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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 547x471, CARW35FUcAI6aHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6981743 No.6981743 [Reply] [Original]

For 3 months straight, I have been heavily researching for the perfect coin to invest a few hundred in.....and today I finally found it. The current price, the marketcap, its general purpose/tech, the supply, the white paper, the general feedback on the coin on here (disregarding FUD) as well as other sites....all just about perfect

In my 3 years in crypto I have NEVER been as confident in a coin as I have been in this one....THIS WILL BE A TOP 10 COIN IN 2 YEARS, MAX.

I refuse to tell you all what it is directly, because I'm an asshole. But throw some guesses in here, and if one of you guesses it right, I will reply to the correct guess along with 9 others and I'll leave it to you all to figure out which one of the ten I'm talking about

The sole terrible clue that I'm willing to offer: it's currently in the top 500 at CMC

>> No.6982049

Everybody already knows about xtrabytes

>> No.6982067

give me the last letter in the abbreviation

>> No.6982077

hint: it's stellar. #6 is top 500 and it will be #1 in two years max.

>> No.6982100

also link

>> No.6982127

Is it FUPA?

>> No.6982152
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Low IQ attempt to get anons to willingly reveal their top pick low key coins

>> No.6982159
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>> No.6982334

Too big of a clue, sorry

And someone already mentioned one of the ten that I'm gonna mix it up with. The other 9 I'm gonna reply to are also very promising (if not already-well-known) coins

>> No.6982374
File: 1.09 MB, 1074x1144, Nuuuuuls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuls...because it is shilled in every whale group right now...Im all in already....low market cap...low supply...at least 10x

>> No.6982382
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yeah we already know

>> No.6982422
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>> No.6982475


>> No.6982531
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>> No.6982541

2 out of the ten have been mentioned now....

>> No.6982562
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It was fupa wasn't it

>> No.6982570


>> No.6982607


>> No.6982613

i bid 0.5 etherum, post your address im in

>> No.6982618
File: 401 KB, 800x2000, 1 Xf1dnJ4Vx0aq5gFXDm6EIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought NAV at $0.03, sold at $0.50
>Bought IOC at $0.13, sold at $1.60
>Bought XBY at $0.02, sold at $0.28
>Bought ANS(NEO) at $5, sold at $60

Sure i could've made more money if i held longer but it doesnt bother me. It's impossible to call the top and hindsight is 20/20. Stop buying whatever is being shilled the hardest and look for undervalued protocols with alot of room for growth. Hubii Network(HBT) for example, not to be confused with Huobi. DYOR

>> No.6982646

>>Bought NAV at $0.03, sold at $0.50
>>Bought IOC at $0.13, sold at $1.60
>>Bought XBY at $0.02, sold at $0.28
>>Bought ANS(NEO) at $5, sold at $60
Dayum nigguh

>> No.6982654

>bought FUPA at 1 sat
>not selling until 100k

>> No.6982671
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also, nobody cares about your opinion OP. If you're here after 3 years in the game instead of fucking hookers on your yacht, you probably don't have much to offer in terms of investing 'advice'

>> No.6982693

You found a coin to invest a few hundred in? You're too poor to give advice.

>> No.6982700

XBY market cap only $35M go back in that shit

>> No.6982720

so its nuls and xby okay cool

>> No.6982729

#3 and #4 have been mentioned....6 more to go

Really surprised no one mentioned THE coin yet....it's had some threads on /biz/ before

>> No.6982745
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>> No.6982772
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It's gotta be FUPA

>> No.6982777

Spectrecoin (XSPEC)

Don't tell anyone op, I want to keep buying every month until it moons.

>> No.6982817
File: 1.55 MB, 1548x1468, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 9.15.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all 50$+ by q3/4 2018. screencap this and come back with lambos

>> No.6982819

didn't the devs leave that project and move onto a new one because the founders are known to be related to scams?

