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File: 10 KB, 499x230, binance-exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6962109 No.6962109 [Reply] [Original]

>deposited BTC to binance 1 week ago
>still not showing up

Are my bitcoins gone?

>> No.6962131

entering the correct address usually helps

>> No.6962151

>Actually using Dinosaurcoin
Congrats on this, seriously

>> No.6962217

I checked and I did.

>> No.6962219

You may have entered the wrong address. Did you copy pasta

>> No.6962241

if you did you would have goten your btc by now

>> No.6962282

Post the transaction history.

>> No.6962324

Do you have a transaction ID?

>> No.6962346

Post address or TX ID.

>> No.6962361
File: 35 KB, 150x147, martin-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moving crypto using BTC

>> No.6962399

You deserve it to be honest, considering you're using BTC to transfer via exchanges.

>> No.6962429

>trusting chinks

Be glad all they got was 1 BTC

>> No.6962477
File: 14 KB, 538x400, deposit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This what you wanted to see?

>> No.6962628

That's not the transaction ID, that's your address. I don't want to send you money, I want to know if you have a TX ID.

If you find a TX ID you could check where your BTC is.

How new are you?

>> No.6962694
File: 12 KB, 620x277, transaction ID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found it

>> No.6962705

I can't find any transactions to that address.
Post the transaction ID so we can see if the wallet actually sent it to the right address. (there should be some button like "check TX" or something when right clicking the transaction)

>> No.6962730

in case you need it as text

>> No.6962741

Don't post screenshots, copy the actual text, jesus christ.

>> No.6962753

bro you were either phished or put in the wrong address.

stop letting scammers take advantage of you jesus fucking christ

>> No.6962777


Transaction not found, look:


Something is wrong.

>> No.6962803

OP is fucked. Sucks to be you, next time uses ETH, OP.

>> No.6962827

What could it be then?

>> No.6962849

That TX ID is not in the memory pool, meaning the bitcoin network didn't get it at all. You'll have to rebroadcast it.

Get the raw hex data for the transaction and paste it in here:

>> No.6962854

No idea. It's as if your transaction never got sent out. Where did you send your BTC from?

>> No.6962878

The network didn't get the transaction for some reason. Maybe your wallet is buggy. Your money it not gone, don't worry.

>> No.6962908

hi sir

pls to send me private key i look into this for you.

-bitcoins support team

>> No.6962931

Where do I get the hex data?


This way doesn't seem to work

>> No.6962955

it's literally gone then lol

>> No.6962961

Are you using electrum?

>> No.6962993

Are you sure that the BTC isn't in your wallet?
What's the address of the wallet you sent it from?

>> No.6963003

Bitcoin Core

>> No.6963022

your shit probably failed to be delivered to miners
>contact binance tech support or wait long enough for that txid to expire and network will refund your shit back

>> No.6963047

Tell us your btc address. Then take a screenshot of the btc address you deposit to on binance site

>> No.6963081

Binance is pice of shit they dont even have Digibyte listed, its a joke exchange -.-

>> No.6963093

also tell us ur private key sir. we will look into issue for you. binance suport.

>> No.6963103
File: 480 KB, 493x342, 1516892463716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually used BTC to move money???

>> No.6963111

No need to give us private keys.
I'm serious trying to help him out here.
No need to be sarcastic anon.

>> No.6963117
File: 3 KB, 180x159, balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It changed to this after I sent it

My address:

>> No.6963140
File: 53 KB, 283x288, 1516989261720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please faggots get op his buttcorns back

>> No.6963142

Ohhhh, so you're hosting your own node then. That probably explains why the transaction didn't get broadcasted properly.
The raw hex for the transaction should be available somewhere in your wallet, i have never used core though so i don't know where it is.
When you find it, go to https://blockchain.info/pushtx and make the blockchain.info node broadcast it.

>> No.6963210
File: 15 KB, 413x395, 1516928448500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, cmon anons let's help OP out here.

i'd probably feel bad too If i tried to FOMO in on crypto late and used fucking BTC to transfer funds.

>> No.6963217
File: 2 KB, 319x36, screenshot-blockchain.info-2018-01-26-20-18-24-975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your money is still in there, the tx just didn't get broadcasted. Nothing is gone.
Just find a way to get your wallet on your pc to realize that the bitcoin is not actually sent so you can resend it.

>> No.6963276

Binance tech support HAHAHAHA

"hi welcome to Binance, your ticket support number is 12948567672394985762141432, your problems are important to us please standby."

>> No.6963350
File: 43 KB, 372x381, 1515804518300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6963379

I literally just used a few bitcoin faucets a few years ago, forgot about them, and found out my wallet was worth $400~

So where is the hex stored in bitcoin core? How can I access it?

>> No.6963554

I just found a better way. Just use the rescan command on your bitcoin core wallet and the money should be back in there. Look up how to rescan the blockchain in bitcoin core.

>> No.6963581


>> No.6963607

Alternatively you could just import your private key into electrum and send it from there.

>> No.6963678

Check https://blockchain.info/address/1FSYvWRw16zgd6mN89uYAzjwstdXW6WYqo

Your balance is still 0.03566817 BTC

Try to reload your stuff from some other wallet

>> No.6963799


Is this the first way you mentioned?

>> No.6963896

OP is stupid and send to wrong address or got scammed somehow.
I just transfered today and it was in my account in less than 20 minutes.

>> No.6963953

Yes, but sending the TX from your own node will probably not work the second time if it didn't work the first time.
Just import your wallet into electrum and send it from there (it uses an external node for sending transactions since it's a lite wallet).
Also, send all your btc. Don't leave the 0.0007 btc you have left in your wallet. You won't be able to send them because of bitcoins outrageous TX fees.

>> No.6963984

No he didn't, you idiot. He's hosting his own node but it's not broadcasting properly.

>> No.6964069

Thanks all and thanks for the help anon! I'll try that out later

>> No.6964086

No problem.

>> No.6964325

what should you be using?