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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 700x639, sc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
695223 No.695223 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy March 27 FB put options.

>Wait until the end of the week.

>Take profit

Thank me later.

>> No.695243
File: 59 KB, 550x412, seance-berlin-1930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is surely the right way to pick winning stock picks. Or conduct a seance. Same thing, really.

>> No.695247

Hold on, two times in a row means that there will definitely be a third one? Do you even stats?

>> No.695256

Stay poor we don't like you anyway.

>> No.695266

>Whhhhhaaaaaaaah!! Someone doesn't agree with me!!! They must be poor!!! And that means they can't have valid opinions!!!!! Whaaaaaaaaah!

>> No.695268

>no strike price mentioned
If you're going to fake it til you make, at least try to sound educated on the topic.

>> No.695274

>Everyone's strike price should be the same

>> No.695277


Obv it's 83 minimum.

>> No.695278

>Thinking technicals don't work

>> No.695283

LMFAO. /biz/ may believe in MLM scams and cryptocurrency hype, but even we aren't dumb enough to fall for TA.

>> No.695288

>Oh no my stock is plummetting why????????????????

>> No.695290

>Daytrading is not almost 100% technical analysis.

>> No.695296


>not day trading fundamentals

>> No.695299

Why do volume bars, macd, RSI exist?
It's all fundamental right? Who in the fuck would use those?

>> No.695301

>Believing that removing the word patient would crash stocks like Cramer said.

B-but everything was down why did it rebound the exact second of the announcement?

>> No.695302

>>Daytrading is not almost 100% technical analysis.
Oh fuck, stop. My sides. You're LITERALLY killing me.

>> No.695309


Because the money supply would essentially stay the same meaning that the equity markets wouldn't have cash flowing from it, rather than to it, as would happen if rates were raised.

>> No.695311

>Using literally incorrectly.

>Fundamental analysis matters in a 1 hour timeframe.

>> No.695325

Not saying I don't look at the fundamentals. Do you believe 30x forward earnings is fundamentally sound? (facebook)

>> No.695326

>Using literally incorrectly
No, I'm being serious. You are literally killing me. You're posts are so pants-on-head retarded that I can't stop laughing, and I'm getting light-headed from the lack of oxygen. I'm one more post from having to call 911. Please show some mercy.

>> No.695341



>> No.695349
File: 22 KB, 492x287, Not real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this retarded?

Why do the bars touch the lines perfectly?

Technicals don't work right?

>> No.695351

>being this mad about being BTFO in his other thread
let it go dude, just step away from the computer. I wasn't posting in the other thread, but was keeping tabs on it all day. You are pathetic.

>> No.695354

oh wow youre worse than the jew memers

>> No.695355

ok, now try drawing lines for the next few days.

Anyone can draw lines on previous price action you fucking retard.

>> No.695356


>keeping tabs on it all day
>you are pathetic

Damn, you got me, samefag.

>> No.695360


Lines in the future, m8.

>> No.695361

Technical analyses works because people use it

>> No.695363

Ok You got me right now I cannot draw any future lines because I don't see any right now but rest assured I have before and many others do and that's why you lose money going against the trend.

>> No.695367

>rest assured
I rest unassured.

>> No.695369


>> No.695377

BTW wait for a trend break before selling short term. Just saying so you don't say later "haha fuckin retard got it wrong."

>> No.695628
File: 27 KB, 506x568, targets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for either trend break with the predicted downside target currently unknown upside target

>> No.695664

Technicals work. I'm 21 and feeding my pops words to tell his broker. We haven't lost yet.

>> No.695685
File: 304 KB, 650x467, Post-Alpha-Bits-Cereal-Creative-Snack-Idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeding my pops words

>> No.696234

It is time.

>> No.696236

Buy puts.

>> No.696384

Two market analyst walk past a $100 bill. One of them asks the other, why didn't you pick it up?

"If it were real somebody else would have taken it."

Case closed.

>> No.696390

but what if they are the first to walk past it?

>> No.696394


Are you seriously trying to tell me OP get there first and nobody else is going to notice? Cus if they do, the stock price will fall where you expect it to peak.

>> No.696426

and then the astrophysicist turns around and picks it up

>> No.696502

as soon as you think you see a pattern, the pattern disappears and fucks you in the ass. Just remember that

>> No.696556

LOL JK guys I didn't even buy it there. Should have bought calls on the down trend break.

