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6966526 No.6966526 [Reply] [Original]

Let me suggest you a coin to invest into: Axpire

it came out less than two days ago and it has some good things going for it:
>great development team, has roger ven (owner of bitcoin.com) (whatever you might think of him, his coins have went up crazy amounts since launch, btc in 2011 and bch went up 6x after release. He doesn't shill any shitcoin (in fact he has never shilled anything except btc, bch and this))
>raised 21 mil in two days during ico, that's a crazy amount and is comparable to that of omisego
>currently underpriced, if it reaches 1/10th the volume of ven, that's still a quick 6x. Btw did i mention that they raised more than that amount in two days out of nowhere during ico sale?
>has unironically great potential, there is a business cost management platform to go along with it where businesses pay their costs with AXP. This will save a lot of money for businesses that deal purely in crypto as you only have to pay tax on fiat + it can help make shady businesses more legit. However it's not illegal since its just a fucking coin
>they also provide other services on their platform such as cost analysing. Since they'll have more data than one business can collect, they can provide analytical advice.
>ecr 223, a new ico format that has many advantages such as halving the gas price and undoing transactions if they're sent to addresses that can't receive them (eg contract addresses)
>future plans, admins have said they're working on a deal to get it listed on binance and on other exchanges

literally give me one reason why not to buy this?
some people talk shit about the coin but they can never come up with a flaw in the coin. All they do is frogpost senseless fud in order to drop the price so they can buy out all the bags to carry them to the moon.

Despite all of this, this is one of the only things still going up in a bearish market

>> No.6966753
File: 320 KB, 632x813, Profit has axpired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy coin sirs
>it's good coin sirs

>> No.6966856
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this is what i'm talking about, fucking shill. instead of suggesting another coin or pointing out flaws, they just post senseless fud

>> No.6966927
File: 82 KB, 1311x584, axpire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fud on my coin
>pls by my bags sir
>my bags need to be bought I need food

>> No.6966996
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ok, this is the definition of fud, i just went on coinmarketcap and its 20% higher

>> No.6967103

>it rebounded from its -50% 24H drop to a -13% 24H drop
>literally no support on ED until you hit a 3 ETH buy order at 10 cents
nobody wants to buy your heavy bags Rankesh

>> No.6967205
File: 5 KB, 457x62, 100k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, bought 100k

>> No.6967303

Dumped it the second I finally received them at x1.4.
Such a clownish distribution, tells a lot about the project. Sad, I was one of the losers who got it at the end and didn't sell at x2-3.

Don't buy his bags, Op is either one of the losers or too stupid to hold this

>> No.6967524

Was able to dump my bags at 2.2x. So fuckin happy. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking getting into this. I feel so bad for the guy who bought 480k who brags in every thread.

>> No.6967565

The red flag was Roger Ver, a literal egomanic clown, being listed as an Advisor

>> No.6967623

Well, we still got some profits and got in right before the market crash, so I'm still quite happy

>> No.6967650

Did you really sell before getting listed on any real exchange? That faggot mentality made me dump snovio at 2 cents on etherdelta. Then it got added to kucoin and went to 23 cents or something like that.

>> No.6967679

Honestly did the exact same thing. I'm glad that I was able to make some profit.

>> No.6967711

watch Roger Ver, the man who literally said there's nothing wrong with insider trading, dump on all you fags

>> No.6967730

I have a 100k, tried to dump my bags but could fucking deposit on that shit exchange.

Anyways, I have a feeling when the tokens are distributed they will be listed on a decent exchange so will dump my bags then.

>> No.6967807
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Very good coin sir, you would be a fool not buy

>> No.6967875

they are a slow team and this is a pajeet coin, but yes eventually they will list on an exchange imho


>> No.6967880

Lol, emotional trading sure will make you rich
He's a fucking billionaire and will list us on Binance just to pump his rep in the cryptoworld just a bit more
See you foomoing st 50 cents

>> No.6967905

I mean it was an easy flip since it x2 pretty fast on etherdelta
Idk if you failed at wording your post properly or don't know how this works

>> No.6967921

>See you foomoing st 50 cents
I bought into a better Matrix which did a 8x

no ty I will NOT buy your bags
not everybody had their tokens

>> No.6968428

Fair enough if you like pretending to be a racist on 4chan, but if your basing your investment decisions on racial bias your a fucking idiot.

>> No.6968458

Fucking Roger Ver, how is this a plus? He is a fucking tool with this B trash. I was thinking of joining and then I saw it, ROGER VER. Good bye.

>> No.6968468

each and every scammer I have encountered has been Eastern European or Indian.

>> No.6968483

shit coin, shit team. telegram admins ban when you ask a question.

total scam.

>> No.6968485

I wanted to invest in it few weeks ago, but then i noticed that Roger Ver is on their team so i choose not to buy knowing hes past.

>> No.6968536

Their major selling point is that they got the scammer Roger Ver on their advisory team..

>> No.6968592

As if a Roger Ver tweet won't moon the price
What are the other projects he's linked to doing? They all must be 5k market caps, right? Since no one invests when his name is attached?

>> No.6968622

kek I'm glad other people saw Roger Ver and thought scam
Tweet Bcash at Roger Ver and see what happens, hint: he is not reasonable.

also Ver has been caught dumping on people with Bcash multiple times

>> No.6968658

Shit you're right, that explains why bcash market cap is sub 1mil

>> No.6968711

>I trust a scumbag with the future of my money

>> No.6968863

I... I still haven't gotten my tokens from the ICO? What the fuck is this distribution model.

>> No.6968892


fuck off fag shill

>> No.6968977

You will never see them again. Youre money paid for Rodger Vers 1st class plain ticket to Hawaii.

>> No.6968979

Roger got his tokens first.

don't believe me? look it up.

>> No.6969022

I got mine after a day and a half everyone will receive their tokens it might take a while though

>> No.6969063

This is crypto
You definitely should trust a scammer with your money

>> No.6969080
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>> No.6969109
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>> No.6969161

you should see their Telegram, its pathetic.

Admins ban when you ask questions.
Everyone in there knows its a sinking ship and tell each other to shill on 4chan and reddit.

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.6969219

that same scammer got his tokens first and dumped them. Unironically go check out the first token movements

>> No.6969264
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>> No.6969345

Lots of FUD being thrown around
Will look into it OP

>> No.6969454


Those days are over. Check your timeline buddy do you know what month it is? I bet you still think Bitcoin is going to 10x this year since it did last year

>> No.6969642


Can you market sell all your coins. I want to see the buy orders get wiped out and the price plummet to zero. Serious please the lulz will be worth it


>> No.6969690

poor people are so salty