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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6965887 No.6965887 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete
- Faster than all other networks
- Decentralized (fuck you autists)
- Transactions cost next to nothing
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (https://dashboard.stellar.org/))
- Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions)
- MOBI+KIN chose Stellar over Ethereum (https://medium.com/kin-contributors/kin-stellar-sdk-initial-draft-839afcaaf55c))
- AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))
- XLM is still not yet on bitfinex or bithumb

Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)

- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (https://soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge))
- lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3

Recent News:

- https://www.stellar.org/blog/Q1-2018-stellar-and-state-of-crypto/
- https://twitter.com/alexisohanian/status/955531298902228992
- Ternio newest ICO on Stellar (https://www.ternio.io/))
- (((Weiss))) Crypto Ratings
- https://stripe.com/blog/ending-bitcoin-support
- Roadmap (https://www.stellar.org/blog/2018-Stellar-Roadmap/))
- https://twitter.com/fairxio/status/956754333260853248
- https://twitter.com/tempo_eu/status/956859658706268160

Upcoming News Related to XLM:

- 01-15 February FairX beta news (alleged)

Still not bought in, nigger?

>> No.6965913
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>> No.6965964
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>Stellar jobs

>> No.6965985
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FairX 2018 Confirmed

>> No.6966002
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Stellar is the new Ethereum