>> No.697506

i bought 3 weekly puts @ $83 how fucked am i

>> No.697549

maybe not fucked

>> No.698063

good call OP, those charts really worked out for you

>> No.699244

Good call

>> No.699303

>good call
>price is at 83
>OP's pic shows 83.8
>good call

He could've actually lost on this trade.

>> No.699320

If he's smart he will sell after tomorrow's sell off because Friday will go back up

>> No.699327


I'd like to see what price he got in for and what premium he's paying, considering the option expires this week.

>> No.699331




that boy better hope he can get the fuck out of there as fast as he can

>> No.699688



>> No.699719


I'm rusty as fuck but IIRC the last candle indicate it may decrease

I checked and if you bought puts a t the strike price they'd be in the money now.

>> No.699774

almost everything went down today. Fb will increase tomorrow but on friday we will see

>> No.699787

>buying options with less than a week to expiry

So much autism.


I can look at 2 charts, exact same setup, exact same pattern, similar move "today", one is up based on news, the other's a pump and dump and I can tell you, the pump will eventually burn out. The good news one will last a fair bit longer (depending on what it is, of course).

I mean, I can find you stocks that get pump/dumped several times a year, I can find you penny stocks that pay to get the same bullshit news recycled every year, I can show you dog shit that has a nice chart setup.

>> No.699790


>> No.699793

Then why aren't you rich?
>So much autism

>> No.699902

plsease dont do that

>> No.699917

Do what? Point out the ridiculous claims of some retard who pretends that risky trading strategies are easy and that he effortlessly produces winning trades on command?

Son, I'll point out that kind of faggotry all day.

>> No.699921


>proof isn't in the pudding

you were flat out wrong son. B]


>> No.699934

Kek. The retard who made a prop bet based on the "advice" of an anonymous poster (who didn't even follow his own recommendation) shows and head and pretends to be an investing wizard.

Kid, I can flip a coin too. But I don't go on the internet and brag about it.

>> No.699951
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>> No.699960

Stunning reply. As expected from a professional coin flipper.

Rich yet?

>> No.699983
File: 22 KB, 500x385, calling4dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look mate i'm sorry i really am you know what you think you're right but sometimes you're just flat out wrong and you need to learn how to accept it, and move the fuck on buddy!! lol!! i know that you were trying to say what you think, and make a counterpoint and all that but in the end you know you were wrong and it's time to come clean from these charades. the fact is mister is that money TALKS and these fat wads? these fat sticky wads in my hands? they are speaking loud and clear buddy loud and clear and what they're saying is that you were wrong, dead out flat 100% out of the money wrong. now i'm a nice guy, believe me i can be generous at times and today I'm willing to make you an offer you won't forget. you say that you were super duper wrong right here and now today and I will send you half of my profits from today's trading. that's right this one in a lifetime offer will expire quickly, i'm no angel, but i'm willing to make dues due when they are due. so what's it going to be buddy? are you going to fess up? have you had enough bitter medicine yet? i don't think you have. i want you to gulp it down, real good. really think back on exactly how wrong you were and how in the future you'll think twice before offering advice on bigdick/biz/ as i like to call this place.

>> No.699988

>as if I'm going to read a wall of text from some poorfag
>also, being this butthurt

>> No.699996


>> No.700013
File: 124 KB, 600x490, dubstho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice dubs

now i'm willing to lend you a bit of an ear here because of those nice dubs you've got there at the end of your post pair of 8s! that's nice, that's real nice. 8's are probably one of my favorite dubs to get. they have that nice smooth contour to them that the other blockier numbers don't really have. personally i prefer 4's, because of the sharp slanting edges look nice to each other but hey, as one dubs fan to another what can i say, we love em all don't we. now i know that in this thread we've had our differences, especially concerning this whole FB put debacle and you being wrong this time, but you know what let's put all of that behind us how about. all it takes is one little utterance, just a few words and we'll be right on our merry way. after all! i'm the one holding the money is this situation! eh buddy! ^_^
i'll be monitoring this thread a bit more just in case you change your mind and are ready to see the light! you should really take a long hard look at the graph in the OP and examine it against this week's movements for FB and reconsider your position. It's ok! it was an amatuer mistake, we all make them! god knows I do! I just don't want this to get into your head and affect your trading from here on out you know? being wrong just once can really get to a guy's head, and i understand that the feelings of doubt, impotency and insecurity can be really crippling but i urge you to not let it get to you!!!! again, look at those fantastic dubs you got! those are nice, right? anyways, i'm about to take my gains to the bank, so i'm afraid I'll have to leave for about an hour or two, but i wish you all the best in the future, and want to give you one final piece of advice, and that is KEEP AT IT!!! don't give up! you have a long road of studying ahead of you, i know, but let me tell you it only gets better from here! good luck!

and congrats on the dubs!

