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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6973361 No.6973361 [Reply] [Original]

They are literally watching every thread right now. As soon as the keyword LINK or MOBIUS is triggered, they appear. Try it for yourself if you dont believe me. The pajeets are out in the street right now.

>> No.6973373

Mobius is good coin sir pls buy sir

>> No.6973381


>> No.6973385

fuck you and fuck LINK
MOBI is superior in every point you faggot just read the medium article

>> No.6973440



>> No.6973450

Can it be any more obvious? What native english speaker uses that sentence structure or grammar? Read it in a pajeet accent and it will make sense immediately.

>> No.6973451

I fud it for free because I'm fed up with you Pajeets shilling your religious cult with two dozen threads a day.
It's built on nothing but hype and memes.
t. former stinky

>> No.6973466

explain how link works I hear you lose a link for every transaction? how is it useful if through entropy the price increase where it become like btc with 28 dollar transaction ?

>> No.6973488

broken pajeet english strikes again

>> No.6973490
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You're one paranoid nigger

>> No.6973580

you're proving me right.

>> No.6973775
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Whats the matter, dont want anyone else to see what youre up to?

>> No.6973799

I dont even give a fuck about you conspiracy faggots. Im happy mobius fags are keeping you delusional bagholders at bay. Mobius is objectively a better project btw

>> No.6973815

Fucking idiot, Mobius is just way better oracle provider than Chainlink. That's why everybody is going to use Mobius.

>> No.6973854

Haha but hurt link guy afraid to lose to vaporwave mobius because link is also vaporware

>> No.6973907

i swear every single post you pajeets make is in broken english

the UK needs to go back and recolonize your ass

>> No.6973962

>he dubs my dubs,so they cancel out

Why are you mad that I asked a serious question about the destruction of a link for the transaction to happen on the link network you fag

>> No.6973988

Lol Mobius trying to compete with Satoshi Nakamoto’s side project.
>my sides

>> No.6974012

I just learned that Cardano is going to create interoperability between all cryptos, allow you to program ICOs in any language (longer term) and create interoperability between banks SWIFT... this shitcoin is going to be obselete before it is ever finished. LMAO you bagholders LMAO

>> No.6974025

mobius is better. They just announce they work with WTC now. LINK has fucking nothing.

>> No.6974046

link is better because it has better memes and good people like rory in the team. link team for life!!!

>> No.6974067

read this in a pajeet accent and tell me thats not a fucking indian typing this

>> No.6974079



no one is triggered m8, its just that people know what Mobius is because of Stellar. And thats only because of mass adoption for Stellar. Mobius is just better than Link and LINK is shit thats a proven fact

>> No.6974095

I can't even remember the name of the coin that did this in November. App something. I think it might have had a z in the name.

>> No.6974239

zap sir.

>> No.6974248

Should I become a stinky linky?

>> No.6974277

brown id. checks out

>> No.6974285


>> No.6974334

>and now mobius

every month another "LINK-killer" appears and pajeets go to town.

>> No.6974366
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It has become quite evident that we need to establish a ChainLINK Raj. The Mobius subcontinent is getting very uppity with this FUD rebellion.

>> No.6974369

I remember having to sit through the zap shilling. It was vomit-inducing how blatant it was

>> No.6974389

I am fascinated to know if a single person signed up to that scam ico or was it just devs buying from themselves. Its rank 1256 at any rate

>> No.6974538

What is SWIFT POC and active testnet. Go fuck yourself pajeet

>> No.6974540 [DELETED] 

Just found out the mobius dev team prefers link after all. Pic taken yesterday. Had to shit in the street to gain their trust.

>> No.6974581
File: 300 KB, 625x415, shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out the mobius dev team prefers link after all. Pic taken yesterday. Had to shit in the street to gain their trust.

>> No.6975211

They are back to making threads, so this goes back to the top. Try it for yourselfs, anons

>> No.6975311

Fuk u white bitch. Go fuck dog you boy loving craker bitch. Ur momma has big titty, slurp slurp I suck them last night so big and juciy

>> No.6975365
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>> No.6975513

White faggot mutherfukers. I fuk all ur momma. Ohhh yes she suck me right now, yessssssss oohhhhhh yesssssss I fuk all u white bitches momma ohhh yesssss she have big tittys. Faggot white bitches motherfukers gay gay gay white boys u like dick in ass? U like dick in ass? Nasty faggot white faggot motherfukers

>> No.6975541


>pajeet noises intensifies
>scam is being exposed
>pajeet angry
>pajeet make english
>bad pajeet

>> No.6975572

The crypto market is so full of shitty people and retards. It will be the death of you all.

>> No.6975634


>boomer noises intensifies

Take your ass to reddit if you cant handle the heat.

>> No.6975650

99% of the people fudding link have huge stacks of it themselves and are either doing it as a joke or are doing it to keep the prices low so that they can accumulate more.

>> No.6975668

That used to be the case, now its literally pajeets from the mobius team trying to market their copycat coin

>> No.6975762
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>> No.6975841


'tank yew for cawin mikro soft tek suppert, aye am rah-sheed and et lewks like yor cum-poo-ter haz da virus.