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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 588 KB, 1232x1232, bitcoin-logo-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
697574 No.697574 [Reply] [Original]

Remember after the first two drops of the bitcoin everybody though, nah that was it, it will never go up again. Who bought at that point got some big profit. Well right now its really cheap. The question is, when will it go up again and will you be late on the train?

>> No.697577

>late on the train
Why would I want to board a train that's going to eventually fall off the tracks?

I'm just not going to ride period.

>> No.697578

Why are you so afraid? Bitcoins are there for some years without problems and it will not disappear for no reason.

>> No.697586

>it will not disappear for no reason
It won't be for "no reason".
>why are you so afraid
I'm not afraid. It's just absolutely pointless to me and I'm not interested in trying to time your speculation train to figure out when to jump.

>> No.697612

Whatever... Go make millions with your imaginary money. Why do you need our validation? Please, go waste other coinfaggot's time on the way to the moon on reddit. Bye

>> No.697899

You're preaching to the choir with /biz/

In their mind bitcoin is headed to the floor, and it wont matter to them untill they see it back at $1000.

And when it is back at $1000 they will claim it is overpriced, and anyone buying is retarded.

Then when it crashes and we bottom out at $500 they will claim bitcoin has died again.

So stubborn in their ways, but I couldn't care less, it's their loss.

>> No.698232
File: 72 KB, 600x285, MtGox bitcoin value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And when it is back at $1000
Are you legitimately retarded?
the ONLY reason Bitcoin got up that high was because of market manipulation by MtGox trade bots.

>> No.698242

And if you're wrong?


>> No.698246

According to that article willy bot (if it's even real) spent $117 million.

That's not a huge amount. If that's what it takes to push the price up to $1000

>> No.698252

>You're preaching to the choir
You used that idiom incorrectly.

/biz/ is the guy who gets woken up every Sunday by missionaries ringing his doorbell.

>linking that as though it implies something
Yep, missionaries preaching the cult of Bitcoin.

>> No.698255

Even today Bitcoin only has a market cap of a few billion.

>> No.698281

You're right, Nasdaq and the NYSE getting involved implies nothing

>Even today Bitcoin only has a market cap of a few billion

>> No.698283

I'm glad we agree.

>> No.698289

When the rothschilds knew the french were defeated at the battle of Waterloo. They knew other investors would be watching to see what they did.

Instead of acting on the information directly by buying british bonds, they bought large amounts of french war bonds.

All the other investors thought this meant that the British had lost. So they sold british bonds and bought french.

Guess who was there buying up the British bonds at Rock bottom prices? Yes, the rothschilds.

They had used their information advantage and wealth to pull off the final ruse. They bought at the bottom of the British empire which then became Pax Americana and the new world order this cementing their place as our financial overlords for probably the rest of human history.

I forgot what the point of the story was but I think you should buy Bitcoin.

>> No.698307

Its unheard of for any single person to buy over $100 million dollars worth of bitcoin which is why so many people think its bogus. Even the silkroad seizure was less than that and the FBI had the single largest Bitcoin wallet that exists. The only theory that makes sense is that the bot wasn't actually buying bitcoin but was an insider of MtGox (maybe Karpeles himself) transferring bitcoin around to make it seem like there was high demand. Just because the marketcap is over $4 billion doesn't mean those Bitcoin would be worth $4 billion if sold on the open market and it sure as hell doesnt give it validity. People will sell rocks as pets if they think there are people that are dumb enough to buy them. The first bitcoin exchange was a retrofitted Magic the Gathering card game marketplace. The fact that the price has been mostly declining for more than a year means that demand hasnt been able to keep up with supply. The downward trend started right after the bots were discovered and brought to attention. It just goes to prove that the $1100 price was a complete fabrication. You guys have major balls to suggest to anyone that bitcoin is "cheap" and they should buy some now. Thats like telling people that they should reinvest with Madoff because a few people actually made money.

>> No.698315

The silk road seizure was actually more than that in dollars at the time.

Saying willybot was the only reason the price went up is like saying 9/11 was carried out by terrorists armed with knives directed from a mountain cave in Afghanistan by Osama bin laden and the Taliban.

>> No.698325


>The silk road seizure was actually more than that in dollars at the time.

>Saying willybot was the only reason the price went up is like saying 9/11 was carried out by terrorists armed with knives directed from a mountain cave in Afghanistan by Osama bin laden and the Taliban.
Wrong. Willybot was not the only bot running at the time.

>> No.698329

Still your line of argument is quite far fetched.

>> No.698332

Wrong. The far fetched theory is that a single person bought over $100 million dollars worth of Bitcoin.

>> No.698336

It was like 65k coins. You can google up a list of the biggest single wallets and the fbi seized stuff is toward the top.

>> No.698342



>> No.698492
File: 49 KB, 600x900, 1369025364487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are still bitcoin shills on /biz/

>> No.698495

They came back after it started to rally in mid-January.

>> No.698611
File: 564 KB, 595x737, sour grapes bout to get raped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally today in time square. The NYSE isn't just getting in casually, they're ready to switch, and they want to beat you faggots into the pool.

>> No.698626

And so they shall...and so they shall.

