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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6977607 No.6977607 [Reply] [Original]

Any other richfags here?

I have over 1000 BTC from 2010 and im not sure what to do with it. I realise thats enough to be a large buy/sell wall on an exchange. can i start manipulating a single exchange?

>> No.6977652
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1512131566488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could send me one and i'll love you forever and give you rare wojaks

>> No.6977658


>> No.6977705
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>> No.6977715

Is that you on kucoin lel

>> No.6977721
File: 42 KB, 757x757, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can move prices up hundreds of % on the low volume coins on poloniex, bittrex, etc.

GDAX, you'd scare some fags on bitcoin markets but probably not worth the risk

good for you anon. send me a coin if you're feeling charitable:


>> No.6977733

I know what to do with them


>> No.6977747

Do it to XRP on Bittrex.

>> No.6977755


>> No.6977780

Fucking cash out? What the fuck are you doing? You fucking made it get the fuck out of here and go buy a god damn island Jesus christ

>> No.6977783


>> No.6977798

Why not just cash out and do whatever you want to do in life?


>> No.6977807

whale here too. over 20k xlm, 10 neos . hope you are ready for me to drop these bags. you have been warned

>> No.6977811

Uhhh please can I have one ? Or half of one ?


>> No.6977820

I can retire already, I genuinely enjoy my work from home job.

Selling BTC at $10,000 would be a sin. I'd rather have some fun with it.

>> No.6977857

Go pump DCN on cryptopia

>> No.6977865


you could be /biz/ 's whale and let us know what you are going to pump

>> No.6977870

OP seriously 0.5 BTC would change my fucking life


>> No.6977894

send 0.1 to some one here to prove you're not a LARP

>> No.6977896

This to a degree. What kind of position are you in? Do you have a home you own outright? If not that's probably a good place to start. Any other assets? If not, people diversify because they want to stay rich.

>> No.6977915

this, pump XRP

>> No.6977923

Buy zcl for 20%, no bs.

>> No.6977928

Here's what you do, OP.

1 BTC, literally 1 is enough to change my life forever. I've been trying to pay off some medical bills for forever, it's cucked the shit out if me. 1 BTC is enough for me to tell the hospitals to fuck off.


>> No.6977952

also this, you can make a name in /biz/ this way and be remembered forever

>> No.6977960


please break down that XLM wall so we can fucking hit 7000 sats already

>> No.6977966
File: 13 KB, 224x216, be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggots with their hands out

>> No.6977983

He can't do anything about it. Algo's will take it when they're ready.

>> No.6977992

Dont give anything to the trash on here that's for fucking sure

>> No.6977998

p p please sir 1KxN7rhC58VuFajSjCQTULpZkhCikpWFip

>> No.6978002

I own 3 homes, some gold and various financial vehicles. With the crypto markets being as illiquid as they are, I'd love to have some fun with my money. I see some coins have only 100 BTC daily trading volume. If I had more knowledge I could likely manipulate these markets. I'm scared to lose my BTC though. I am very risk averse and stay away from shitcoins. I want my children to have a good future.

this. I didn't make a beg thread, I was asking if there were others like me out there

>> No.6978015

you could have bought 200 million lumens at 500 sats a few months ago, lol

instead you will watch your holdings bleed slowly to $1k per BTC over the next 12 months and then you will kill yourself

>he fell for the hodl meme

>> No.6978059

Pump Telcoin on Kucoin plz

>> No.6978070

Agreed, you can literally find a low market cap project, that looks like could moon someday with as little as 20BTC. and then when everyone starts coming in slowly sell out your stash and make !00% moreon your 20BTC investment. Look at EtherDelta loads of solid Project there with low maketcap...for example TIOTOUR

>> No.6978073

hodling is a meme. trade to protect your gains. If you didn't sell at 18k+ you might be retarded

>> No.6978079

>I am very risk averse
>I want my children to have a good future
>all in on BTC

>> No.6978101


you have just enough to make SIAcoin explode, please mr. whale, help us!

>> No.6978102

OP if you are serious, you should jump on Garlicoin

this shits only like 4 days old and leddit is falling over itself mining and memeing this thing. it is legit going to be HUGE and this is about as early as you can get. you can probably buy up the entire circulating supply with like 5 BTC from these leddit faggots

>> No.6978106
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Nice LARP.

>> No.6978111

HOLY SHIT OP PUMP $XRE on cryptopia shit is literally 2 cents !!!

