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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 696x449, upfiring-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6956537 No.6956537 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone, I see a lot of Upfiring shilling on /biz but rarely some actual information about what UFR is and how it stands out from all other coins and tokens that exist out there.

Upfiring is trying to solve the situation with both low quality and absent files in the decentralised file sharing network. You have probably noticed a decline in seeders and diversity in files. This will be more and more prominent in the future with all kinds of streaming services. Upfiring is trying to solve this by giving you an incentive for seeding files so that you earn some money doing what you maybe already is doing right now.

How is UFRs approaching this compared to today's torrents and other ways of sharing files?
Many people leech from others without sharing themselves because they think they don't get anything in return. This in turn diminish both the quality of said files and the amount of seeders of some files (think rare files).

By UFR giving an incentive to seeders to seed a file, more and more will host files for a longer period of time. They will pay you to seed files. This will bring back a lot of old files to the sharing platform and also faster downloads with more seeders.

Before investing in anything, always do you own research, but this little text maybe will get you more interested in what I think is a great idea for the future.

>> No.6956645
File: 1.11 MB, 320x288, fire_ufr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold some in the hopes that the new exchange and release of Alpha will make it moon

But other than that, I have made quite a bit from swing trading UFR thanks to weak hands that run away at every FUD

>> No.6956815

i never hear of this coin before until now, but let me tell you its the one coin i was waiting for. a hidden gem that not many people know

>> No.6956856

I agree. its one of most undervalued coins on market right now. you must be fool to not own some UFR

>> No.6956868

Dead torrents is a common problem.

>> No.6956999

hmm that shilling tho xD nice bro, ill see you on 9gag. hmu senpai :)

>> No.6957070
File: 228 KB, 1570x1219, 1515108443249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure scamcoin. /biz/ has a group of 300 dedicated shills that all bought above 1$ wanting to drop their bags on newfags. Don't buy.

>> No.6957084
File: 562 KB, 683x642, 1503334559300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read anything you said but if this is not some copy pasta from the discord PnD, then you still made a bad choice.
You aligned yourself with the PnD owners (first investors, they probably dumped their bags already) and literal pajeets.

>> No.6957096


Stop with this discord bullshit.

Your group is pathetic.

This coin is pathetic.

There is zero future in monetizing P2P.

Fuck off.

>> No.6957102

ty grandpa

>> No.6957118


>> No.6957126

The devs also said they intended this to be used as a means for artists to distribute their works, so I'm actually curious which bands will embrace this technology. Before, music and film didn't have a reason to like torrents other than exposure. Now an artist can drop an original torrent at a low price they name, and get paid for all those downloads while the fans get paid to seed. Win win!

I don't feel bad for leechers. They can afford a few cent.

>> No.6957150
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, 1515874670847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the best project in crypto space imo.
it adresses not only the problem of dead torrents but it also creates a sharing platform where content creator can launch their work for free and gain by sharing it.
It will be like the a new DHT for torrents but better and anonymous.

>> No.6957151

You guys chose a fucking shitcoin for the discord group.

>> No.6957159

This Coin is the Google of Amazon.
Broadband Hyperledger Industry 4.0 coin.
Much buy A+

>> No.6957265

Who the fuck uses torrents anymore

Everything is streamed

>> No.6957569
File: 441 KB, 468x585, UFR_sunset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People torrent the things they can't stream.
Also streaming isn't always the best for file quality. Also while shit internet exists, people are going to abuse their internet at school or work so they can watch their media at home which is barely capable of streaming youtube at 144p just because it's overcast. Fuck if I know why high speed internet doesn't service those regions, but there you go, anon.

>> No.6957985

This is way better than most coins in the market either way

>> No.6958676

Okay. Where were you when memecoins without functional product were being shilled here nonstop?

>> No.6958706

10 points have been deposited to your account

>> No.6958719
File: 319 KB, 800x800, 1490583757125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem vidya so you can't don't contribute to microtransaction craze

>> No.6959465

Who else gonna Upfire their college textbooks?

>> No.6959504

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.6959599

Please tell me how to stream executables. UFR has lots of potential users and that's why this project has bright future.

>> No.6959724

>tfw when you lose service and all your media is gone

why live like that?

