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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6980323 No.6980323 [Reply] [Original]

Is ripple going to recover back to bubble levels?

I bought a shit tonne right before the Korea incident and wasn't sure if I should double down in the dip

>> No.6980375

Haha no

>> No.6980390

Ripple is vaporware bra

>> No.6980402
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Yes. Buy more. It's going to moon

>> No.6980447

what people have forgotten is that XRP has done this before and just when everyone thought it was dead, it mooned

>> No.6980458
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Short term, xrp is at least retesting 84 cents. Not holding any bags or planning to buy (yuck) just a TA fag.

>> No.6980520

fuck these niggers

normies coming in droves this year they will be buying xrp, dump your bags on those fags in the up coming months.

same boat as you braaaaaa

>> No.6980545

You don't have this much accumulation on a coin that is not gunna moon

>> No.6980568
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>the Korea incident

>> No.6980593

Copy copy mein negro

>> No.6980847


How mant coins do you guys hold?

Im on 14,000

>> No.6981807
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple fundamentals


-Ripple processes 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.

-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.

-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).

-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.

-Bichip will use XRP for in its RFID chips.

-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.

-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!


-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bankrupt the whole ecosystem.

-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.

-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions

-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)

-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%


-XRP is revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

>> No.6981835

3119 at average price of $2.32.

>> No.6982053

Thanks for the run down Anon.

Ive been looking for someone with solid information like this for ages. 10 /10

>> No.6982086

Ripple 101

-Ripple processes 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP for in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

>> No.6982122

are you retarded?

>> No.6982220

Fuck the Pasta.
If You Truly BeLIEve, You Will Hold.

>> No.6982508

>falls for r/cryptocurrency tier FUD
you have to go back

>> No.6982511

yes it will, xrp actually have a use case don't fall for the fud, this is not a coin run by couple of 20 year olds

>> No.6983178

>you have to go back


>> No.6983190

Ripple is gonna TRIPLE


>> No.6983865

2018 will be remembered as the year of
REGULATION. At the end of the year people will realize that all the things /biz/ tends to hate xrp (muh banksters, muh in bed with fed, regulators) will be the advantage that will set xrp apart from all the dreamy but not well thought out projects in the crypto space.
Xrp will outperform itself in terms of growth this year. And, btw: the simple fact that xrp is the most hated coin on /biz/ should be a sign for anons with any common sense left to know what to do.....

>> No.6983977

It will die and then moon again next year to create the next generation of bagholders


>> No.6984349

why hold ripple when you can hold XLM?

>> No.6984813


The fundamentals haven't changed. Mainstream media still loves it. Institutions still like it. The only people FUDing are the ones mad because "muh pure technology can't be used by the jews" or people trying to buy some more for cheap.

$10 by December MINIMUM.

>> No.6985324

You can pretty much say all of these about an online excel spreadsheet minus the "partnerships" ( that don't use XRP ).

>> No.6985389

>mainstream media loves it

Financial times:https://www.ft.com/content/f739f48e-f62a-11e7-8715-e94187b3017e
>nobody uses XRP

Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhieGgf219Y
>nobody uses XRP

NY times https://twitter.com/nathanielpopper/status/951510175877292032
>nobody uses XRP

>> No.6985401


it's more decentralized than Bitcoin, its also cheaper and faster than paypal.

Try again, pajeet.

>> No.6985515

No, it's a securities scam

normies Re into your games.. for now

>> No.6985580

It's not a robust public transaction ledger (ie cryptocurrency). This is the academic paper that formally defines what properties something must have to be considered a distributed ledger.


XRP doesn't qualify. You can put a excel spreadsheet on lots of computers and claim it's decentralised. Doesn't make it a robust transaction ledger.
This is a serious point and if you don't understand it I suggest you sell and buy back if when you do.

>> No.6985728
File: 103 KB, 591x687, cobra bitcoin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh academic paper

no one cares, pajeet. One chink can fuck up Bitcoin and bunkrupt the entire ecosystem. His company owns multiple pools that have +50% of hashpower.

No one, not even hardcore bitcoiners beleive that Bitcoin is decentralized. The design in the whitepaper is decentralized (1 cpu = 1 vote). ASIC fucked it up.