>> No.6982875

Unironically, shut the fuck up. I'm literally waiting for one of my coins to go back up so I can sell and go all in on XSPEC.

>> No.6982890
File: 422 KB, 500x501, 20180124_094930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I screencapped but there's one more I have that you don't... I'll give you a hint. It was recently endorsed by a popular youtuber with 5 million subscribers

>> No.6982904

#5 has been mentioned....5 more....

>> No.6982953
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>> No.6982993

can you say philly d and bat for the normans
OP just spit it out and stop jerking my melons

>> No.6983043

I'm hoping it's this senpai

>> No.6983065

It's most likely VSX.
Goodnight, everybody.

>> No.6983096

What's this?

>> No.6983098

it 100% is. if it isn't OP is a retard

>> No.6983102

OP hasnt replied since ARY was posted

Its 100% ary

>> No.6983126
File: 71 KB, 1476x1475, coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro it's not a shitcoin, it's actually innovative blockchain technology.

>> No.6983129


Why do you dumbfucks think this tactic works to make your coin sound "cool"

>> No.6983208


#6 and #7 were mentioned.

But you guys are scaring me....I'm starting to think you'll never guess THE coin (or maybe it was already guessed long ago and I'm just fucking with you all)

Anyway, 3 more to go before I wrap this up....

>> No.6983278

You're a faggot. kill yourself

>> No.6983303


>> No.6983357
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Oh i wish. XBY has always looked very shady but borzalom is much more transparent now, the amount of FUD it recieved here on /biz/ kind of reminds me of the link fud going on rn

>> No.6983402


>> No.6983453


>> No.6983459

Lol no

>> No.6983458

#8 was mentioned, and is actually my SECOND favorite coin right now other than the one I talked about in the OP....it should also be a top 10 coin by 2020 as well (if not top 20)

>> No.6983507

It's rlc. U guys welcome

>> No.6983520

shit that one too, that's a good one...

>> No.6983524

Only other guesses I have are XMY, XCXT, ITNS or COLX

>> No.6983547

is it elix

>> No.6983569


>> No.6983570

Ez and good profits coming next 2years!

>> No.6983608

High performance blockchain. DYOR, may be a scam.

>> No.6983610


>> No.6983632

yea right, ITNS

>> No.6983634

its bitclave (cat)

we know anon

>> No.6983655


>> No.6983656

it better not be kin

>> No.6983663

I'm all in with rlc and have close to 100k. But fuck when it hit binance it was selling for 8 bucks... Tfw I could have quadrupled by stack

>> No.6983667


>> No.6983669

>Few hundred

Fucking poor larp fag

Poo in the loo, pajeeter snd depleeter

>> No.6983726

Basic Attention Token
Block Array
Myriad, Intensecoin

The coin I highlighted in the OP is one of the above. Discuss it among yourselves which one I meant

Goodnight, and choose wisely, fags

>> No.6983755

BAT - no
Block array- no

>> No.6983782


not one of these coins deserve to be top 2

>> No.6983808

I thought u said it's not one of those

>> No.6983892

It has to be Spectrecoin

>> No.6984203


Xtrabytes is very possible, extremely undervalued.
BAT can only go up due to speculative value and not use.
NAV is a 10-20x at best in a year.
Spectrecoin can also 10-20x, also look at SUMO as they have very similar chart patterns.
BlockArray, if not a scam, will moon.
Vsync is a joke.
SHIELD is a joke. Just look at the video on their website telling you to buy it because it's "increasing in value."
Myriad is low cap, possible for it to moon, haven't done research
Intensecoin is a joke.


One of those. Actually...all of those are good bets for low caps.

>> No.6984462

What makes you say ARY is a possible scam? It's way too elaborate to be a scam.

>> No.6984578

Let me guess. You are a member of the UFR dicord shilling group.

