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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6985586 No.6985586 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6985636

bitcoin cash and litecoin are just shitty forks off buttcoin, they dont deserve to be in top 100, let alone top 10

no one knows what NEM does though

>> No.6985655
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>> No.6985663
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holy fuck why does Ethereum have so many devs/commits

also fuck retards still holding litecoin, when the only dev sells you know its not going anywhere

>> No.6985685

Link to site plz

>> No.6985714
File: 289 KB, 1663x791, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Litecoin giving up
>Most stable currency
Nah, it will moon when you expect it the least

>> No.6985738

I think NEM is now a rare collectors item I'm pretty sure

>> No.6985782

I was told that Bitcoin Cash is the real bitcoin that follows Satoshi Nakamoto Vision

Can anyone confirm that this is true

>> No.6985851

It is. Just be patient.

>> No.6985888

Nice source

>> No.6985972

The site lists 0 developers for tokens that are about to release their beta, information they receive is incomplete

>> No.6985977

Cryptocodewatch.com. From reading that chart, I might sell my ICON stash...For something that is so raved about, there is little development support for it.

>> No.6986017

It is true, buy my bags

>> No.6986067


Now that Bitcoin fees are down to 1-5 cents there's no purpose for Bcash. Even Rogers considering selling Bcash for BTC.

>> No.6986152

Are you sure about that?

>> No.6986167

Exact opposite of

>> No.6986212

>in case you prefer avg. fees per transaction:
I still see AVERAGE fees over 10USD... Where are those 1-5 cents fees? They seem hard to see

>> No.6986241

misinterpret Bert

>> No.6986261
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>ARK one of the top coins in terms of development

Feels great to be deluded.

>> No.6986311
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>> No.6986315

Charlie lee hasn’t sold ALL of his holding. You read that first here.

>> No.6986383
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Something that's already perfect doesn't need change

>> No.6986448


>A chart showing miners revenue divided by the number of transactions.
>miners revenue

Miners revenue is mostly static since the majority of it comes from finding blocks.
The number of transactions has decreased slightly but the hash rate has been climbing and difficulty adjustment is only every 2 weeks. This has resulted in a large number of blocks being mined.


As you can see, the mempool is clear until 6sats. So your 7 sat transaction would be very likely to get in the next block and even if not, the one after it.

>> No.6986548
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What is this abomination

>> No.6986664


>137 commits on a Saturday morning

>> No.6986772

This is the list time I'm going to reply to a corecuck.
Simple math for you:
>Mempool is currently at 6 sats per Byte
>Mempool is just the pool where transactions don't go through because they are too cheap and so miners take higher fees in reality but we're going to ignore that
>Average transaction size of 226 bytes
>Results in a fee of 36,160 satoshis
36160 satoshis are ~4USD
4USD > 0.05USD
Do you even math?

>> No.6986800


>> No.6986868


Average is irrelevant. These exchanges like Coinbase are overpaying for priority by a factor of 100, it's not their Bitcoin anyway and they don't care.
Still these transactions aren't enough to fill blocks so the low sat transactions are included.
So you get the same priority with 1% of the price.

>> No.6986920
File: 7 KB, 207x243, average_corecuck_brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average is irrelevant

>> No.6986989

>1 cent transactions are irrelevant

t. cashcuck

>> No.6987012

Where are you getting 5 cents from? Median is 5$ Average is 4$.

>> No.6987019
File: 4 KB, 277x182, zcl financial freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this the only one that matter, bruv.

>> No.6987046

We actually have 1 cent transactions, you're the cuck who lets a shit team ruin your coin for no reason.

>> No.6987073

That is what BTH shills will say, the harder they sell you on this the more money they make.

>> No.6987106


The low end of transactions if very low(4-5 sats), the high end very high(500+).
If you average these you get an irrelevant number which will give you no priority over the lower end since the mempool is a desert.

>> No.6987108

What's this OP? Where can I get this information?

>> No.6987120 [DELETED] 

>trying to open corecucks eyes
Don't even try, it's not worth it

>> No.6987130

>no one knows what NEM does though

Was recently hacked, like a few days ago. 500 mil worth stolen from wallets.

