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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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698154 No.698154 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ approved movies.

I need some new shit to watch.

>> No.698155
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>> No.698182

Wall Street, Wall Street 2 (only necessary to see Gordon, otherwise movie sucks), Boiler Room, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Wolf of Wall Street, Trading Places, Margin Call, Unraveled, Arbitrage, Brewster's Millions, Quants - The Alchemists of Wall Street, The Ascent of Money, The Wall Street Code, The Queen of Versailles, The World's Richest People, The Secret of My Success, The Profit, The Millionaire Inside, The David Susskind Show, Super Rich - The Greed Game, Shark Tank, Secret Millionaire, Phil Day - Mind of a Millionaire, Let's Make Money, How'd You Get So Rich, Greed with John Stossel, Fabulous Life of Billion Dollar Wall Street Ballers, Dragon's Den, CNBC Originals - Untold Wealth: The Rise of the Super Rich, CNBC Titans, Brits Get Rich in China, Bobby G- Adventure Capitalist, Beyond the Boardroom with Jonathan Tisch, BBC Million Dollar Intern, A Day in the Life with Richard Branson, American Greed...
etc etc etc...

>> No.698185

ty my friend

>> No.698186


shit tier documentaries and clichés. nice copy pasta faggot

>> No.698201

Do you have any to contribute?

Didn't think so.

>> No.698220

Copy pasta? It's what I typed up yesterday for another person in another thread who asked the same question about movies to see... so I guess it's my own copypasta.

>> No.698241

here's my top ones only
margin call (must watch)
glengarry glen ross (must watch)
rising sun (interesting movie about japanese business and mafia culture with sean Connery)
boiler room (not my favorite)
wolf of wall street (obligatory)
wall street

>> No.698243

>that big fucking listen and no Nightcrawler
nigger, please.

Nightcrawler is /biz/ - the movie. a story of an entrepreneur starting from nothing and succeeding in a cut throat industry through hard work and determination.

>> No.698247

I haven't seen it yet. I've watched hundreds of hours of seminars, and thousands of hours of other films and documentaries on topics that I like. Nightcrawler is one I haven't heard of, but I will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.698265


Would you like your performance review?

>> No.698339

30 rock... just for the Alec Baldwin quotes

>> No.698388
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You're the only faggot in this thread

>> No.698438

Hell yes, as well as best movie of 2014. Best movie of the decade thus far, perhaps.

>> No.698762

It's nuts. If you can figure out how to be a smooth talking psychopath anything is possible

>> No.698769

I love the movie, but you talk like a faggot, man. Get that fixed.

>> No.698771

>nigger, please.

That's not how /biz/ speaks. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.698773

Barbarians at the Gate

>> No.698774

lmao fuck off you pretentious faggot

>> No.698778

Enron-the smartest men in the room

>> No.698790


Nice forgot that one. And for the fuck of it Office Space.

>> No.698792
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>> No.698795

>Wall Street, Wall Street 2

I still laugh at people who watch these films and think they are actually what you need to act as. Both films were written and directed by a literal Communist to show how sociopathic wall street had become and yet all my friends fucking think they are Gordon Gecko and go out and act like pretentious fuckwits in super expensive suits and drinking and blowing money on cocaine and shit when they are literally in entry level office jobs.

>> No.698808

It's the same phenomenon with thugs and the movie Scarface, which incidentally was also written by Oliver Stone.

>> No.698825

Other People's Money

>> No.698828

Rogue Trader

>> No.698829

fight club

>> No.698838


>> No.698845

>being a nigger
butthurt opinion disregarded.

>> No.698847

cocaine cowboys

>> No.698885

There are a lot of people who watch Wall Street or Wall Street 2 and misconstrue the story at face value. If they used their brain a little, or watched interviews of the actors and directors, they would know that the stories serve as a cautionary tale, rather than as a "this is how you should be, too" story.

>> No.698894

The Pirates of Silicon Valley.

Can't believe that one didn't get brought up yet.

>> No.698907

Wall Street is kind of weird in that in highlighting the excesses of its characters and the illegal things they do, they also demonstrate the "just fucking do it" attitude and drive it takes to succeed.

Wall Street would pretty much be the same movie even if it didn't end in an insider trading case.

