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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6946202 No.6946202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I understand that part of what makes /biz/ great is the free for all nature, but for the love of christ the place has gone to shit. Nobody even posts pink wojaks anymore.

It's clear that /pol/acks have arrived (and these clowns showed up on /pol/ as late as 2017 so they're fucking normans) so we're gonna need a few rules like /pol/ had to get. /pol/ had to get rid of "is x white threads" and I fear will have to do something similar.

1. "Shill me a x100 in the next x days" threads have got to go, they're fucking cancer and it's literally retards posting absolutely useless shitcoins to other retards. There's always tons of these threads up at once and nobody even bothers to give a reason for their coin.

2. How about a sticky thread where you can post about your worthless shitcoin instead of having 40 different threads with one for Ethhorse, one for AIXONLMNOP, one for DBC or whatever the fuck etc.

3. Most importantly, ban any retards that post about their discord groups, or that make off topic posts about "blah coin is seriously undervalued, get in or stay poor" in every fucking thread.

4. Maybe a dedicated thread for referral links or something but not what we have now where there's retards spamming them randomly in threads, actually no referrals because allowing that attracts literal scumbag 14 year olds

>> No.6946223

5. If there's already a thread up about something, delete duplicates. We don't need 40 threads about turtlecoin or DADI. I think this change would solve most problems. I honestly don't think this board is moderated anymore.

>> No.6946224

TL;DR: Ban everyone

>> No.6946255

>be 20 something years old
>talk about anything financial not related to crypto
>"Fuck off Boomer"

I cant even talk about stocks, I get bullied off the board. How did we let things get so bad?

>> No.6946261

Also ban any three-letter poster. People who do shit like



>> No.6946268

I’m tired of chicks with dicks too. Fuck

>> No.6946322

Seriously and the porn. If you want porn you can literally go to /b/ or any of the other the boards that have porn or just go find it on the free sites.

>> No.6946446
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>> No.6946504

/biz/ should be split into two boards, /biz/ and /crypto/.

The crypto meme has turned /biz/ into shit with the constant spamming and no other business discussion

>> No.6946553

Last year I would have told you to fuck off, but its really gotten out of hand. Im so sick of crypto, discussion is no longer needed. Nobody here has any knowledge or insight on other markets

>> No.6946674

this is a /pol/ colony now
all hail the emperor trump

>> No.6946718

>people having fun triggers me
Not all threads serve the same purpose. At any given time there are 3 different kinds of link threads, 1 for the latest fud and disinfo, 1 for actual discussion, and 1 for lambo memes. They're not the same and forcing 1 thread would be terrible.
>I cant even talk about stocks, I get bullied off the board. How did we let things get so bad?
Bro, if you don't understand why crypto is so monumentally important and worth all of your thought, you will never make it. >>6946504
>The crypto meme has turned /biz/ into shit with the constant spamming and no other business discussion
All other business discussion is literally irrelevant

>> No.6946743
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I'm sorry, all I heard was..










>> No.6946899

Get cancer faggot

>> No.6946972

It wouldn't be THAT terrible, stinky

>People can't have a few things they are thinking about as they go about their life, and all thought must be directed toward their one foremost venture.

>> No.6947007
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>he thinks /biz/ isn't for crypto threads
/biz/ is a /g/ autism containment board, stop trying to change it normie.

>> No.6947042

Stocks have nothing on crypto. Best case you get 10-20% in a year and are forced to pay taxes until usd eventually collapses it all to $0. With crypto you get 10-20% in a month and only have to pay taxes if you want to.

>> No.6947074

>People can't think about multiple things

>> No.6947089

I mostly just lurk here because I'm a newfag but I feel pretty sad that I missed out on golden age /biz/

when I first got here the pink wojak threads made me cry with laughter

>> No.6947092

>/g/ autism containment board

/g/ hates fucking crypto dumbass

>> No.6947133

You really think more of 4chan is into regular business shit than crypto? If that were the case, this board would be filled with that stuff and not crypto. Fuckin' brainlet.

>> No.6947160
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, HD_modern_wojak_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there OP, I heard you wanted more pink wojaks posted.


>> No.6947171

It's fucking 4chan you 20-something redditard. I'm 27 and still shitpost because it's just plain funny. Reddit is for serious discussion and it's where you need to go back to faggot, 4chan is the epicenter of pee pee poo poo

>> No.6947181

Fuck off, 4chin is not for moderation. Only obvious spam should be moderated.

/biz/ was literally made to contain /g/ crypto, you drooling retard

>> No.6947236

I own more crypto than you 3rd world shitlord. When you actually have money, you dont gamble your entire capital on coin flipping

>> No.6947255

>newfag tells the guy he probably bought bitcoin from to go back


>> No.6947259

This, with the lewd pics
Pictures of hot girls automatically get more replies even if the coin is something as butt-fuck dumb as Bazinga coin
It becomes like an arms race for hotter or more flashy OP images

>> No.6947282
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Newfags these days, huh?

>> No.6947310
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>Reddit is for serious discussion
Crypto is probably one of the only things that 4chan consistently has better discussions for unfortunately. Every coin's subreddit is beyond delusional about their coin. When you want actual discussions, they give you the most delusional optimistic responses and the second you post question about the coin they throw some baby bitch tantrum at you for no reason.

>> No.6947356

Unironically full of redditors

>> No.6947368

Fuck off with nu-wojack to.

>> No.6947426

Fuck off normie

>> No.6947472

maybe a thread for the redditors? as in, "Normies come here to be spoonfed", otherwise they just clog up the board with redundant. I know this won't be a popular idea, but theyre here and we have to deal with it.

>> No.6947500

Been lurking 4chan for the better part of a decade, never once stopped by biz until last year, and I gotta say, it is honestly the funniest board, in no small part due to the wojacks.

>> No.6947503

>Nobody even posts pink wojaks anymore.
capitulation. Next will be despair, blue sad wojacks I guess...

>> No.6947601

If you bought ANY non scamcoin this time last year you would be up massively

>> No.6947643

We should have a shadow biz that's password protected so all the normalfags don't shit it up

>> No.6948578

LINK gets its own pinned general

>> No.6948636

Nah, LINK isn't the only thing that gets spammed. There needs to be a crap collection thread.

>> No.6948840

I remember when this board talked about actual business and finance and not playing the coin lotto

>> No.6949702 [DELETED] 

This. The faggot mods of /biz/ don't even care about reportet threads. Feel free to spam the whole board with nsfw material.

>> No.6949840

This. The faggot /biz/raeli mods don't even care about reported threads. Feel free to spam the whole board with

>> No.6949964


I hate annoying dumbfucks like you irl. You are free to leave.

>> No.6949966
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Buy link! Sergey should be replying to the Stan threads individually soon because he cares. Meme magic!

>> No.6950444
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>shadow biz

>> No.6950518

>Nobody even posts pink wojaks anymore.
There's a bunch on the catalog right now.

>> No.6950600

senpai do you go to boards other than /biz/? the moderation on pol and g is fucking rediculous these days it make me not want to post you can even talk to people in a thread about something seen as "off topic" even if that off topic thing stems from talking about the topic at the beginning otherwise a mod will sperg out and purg half a bread. Shits fucked these days the only boards with an acceptable level of moderation are here and /w/ because the mods hardly give a fuck

>> No.6950646
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neck yourself why do you not wanna see Lewds? are you scared someone's gonna peek over your should and call you hentai. Fuck off baka