>> No.700015

why so mad tho

>> No.700031
File: 52 KB, 321x240, 17636-13443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor, mad, and stupid is no way to go through life son.

>> No.700383


>> No.700385

Take a pic of your gains

>> No.700387


my measly $200 of gains off a measly 4 puts? if u really want bro

>> No.700411

Nah don't trip I was just curious lol profit is profit broski

>> No.700613

Squeaky bum time

>> No.700829


AYY I held onto the puts today and lost all the money i made. I'm -$7 ayyy

>> No.700848
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>> No.700850


damn nigga were you waiting here this whole time? B]

>> No.700857
File: 119 KB, 300x424, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you credit for admitting you fucked up. Most of you gamblers just disappear when your trades go south.

BUT, as I said yesterday, you are still the retard who made a prop bet based on the "advice" of an anonymous poster (who didn't even follow his own recommendation) and then pretended to be an investing wizard.

Kids, don't do this.

>> No.700859
File: 56 KB, 800x538, laughingjgrills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe! i really hope you didn't think i thought i was an investing wizard. it was pretty clearly shitposting. (one of my fav things)

but at the same time, i got the play the game for free, and i had fun doing it, so i wouldn't call myself a retard. especially since the $200 involved is literally nothing.

keep fighting the good fight there buddy! ^_^

>> No.700861

Only a retard would justify a bad trade by minimizing his losses as "literally nothing." You didn't play the game for free, and its not a game anyway.

Thanks for posting. You've undoubtedly done more to harm the argument of those who claim trading is a successful strategy than anything I could have said myself.

>> No.700866


i'm more interested in you as a person now. here's your chance to soapbox to a stranger. tell me:

how is betting $200 randomly (not that much money to me. maybe to you, i don't know) not a game?

what argument? is there a discussion about trading being a successful strategy? strategy towards what?

and lastly "harm"
that's an awfully dramatic word to use for what amounts to a retard shitpost that will fall off the board. maybe this "argument" isn't as serious as you think?

>> No.700870


Forgive my ignorance, but:

What are put options?

Why is this anon suggesting we get them for FB?

How does one acquire put options?

>> No.700885


alright mate. first, do you have a broker? i suggest optionshouse

a put option is a way to leverage your money. you buy 1 "contract"

that contract gives you the option to sell 100 shares at a certain price.

but what am i doing spoonfeeding you like a scrub?

go here you lazy fuck:

and here, watch all of these 3 minute videos

as for why this anon said buy puts? look at the graph m8. you can figure out his reasoning. even if it is bogus techinical analysis.
(although for the record, FB did follow his prediction. probs just luck)

how does one buy puts? i'm not going to tell you, because they are too dangerous 4 U. if you really want to know you can do it urself.

>> No.700901


>this is not a game

Do you understand what game theory is?

>> No.700903

>implying that's what the faggot meant
>implying you're not a faggot too

>> No.700927


what caused this anger in your life anon? this isn't a u mad post. I'm 100% serious. do you want to talk or like what

>> No.700946

>implying that spotting faggots says anything other than that I dislike the faggotry on the board
You are the cancer. Pls go.

>> No.700985


>you are the cancer
>plz le go

Okay, cancer. I'll leave you to your own cancer.

>> No.700987


tbh i think you're the resident shitposter that literally shitposts all day on this board

would be nice to have your posts from that IP shown by a janitor or something, so we can all laugh at how fucking miserable your life is

and the worst part isn't that you do it for free, but that you don't even get the privileges that come along with janitorship.

>> No.700997

>being this mad

>> No.701009


It was m'privilege, m'lady.

>> No.701070
File: 32 KB, 796x430, fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so fb is still in the 83 range, how much was the premium

>> No.701456

Okay fag its March 27th lets see how this goes

>> No.701464

Thanks OP. Blew all my savings.

>> No.701767

Epic fail you loser

>> No.701771

You are going broke m8
enjoy being poor

>> No.701780

Totally broke now. Used up all my children's college funds. Hope you're proud OP.