>> No.698631

Right well, I beat them in so I'm set. If you post an address under that ID I'll throw you a dollars worth right now.

>> No.698639


From 2 weeks ago, idk about you guys but the CEOs of paypal and Expedia sure know a lot more about business than I do

>> No.698723

They certainly do. They're investing in services rather than speculating in a commodity.

>> No.698733


bitcoin doesn't have the petroldollar backing it, or the us navy

the NYSE will not switch away from the status quo


tech startups a shit, let me know when GE starts accepting bitcoin or Chevron

>> No.698736



>> No.699468


>> No.699503

Semi-OT but this is the only BTC thread I saw in the index.

If I get free electricity (well, included in rent), is mining profitable? I've got enough money to buy ASIC miners, it's just a question of whether they'll actually pay for themselves or not.

>> No.699507

>right now it's really cheap
1 coin for 250$ is cheap?

>> No.699510

Comparatively, yes. It was up to $1000, at one point, and would have been at least $500 if not for gox.

>> No.699511

Oh. Hell I wish it would crash one more time.
Is bitcoin mining worth the electricity? Seems like the pace is really low nowadays.
And did that dogecoin shit ever do anything?

>> No.699517

You are all newbs.

I have over 50 million dollars in bitcoin

>> No.699538

Nice. I wish I had that many bitcoins

>> No.699621
File: 111 KB, 302x377, GMYSG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.699623
File: 10 KB, 1183x113, I've been rused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair choice, but why not actually take the dollar?

I want to give YOU specifically a dollar, so that if it catches on, you can get a nice meal on me.

>> No.699631

> not making 40 grand a month trading altcoins
stay poorpleb.

>> No.699772

What game is that from?

>> No.700208
File: 543 KB, 2272x1704, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need it.
Already have a few BTC.

And I wanted to pull a gentle ruse.

>> No.700423

How do you make money on bitcoin?

> put in 10 thousand at 200$
> wait the next high at 600$
> go cash out
> fees have gone 500% higher on cash out providers
> tfw

You would better investing or playing poker.

>> No.700427

Daily reminder that those are the same people who created the dot com bubble

>> No.700436

With free electricity you will make some bucks if you get in a mining pool. But it will take months to pay for the investment

>> No.700438

hhahahahah this guys

>> No.700558


>> No.700605
File: 377 KB, 610x344, 1427381575890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two days since this happening happed, and nocoiners are all still quiet about it.
it warms me inside.

>> No.700611


>> No.700612

>still quiet about it
We've already said (repeatedly) that it doesn't really mean anything. What more is there to say?

>> No.700614

You already posted this video. If you have a memory disorder, I apologize in advance.

>> No.700617

You realize that that picture is fake right? It was done by NASDAQ's media team. It is happening though and all the other internet funbux will skyrocket too like last time.

>> No.700620

how about this then?
or this... >>699631
or this
should i go on? because i can.

>> No.700622

All have been exhaustively discussed already, yes.

>> No.700623

'cheap coinz' is the mantra of Bitcoiners. Didn't you get your cheap coins when the were a mere $600

>> No.700624

>should I go on
If you want to waste your time, feel free.

>> No.700625

i meant to ask whether you though that the chancellor of the exchequer in great britain taking an interest also "didn't really mean anything". or the other 500 fucking links anyone itt could post.
pretty sure you're right at this point. strange.

>> No.700630

>didn't really mean anything
It doesn't mean what shills like to imply it means. The Fed has looked into Bitcoin as well. That's kind of the job of these organizations.

>> No.700631

>what shills like to imply it means.
tell me what you think that is.

>> No.700632


>> No.700820

Don't waste your time on /biz/

It will be pro bitcoin when the price is up

But by that point it'll be expensive

>> No.700862

>Don't waste your time on /biz/
This. We don't need your "inside tips", nor did we ask for them. Take your retarded bitcoin shit to plebbit where stupid is welcomed.

>> No.700906

Depending on who you ask, dogecoin has either petered out or is hibernating.

As a dogecoin bagholder, let me tell you: it petered out.

>> No.701247


GE and Chevron don't make multiple small credit card transactions m8


Yeah but the majority of those services can't exist without the coin having value. Are you pretending to be smug just to amplify how stupid you sound? It doesn't make sense why anyone would do that but here you are doing it...

>> No.701440

lol I bought into pnd and didn't cash out at 12sat when btc wasn't as cheap as it is now and pnd has flatlined
sitting here with 25m pnd because I'd rather keep it than sell for £30
I'm just gonna get a part time job instead

>> No.701525

This should be the entire thread, and the response to every shitcoin thread hereafter.

Please bicoiners, go be right/wrong/whatever someplace else. We do not care.

>> No.701580
File: 117 KB, 320x263, lereddits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is photoshop. It was posted to le reddit and called out in about 10 seconds.

>> No.701635
File: 405 KB, 991x521, 1422749993200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just look at it this way; $250 is nothing to be rich in 10 years

>> No.702191

>buying a fad after the height of its popularity
Do you even into /biz/?

>> No.702505

Well why don't you fuck off out this thread and leave it to the people who actually want to discuss cryptocurrencies?

Are you such a degenerate NEET that you need to shit on every single thread?

Holy fuck you guys are autistic