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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 696x449, ven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941892 No.6941892 [Reply] [Original]

Get in.

>> No.6941916

building up my vennies

>> No.6941929

>already all in

Bags getting heavy...

>> No.6942152

There's nothing comfy about Vechain and quite frankly I don't find this funny anymore.

>> No.6942233

Literally dipped like a dollar in a week. Get yourself together faggot.

>> No.6942241

this is going to sit for a week or so before we see any good movement. i switched my bags over to icx in the meantime - nice upward trend, bouncing off support, forming a wedge and mainnet coming - i think we should expect 10k sats within the week.

>> No.6942493

It's lost almost half its value, quit being delusional and just sell already we're heading for a Link style long term bleed out

>> No.6942536

Turns out, I was misleading you when I told you to buy VEN high and sell XRB low. I actually dumped my VEN on you (that I bought low) and stocked up on some cheap XRB. So I'm sorry about that, but that's just how the things goes I guess :\\

>> No.6942562

What universe do you live in? It hit a very brief ATH of 80k sats, was never stable beyond ~72k. Currently hovering at 60k. Not to mention it hit those numbers during this bear market when everything else was tanking.

>> No.6942593

to all you faggots fudding VEN:
Worst case scenario is that this coin bleeds to MAYBE $6 USD until the rebrand. once the rebrand happens expect $15 floor, plus the generation of Thor. If you're not in by then, you're left behind
t. 75% ven

>> No.6942596

VEN is kill for the short term. Get ballz deep in something else for the next month

>> No.6942598

Got in at 2.70, extremely comfy, more good news to come in FEB, it'll probably drop a little more but it's a guarantee $20+ by the end of Q1

>> No.6942616

the same slow ride means we not crashing hard.. preparing for next run already. lobe this coin they playing 3D chess

>> No.6942628

It's called a PnD anon, it's okay evil people took advantage of your hard work

>> No.6942670

I'll be optimistic once it passes 3rd-4th week with an average of $9-10. That's before the rebrand too, if new partnerships are announced, I'd double that estimate.

>> No.6942681


Oh, honey

>> No.6942715

>Its only up 50% from last week! Everyone panic!!!
Seriously, I dont understand the FUD

>> No.6942719

but again, if it does a buzzkill nothing news, expect another Jan 24th drop

>> No.6942738

people are going to hate on this coin so hard all year while it plasters it's way into top 3, it's gonna be a blast to watch the wojacking

>> No.6942739

shit coin

walton has a partnership with the biggest phone company in the world

>> No.6942758


>> No.6942813


FYI china will force the non affiliate to use Vechain

>> No.6942850

Thats a bullshit rumor that you bought into like a gullable cuck

>> No.6942886


>> No.6942923
File: 184 KB, 463x540, 1516472601724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VEN $1000 EOM

>> No.6942928


anyone not in vechain deserves to stay poor, nice coordinated fud attempts though

>> No.6942992

is $1000 ven in ~5 years realistic??

>> No.6943014

nope, DNV news practically gave it to you on a platter, their primary market is China dolt. Just buy.

>> No.6943072

cheesy rice this is what big titted dreams are made of

>> No.6943073

I kind of like this VEN FUD, all of biz can’t possibly make it. It’d be interesting to see the weak hands sell. The swiss hedge fund larper is the best most subtle FUD I’ve seen so far. Takes more for me to drop my VEN bags

>> No.6943109

I lobe he didn't even know German

>> No.6943158

announcement soon btw

>> No.6943253

He didn’t? Didn’t catch that, feel bad for the anons falling for his shit, I mean I almost did. It might be good for short term gains, but long term a lot of those anons who follow his advice are going to get burned hard when more news and announcements solidfy

>> No.6943281

VEN loves to let weak hands shake then reward the HODL.. love it's seems to happen every week

>> No.6943347

Gtfo waltoncuck

>> No.6943351
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>> No.6943404

What makes you say that? I own VEN, but I didnt really think any of his picks he said were bad. It wasnt like he said VEN was a piece of shit or anything. WTC is certainly going to go up. idk about AMB though.

>> No.6943480

Going down shit stains.. sold yesterday . But but but HODL !

>> No.6943506
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>> No.6943512

subtle FUD from a Karl expert is the most effective. Nuanced FUD, FUD by omission, deflection, or redirection. Powerful propaganda.

If you notice, he was caught and called out at the end so he dropped some VEN naming.

>> No.6943515

I posted a thread about this an hour ago and it died without any replies. Vechain will be the ONLY entity allowed to create smart contracts in China - ergo, anyone that wants to do business in China on the blockchain will need to use Vechain Thor.

>> No.6943520


>> No.6943555

Going to drop my bags soon. Brace yourselves Vennies.

>> No.6943560

DNV makes it obvious. They would indeed turn over their keys to whomever China approved.

>> No.6943588

It's about to jump you cuck, announcement coming soon.

>> No.6943599

I guess, it seemed like he lightened up on VEN a little bit once people started questioning him. We will see I guess. He said to expect news in a week from AMB. We will know soon then if he was for real.

