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File: 51 KB, 653x306, 01222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6944352 No.6944352 [Reply] [Original]

She has a point...

>> No.6944389

yes, more clueless women should enter crypto to increase liquidity. the transfer of wealth from the stupid needs to happen sooner.

>> No.6944402


>> No.6944434 [DELETED] 

Exchanges need to start giving free crypto to women to encourage and empower them. They just need to calculate the average male portfolio, and give them that, so it would be fair. They should also be able to buy cryptos 30% cheaper than men to account for the wage gap. #cryptoequality

>> No.6944442


>> No.6944459

God nothing would make me happier than woman losing ALL THEIR MONEY in crypto. I fucking PRAY they get in the market and lose everything.

>> No.6944466

shouldnt we all be telling this to womens?
it will drive up the price of cryptos
it will be glorious

>> No.6944497

Fueled by literal emotions

>> No.6944500

Oh boy, more nudes from when their shitcoin of choice crashes

>> No.6944557

Probably not.
They'll lose their money because their own mistake and start spreading fud saying crypto was a scam

>> No.6944562

It'd be so easy. Just make a bunch of "GIRLPOWER", "GIRLCOIN", etc bullshit coins and they'd be all in

>> No.6944573

As if it's not volatile enough already. Can you imagine?

>> No.6944577

The result of a society that embraces individualism rather than traditional collectivism

>> No.6944580

That's...not a bad idea.

>> No.6944582

not a bad idea anon

>> No.6944594
File: 61 KB, 480x640, femanon_beard_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this, crypto needs to be FAIR! #cryptoequality

>> No.6944618

"Coins for ladies, by ladies". Color it pink. Take their $$. Just like they do in retail everyday

>> No.6944623

at least finally someone is asking WOMEN why women aren't in crypto.

I know, lets post threads on 4chan asking a bunch of bottom-dwelling dudes why women aren't ________

>> No.6944654

I'm not sure crypto could handle that kind of market volatility

>> No.6944686


Women probably do a better job than men at hodling


>> No.6944710

kek’d hard, thanks anon

>> No.6944717

What do you think is going to happen after they lose their money?
They are going to start social media campaigns to heavily regulate or outright ban crypto
When women enter crypto there will be a period of great gains for us but it will be the last

>> No.6944723

I mean, she isn't wrong

>> No.6944731

>if I doubled my money I'd be happy and get out

-girl at work

This, with women comes government.

>> No.6944744
File: 104 KB, 1080x1350, 1515404524976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep that's why we keep hearing about all the husbands that sell their wives' crypto at the bottom of a dip.

>> No.6944753

Why the fuck do you idiots hate women so much? If you had a daughter, would you not want her to be wealthy?

>> No.6944762

Good point

>> No.6944798

I don't really. That doesn't mean I can't make an observation on what kind of impact there might be if they bought on mass. I have literal money in this so it could affect the market.

I think people should move on crypto by their own accord though.

>> No.6944796

>women pumping the shit out of retarded shitcoins

I'm on board, anything to push me into the top tiers of trader skill.

>> No.6944813

To be this fucking stupid. Women are risk averse as fuck brainlet. They have men take all the risks and then come in and complain that we owe them the shit we toiled and potential died over.
It used to be they offered pussy but now they want the shit and join Chad harems while we work for free.

>> No.6944827

Women are laggards by biological design, therefore when they go in you have to go out because it's about to burst.

>> No.6944837

>he believes larps purely intended to rustle virginal jimmies
It’s actually a proven fact women are better casual investors. Men are hunters and cocky, think they can beat the system. Women just HODL

>> No.6944843

Both those girls have facial features of black women.

>> No.6944864

Men will get all the wealth again because they seize opportunities and take risks.

Women will just lolligag on Instagram until it's too late, then whine that it isn't fair that they didn't get in.

>> No.6944876


>> No.6944878

Most women are terrible at calculating and deciding to take risks.

I mean, how long does it typically take you to decide on what to eat for dinner?

>> No.6944887

I don't want to carry broke bitches bags.

>> No.6944888

Pointy nipples?

