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6945024 No.6945024 [Reply] [Original]

> erc20 token
> no product
> no whitepaper
> fake partnerships
> chink
> growth only caused by social media hype, literal 2nd tron

that said I have my buy order at 10k sats ready, there will be some decent pullback from there

>> No.6945049

>10k sats

one can dream anon

>> No.6945134

you will apologize to me anon, I'm making a screenshot

>> No.6945301

OP is right. dump your bags before it's too late.

>> No.6945378

Hello whale dick licker.
For anyone else reading this Jim Bryer, the tech venture capitalist who invested in Facebook before it was a thing and ethereum back when it was $3 recently invested into vechain and has it listed in his websites portfolio https://breyercapital.com/portfolio/
Buy while you can before this shit goes to the moon of Jupiter!

>> No.6945440

Can you tell us about what happened in the vegetable market again?

>> No.6945451

It already mooned at $9 faggot.
Neck yourself.

>> No.6945476

This is like preaching evolution to a creationist. Everyone in vechain has a cult mindset. I use to hold quite a bit (42,000) but after selling for something better i was able to look upon the community and see that they have a very skewed perception of reality. The hype is over but atleast some smarter individuals like myself we able to be objective and turn a profit. If anyone is interested I have done quite a lot of research into this area and know of a good upcoming coin with a third the marketcap of ven that will overtake ven soonly.

>> No.6945493

ven chain is a wanna be walten coin

>> No.6945524

got in sub a dollar and sold after I 10x my money. You guys seriously fell for the HODL meme? You realise youre meant to sell when reddit starts circle jerking over it?

>> No.6945527

Jim Bryer was right before. I bet he will be right again.

Prepare to get btfo

>> No.6945566

if it does a tron it will drop 66% from its ath and go to $2.60 over 10 days.
So far its dropped 27% in 3 days so its right on track...

>> No.6945584


but the real question is what do i move into while its dropping so i can buy back at the bottom?

>> No.6945630

I stayed away from VEN, but I wish I turned a profit like you.

What coin (project) are you referring to? Will replace VEN?

>> No.6945667

>I know of a good coin
Fuck off pajeet

>> No.6945705

thank fucking god i didnt buy this chinkcoin at a dollar

>> No.6945718

$2.60 is optimistic, I see strong support at $1.10. TRON has far more upside to vechain.

>> No.6945729

actually thinking it will hit ico prices again.

>> No.6945742

Switched to ICX for the short-term. ICX is near guaranteed moon within the next 72 hours, VEN is still looking to consolidate a bit. We just had a massive bull-run, I believe it is ICX's term. TA and upcoming summit points to larger gains with ICX. I switched my stack over but will buy back into VEN after it has its run.

>> No.6945789


fuck this is a tempting idea

>> No.6945856

>"thank fucking god I didn't buy this at 1 dollar. Who the FUCK likes 9x? I'm also all in FUN and UFR cause Im a degraded jerkoff"

>> No.6946004
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>> No.6946005


just did this, please dont fuck me over icx or ven

>> No.6946060

dude sell now im telling you this is only gonna get worse

>> No.6946119

Nice fud, bought 500k

>> No.6946160



>> No.6946171

Cos it's a shit coin you dumb fuck.

>> No.6946198

Whoever holds through this FUD, deserves to be rich.

>> No.6946221

Hope so, holding with 1.5K. 80% in.
Fuck it bruh

>> No.6946230


Venchain is literally a copy of neo and wtc mashed together with some clever marketing.

>> No.6946239

thx OP. any other shitcoin dumps underway?

>> No.6946317


Whats a good buy in now. will it go below 6 usd.

>> No.6946357
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>tfw I sold my VEN at its high to buy XLM before the hype train for XLM started and you all called me retarded for selling VEN

>> No.6946363

we're headed to the conclusion of futures dumfuck everyone knows that

>> No.6946426

Kek so much FUD. I will be laughing all the way to the bank while you guys keep calling it a shit coin till it reaches $100+.

>> No.6946452

took a screenshot to giggle at this faggot later

>> No.6946510
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You're more deluded than the stinky linkies

>> No.6946533

likewise. good shit.

>> No.6946683

hope these discord pajeets dump it to $2 by february so I could flip my locked jibrel for more VEN

>> No.6946725
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>> No.6946741

New info

>> No.6947110

too late to sell now. will go down with the ship

>> No.6947165

I just sold the last 25% I had for more AMB. Dont fomo though, we are all going to make it

>> No.6947179

I dont normally discuss outside of the discord. Perhaps we can come to a form of agreement and exchanve services? Say if i was to offer you insider only information could you give me something in exchange? Perhaps eth?

>> No.6947435


>bragging about buying XLM at 50 cents

>not buying at 5 cents

Faggotry knows no bounds

>> No.6948023

You fucking fags are really dumb, huh? Geez. It's a correction before a massive wave 5. Then there will be an A,B,C, correction when you'll all get super dramatic and talk about kys, because you're little bitches. And then... just when you're ready to slam your dick with a book like the emo fuck that you are, it'll suddenly go up again into wave 1. FUCK.

FAGS. LIke for real. You're really a bunch of fags. I thought it was a joke, but it's not. you're all fucking moronic faggots. You people are fucking useless.

Can't wait until you drop all the fag stuff when you're scared again and start cupping each other's nuts like during the last crash. Just dock your dicks already. fudgepackers. fuck you piss me off. get your shit together.

>> No.6948048

What TRON is to those with an iq of 90,
VEN is to those with an iq of 110

top kek

>> No.6948724
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Tis time

>> No.6948819

This is fine, not all of biz can make it.

>> No.6948853

Yeah, actually nobody can, because every fucking coin is bleeding out.

>> No.6948906
File: 63 KB, 780x879, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What seems to be the problem? Vechain is green.

>> No.6949209

Thanks anon

>> No.6949236

TRTL is way up.

>> No.6949334

Whale bro wants to buy more ven at a lower cost, thus this forced crash...weak hands posting below whales cap baka...
>tfw no lambo's for you

>> No.6949389

I need few more hours before I can send ETH to binance. Don’t let me down boys