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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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695866 No.695866 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 2.5 GPA
>tfw no extracirriculars
>tfw the VP of an asset management firm is a family friend and got you a job as a portfolio manager
>tfw beat dozens of Ivy-League fucks with three internships and a 4.0 each for the position.

No amount of studying or working will ever beat sheer nepotism. I'm gonna be making 92k straight out of college and I skipped half my classes to watch anime and play video games.

>> No.695869

Sure thing anon. Sure thing

>> No.695870

Then you perform terribly and get fired. Have fun!

>> No.695872

Tfw when you realize everything's been handed to you
Tfw when you realize your wife's only with so she doesn't Have to work
Tfw you accomplished nothing in life and die meaning less

>> No.695873

OP is lying

This kind of nepotism doesn't happen.

A family friend isn't going to give some moron a good job.

Unless OP is good looking and/or has good salesmanship I don't see this being true.

It might help get your foot in the door, but not like this.

>> No.695875

>getting married
a tall tale sign that you're a fuck up.

>> No.695890

Tfw when you spent thousands on you kids education yet they are illiterate uncultured fucks

>> No.695896

>be delusional
>post cartoons on 4chan

>tfw the only truth of OP's post was the 2.5gpa

>> No.696114
File: 985 KB, 440x247, jews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw friends are all poorfags
>tfw the picture not related

It's okay anon, I'm a 2.5 GPA finance major, so I totally believe you. Played dota all college, passed through sheer test-taking ability and a miracle. I'm curious what's your uni?

>> No.696135

my buddies dad was the friend of the owner of a commercial real estate brokerage firm in cali. my buddy was vice president in under 2 years after hire

>> No.696157

how delightfully middle class of you.

marriage is one of the best ways to move money around and increase earnings/investment opportunities.

of course, that only holds for people who have access to proper partners, which isn't most on this chinese cartoon image board

>> No.696160

it's okay, buddy. you fucked up. we understand and there is no need to justify your poor decisions.

>> No.696167

Cute. 16 year olds thinking they know how the world works. You probably won't ever realise that I'm right, but that's okay - because people like you aren't suppose to

>> No.696171

does your wife make you defend your marriage online or she won't sleep with you?

>> No.696172

alright. going to roll the dice on the chinese cartoon board, but why do you think marriage is a poor financial decision?

>> No.696177


>2.5 GPA

Jesus Christ, what was your major? I mean you actually have to try to be this retarded

>> No.696182

What kind of school/degree are you engaged with where the average person gets >70%?

>> No.696185

keep dreaming

>> No.696186
File: 580 KB, 500x275, tumblr_ml01gvUPCG1r18fjgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw arguing with 16 year olds.
Anyway, aside from the obvious benefits of cost sharing (health insurance, housing, daily life expenses), which protip because I know you live in your mothers basement - adds up to a decent amount of saving - marriage opens up some really interesting trust strategies for tax minimisation (such as ability to shift income). Spouses are also exempt from gift taxes; and shifting assets around to minimise capital gains tax is also readily possible with a partner. Oh, and your spouse also can't be compelled to give evidence against you.

Obviously your mileage will vary depending on jurisdiction, quality of advisers and method of income generation - but the /biz/ circlejerk regarding marriage is fucking stupid.

>> No.696194

>significant amount of marriages end in divorce
>mother takes the child in most divorces
>male is the higher earner in most marriages = alimony

Sure it's great if it's a successful marriage, but there's never reward without risk.

The financial gain also may not be worth the change in lifestyle for some (stability vs freedom).

>> No.696206
File: 74 KB, 666x692, marriage stat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>significant amount of marriages end in divorce
because guys tend to select used goods. Marriage and kids are a big part of life. It adds to overall satisfaction.

Marry a girl in her teens or early 20ies (if she was somewhat sheltered) and enjoy a successful marriage. Everything else has poor ROI.

>> No.696207

>No amount of studying or working will ever beat sheer nepotism

Been in the financial industry for decades, and this is as true today as it was 20 years ago.

It's not just straight nepotism. Children of financially literate parents have a mile long head start over children of financially ignorant parents.

IMO This 'inherited knowledge' is almost as important as the MBA they eventually receive. Second most important would be the 'inherited network' of financially savvy parents, friends, and entire network.

I would put MBA as 3rd on this list. I've seen many kids come out of a program with a 4.0 gpa but don't perform as well in the market and aren't promoted as fast as the connected kids.