>> No.6944965

>girl at work is $15,000 in creditcard debt
>starts talking to me about how she wants to buy cryptos because her friend told her she could make money

All I could do was nod my head and say mmmmm

>> No.6945007

get out you fucking normie

>> No.6945026

Normies, I swear.
>friend asks me about crypto,
>say yeah i have some
>he says he almost bought bitconnect
>glad he missed that
>tells me about another coin he bought into.
>its exactly like bitconnect

>> No.6945053

They just want wymyn to get JUSTd
Same as feminism
Dear wymyn, demand your wageslavery. Look at all those men having money.
I have no objection tho. Have to drop a lot of painful bags

>> No.6945054

Women are too emotional. They will cause a market crash every week due to panic selling

>> No.6945056
File: 180 KB, 848x960, 1511789133890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black women don't look anything like that. You're likely thinking of mixed women with attractive white features.

Those are Slavs.

>> No.6945067

She's right. Lets see how they endure a 50% swing. Will prob sell at the bottom.

>> No.6945070

Roasties should stick to shopping and sucking cock imho

>> No.6945077

don't women account for something like 80% of consumer spending? Ever go into clothes stores? Men have a little cuck corner whereas women have 20 floors of clothes. Yet they suck with money.

>> No.6945080

just vomited tyvm anon

>> No.6945146

They suck with money because they are more succeptsble to advertisements and bullshit. Takes women's razors for example it's twice the price and half the functionality but they still buy it because it's pink lol.

>> No.6945203

I mean, we'd all fuck her, just not sully the royal bloodline, what the fuck Harry.

>> No.6945211

Remember: women make 80% of all purchasing decisions. If just half as many women entire crypto as there are men right now, the entire market will more than double.

>> No.6945222
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it's like the 1st-20th century all over again!

>> No.6945242
File: 435 KB, 364x623, cathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what this cunt thinks about crypto?

>> No.6945306

all i can think of is that one comic.
where two kids make a fun game together, then a third joins. then bitches join to get attention
then chads join to get the bitches.
and the original game is ruined by the normies.

that's what biz feels like. it used to be a small club and no one really knew if we were gonna make it.

now if something isn't going up 10% a day people are wondering what the hell is wrong with the market. like you're supposed to expect that.

>> No.6945327

All of u shud be sucking jew cock

They are the reason why 50, the game, and katy perry are shilling this shit. Consumerism is a female phenomenon, and their shilling is why women will buy into this shit.

>> No.6945339

kek you could not be more right anon,i have started posting on 8.c.h.a.n /biz/ because the wave of no coiner normies is too much for me.

>> No.6945354

>So you're saying that these bits of coins are cut in to pieces? When you do that to a banknote, its unusable. Are you advocating destroying currency?

>> No.6945525

We don't hate women. They're fucking terrible at investing, calculating risk, and sticking to things til completion. This is just nature. It's not a conspiracy that women are driven more strongly by emotions then men. That's not what you want while investing.

To people here saying women are better at holding investments long term than men, that's often because they flippantly move on to other things and forget. Women genuinely view money differently than men, for obvious social and biological reasons. Regarding actual traders, not long term holding investors (anybody can fucking can do that), woman are in general absolutely terrible.

>> No.6945593

That miserable cunt is saying she's retarded

>> No.6945800

Real words here. Watch it.

>> No.6945824

>slavs sleep with blacks
you need your head checked

>> No.6945871

man's strategy
>risk everything, get rich, or die
woman's strategy
>wait to see which man got rich, marry him

There is no reason for women to invest in crypto, or anything other than their relationship marketability

>> No.6945898

ok thanks for letting me know taht there is one, I was about to skip straight to endchan looking for a better board, if its even still around.

now NEVER POST THAT AGAIN goddamnit. I wish you hadn't, I was mere days away from checking anyway.

>> No.6945927

Women are known to waste money.

Whenever they would see a profit they would buy a pair of Gucci shoes, implying they just don't lose them all buying high.

>> No.6945950

dont worry, nothing will happen

they will "raise awareness", like the post and all of them will sleep on it

such is the life of a woman

>> No.6945965

femanon here with link/ven/xrb tell me I fucked up and how much you hate me.

>> No.6945977 [DELETED] 

Agreed. And i'll delete even this post in a few minutes.