>> No.698966

Yeah this one is actually good, I saw about ten minutes of "Jobs" and knew it would just be shit and unwatchable compared to that.

I'd rather have people who mimic those than the Wolf of Wall Street, which is why more than half of the Finance majors in my graduating class picked that. I'm at a good school too which makes it even more depressing. Actually not really, since it'll just make it easier for me.

>> No.698974

I'm sorry, what? People in your school became finance majors after seeing The Wolf of Wall Street? Is that a joke?

>> No.698994

The thing that gets me about Wolf is that it isn't even that good of a finance movie. I mean at best it covers brokers pushing penny stocks as a scam, but after the whole "sell me this pen" thing, it was basically about rich asshole excess. At least Wall Street stayed on point with what happens in trading and didn't devolve in to Leo trying and failing to yell his way to an oscar. Again.

>> No.699071

Yep not kidding. My friend at Penn and another at a UC say the same too.

On point

>> No.699080

Watched it today, 9/10,would recommend.

>> No.699112

>Wall Street
>Glengarry Glen Ross
>Trading Places
All those recommendations and only three good ones.

>> No.699391

Too Big To Fail

>> No.699419

oh the godfather I and II are pretty good business movies if you know what to pay attention to

>> No.699424


>> No.699505


>> No.699776

Wolf of Wall street was a great salesman movie, it's not about the finance but it's still /biz/ related and relevant as shit. The stock-market helps paint the background but the narrator deliberately skips the explanations because, fuck it.

As far as finance goes, "Margin Call" and "Inequality for all" are my personal favorites.
Inequality for all is a documentary made by an economics professor who was secretary of labor during the Clinton during his presidency. It helps explain the crisis simply without spraying his politics like a retard like loads of films do. His arguments are solid intellectually, ooze simplicity and are an assumed and structured representation of his personal convictions shaped by his strong understanding of economics.
The movie has an actual cinematic substance to it (good soundtrack, quirky presentation about the guy, uplifting and optimistic thanks to the "university setting" part of the story etc..)

>> No.699810

There Will Be Blood

>> No.700256

The Mattei Affair

>> No.700290


I think most mob/gangster movies can sort of be put in this category. Scarface, goodfellas, casino, etc..

>> No.700296

There Will Be Blood

You're forgetting The Smartest Guys in the Room and Wall Street Warriors
Fun With Dick and Jane (2006) also relevant

>> No.700303

Wow. I'm calling bullshit
Post YT links

I'm probably the only guy that watches hour+ long keynotes, and not self-help bs
More like Shadow Banking in China from Opalesque, Milken Institute panels on private equity, and SBS panels on entrepreneurship

And I read books

>> No.700305


What are you calling bullshit on the fact that he hasn't heard of nightcrawler or the amount of self help shit he has watched?

>> No.700333

The Social Network

>> No.700337

The Method, The Spanish Prisoner

>> No.700419
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Yeah I don't get why he is calling bullshit lol...

Why are you calling bullshit? lol

The seminars I've watched aren't on YouTube, they're available by torrent or by file sharing websites (and are usually a pain to download because they're broken up over numerous rar files). No, you're not the only guy that watches hour long keynotes. One of the last training sessions I watched was a total of 10 hours, but it was SO interesting, that I ended up watching it all in one day without any breaks. I also read books and I've got a few hundred, all on business. I also have a tiny library of business and luxury magazines, as well as rare ones. Attached is a picture of one of 4 bookcases I have, all on business, luxury, etc. These are just physical books, my digital library is larger.

I can give you the names of some really good seminars if you want. And no, they're not Tony Robbins bullshit that everybody knows about. While he does have some good material, he takes forever to get to it with his brain dead audience and is really annoying how he says "say I" after every 10 words

>> No.700435

btw I know the owners of Opalesque and also Skiddy from OneWire. I'm not even 30 yet, but I've immersed myself in finance and have developed relationships with people in the industry (and tech industry) since I was a teen.

>> No.700553

Not the guy you were talking to but I'd like some links/names.

I've never really watched that stuff so maybe beginner related more? Thanks!

>> No.700557

Any of the Paranormal Activities series...because the studio which released it figured out how to sell swill to plebs on a low budget and make ridiculous profits.