>> No.6959778

It's never gonna be a top-20 coin, but it definitely has more room to grow. When Alpha is released and they release some of their code on GitHub it could reach 100m market cap. 2-3x by the end of February is a conservative prediction.

>> No.6960267

>lose service
Pajeet please, I don't live in India.

>> No.6960288
File: 45 KB, 433x538, this is how it works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shillcoins have always made it on /biz/ because /biz/ is leaking hard into every other piece of social media where normans eat it up like hungerstarved african children looking to make a buck

>> No.6960708

you already got dumped on why are you still shilling this piece of shit coin?

>> No.6960800

If its dumped on, doesnt that make it undervalued

>> No.6960992

Humans are creatures of emotion, not logic

>> No.6961557
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, E931220B-9EC2-4D96-8967-14664C492F62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so dumb because 1-2 people said „stfu dont buy its only a shilling coin“
We saw where this coin was before the actual cryptodump and this didnt happen only because some people tried to help out and tell you something about this special coin...
buy in and dont cry because you lose money because of other shitcoins

>> No.6962096
File: 92 KB, 1795x831, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants your bags anon

The government is going to crack down on this shit so fucking hard it's going to be funny

>> No.6962405

10 points have been SHITTED into your account.
10 points have been SHITTED into your account.
10 points have been SHITTED into your account.

>> No.6962458
File: 27 KB, 866x367, gandhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor

>> No.6962491
File: 1.87 MB, 187x155, womenarekids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize the /shill/ discord is STILL bagholding this absolute shitcoin and won't give it up

>> No.6962533

You didn't mention UFR so the bot won't shit 10 points into your mouth. Sorry.

>> No.6962547

they started to shill december 30th, pretty impressive gains actually

>> No.6962686


I was part of their shill group, their pack of retards did not load up on this coin as cheap as you think. Maybe their guppie-sized whale did, but I know for a fact that the majority of these hilarious losers are holding on at a loss, and got in around 1.20 or more.

The meltdown as it collapsed during the mini crashes earlier in the month were so funny that I couldn't help myself and started making fun of them, then I got kicked. Finally. After lurking for weeks.

>> No.6962696
File: 67 KB, 377x466, 1384137787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an ICO holder and I've made enough unrealized gains on UFR that I'll pretty much always be positive on this coin. So the back and forth between the shill group and the FUD group is comical.

UFR will be a binary coin, where it'll hit $100MM if the team makes a good alpha/beta network. If they don't, it'll drop hard and won't ever recover (unless a good network is released).

So until then, I'll swing trade a small stack on Crytopia. I'm hoping this hits $10 someday, but if not, eh.

>> No.6962783

10 points have been SHITTED into your account.

>> No.6963095


>> No.6963314

our scamcoin, /biz/ is literally the birthplace of memescams

>> No.6963366

10 points have been SHITTED into your account.

>> No.6963506
File: 19 KB, 530x530, ufr_dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shillfired to the moon, someday UFR will be grand and you'll regret you didn't join the shill of all shills

>> No.6963520

but I didnt mention UFR ya nunce

>> No.6963555

The /shill/ faggots get more creative by the day truly impressive living up to their groups name

20+pts to your account

also, kys

>> No.6963645

thanks just bought 220k

>> No.6963710


no matter how many times this is shilled on this board, I will never buy this shitcoin
I don't think I despise a shilling campaign more than this one.
This coin is the worst ever made

>> No.6963869

Please shit on the toilet son, not the streets.

>> No.6963946

made me kek irl, thanks anon

>> No.6963951
File: 839 KB, 684x1001, 1515973405054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding UFR and BAT for the long run based on their tech alone. What UFR wants to do with p2p sharing and what BAT wants to do with advertising and supporting publishers both have incredible potential and I don't doubt at all that they're going to explode as soon as they start to be adopted. It feels comfy to coast on a goldmine while the world is scrambling around you.

>> No.6964236

No shit, this is the highest risk/highest potential return coin out there. I think this will be around ALOT longer than most shitcoins. Glad I got in when I did.

>> No.6964316

+5 for whitelisted pic
+10 for lots of words
Quality shillpost Ramesh.

>> No.6964390

"A different kind of coin".
LMFAO wow were u paid to say that horse shit kys

Subway eat fresh
Have it your way
Think outside the bun
A different kind of coin lmfaoooo this place has no shame

>> No.6964435
File: 114 KB, 400x226, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made my highest profit so far with UFR.

