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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6969919 No.6969919 [Reply] [Original]

When is this going to do something?

>> No.6969950

After it gets added to KUCOIN

>> No.6969959

When exchange and partnerships get announced on the 31st, so be patient and accumulate.

>> No.6970001

Where to cop

>> No.6970050


>> No.6970095


It is dead anon. Move on. Only the company buys, check their address and what they did on Ether Delta. Someone posted it all earlier

>> No.6970131

Not even worried my dude, sit tight.

>> No.6970164

Jan 31st, partnership and exchange announcements

>> No.6970196

Only people that are buying his shit is the scammer running the ICO to create volume. It’s nit getting listed on kucoin, it’s their bag holders fluting at straws.

>> No.6970205

Did you buy a stolen logo?

>> No.6970339

The ARY telegram and medium

>> No.6970826


>> No.6970941


Fucking follow the money from their account with 7000 ETH you lazy fuck. It is so obvious.

>> No.6970976

it literally just came out, fag

>> No.6971102

To lazy RN
And he said he would buy the weakhands as his own ones r vested
Sure volume also helps for future listings
Sameer to the money

>> No.6971201

Yeah so did TRAC and its already mooning.

>> No.6971365

Anti-ARYans are so pathetic. Just hold, faggot.

>> No.6971562

once the entire market stops fucking around and everything starts mooning again

>> No.6971573


never, looks like it

>> No.6971610


That was them handing out bonuses dipshit

>> No.6971611


If the dev is buying them doesn't that mean they have faith in their own product?

>> No.6972089

Let's say it gets announced that it's going to Kucoin. How long on average from the announcement until ARY actually gets listed?

>> No.6972207

>largest wallet buying up all the ARY
^this. It's not even some crazy conspiracy you sleuths "figured out". The whole teams' ARY is vested and locked up, so they're buying as much as they can. They say it in the telegram/discord. They're pretty public about it.

>> No.6972312

link to this thread?

>> No.6972386
File: 1.42 MB, 2754x1442, new website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales are unironically accumulating for the relaunch after the 31st

>> No.6972498
File: 36 KB, 737x690, ary logo new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'm glad we got FUDded so hard about the logo because GAHDDAMN the new logo is slllllliiiickkkkkkk. Thanks, ya dumbass FUD fags!

>> No.6972513

link for new site anon?

>> No.6972554


Obviously that's just their test/dev site. They'll move it all onto the current domain after the rebrand.

>> No.6972555
File: 309 KB, 2737x1657, array2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not finished and I don't feel like defending FUD about a half finished website

>> No.6972571

its beautiful :')

>> No.6972677

Dude, I feel the same way. I love how they combated the FUD. Logo? Here's a fucking awesome new logo, fuck you. Sam needs a haircut? Sam got a haircut, suck it. No dedicated devs outside of the executive team? Hires 3 new devs. US-based teams, man. Can't say the same about all these random shitcoin ICOs all overseas

>> No.6972767
File: 100 KB, 1317x1116, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this unironcially will be the next 1000x coin

Literally could walk down the street and ask his old Amazon boss if Amazon would like to save some money

>> No.6972772

I was starting to have doubts over not going all in on Origin Trail for my side pot ico investment now I'm pretty content!

>> No.6972954

Kek imagine the FOMO if one of the partnerships announcement on the 31st was Amazon

>> No.6972981

Don't get people's hopes up. Although that would be fucking hilarious. x1000 easily.

>> No.6973039

Just bought another 5K. I'll be sad once it hits kucoin because I won't be able to cheaply accumulate anymore :(

>> No.6973113

lmfao fug

>> No.6973239
File: 118 KB, 2567x1160, roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are almost finished with their short term goals too so Im guessing the partnerships might be kinda important.

>> No.6973242

If I had to make a real guess, I'd say it's probably a slightly smaller company. My gamble is US Xpress. 2nd largest privately held transportation company, and they're headquartered in the same city as BlockArray. I believe I saw something pre-ICO days where they mentioned a meeting with US Xpress. I'd wager it's them. Screen cap this.

>> No.6973359
File: 29 KB, 916x382, ary xpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The link just goes to a 404 since it's beyond archived, but here's a little thing. Yeah, I'd say the partnership is gonna be US Xpress and one of the exchanges is Kucoin. Soooooo commmfffyyyy

>> No.6973378

Well I'm fairly certain one of the companies they are partnering with is located in Atlanta

>> No.6973379
File: 372 KB, 1600x1431, ARY comparsion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is he said partnerships. so we will definitely have some nice news. He also graduated university in the same city and did a successful startup before, so of course he has connections.

It gets even better once you see that ARY is essential to protocol and has many different uses outside of just the "trucking". Literally in the whitepaper he says it can be used in assembly lines too

>> No.6973400

LINK is good.

Mobius is bad.

>> No.6973419

wrong box

>> No.6973454

Unnnfffffffh blockchain interoperability and DAG compatibility. I swear Sam has, like, future vision or some shit.

>> No.6973511

Sam is the same dude that bought ADA at 2 cents

so before any shills come ITT he of course reads whitepapers and understands products before making a comparison chart

The Block Array team literally made the chart himself

>> No.6973938

kek the sour cunt devery shill

>> No.6973999

anyone have the etherdelta link to buy?

>> No.6974072


bags for life fagots

>> No.6974080
File: 159 KB, 1718x572, array.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974115

>cofounder named sameer Ibrahim-Bacha
>literal son of pajeets
That’s a hard no for me dawg

>> No.6974213

If I hold Ary on IDEX, will I get straight fucked due to how abysmal the volume is?

>> No.6975015

wise decision basis, you will go far THATS A HARD NO FOR ME BRAHHH fuck outta here poor retard

>> No.6975613

new exchange is being announced before the end of the month, just transfer to whatever one it ends up being and you are fine...

>> No.6975648


>> No.6975923

Can I put this shit on my Etherwallet? How?

>> No.6976455

That actually is a lot better. I thought it was going to be the stupid rectangles.

>> No.6977154

Yes you can store on MEW. Go figure it out. Join the discord. Ask them.

>> No.6977727


U retarded nigga? Send the tokens to your eth wallet

>> No.6977772

I'm new. I just assumed Ethereum Wallet = Just Ethereum. That and I really don't want to get raped by transfer fees.

>> No.6978132


Nevar. Sorry OP. You got pajeeted

>> No.6979004
File: 267 KB, 1004x912, ary4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