>> No.696212

>having sex with 2 people before marriage halves your chance of a stable marriage

Sounds pretty bullshit

>> No.696237

>things that didn't happen: the troll thread

>> No.696242

>tfw 2.5 GPA
>tfw no extracirriculars
>tfw Mr.Goldman is a family friend and got you a job
>tfw beat dozens of Ivy-League fucks with three internships and a 4.0 each for the position.
>tfw now chief goy manager in Goldman Sex

>> No.696247

Bonding mechanisms, mate. So fragile. So precious.

It's even more surprising considering that this study considered a marriage successful if it only held more than 4 years.

>> No.696251

I think everyone is jumping the gun here and thinking on two different planes.

rqde3UZW is obviously married into a sugar mommy, or at the very least she is related to some wealthy relative. What everyone is arguing to him about is the conventional marriage where the entire girl's family's side is poor as fuck - That's when marriage becomes absolutely useless.

Now, will you niggers stop bickering?

>> No.696252


>> No.696255
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 1376423716610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, friend.

>> No.696257

Sweet; sounds like you had some really good connections (or 'A' really good connection to be specific).

Though to be fair those 'ivy league fucks' still have the experience and the grades showing that they can put effort forward. I am sure that they will be able to find a job elsewhere.

While it is awesome that you got this job be sure to work at it; your first job can be your most important one. You may be content here for a while but when you want a new job your performance at this one will be really important.

Anyway connections always have been important and and far as I can tell; will always be important.

>> No.696274

>mfw arguing with 16 year olds
>Marry a girl in her teens
top kek

housing and daily life expenses can be lowered by having a roommate or just living below your means. if you can't afford health insurance then you must be working paycheck to paycheck in some shit job and tax minimization is a moot point. getting married for "tax minimization" will only have a significant effect if your wife has little to no income, or at least significantly lower income than you which negates your "benefit of cost sharing."

or of course as >>696251 pointed out you married a sugar mama in which case all your points are moot.

>> No.696291
File: 2.93 MB, 225x180, laughing girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bonding a loli to you

It's like you want a vapid old hag as a financial liability attached to your household.

>> No.697600

Well done man. Fuck those nerds. It's not what you know it's who you know
>tfw college dropout but childhood friend had a legendary idea and asked me to be his partner from day 1
>going to make mad bank using my natural talents and actually doing something I like instead of paying tens of thousands to some liberal indoctrination center to learn bullshit I don't care about

>> No.697604


Connections and networking are everything. In my adult life (and I am A LOT older than the majority here) I have gotten 2, a grand total of 2, jobs all on my own through an application. All the rest I knew someone, or knew someone who had someone that owed them a favor.

I actually have an interview lined up for next week for possibly the 3rd job of my life I will get from an application... its taken 2 years to find something I could actually consider leaving my current job for

Who you know and who they know are the most valuable things in life.

>> No.697613

Yeah, sure you are pal. You're the next new success story. Give me a fucking break. Your shit is going to go down like a lead zeppelin. Literally.

>> No.697626


Just a small point on health insurance... my health insurance costs more than 2 car payments and full coverage for both cars. Last month my health insurance was $863. That isnt exactly walking around cash

>> No.697948

You have no fucking talent. Your friend's idea is probably to shove a couple of kilos of weed up each other's asses and try to cross the border.

>> No.697966

I love the correlation between poverty and making jew memes on a japanese website.

>> No.698135

> seriously suggesting a few financial tricks will mitigate the costs of the extravagant wedding, multiple houses, new cars, jewelery, a lifetime of supporting children, and other bullshit your stupid cunt will make you buy or else she won't suck your dick

>> No.698868

>Marriage and kids are a big part of life. It adds to overall satisfaction.
>spouting this shit
Not everyone wants to marry or have kids.

>Everything else has poor ROI.
Marrying is always inferior to simply living with a partner and sharing costs that way, when the risk of divorce factors in.

>> No.698888

I will be sure to keep that in mind. I got my first internship because I knew a guy and he got me in. My second and third internships came from the fact that I had previous experience.

I am planning on graduating in May so right now I am looking for jobs. Hopefully I will be able to leverage my experience and connections to land me my first job out of college.

>> No.698890

Sounds like me and you are in the same boat. Good luck!

>> No.698891

>latching onto this bait written by some anime-watching NEET

fucking /biz/

>> No.698971


Meanwhile plenty of people get jobs by applying haha

>> No.699035

>Only had 2 jobs through applications
>All others were from connections
>Applying for 3rd job ever.

So "all other jobs" was 0 jobs?