

>> No.6999187

only poorfags mine with gpu anyway.

>> No.6999224

>Poor fags
>$10,000 gpu

>> No.6999285

>Poor fags
>$10,000 gpu
yep, checks out

>> No.6999783

what do you mine with hotshot?

>> No.6999798

>supply & demand

>> No.6999808

Get fucked by the free market faggot something is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay without exception

>> No.6999948
File: 4 KB, 165x163, 1453836938145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. salty retard

I'm a NEET living off mining cryptos whilst fucking high-end escorts.
Get a life loser haha.

>> No.7000084

I used to play games but now i trade cryptos and make money , these fuking /biz/tards have turned me. Thank you all for helping me see the way. And i can't even lose money i already cashed out the money i put in i am trading purely on profit. Thank you biz please make that video card 100.000 so these gaymers can finally stop wasting their time on unproductive hobbies.

>> No.7000138

What do you need that card for anyway? 4k gayming with 144 fps or VR fapping?

>> No.7000193

>Gaymers BTFO

HAHAHA maybe now they'll grow up and stop being manchildren all of their lives

>Muh cideo games i want to plaaaaaaaay waaaaah


>> No.7000249

ASIC resistance is retarded. Maybe that's why no new GPU manufacturers have come out yet to capitalise on this, because they know GPU prices are in a bubble thanks to idiots buying them.

>> No.7000324

Nice bait.

>> No.7000350

I don't give a fuck. Haven't been into video games for years.
The 480 I bought last year was still pretty cheap.

>> No.7000371


>> No.7000560

>yfw I'm a neet and will continue to be a manchild with all of my sick crypto gains

>> No.7000710

You'll still die miserable full of regret
No amount of crypto will save you idiot

>> No.7000749

My only regret was not getting into crypto earlier when I was just using it to buy acid

>> No.7000772


>> No.7000805

Am i wrong though? Nah

>> No.7000822

have fun wasting your high end card on playing watered down console ports that dont get optimized

>> No.7000840

t. salty wagie.

>> No.7000854

Im independently wealthy bro

>> No.7000885

what are price alerts

>> No.7001108
File: 109 KB, 780x438, 1517067336426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are people even still building gpu miners

all the good coins are non-mineable and eth is going to casper

>> No.7001406

OP BTFO by /biz/ and crawled right back to his /v/ergens

>> No.7001659

>go to /v/ for a short visit
>thread with furry r34 shit is the first thing I see
Purge when?

>> No.7001749

>playing vidya

You're first in the gas chambers

>> No.7002459

How is it bait? Does that card not cost 10k?

>> No.7002506

>Graphics cards are only for gaming
Jesus Christ I knew /biz/ was full of mongoloids but this is embarrasing

>> No.7002792

You didn't tell us what you were going to do with it. Go on OP explain yourself.

>> No.7002864

Because they are retarded. Can't wait for POS rekts them

>> No.7002943

Card is being sold by some seller and is not on par with the actual prices of gpus. Gpus are still overpriced but ops pic is bait as it is overkill, it would be like someone on ebay offering a gpu for 10k and everyone shitting their pants thinking everyone carries these prices.

>> No.7003023


Gaming is for fags.

>> No.7003115

Not OP, but I use mine for CAD. I'm not a retarded manchild who spends thousands to play children's games.

>> No.7003315

So Nvidia and AMD not selling decent dedicated hardware for workstations anymore is now the fault of crypto?

>> No.7003348

Also OP dodged that, so go figure >>7002792

>> No.7003409

I have my kit already. I'm just laughing at all the overgrown kids spazzing from being unable to buy toys.

>> No.7003457

wrong board kiddo
/g/ and reddit mine coins
/biz/ holds a 7 figure portfolio, invests 6 figures into ICOs and daytrades 5 figures

>inb4 trtl
discord pajeets aren't technically human

>> No.7004172

Supply & demand mate, also please learn what a ponzi is. You are embarrassing yourself.