>> No.700567



>> No.701039
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>> No.701048

Glengarry Glen Ross is a good movie example of how NOT to manage your employees.

Enjoy watching your employees...

- backstab each other
- not cooperate on projects at all
- despair and demoralize about everything
- fudge numbers and fuck up your accounts
- steal shit and sellout to your competitors

>> No.701388

Sounds like a gay porn.

>> No.701398

But it has Alec Baldwin yelling at people, telling them how he doesn't care, and being dramatic!

>> No.701667

john wick

>> No.702077

So does 30 Rock.

>> No.702079

Not a movie, but I'd like to add The Sopranos to the list. Besides being a generally good show, there is actually some (usually very broad) good advice that can be taken from it.

Same goes for The Office. It may be a ridiculous comedy, but there are actually some lessons to be learned from it.

>> No.702611

The Player

>> No.702863


>> No.702875

Anyone watching Better Call Saul? It's only the first season and already I'm hooked.

>> No.702897


read the gervais theory.

while much of it can be seen as fantastical..it makes for a great thought exercise.

especially if u work in corporate like me

>> No.702979

Nathan for you

>> No.703115

I do, I liked the quote; On this rock I will build my church, I'm very intersted to see his journey.

>> No.703252

Inequality for All was really good, thanks for the recommendation.

This podcast is very related, Peston is a good presenter. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0520jy5

That was an interesting read, and I can absolutely apply some of the things there to my work, particularly observing colleagues.

>> No.703261

>Better call Saul
So far it has been fucking brilliant, and surpassed pretty much everyone's expectations. While not to heavy on the technicals, its darker side of the law profession and breaking bad overlap make it a good watch.

>> No.703273
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Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Truly inspirational.

>> No.703289

Agreed. I was sad when Breaking Bad ended but this is a great substitute because you get backstories on Saul and Mike. It seems like both of them had their own Walter White moments at some point where circumstances push them towards utilizing the thier skillsets towards nefarious purposes. In Mikes case its easy to see he takes on his type of work to support his grandaughter but I am more intersted to see what happens to James McGill to make him become Saul Goodman.

>> No.703331


I began to loathe Walter White. The show was amazing but Walt turned into such a scumbag and to me, that ruined the show. I like Better Call Saul more, especially because I've been considering going to law school if I can't get into medicine.

>> No.703335


That was the point so I think they did it well. Walt wasn't the good guy after what....season 2?

>> No.703337

wtf m8 walt is the man.
better call saul is legit

Also, margin call is a horrible movie.

>> No.703340
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Contributing two I didn't see on here yet.

Here is a good one I watched about coding and trading called The Wall Street Code. Anything from vpro is pretty good.

Also, Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve was good too. I think only butthurts who don't understand the FED or want to shut it down didn't like it.

>> No.703341


I watched margin call and expected more but it was a good "quick" movie. No really big twist or anything pretty realistic.

Also I never said Walt wasn't a bad ass, the guy said he didn't like Walt because he became the bad guy and I said that is what Vince wanted to happened so mission accomplished.

>> No.703342


I've seen that before very interesting. If I remember, this is the one I am thinking about. There was a company in I think Chicago that would lose a shit ton of money if the weather wasn't perfect. That's insane.

>> No.703349

That pic is silly as shit. The left column is just a bunch of doubts and fears that everyone has. I guarantee that anyone you consider successful has felt jealous, reacted poorly to criticism, or abandoned failed projects.

>> No.703355

just watched margin call, what a fucking boring movie.

>> No.703396

Honestly speaking, is there any movie that can compete with Wolf of Wallstreet?

>> No.703435


>Wolf of wall street

fucking loser

>> No.703442
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>You're all plebians.

>> No.703506

Even if that may be, I think you should always try to transition to the right column as quickly as possible.

>> No.703759
File: 23 KB, 475x507, Sieze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised this never gets a mention -

Robin Williams finest performance (and maybe funniest film representation of the Stock Market)

Seize The Day


(not to be confused with Dead Poets)

- actually an anti-capitalist, Humanist classic - bit like Wall St tho, works in much the opposite way as well.. being poor aint much fun.

Fkn great film.

>> No.704776

How to get a head in advertising.

>> No.704788

>a funny movie