>> No.6945987
File: 61 KB, 1002x621, 1473380083407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel good luck with decentralized exchanges gayverment

>> No.6945990
File: 326 KB, 540x540, 21766865_1533722266670931_2968514961989835521_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To late slag.

>> No.6946008

this is literally her best picture and its not even fappable, senpai

>> No.6946052
File: 190 KB, 941x517, 1439556011859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no one cares

>> No.6946102

No because I wouldn't want her to be a spoiled bitch. If I die she would only get a good amount to figure out what the next step is and the rest is going to charities.

>> No.6946112

i'm going all in on Pinkcoin

>> No.6946203

you just KNOW there would be coordinating dumping on those coins

it would be glorious

>> No.6946285

How is that different from what's already happening?

>> No.6946286
File: 322 KB, 2518x1024, LactoChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a point. It is also mostly too late to do anything about it. The kicker is nothing should be done about it, really. Nobody ever held women from researching, investing and trading crypto. Nobody but themselves.

Take from it what you will. She speaks the truth, but her angle is long powerless. Women need to accept that they themselves keep themselves from profiting from innovative, extremely lucrative ventures purely by virtue of not getting off their asses and doing these things themselves.

>> No.6946323

>Consumerism is a female phenomenon, and their shilling is why women will buy into this shit.


>> No.6946331


no once cares cunt

>> No.6946379

exactly why they would be better at crypto. Women also have lower credit card debt and save more for retirement. Their risk averse mentality would make them better investors for crypto.

>> No.6946385
File: 806 KB, 320x180, B5954734-2040-4855-A49F-134FF706E7B5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story: one time we took my aunt to the dog track, and for the first race, she came back from the window, she had a ticket for every dog to win. She said she did not want to make any of the other dogs feel bad by betting against them.

>> No.6946414
File: 693 KB, 1624x1585, bancor_cryptocurrency_galia_benartzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last time women considered crypto

>> No.6946477

You'd have to make it idiot proof to acquire.

>> No.6946579 [DELETED] 


How is that any different from your average /biz/tard?

>FOMO in at ATM
>price drops to fib support, anon panic sells
>posts pink wojaks when price goes back up

Sounds like emotional trading to me.

>> No.6946694
File: 140 KB, 278x370, pro5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are slowly getting involved

>> No.6946733
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>> No.6946755
File: 326 KB, 483x424, 18FCD231-8B16-4EB0-8CF3-2DB605A60E2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for the wars of ICO thots

>> No.6946757

This is a brilliant illustration of the fundamental differences between women and men, and why women tend to "fail" at finance and crypto, and business in general. They're not in it to win. They're in it to get along. So many whine about how jobs are so skewed in men's favor all while they have every opportunity men have and literally just choose not to take them. Because they're not wired that way. And that's just how it is. They aren't interested in taking chances to get ahead or win. They would sooner blow their money on making dogs feel special.

The truth is, in spite of so many feminists trying to get girls into STEM or crypto or whatever other traditionally "manly" things, girls just literally don't care about that stuff.

In general,
Men = logical
Women = social

It's why so many men are autists and so many women suck at solving their own problems.

>> No.6946768


>> No.6946793
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>> No.6946821

>scrawny twink

>> No.6946891

My gf got me to buy ethereum at $30 and antshares and knew about bitcoin before I did too (talked to me about buying some in 2012 and I said it looked stupid). Look on Steem and there are a ton of women who are investing in crypto and have pretty good sense for when to buy/sell, although there aren't enough of them.

>> No.6946928

>aren't enough

Fucking kek. There's just enough women for any one moment. There's no required amount of wammyn who NEED to be in crypto to fulfill some quota you libcuck.

If women become interested in and join the scene, that's on them, and should be done of their own volition. They should NOT be forced or quota'd into this shit.

Otherwise get out and be a disgrace to individual agency elsewhere.

>> No.6946937

No youre lying because women are dumb and only men are good at finances because men have higher IQ and women are averse to risk taking and they dont understand basic finance but men are smart and have invented everything since the beginning of time

>> No.6946942

At least they’re shilling a good ICO though

>> No.6946978

And if crypto is a bubble men will get all the fun and women be left bagholding, again.