>> No.6984710

The blatant low effort by the team in my opinion, like how the previous logo was 100% copied. I haven't done much research so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Here, I made it in 7 seconds.
Their logo: https://i.imgur.com/GHDHeee.jpg
Me trying to recreate their logo: https://i.gyazo.com/b61207cdd882775a1274a0af9ccf1061.mp4

>> No.6984731

RLC actually listed at like $14. I fucked that up too. However, it wasn't worth it, who knew it'd bleed down to $2.50. If it didn't and then mooned again, you'd hate yourself. Hold those .50 cent (hopefully this is where you bought you 100K buy in) and you will fucking make it.

>> No.6984773
File: 9 KB, 645x773, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do actually know a 100x coin in the top 500, it's never shilled or ignored when a random anon gives advice on it. I wouldn't mind telling other anons, but how would a NEET go about getting a huge loan or somehow invest a huge chunk of money? I can seriously guarantee this'll 20-25x within 2-3 months, it makes so goddamn giddy but I have no goddamn capital. Help me and I promise to give you the best coin you'll ever invest in.

>> No.6984803

By the way, it hasn't been posted in this thread.

>> No.6984850

how is your credit?

>> No.6984880


>> No.6984901


Pawn some valuable shit you possess in your home, multiple shit required for maximum gains.

Sell your video game consoles and trash you don't need right now, you are sure about it right? Then go for it, take risk.

>> No.6984913

I really don't know if it's a scam or not but Egold I guess.

>> No.6984923


>> No.6984954
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>> No.6984968

apply for 10-15 credit cards, reporting a reasonable income (60k+) and rent payment (1k) in one day. get cards in the mail a week later, max 3/4 of them out to buy eth or BTC with changelly, buy yoru coin and wait. the 1/4 of cards you didn't load up are for balance transfer to make your monthly payments on the other cards until your coin moons.

alternatively, you could take out a loan from your bank to "buy a used car from a friend" but use it to buy crypto (this is assuming you have a fiat portal exchange account like coinbase, gemini etc).

I did the former with 2 credit cards with $500 limits (all i got approved for with my NEET credit score) back in june. it was a rocky couple months but I'm up to 15k now, no debt.

please share?

>> No.6985014
File: 98 KB, 640x640, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19 and a NEET, medicals issues and shit so I can't get a job but I was in the military for awhile. So I don't think I even have credit...

I have a cheap $500 computer I bought years ago and about 1k in crypto that I've got from mining and flipping on HitBTC. Nothing valuable, total poorfag.


This looks like it can actually work, do you have Discord or something and explain this better? I really don't want to talk about this coin until I've accumulated a decent chunk of myself.

>> No.6985025
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>> No.6985064

discord gg/gaFpMnP

don't forget the .

>> No.6985072

What was your credit score? Mine is shit, around 600.

>> No.6985113

It has a working demo, a technically qualified team, a decent whitepaper, a clear vision for what it wants to accomplish and a low cap. A logo is way too insignificant an issue to discard a project and is very easily fixed by just putting out a simple bounty for designers to make a new one. I remember when PRL was at 1-2mil cap, everyone would shit on their logo, including the IOTA devs. It wasn't until PRL was at 100mil+ cap did they finally change their logo and it hasn't had much of an effect. I think these types of things come into play when your in the top 10 coins and have to start appealing to normies the way Cardano and other pretty coins do, we're a long ways off from that.

>> No.6985159

You can tell me bro I won't share and I'm a poorfag so I can't do much

>> No.6985477

Xtrabytes is shit, easily known if you look at their white paper. It completely misses the point of decentralisation, it's not to prevent "coin monopolisation" AKA capitalism. Decentralisation is meant for censorship resistance and not commie shit.

It uses buzzwords, "next-generation", "one of innovation and creativity".

It also completely misses the point of "wasteful" PoW. PoW is not wasteful, every bit of resource "wasted" is more resources required to attack the network.

And the worst part is it is proprietary dogshit. Shitcoin.