>> No.6964468
File: 46 KB, 513x597, UFR_chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine you miss out on a moon because you listened to Pajeet fuding a good coin just because there seems to be a shill group out there. Literally every solid coin has a shill group, how can this be a downside? And they've been shilling for months now which means it's the opposite of a pump and dump. Think for yourself, do your own research and stop listening to Pajeet. That is all.

>> No.6964618

Literally just saw you post this reply in the discord for points LMAO.

>> No.6964622

OP I can ruin this shill for you very easily, if you know what I know you will apologize immediately.

>> No.6964708

this is a fake it till you make it mission, get in now or regret later lad

>> No.6964774

Very good ranjid

>> No.6964797

Pajeet, my son....

>> No.6964872

God not this again.

ITT Sad wankers replying to themselves to get imaginary points on a shill discord.

>> No.6964912
File: 230 KB, 800x500, ufrstronk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you lying? I'm not in any shill group. I just like the concept of the coin and think Pajeets like you who hate money shouldn't dissuade people from buying into UFR. Also if you claim I'm in the shill group then post proof, faggot.

>> No.6965058

*shits internally*

>> No.6965695

I'm impressed mods aren't banning on sight any UFR threads, obvious scam coin being marketed by a pump and dump discord group

>> No.6966331
File: 373 KB, 634x606, gus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not against the rules, and that would be an insane abuse of power. When UFR as a legitimate token grows in considerable power, it would make 4chan look completely and absolutely rigged, which would make traffic go way down. You can't put a ban on shilling. That's childish and absurd.

Also, if there was any pump or dump, I'm doubtful. Looking at the trends for most alt-coins during the first 2 weeks of January, I find it impossible that any pumping or dumping occurred at all.

It's really quite pathetic that the only FUD arguments being pushed against this coin is "a few people are rallying behind UFR and therefore it is bad because they *must* be malicious because ///biz/// told me every who is on a team is against me, even if they invite me to join." You probably let yourself be manipulated into this line of thinking due to low self esteem.

>> No.6966332
File: 630 KB, 821x483, ufrnation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice FUD Pajeet, enjoy the +20 points in your anti-UFR discord shill group. In the mean time people who don't hate money will do their own research and eventually realize that UFR is a pretty sick project. Incentivizing seeding will revitalize the torrent community.

>> No.6966410

Actually that gay ass discord group that spams here forces all of its members to make threads on UFR so you and the rest of your shills can go fuck yourself

>> No.6966499

Keep on posting those whitelisted images from #pictures and mentioning UFR, gotta collect those good boy points.

Hey I'm giving you free chances to make easy replies here, you should be thanking me.

>> No.6966710
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x918, Trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea we're shilling so what, it hasn't done any bad before and it won't now. I'm holding and it has been my comfiest hold really, dumped pfr and bbt.

>> No.6967460

>points out logical holes

>uses picture anyone could have saved from 4chan

>still somehow definitely trying to scam you

Also, I'm not submitting my replies to anyone. I hear you need points to stay in the group, so you know what to do.
You'll feel the need to suck someone's cock sooner or later, so might as well suck mine.

>> No.6967529

Nice, keep it up. You didn't use a pic or mention UFR though so this isn't the best strategy.

>> No.6967773

Want to learn about UFR? read the thread dingus.
Read the white paper, read the reddit, read the updates. Watch a youtube video.

>> No.6967877

There it is.

5 points have been SHITTED in your account.

>> No.6967957
File: 121 KB, 1026x418, ChadUFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sense the butthurt, you missed a chance to get in UFR early, we told you it will skyrocket pajeet but you didn't listen. Now you are spreading FUD and wasting your time for no reason at all. Better listen and get on boat next time peace

>> No.6967966
File: 722 KB, 1566x881, torchic-ufr-super-effective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lot of shilling going around regarding UFR but if you actually look into the tech you'll see thats its more than just an overly shilled coin.

I honestly suggested taking a step back and reading through the information you can find on the coin instead of just saying "OH SO AND SO DISCORD GROUP ARE OUT SHILLING THIS COIN FOR NO REASON".

Do the research and youll see its actually worth investing in.

