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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6943806 No.6943806 [Reply] [Original]

Got your 10k yet?

>> No.6943884
File: 29 KB, 640x480, pepecry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>883 pfr
what benefit is there from an escrow node?

>> No.6943897

Ummm, money... daily... you fucking idiot

>> No.6943972

how much more profitable is a trust node than escrow?

>> No.6944003

You’ll make about 15k a year from running 1 trust node. Escrow Benefits have not been released yet.

>> No.6944031

how much will i make daily with 10k PFR?

>> No.6944073

16K a year

>> No.6944119

How much will I make with 30k PFR?

>> No.6944150

Nevermind. Read above. it's 131.5$ a day.

>> No.6944241

Reminds me of the minereum scam

>> No.6944244

Where are you getting these prices?
This shit needs to get major adoption to get this much. Doubt we will see any of these prices in the short term.

>> No.6944317

Yeah, it'll take at the bare minimum a year to reach localbitcoin levels and even aiming for that in unrealistic imo. even 1/4 of their volume would be successful

>> No.6944670

Low quality Github
No face, no team

Not good dude

>> No.6944698

Why is it low quality?

>> No.6944748

Look at the contributors, no real team, no 'real' contributors from what I see on Github; also look at the number of commits on the projects and the way the commits are being added in chunks. Doesn't look good to me.

>> No.6944793

You mean occasional large updates where they roll out something new on the beta?
>doesn't look good to me
Do you have any fucking experience analyzing this?

Got 14.5k will sell 4k at $2 and reevaluate exit point unless trust nodes prove to be worthwhile with volume

>> No.6944978

Where can I read about who the devs are? Have you seen Cardano/Stellar development?

These things matter in my opinion. I can be wrong; I can be right, too.

>> No.6945402

They use bitbucket for version control. They probably squash commits and push in large chunks to public github.

>> No.6945511

Whatever dudes. I hope it goes up for you but i aint putting money in only cause i like coins in crypto whos team shows their rectum on Twitter, Real world (LinkedIn, conferences, well-known names and investors) and open source public Github/similar openness.

>> No.6945522

Waiting for the dip...

>> No.6945684

Oh, I don't own any PFR lol. This shit is way too risky to drop 3k on a trust node.

>shit whitepaper
>shit team
>shit code
>shit website

The only good thing about this is the idea. All other signs point to scam or failure.