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6992643 No.6992643 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Really nice crypto profits
>Make the mistake of telling my parents about it
>Good mom: oh that's great you should keep investing
>Jew dad: you owe us for every year you lived here after you turned 18
>Jew dad threatens to sue unless I liquidate my crypto and send it to him as payment for "past due rent"
>Know that that's probably not legally sound but I don't want to hurt my relationship with my mom

Rip my crypto investment I guess, I know I'm a pussy but I'll just buy back in next paycheck I guess.

Picture not really relevant

>> No.6992681
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Kill him, run away with mom to south America and bang her in pooper

>> No.6992691


Just tell them that you lost em in the january crypto crash. Your dad is an asshole btw

>> No.6992699

U fuarking srs op? If you pay your Jew dad a single cent you are destined to be poor. Buy him a bottle of his favorite liquor, move out, and tell him to get the fuck over it or eat bricks

>> No.6992702

>has giant pile of cytpo
>doen't spend it on a hitman.
anon, I don't know what to say.

>> No.6992706


the fuck, just move out

>> No.6992713

>retard loses all his money

Oh no... what a shame... I will surely remember this thread in five minutes because this is such an odd occurence.

>> No.6992728

10/10 larp, original content right.there. Gonna save that for later, thanks OP

>> No.6992729

Your first mistake was revealing your power level; never reveal your power level unless it's necessary to deliver a decisive attack.

>> No.6992733

Move the fuck out and never pay him a cent
legal threat a farce

>> No.6992749

Dammit ur rite

>> No.6992757

But you say really nice returns, and every year after you're 18 what kind of amounts are we talking about. You are making all of this hard to believe

>> No.6992773

>you owe me money on a decision i made 18 years ago because I was horny with your mother

Yeah, no.

>> No.6992808

you beta cucked faggot he cant sue for "past due rent" if no rent agreement was made
and your dad sounds like an absolute piece of shit, if my dad pulled that crap on me, i would no longer consider him family
dont be a fucking cuck anon
honestly you sound like a pussy and your dad resents raising a spineless faggot

>> No.6992827

Well you’re free loading and making money while they are paying for everything. Maybe even food for you too

>> No.6992852

It's illegal for him to sue you for "past due rent" because you never signed a lease with him; in the absence of a signed, *legal* lease, you owe him *nothing* (except maybe a curt "thank you" for not having you aborted).
>serious advice:
You have some level of anxiety or sense of duty to your family; you must abolish both of these traits, or they will hold you back.
>eliminate emotion from your decision process
The obvious & clear solution will present itself.
>move out
>never talk to your parents again

>> No.6992906

Move out, i'd never talk to my father again if he pulled that shit on me.

>> No.6992928
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Never change Anon

>> No.6992952

So many freeloading neets

>> No.6993071

I wouldn't mind paying rent, but threatening to Sue me over it would be going too far

>> No.6993127

>Jew dad threatens to sue unless I liquidate my crypto and send it to him as payment for "past due rent"

Firstly as if he'll go through the legal fees to do this. Secondly he has literally 0 grounds to sue. Your mom will probably side with him for now to save face but it won't permanently damage your relationship with her, she'll get over it. Keep your gains

>> No.6993130

I don't why this larp has pissed me off so much, maybe because I'm down 60% and already in bad mood all week
This has pissed me off just as much as actual cuck story's do
You are literally on cuck tier levels of beta
Is any of this sinking in?
Please be a larp, I don't think my jimmies could handle this being real

>> No.6993136

>Dad sues you because "past due rent"
>Hire a good lawyer
>Go to court, act depressed and unhealthy as fuck
>Dad loses because he's your fucking dad and you don't owe him shit
>Counter sue for emotional damage
>Dad has to give you his house
>Bang your mom


>> No.6993165

This, take the fucking house from this dude. Bitter dad's always ask for some shit back for being a dad.

>> No.6993239

Worst case scenario you put all your money in BTC and declare bankruptcy. But yeah it would cost him more in legal fees than hed actually get from you. Jews love to use fear as a weapon, but the reality is the entire world could gang up on them and wipe them out if we felt like it.