>> No.6946982

you're missing the potential,

>women lose all their income and become even greater social pariahs than they are now.
>Men make gains off of women making bad investments and creating more volatility in the market.
>Said gains are easily hided form the government and can't really be taxed and then distributed to roasties who are married to the government.
>Women now need men again and thus have to develop better behaviors and values to attract men instead of fucking chads.

>> No.6947024

>day 1
the end

>> No.6947029
File: 35 KB, 600x376, pepe questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long before crypto is labeled sexist, misogynist, racist, white supremacist, etc.?

>> No.6947073

I find it amusing that there are actually reddit trolls who are purposefully trying to stir the gender politics up for shits and giggles. Doesn't look like it's caught on much yet, since women in general are absolutely not interested in cryptos. That'll likely change though, once they realize it's a source of wealth and influence and "dominated by patriarchy" again.

>> No.6947095

Can someone create Cuntereum

>> No.6947104


>> No.6947132

>day 2
>Loses life savings

>> No.6947135

By their nature women are more cautious and take less risks than men do. This is why car insurance is cheaper for females, especially when young. Young men are more likely to race cars and compete for glory. Women, while technically worse drivers on the whole, don't take the same stupid risks that men do.

This carries over into investing as well. No women (unless already rich) is going to be willing to put most of her money in crypto. Women investing in crytpo is basically putting in a couple hundred dollars and cashing out before you even get to 1000 because "OMG I already made SO MUCH money! I can afford to eat out at nice restaurants for like, a month and half now! Wow, crypto really is life changing!"

>> No.6947204

these dumb bitches don’t even realize that most of us are using trading bots like gunbot XT kek


>> No.6947213


Isn't that guy one of those Buzzfeed "Try Guy" soyboys?

>> No.6947331

>head literally taller than his shoulders are wide
>100lbs soaking wet


>> No.6947395

That one girl who was at Berkeley when it was attacked by ANTIFA had a make Bitcoin great again hat.

>> No.6947439

no doubt there is a small section of women who kind of know what they are doing. They are probably lesbos or trannies and have male type brains

>> No.6947465
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Is this setting off anyone else's coincidence detector at all?

Reminds me of when jews had paid trolls post pro isreal shit with pics of hot jew girls in uniform?

>> No.6947540

They're just that 5% of women who do have the balls (omg sexist expressions!) to take risks and leverage their personal time and resources in order to gain something greater. These are these very same women who are in the candidate brackets for women in CEO positions. Women who tolerate risks and understand personal sacrifices that come with greater responsibilities.

This is what the 95% of women fail to understand - the female CEOs didn't just randomly get to where they are. They usually busted their asses hard to get to where they are. And most women are simply not willing to make these personal sacrifices. They want to have their 2 cats, their shopping, their netflix and icecream buckets, selection of Chads a Tinder swipe away and all the free time in the world. They just wouldn't handle the reality of authority, the weight of responsibility.

>> No.6947564

>but men are smart and have invented everything since the beginning of time
I know you're an SJW moron trying to be sarcastic, but this is actually unironically true.

>> No.6947594

Nice try, shill

>> No.6947640


bitchez in crypto, how much worse can it get, really?

back to the kitchen, you fucking hoes

>> No.6947646


> all these scared betas worried women will have money

newsflash there are already tonnes of rich and well off women who dont give a shit about your $3k in meme money

>> No.6947712

>on 4chan it said...
>on veeky forums it said...

kek same thing

>> No.6947734

Who is more sexist, someone who accepts that men invent everything. Or people who think inventing stuff is obviously much more important than the ability to birth people who invent stuff.

SJWs are sexist as fuck by downplaying things that women actually are able to do.

>> No.6947818

Why is it always men that do things first anyways

>> No.6947923
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Yes I want to see all those empowered full time moms and housewife's dumping the life savings and a second mortgage while the husband is dying at work. I believe it's a necessary sacrifice to be make to prove women wrong.

>> No.6948369

Feminists still don't understand that whenever women they try to compete with men in a man's domain they will always lose.

>> No.6948532

>rational investing
pick one

>> No.6948582

Start shilling Bitconnect to female entrepreneur online communities.

>> No.6948696


Crypto itself is a risky investment lol

Women are risk averse, theyre more inclined to invest in bonds or low risk/low return investment vehicles