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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 12 KB, 200x200, dent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6972499 No.6972499 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your worst coin?

>> No.6972672

Sold this niggercoin a few weeks ago. Glad i did

>> No.6972687


>> No.6972872

UCH - Ucoin cash ponzi XD

>> No.6972882

DENT is actually going to fly in one week

>> No.6972979

Tell me why please. I was a holder for a long time but a certain PnD group shilling made me sell. Didn't buy back cause of the recent low on Bitcoin.

>> No.6973018

you sold at all time low week before android working app released
>hopefully that teached you a lesson not to listen to p&d shill pajeets

>> No.6973027


>> No.6973031


>> No.6973046
File: 15 KB, 400x400, Mz-gE-Zg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6973066

holding my DENT with iron hands

>> No.6973087

HORSE, hope mainnet release in feb gives it some more life

>> No.6973111
File: 11 KB, 200x200, shitcube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this absolute piece of FUCKING GARBAGE.

Can't wait to dump this SHITCOIN and be free.

>> No.6973127


>> No.6973132

notice whenever you mention mobius their pajeets come and post? They are literally scanning every thread. Predictable, and pathetic.

>> No.6973147

Those without patience do not deserve to reap the rewards from this coin. You will always remember "SHIT I can believe I once owned x amount of chainlink and sold it for $1! What the fuck was i thinking!"

>> No.6973168

Still holding DBC.... Not comfy

>> No.6973170
File: 12 KB, 250x42, crashlnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips confirms

>> No.6973176

I have some of this shit too, I just want to break even and never see it as long as I live

>> No.6973230


It JUST’s me everything fucking day, over and over

>> No.6973238


>> No.6973247

I sold high. Right after the ATH. What scared me was the obvious manipulation that was happening as It was obvious the coincidência would fucking Free fall, and It did.
Also thank you, now I know fucking nothing relevant is happening.

>> No.6973248

Also holding dbc, also not comfy. What scares me most is circulating supply vs total supply

>> No.6973259

i have 1
on cryptopia
just so i could shitpost about it

>> No.6973297

I bought at ath, someone tell me its gonna be ok

>> No.6973333

Mobius by far. It's a scam.

>> No.6973337

I always thought Litecoin/Peercoin could do well, and still kinda do. All these "for payments" alternatives like Ripple and other pump/dump bullshit are just ripoffs of the discrete paths already laid out. That is, if we're even gonna accept cryptos generated for some shitty purpose like to guess a password. instead of using the power to model complex simulations

>> No.6973356

Potcoin and Opus.

>> No.6973434

It's a glorified json parser and sergey is addicted to speed.

>> No.6973476
File: 119 KB, 500x378, 1516908397476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITNS, but I'm consistently increasing my position selling @ 24hr close and selling before Asian morons dump.
Good coin stuck on a bad exchange, very long on it.

>> No.6973603

HCC :(

>> No.6973788

IOTA.. why no moon

>> No.6973901

ACT-bought $500 worth, down 47%
BNB-bought $1144 worth, down 43%
DBC bought $400 worth, down 35%
DRGN bought $400 worth, down 54%
BNTY bought $500 worth, down 45%
PRL bought $700 worth, down 60%

I know I'm a degenerate. What should I sell? Thinking about selling ACT, DRGN and BNB.

>> No.6973934

stinky linkies

>> No.6973971

>link is not a shitcoin
whom are you kidding pajeet

>> No.6973993


>trying to speak the queens english
>nobody talks like that anymore

blatant pajeet is blatant

>> No.6974001

wow, so much red
if btc pumps BNB will do great

>> No.6974063

Verge and TRON :(

>> No.6974241

Yeah well, my initial investment of $8000 turned into $5500 now so hopefully, I learned my lesson.

>> No.6974264