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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6942290 No.6942290 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your next 100x shitcoin

>> No.6942324
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Swiss dude told me to buy it

>> No.6942472
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mic droppers

>> No.6942697

none of your business I'll never tell

>> No.6942773

Origin Trail (TRAC)

>> No.6942790



>> No.6943092

AIX will 10x tomorrow
screenshot this faggot

>> No.6943114

never gonna tell u biz doesnt deserve money

>> No.6943217

My nigga

>> No.6943262



>> No.6943272

im white you shitskin

i hope you end up holding my bags

>> No.6943315

TEL NIGGA get on in

>> No.6943381

you are joking, right?

even for kuckcoin, TEL is a shitcoin

christ, get it together

>> No.6943387

. . .

>> No.6943414


You beat me to it. 2M marketcap. 100x is almost guaranteed.

>> No.6943466

Definitely Telcoin . Ignore the haters , Telcoin has real telecom partnerships and will go to 5-10 cents most likely in February . Oh and also it will be in Binance in February . Maybe should have said that first

>> No.6943481
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Upfiring. Way overcorrected right now. Heading back to $3 and possibly above.

Solid product, great team. Alpha coming out in three months or so. Release by fall.

Under $20mil mcap. Low supply. Get in!

>> No.6943680


>> No.6943891

>isn't AIX


>> No.6943907
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>> No.6943919


>> No.6943974

finally someone who isn't an absolute retard

gl tomorrow

>> No.6944017

Thank you senpai. I'm hyped to sell

>> No.6944019

theta, you're welcome

>> No.6944089


>> No.6944132

DNA and XBY. Serious. No shit.

>> No.6944156
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>> No.6944195

research? this is crypto nigga
it's about short term high % gains
not cuckhodling

>> No.6944401


>> No.6944447

u can get Ven for .80 cents more than Jim Breyer right now. Fughin hell.

>> No.6944461
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Krios anon.
KRIOS .io for DYOR
Krios Is an attempt to build a framework for businesses to find Marketing talent around the world.
>whitepaper on website read up
>quarterly dividends
>fucking buyable with PAYPAL or BTC
>opens at 10 cents a token, but ico buyers get 20% bonus tokens. Aka 8 cents atoken EZ profit on exchange (announced and on one Q1)

Also adding "MW10" into the Coupon code section gets you a bonus 10% on top of the 15%!

>> No.6944533


EASY x2 or x3

>> No.6944609
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Here is what I found about Micromoney (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/micromoney/))
Website: micromoney.io
A very small market cap and I could see it do a x50 in 2018. (10m marketcap)
It's a platform for micro-lending in third world countries and the token will be used to lend micro amounts to people that don't have access to a bank account (estimated to be 2 billion people) but have a cellphone (apparently a large percentage of the population in third world countries have one)
They have a really professional website micromoney.io (translated in 11 languages)
The team is full of people with years of experience and influential advisors - https://www.micromoney.io/#team
The whitepaper seems really professional
They have an app in the Google Play Store for Android users. I looked at it and people are already getting loans, but they still need a bank account number because the token is not yet implemented in the app and that's why the coin is so cheap right now. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mm.com.money))
I can really see a use case for this type of micro-lending. They will also sell the data they get from the micro-lending which could give a lot of info to countries and businesses on commerce and the needs of the population in poor countries.
If you buy now, you buy below the ICO price (1 usd = 1 AMM) or near this price so unless people take a huge loss, it probably won't tank that much.
A professional video explaining Micromoney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y5IFRZlzvA
There is absolutely no social media presence on reddit, except on telegram with 5800 people.
The twitter account has 170k followers and the facebook page has 500k followers, but I suspect a lot of it are bots. I'm not sure though.
There is no wallet yet (They said it will be ready in 4-5 months in the telegram group). It's a ERC20 token though so you can use Myetherwallet.com to store them.
The bitcointalk discussion is locked so people can't reply in the discussion.

>> No.6944729

Stop fucking with the price rajesh

>> No.6944794

will this indian name meme ever die?

>> No.6944838


>> No.6944907
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>> No.6944954
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If everything goes as planned, Upfiring (UFR) will be listed for trading on another mid-sized (top 50 in terms of volume) exchange within the next 10 days. The trading pairs (BTC/UFR and ETH/UFR) have already been confirmed, but like many other exchanges they have recently been overwhelmed by new users. They are currently working to resolve some technical issues before resuming new listings. A huge advantage of this exchange is that, unlike Cryptopia, it is fully functional on all mobile and tablet devices. This will allow for faster and more efficient UFR trading.
I think its going to be Kucoin.

This means there going to be a rise in the price, so my advise to you, buy buy buy buy while its still low

>> No.6944959

CEO looks like he's 12 years old

>> No.6944977

Origami Network

>> No.6945000

MOIN. The next Verge. underrated Proof-of-stake privacy coin. Decent community growing at a decent rate. 3 mil mcap so probably the best microcap out right now imo.

otherwise i like Lampix but that's already almost at a 20 mil mcap.

>> No.6945298

What's the deal with AIX and TEL? They good coins or just moon shots?

>> No.6945321
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>$140M marketcap
>Sony as institutional investor
>Samsung as institutional investor
>Youtube co-founder as advisor
>Twitch co-founder as advisor
>Only on chink exchanges so far

You're welcome.

>> No.6945334

AIX is the /biz/ shillcoin this week

it will rise hard, but dont get stuck holding the bags longterm

>> No.6945373


Much appreciated anon

>> No.6945392

whats happening with AIX? might buy

>> No.6945425
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Faggot Coin, traded from anons to OPs for their shit threads. Acquire enough of them and you get banned from posting on that board.

>> No.6945445

The price will end this year while dollar will plunge

>> No.6945454


Your a retard, do you even understand what risk is? how are they gonna ensure some pajeet pays the money back?

>> No.6945548

was looking and some people are saying there's going to be a coin swap? any info regarding that?

>> No.6945561

unironically TEL

>> No.6945589

What's happening tomorrow to warrant this?

>> No.6945617

>asking for reasons in crypto
>reasons in crypto

jesus fuck

very, very few coins have usecases and announcements and exchanges that matter for dick

shill matters most

and this shit is being shilled hard

just wait and see

dont buy if you dont want to, but atleast keep an eye on it

>> No.6945923


>> No.6946425
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>> No.6946494