>> No.6978118

>all in on BTC
Well wait, you already said you have 3 homes so you're obviously not all in and I'm a faggot. You see what I'm getting at though, that's a whole lot of eggs on one basket.

>> No.6978142

Please pump a coin and tell us which one so we can all also profit from it


>> No.6978148

Man why did you post this when you know it's just going to be a bunch of pajeets posting btc address

>> No.6978213
File: 42 KB, 640x640, photo_2017-12-09_13-10-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm old as fuck and bought these properties over the last 20 years, As far as crypto assets go, I have only BTC and USDT, and I only hold USDT to accumulate more BTC.

All other coins are a meme. ETH is >$1000 which has 0 dApps (cryptokitties if you count that?)

I own 1000 XMR too back from when it was still $5 each

I have nobody else to talk to about this. Everybody on 4chan and reddit are poor in comparison. Is there a secret whale society i am not a part of yet?

>> No.6978214

Buy a good trading bot and makle huge profits with it, or buy a coin with high volume


>> No.6978248

I got over 200 bitcoins from my tradings.

What are your goals after you cash out? I plan on putting it all in Vanguard index then travelling Latin America and fucking girls every day for pennies.

>> No.6978310

I have my dream house, dream family, dream car, etc. I've secured a good life for myself and my children. I'd like to accumulate more just for the fun of it. Even if Bitcoin / all of crypto went to zero I'd still be fine financially.

I'm jealous of you in a way. Wife and kids are a meme. I wish I traveled more when I was young

>> No.6978313

>Is there a secret whale society i am not a part of yet?
Wish I knew, anon. I'm just a minnow at 2 BTC myself. If you're looking to join one your best bet are the crypto conferences where whales go to show off their wads. Definitely not going to find any invites here, /biz/ has gone to complete shit over the last year and any oldfag whales are no doubt long gone.

>> No.6978345

I don't know, but if you find one post it here.

Sincerely a peasant, help plz :


>> No.6978378 [DELETED] 

I agree, /biz/ is infested with normies now. Go to another chan where it isn't as infested and start your own board there.

Also we have an IRC channel on Rizon.net if you want to join some old-timers.

>> No.6978436

channel name?

>> No.6978497 [DELETED] 


>> No.6978632

Hope you're ready for an influx of plebbitors after linking that here.

>> No.6978667 [DELETED] 

We've banned plenty, plus many don't know how to use IRC in the first place.

>> No.6978765

Tempted to join myself, but as I said I'm just a minnow that won't bring anything of value so I won't bother you guys. Glad to hear there's some last bastion out there though.

>> No.6978772

If you want to have some pure fun, make a Discord and Pump shitcoins and help some /biz/realis make some seed capital in this sideways market. now is actually the perfect time to do it. Creating giant waves of green fomo and pink wojacks while simultaneously making money and helping others.

that would be fun

>> No.6978823

Well, you're settled down, so that's something.
I haven't really found anyone I clicked with yet. I'm not even sure I want children.

>> No.6978830
File: 24 KB, 600x451, b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly accumulate 100BTC of LINK and then when volume dies down fucking market sell your entire stack just for the lulz

>> No.6978871

Reporting in, spent a little btc to acquire a few hundred million trtl coins. Now I’ve got a bunch of retarded discord pajeets posting threads about trtl for me so the poorfags on this board all jump in so I can dump my bags on them.

>> No.6978924

You're not rich until the pump is over.

>> No.6978997

i agree with the discord approach. pump some shitcoins. i'm sure a few fags itt can help you get it set up properly

>> No.6979016
File: 52 KB, 768x960, Oatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit sell it and invest in real shit
Buy a few apartment complexes

>> No.6979059

OP just diversify a bit, like 500 BTC, if you arent dumb you can make 2000 BTC +

>> No.6979104

You should absolutely liquidate a little bit on the next wave and invest in more real estate/gold/bonds. It's good to hear you have some already, but why not secure your grandchildren's futures if you can? Rental properties are lucrative. The future of BTC is uncertain, but land is not.