>> No.6993244

Exactly. Take his house, his money, and his bitch.

>> No.6993278

Idk how would you feel if you had a son in your home since 18 and now they are like 25 and they have a lot of money. You thought you were a good parent, feeding them, housing them, basically spending money that you could’ve used for other things. You have no idea how long he had that money, so you flip out for him being ungrateful

>> No.6993326

Man there’s so many kids here. It’s simple, if you’re making money or been making money when you had the ability to throw some money to help your parents, you should have. You all are acting greedy. If you live at home and work, pay some rent to help the house, buy some groceries, etc. bunch of kiddies

>> No.6993351

>pay $500 on rent
>mfw that $500 would have been 50k after a yr of hodling


>> No.6993392
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>> No.6993407

I used some of my crypto gains to help my dad buy a new car for work. My parents know I may have dabbled with cryptos but they have no clue. There's nothing for me to gain from them knowing.

>> No.6993457
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I'm a firm believer that money should always go downwards if your parents/grandparents have plenty and don't need support.

Your father is a greedy Jew that doesn't have a proof of contract and he should stfu about sueing. At worst he could make you move out, but retroactively asking for money is a dick move.

And fuck you for being a push over beta-lord. God, I want to help people like you so much by setting you straight, but you end up being a whiny little bitch as you were.

>> No.6993527

>tell my parents about my crypto gains
>"really? good job son! keep it up"
>tell them when I cash out I'll help them pay their mortgage
>"no! buy your own property and build equity"

I give them money to cover my expenses monthly and help whenever I can around the house. Who here /based/ parents? I want to buy a house and not even move out. No point when you have a good relationship.

>> No.6993553

>son finally makes some money
>Im sueing him for everything he made, so he'll never get anywhere
What kind of disfunctional family do you come from that sueing you own kids seems like a normal idea? I'm certainly planning on giving my parents some of my crypto money because they paid for my college, i have absolutely no problem with contributing something. But you don't sue your own family, that's something that should be reserved for people that have seriously wronged you, things might be different in burgerland where people sue for the smallest shit i guess.

>> No.6993661

Was on Jury duty once for a mom suing a daughter
because her grandchild left a toy out that she later tripped on and broke a bone.

>> No.6993662
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>> No.6993733

Ask him why he would deliberately handicap you when you are clearly good at this and can make money? Tell him you are aware but that you can make so much more and pay him back even more. He's a fucking filthy kike so of course he will love the prospect of more money. When you make enough, make arrangements and just vanish overnight. Leave your phone number for your mom.

>> No.6993763


>> No.6993777
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>tell mum about crypto gains
>she asks for her half

>> No.6993891

>Sorry dad, I just lost it all.

>> No.6993919


>> No.6993956


>> No.6993995
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>tell my mom about crypto gains
>have to pay rent all of a sudden

Unconditional love my ass.
Fuck this whole gay earth

>> No.6994036


move out - your relationship with your father has already changed for the worse

he is doing this to your family, not you

it's not your fault

>> No.6994134

>inb4 got baited
Unconditional love does not mean allowing you to grow as irresponsible spineless faggots.

>> No.6994308
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>not paying rent when you become 18

>> No.6994363

why the fuck would you live with your parents if you have enough money not to?

>> No.6994372

>you owe us for every year you lived here after you turned 18
sounds familiar to me

>> No.6994402

Do this. Outkike the smelly kike you smelly kike

>> No.6994450

You should give them some. It's not like you worked hard to get it. Ungrateful, OP.

>> No.6994590
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this. i started paying rent when i started working at 15, made the transition to ""real life"" much easier to handle

>> No.6994669

the beauty of being wealthy is, that you can tell them about it to have some peace while you trade the next 2 years, but if they decide to be jews like that you can literally pack up your things and leave without notice.

>> No.6994801

tfw my parents arent poor retards who need to extort their children to make the month. Holy shit this thread is pathetic

>> No.6994980

Just leave and tell your dad to fuck himself

>> No.6995688

you're a beta faggot kick that kike in his face and tell him to stuff his greed up his own ass and to fuck himself