>> No.6987156

NEM wasn't hacked. Coincheck was hacked for their incompetencies.

>> No.6987177

So you dismiss the median as well and cherry pick the absolute lowest? Nice logic. Funny how that's also much lower than Lightning Network transactions which are currently around 25 cents even without the dozens of hops that will be needed eventually.

Meanwhile Bitcoin Cash almost always has 1 cent transactions.

>> No.6987323


Braindead argument. The fees do not follow a bell curve distribution so the average and median are irrelevant. Cherrypicking the lowest viable fee is basic minmax.

>> No.6987378

It's not a braindead argument at all. You just have serious survival bias and are using mental gymnastics to pretend that high fees aren't an issue, you even admit to cherry picking kek.

Enjoy your 25 cent fees on Lightning while BCH gets real adoption without convoluted bullshit.

>> No.6987477
File: 52 KB, 671x473, corecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Average and median fees are irrelevant"
>Pic related, it's the average corecuck

>> No.6987568


Cherrypicking is the entire point you idiot.

>Minimax (sometimes MinMax or MM[1]) is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. When dealing with gains, it is referred to as "maximin"—to maximize the minimum gain. Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision-making in the presence of uncertainty.

>> No.6988045


Most recent block here, transactions sorted from highest fees to lowest.


Highest 2,678 sats/b and lowest is 7 sat/b.
Roughly 40% of transactions are under 9 sats.
So that's a lot of cherrypickers refusing to pay the absurd median, and the even more absurd average.

>> No.6988118

Unironically Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin and King of Crypto.

You can even buy drugs on the dark net with it now.

>> No.6988155

Some wallets that don't allow custom fees charge you mich higher prices.

>> No.6988297

This is only possible because nobody is even using it at all anymore. You know for a fact that when people start actually trying to use it substantially it will crumble and fees will go up to a minimum of 10$ if you want to have it confirmed in less than 5 hours. Again you are cherry picking and having survival bias by assuming that how it is now is how it will be forever.

>inb4 you try and say BCH only has low fees because no use aswell

>> No.6988439


Let's not forget SegWit and Lightning Network though. It's possible if not likely that fees will never go back to what they used to be 3 weeks ago.
Eventually there will be 2x when it's no longer a centralization risk.

>> No.6988487

The risk of more centralisation with just 2mb is negligible. It's pretty reasonable to assume that making the network usable increases adoption and therefore increase incentive to mine and secure the network.

Ethereum even does much more transactions yet still has 3x the "full" nodes so this assumption is very baseless.

>> No.6988850
File: 90 KB, 645x729, corecuck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let's select only the LOWEST transaction and ignore the rest: https://blockchain.info/es/tx/2e55a1d722ba1c0f066c7b7772ee1997f39b0610681343ac99fd89fb4db8d0c7
>Lowest fee is 7 satoshis/byte
>Lowest fee means it's the slowest transaction
>Size is 226 bytes
>226 x 7 = 1582 satoshis = 0.1738410964 USD
He just used ~1.2% of its capital to move their coins at the SLOWEST speed.
But wow so cheap right?
>0.1738410964 USD is still ~+300% from what you corecucks claim to have (a 0.05 USD fee transaction)

>> No.6988893

Bitcoin is compuserve and BCH is aol, they're both going down hard

>> No.6988931

Down in price, up in adoption* then I agree

>> No.6988960

a lot of nem stolen in a jap hack, prepare for a dump

>> No.6989085

Perfect coins don't need changes

>> No.6989252
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>german quality
>the even got michael jackson
who else comfy here?

>> No.6989438


>Lowest fee means it's the slowest transaction

I'm sure this is intended to make some sort of sense but it doesn't. I don't think you understand how the blockchain works.
The transactions are not processed individually but together. Some of these 7 sat transactions were actually faster than some 200 sat ones.

>> No.6989632 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 600x647, corecuck3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up. You win. Bye.

>> No.6990210
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