>> No.6968015

paid bump reporting in.
yes yes buy ufr big money come soon for u buy now

>> No.6968105

exactly, we picked this coin for shilling for a reason

>> No.6968273

Do it actually, you can't say it is a scam or ins't worth investing in just because people are shilling it. Quite opposite actually, they choose a legit coins to spread them. This thing is useful and I actually think it this concept might be used in the future, may even be a good alternative to torrents, there will always be people that pay you for sharing stuff they want. May not be in a near future, but this has a potential to grow. Only thing that is hurting the coin is the FUD that will eventually stop, fuders will get tired and loose interest. You are missing out if you aren't holding at least some UFR.

>> No.6968274

This coin will change the way we share documents and files. Worth a buy.

>> No.6968349
File: 244 KB, 600x800, UFR_clean_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definetly worth putting couple of hundred bucks into it now and forget about it for a year because if everything goes right this can do x25 eoy with ease. I mean look at the roadmap, we prob will have finished working product this year, masses will realise how easy they now can get any content they want using upfiring. You can even consider buying this token now for future use purpose, because apparently you will need some upfiring to download. Say it will be worth 25$ per token at this time, but you bought now at 80¢ so you can download anything you want at max speed for super cheap.
The only problem with this that i see is what about viruses and illegal content like cp. On a torrent site you can see comments, you have moders etc to protect you from viruses, but i dont think something like that will be present in UFR. Comments - maybe, but moders? I dont think so. As for illegal content, i think governments will lose their shit over decentralised service using which you can anonymously get illegal content like cp with no chance of tracking and revealing the parties involved in the exchange. In fact, this can change not only the way we see data distribution through the internet, but thr entire world because of the possibility to transfer any data anonymously to anyone.

>> No.6968426

Pick a better coin to shill stupid curryniggers.

Also 10 points have been shitted into your account.

>> No.6968644
File: 48 KB, 757x474, ufrLambo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder why do people put so much effort in this stupid FUD. It is not like pump and dump, UFR seems legit, why would you shill a scam when there are legit cryptos, right? So you aren't saving people from bad investment or anything. This hate agains UFR is completely stupid, you guys just envy my new lambo

>> No.6968778

Very well written post sir, only 1 more and you'll have enough points to stay in the group for an extra day lmao.

>> No.6968857



Seriously I'm sick of these fucking Discord groups. Stop making your shitcoin shilling so obvious. You guys are fucking shit.

>> No.6968930
File: 22 KB, 400x345, 2E5451BD-F958-4811-A51D-C9CA75D0DF80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Mention ufr/upfiring in your post
As much as this seems obvious, most forget to do this. When you write a reply, please make sure you mention UFR/upfiring in your post. The more often the name is mentioned, the more likely it will stick. And a name that sticks will naturally become a meme; a replicatable culturual asset

2. Use an image from the #pictures channel
Our specialized team has really put their best effort into creating high quality memes. In order for these images to become part of standard crypto culture, we will have to repost them until they get picked up by others. That's how memes work, the replication part is essential. Including one of these pictures will net you a nice bonus in shill points!

3. Make long/detailed replies/threads
Everyone can say "bump" or "buy ufr", and it really doesn't do much to convince any other potential investor when read. In order to really convince people that UFR is a proper investment, we obviously need to explain why UFR is a proper investment! Therefor, lengthy posts are awarded much more points. You can literally get 2 days worth of shillpoints for a well-written lengthy post. Please do not take this guideline lightly, it's really important!

proof: https://imgur.com/a/QORqg

>> No.6968952

UFR triggers people so bad it's pretty funny. The actual product has a long way to go until release. But I respect that UFR is trying to monetize a niche market instead of being another zero utility token.

>> No.6968967

Make shill thread

Post shill thread in Pajeet Discord

Fellow Pajeets arrive with walls of text copypasta.

Try harder guys. THIS is SO fucking obvious.

>> No.6968988

>Say it will be worth 25$ per token at this time, but you bought now at 80¢ so you can download anything you want at max speed for super cheap.

This is a very good point and a valid reason for someone to buy if they plan on actually using Upfiring.

>> No.6969004

20 rupees have been deposited into your discord shitting street

>> No.6969140



>> No.6969238

What are you guys doing? This shill was dumped and abandoned already. Stop trying to dump your bags retards.

Let this be a lesson. All pump groups are scams to enrich the small clique at the top. You literal yards. Cut your losses.