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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6983130 No.6983130 [Reply] [Original]

So we all know how this coin acts, it always comes down after a little run. Crashes hard, you know it... and i know it...

When is the dip coming?

>> No.6983176

What are you on about

>> No.6983232

i'm trying to fucking buy in
I already sold the top

>> No.6983705

It better not crash I'm so fucking stupid I tried short term trades to increase my stack and it just outperformed basically everythkng. I just bought back in staying fuck it and I went from 94k lumens to 65k lumens over the past week.

Fucking fuck shit fuck I'm so fucking mad fuck. I bought in originally at 2k but still fuck

>> No.6983740
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>> No.6983973

fuck you and your high quality picture
There will be a large dip, you have been warned

and ill buy in too

>> No.6983992

LOL wtf man
It isn't that hard
I sold near the top, and im not worried now
I dont dare buy in higher than i sold

I will wait for this piece of shit to crash like it always does

It is staying up MUCH longer than anyone expected

>> No.6984059

people are inpatient, especially when every other coin is mooning and you're waiting to break even because of your own stupidity

>> No.6984474

fairx beta will come soon. will probably dump mid feb.

>> No.6984499

you have 5 days. cap this.

>> No.6985139

Absolutely no reason for it to dip. Currently it is trading sideways and it just did a TK recross. All indicators are bullish in 1h and higher time frames. There might be a 10% dip, but not more. I wouldn't risk it if I were you.

>> No.6986156

It's dumping slowly after the roadmap rally..

Buying back around 4.5k sats

>> No.6986316

double dubs, capped

>> No.6986365

that's too low dude, I'd go about 4950

>> No.6986433

support is about 5.3k sats, hopefully. i think we'll steady and continue a slow uptrend overall

>> No.6986470

>caring about XLM movement before FairX

>> No.6987004

In the time since FairX was announced 5 other similar things have popped up, shit is fucking infuriating

>> No.6987060
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>> No.6987065

They announce FairX moneymaker today or tomorrow, so far all we know is that its gonna be a high profile bank. Could be huge.
This is a difference to every other recently released crypto-fiat platform. They are paper products with no real world integration.

>> No.6987099
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Probably a week or so from now, and then again immediately after FairX for a couple of hours regardless of how good FairX actually ends up being.

This is why it is the Stellar Snek, it slithers up the charts.

>> No.6987170

I sold after the roadmap release at 5510 sats.
Trying to buy back at 5153 (arbitrary number, I know, but then I'll be able to buy exactly 10k xlm).

Will it hit 5153? Or should I rebuy a little higher?

>> No.6987191

>today or tomorrow
They said either late Jan or early Feb

>> No.6987228
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>> No.6987238
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who knows, but fuck that sjw coin.

>> No.6987541

FairX is going to be a huge disappointment. They said they were going to use SDEX, but when asked how, if they themselves are an exchange, they were going to use SDEX, they started being coy. "Nobody knows what we are." All this cutesy cryptic 'I've got a secret' shit. I've got a secret too, go fuck yourselves.

There's building anticipation and then there's just being disingenuous. Anything short of a ready-to-go platform will be a big sell off. I want this to do well but fuck the little games.

>> No.6988680

I opened short too early at 5k. Now I just gotta wait

>> No.6989479

It dipped hard two mornings ago..where were you? I got some at 89 cents during it's big climb...and I keep getting more so my dollar cost average is much lower than that...

>> No.6989520
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Saturday or Sunday announcement...doesn't seem likely

>> No.6989567
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1.5$ tops

>> No.6989582

No dip until 100k sats, then dip to 98k sats, than new ATH at 125k sats

All within the next 3 weeks

>> No.6989592

What if i told you... the dip was the last 3 months.

>> No.6989596

We want FairX