>Why BTC longterm value isn't assured
1) miners may switch to BCash if it's more profitable. Some already have
see https://qz.com/1127817/bitcoin-cash-bch-price-could-lead-to-bitcoin-death-spiral/

2) BTC may not become the de-facto store of digital wealth. There is no reason in terms of utility for BTC to exist; it's value is as arbitrary as gold (except there is only one element gold, and there are 1000s of other cryptos)

You should also diversify within crypto. Diversification hedges risk. If you're crypto-risk adverse, I'd recommend ETH. The Ethereum foundation is well-connected and funded, Vitalik is a literal genius, nearly all startup ICOs use ERC20 tokens (and new startups are being built daily), corporations are hiring Ethereum developers, and sharding/Casper are poised to make ETH extremely scaleable and further cement the platform as the industry leader.

Why to trust me: I'm pretty involved in the crypto space--have a solid portfolio, have attended crypto conferences, and am developing a trading bot with some other programmers. I keep up to date with all the news and do heavy project research. The sentiments above are echoed by most knowledgeable people. I do think BTC will be around for a long time; but again, it's about risk management.

>> No.6979113

Post a screenshot of your holding minus any personal info OP.

Because your full of shit.

You are a lying worthless piece of trash.

>> No.6979123

can the mods ban these subhumans posting their sob story begging for scraps?
brainlets like you are in a shitty position in life because you are fucking hopeless


>> No.6979143
File: 108 KB, 1385x708, Matress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 btc and 1000 xmr yet no mention of BCH?

Bullshit meter is off the charts if you had bitcoin before the fork you would have BCH too.

Fake and gay but you should invest in matressfirm

>> No.6979161

OP, if you buy 250 BTC worth of NEO, you will be making 260 usd a day just by generating GAS. Thats like almost 2k a year just by GAS.

Also buy some ether.

>> No.6979174

As for your original question, you have enough to manipulate an exchange. But BTC volume is extremely high, and you'd want to be manipulating for futures and leveraging margins for significant gains. You'd get burned without extensive experience. Alts though are 100x easier. <10 BTC can stop an alt in its tracks for quite some time. There are bots that whales use to quickly manipulate walls; not sure where to get them. Strategy is to place the sell wall, accumulate while keeping price down, remove wall, make a few strategic market buys and let it soar. Then dump your bags for massive gains. If you try this out, do your homework and choose a non-shitcoin with decent volume that's gaining traction. Whales kept VEN down for the longest time, as they knew it was a solid project ready to fly.

I'm not a whale, but I'm really hoping I'll get there eventually. Been wageslaving for too long. Congrats on the wealth man, good to know a /biz/nessman has made it.

>> No.6979186

thats a rly great picture, do you have anymore like this with LSD / astral grid?

>> No.6979306

>Fake and gay but you should invest in matressfirm

good point with the BCH. also matressfirm, wtf? tell me more

>> No.6979459

>260 usd a day
>Thats like almost 2k a year
I'm not sure that's accurate, anon.

So report them.

>> No.6979533
File: 1.46 MB, 2688x1247, MatressFirm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a front company for CIA drug running
There are more matressfirms than mcdonalds in some major cities

just google it

>> No.6979696

holy fuck, any other info besides just more than mcdonalds?

>> No.6979899

Mobius my brother, it's in the 20-30 cent range and it's guaranteed to 100 eoy. It's run by cofounder of ripple and stellar
It's so guaranteed and will make you rich, no need to tip me. Enjoy your money man.

>> No.6979922
File: 85 KB, 733x1258, MatressFirm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accounting irregularity resulting in many ceo's quiting

>> No.6979946
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>> No.6980026

obvious larp thread, op is poor as fuck

>> No.6980041

you know what to do:

>> No.6980075

go pump IOST on binance
buy up to 850 sats then sit on 100 BTC wall for awhile, then pump it another 50 sats, it'll signal the moon
Sell at your discretion

>> No.6980077

Please, please please, buy up turtle and support this coin. I doubt you'll do it, but it would be a godsend

>> No.6980237

very interesting stuff, how did you happen across this if you dont mind my asking?

>> No.6980376

i am down with pizzagate but mattress gate it dumb. suburban mattress store economics dictate they be placed in clusters. the overhead is insanely low, and the markup would be criminal on the product if people cared. thats why there are tons. they are profit machines with little costs. the sales people are comission and the only people who show up buy. most stores literally sell just 1 a day, but thats enough for the company as a whole to exist.

>> No.6980449

Couple of my friends quit their jobs to start a cryptofund, so you are not alone. I think they are starting a fund worth ~3mil

>> No.6980494

How about you cash out and go live your life

>> No.6980576

cash out and enjoy your life you fucking idiot. you've probably got 2-3 decades before you're old and fucked.

the reaper doesn't take bitcoin.