Pic related is owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org

following article is by a bitcoin early adopter:
Stop. Calling. Bitcoin. Decentralized. – Egor Homakov https://medium.com/@homakov/stop-calling-bitcoin-decentralized-cb703d69dc27
With Ripple, double spending is not possible, no one can rollback the chain, with bitcoin, this is possible, whoever purchases the most hashing power controls the network.

That's not it. Bitmain has a patent on exploiting a flaw in the proof-of-work algorithm and it sues anyone that takes advantage of it.

>> No.6985760

to sump up,

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)
-One company can rollback the chain and bankrupt the entire ecosystem (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-double spending not possible (the chain can't be rolled back)
-Consesus requires a supermajority of 80%
-Anyone can run a validator and use his own list of validators

>> No.6985773
File: 466 KB, 1600x1896, Screenshot_2018-01-27-09-09-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etherium shills bitcoin shills

>> No.6985784


after everything you saw you didnt sell that shit??

>> No.6985806

ripple gonna cripple. CHECK DEEM

>> No.6985847

Honestly Im holding the 1000 I bought at 30 cents. I have a feeling it may go up again, ill unload my bags then

>> No.6985858

>guys, this new coin has SUPER FAST transactions times and SUPER CHEAP fees!
>its going to beat bitcoin!
>even though when bitcoin was SUPER FAST and SUPER CHEAP no one used it for purchasing/sending/payments

Coin utility is a meme, its just about brand recognition and marketing sadly.

>> No.6985912

didnt sell at 3$ what a fucking clown

>> No.6985935
File: 116 KB, 1225x861, IMG_20180126_151125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP will do this the next few years ;)

>> No.6985980


It will reach past that when robinhood crypto comes out

>> No.6986018

I never called bitcoin decentralised. I never even mentioned it once. I'm just pointing out XRP is garbage excel money.

>> No.6986059

yea and you wont sell because of delusion

>> No.6986303

Next stop 12$

>> No.6986372

xrp is advertising for ripple's private networks theyre trying to sell banks. it's also their primary income source right now, but they'll be dumping 1 billion a month of their supply soon and once that's over there's no reason for them to push for the public network.

>> No.6986971


>> No.6987063
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Cripple's going to be buried in a shallow grave by the Stellar Snek.

>> No.6987095

Not official, but mark my words

>> No.6987185
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180118-201626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mufg And Jcoin on xcurrent. They will use xrp to deal with Shinhan in SK and where applicable. Tokyo Olympics much currency exchange quickly. It will go up.

>> No.6987200

im not selling at a loss, and the team works with other companies that are looking to use the blockchain, which is good for exposure. im hoping to sell at break even, only because the ripple guys keep selling xrp to exchages making the coin flat line in a stable market where as looking at the graphs it would have a general upwards trend.

>> No.6987272

The bar for XRP to be a good gamble isn't, "Its better than BTC!"

>> No.6988330

Uh-huh sure.

>> No.6988345

holy shit RIP

>> No.6988465


the only thing that matters long term is the fundamentals. ripple, xlm, dash, eth, bitcoin, coinlink, maybe even vechain are the ones going places.

>> No.6989215

If fundamentals really do matter long term, only Monero would survive, but they actually don't matter even long term.

>> No.6989367

Holy fucking shit I got an email about this. I think we work for the same bank. I had deleted it because I was OOO during the announcement.

>> No.6989468

You’re a palm reader

>> No.6989489
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Before the big pump in December, someone made a few threads warning that in the next few days an important financial company was going to initiate a massive pump. I wonder if this is the same financial company.

>> No.6989593
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LOL @ ledditors and their coping.

>> No.6989694
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this new generation of cripple bagholders feels so good. to think how many of them were actually shilling this kikery at 20000sat. just sell next year and dump your bags on the next generation. such is the way of the cripple

>> No.6989741

Just rechecked the date on this, the same day as the meeting we had. Confirmed for legit, won't name the bank but it would be a hell of a coincidence if it was a diff bank, same day

>> No.6989812
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>> No.6989866
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Freedom! F-finally...

>> No.6990327

Bunch of ripple fags who tell themselves that its going to the moon. Checks price and realizes it has actually lost value and belongs at $1.... keep hodling normies

>> No.6990453

>Sick of normies and their "ripple on coinbase 8th of January!"
>Know its not happening.
>Buy with the intention to dump on the 7th.
>Coinbase tweets they aint adding shit.
>Hours after I bought.

That's how I became a next gen cripple.

>> No.6990580

I dumped on you. Thanks!