>> No.6943654

doesn't mean he doesn't have some opinions or information, only that he was a bias lying larper, which well you know the "fruit from a poisonous tree" axiom

>> No.6943720

Still, its quite a coincidence that AMB is pumping the past few days, and ven bleeding like he said. Either hes an incredible larper, or he is just trying to dump his amb bags on us.

>> No.6943784

is that hard to see while it's happening? duh. ur the same larp or larp supporter, well played, subtle sneak.

If you don't know what VEN really is or want to sell and chance missing out, go for it.

>> No.6943851
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7 is half of 9

>> No.6943866

Whatever you say my man, im holding my 200 venlet bags for at least a year, but its worth observing amb at the very least to see if he was full of shit.

>> No.6943955
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just increased my bag from 300 to 340 through that juicy dip.

>> No.6944034

congrats anon, wishing you continued success

>> No.6944052


>> No.6944068

>That feel when you don't have any more money to spare on cryto til next paycheck.
This is easily the most annoying/boring/difficult part of crypto trading.

>> No.6944081

hold some AMB do ya

good luck, shillschmuck

>> No.6944090

Can anyone link me to the swiss hedge fund guy's post on reddit?

>> No.6944101

Why would vechain ever be worth more than $20? Why would someone pay so much for vechain that generates pennies that is thor which is just used for smart contacts.

>> No.6944107


>> No.6944125

I sold half my stack earlier today. I wish I had sold it all.

>> No.6944138

Do it weak handed pussy

>> No.6944175

>down 25% less than 48 hours

I’m sure as fuck bit fuken comfy my blockfolio is getting FUKEN DESTROYED BY ASIANS

>> No.6944226

It's not Febuary yet...not worried.

>> No.6944249

There's a difference between panic selling and getting rid of a depreciating asset. The rest of the market is going up, and I'm losing 10% a day on this shit. This coin had almost a month of being shilled here and on reddit nonstop and went 30X, so dropping from ATH by half is not too surprising. It happened to Raiblocks, and it is happening to Vechain now. I could be wrong and I do believe in the fundamentals, which is why I only sold half my stack, but I don't think I am.

I'll buy back in in two days when its $3.50.

>> No.6944258

You play the game with to much emotion, You need to tap into the other side.


>> No.6944306

one day does not make an appreciating market make

sell nobody cares. just be willing to pay the piper... and it will be painful if you have to pay the VEN piper as many of us can attest

>> No.6944356

honestly fuck this piece of shit coin. my entire life has fallen apart and this is just making everything 1000 times worse. FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT COIN FUCKING 59K SATS REALLY

>> No.6944376

buy more buy more buy more steal a car

>> No.6944410
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Commander here holding strong

>> No.6944437

Damn dude, why are you getting so mad? I think this will reach new all time high's in February, but I just don't want to be overexposed to it while it's bleeding out. I'm a trader, not a holder. In a few days it will have settled and I will buy back in at a lower price. Or I will be wrong and it will moon before then, but I'm still holding some so I still profit. You should really try to learn about managing risk and taking profits, it will get you a lot further in the long run.

>> No.6944576

serious question, if i am a poorfag petty officer (250 ven), will it be worth it to stake my vet? should i just forget about thor and sell my ven after the inevitable 50x?

>> No.6944605

lol who is mad buying more it's only .80 over jim Breyer price, I will buy all month

>> No.6944648

I've done quite well thanks, risk selling and opportunity cost holding. you should quit pretending you and your 400 VEN understand what you are preaching. I'll be fine with my mjolnir.

You should do what you feel is best for you, who cares

>> No.6944672

I wish you sold it to

>> No.6944683
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dumb laowai gonna get burned

>> No.6944693

I sold it all

>> No.6944714

yer not gonna make it

>> No.6944738

love this

>> No.6944774


>> No.6944810

if you didnt sell the top dont bother, itll rebound soon and youll lose money

>> No.6944815

smart, best to switch bags over to the hype coins

Just holding can be bad

>> No.6944820

75% in VEN. not feeling too comfy anymore but holding strong. when do they usually release news? midday chink time?

>> No.6944870

Might sell some RLC and pick up a few more VEN

RLC is comfy as fuck, but the VEN dip looks tasty, man. Just have to hold for a couple weeks

>> No.6944893

just come back in a month. dont even look at it.

>> No.6944920

Holding because I believe this will bounce back up hard eventually. Thinking now is a good point to buy some more and average my buy price but also when will it stop god please

>> No.6944961


those who were always going to sell sold the news
right now it's just weak hands

>> No.6944983
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>> No.6945022


big boi

>> No.6945139

hopefully the sunny lu minions come up with a nice thicc announcement before the rebrand. a full month is too much wait without gains my hands will get sloppy.

>> No.6945174


100% there will be some announcements
but the dopest of the dope will be released during the event

or it'll be dull af

>> No.6945175

Vechain cant work as a platform simply because its un-economical for businesses to buy Vet to earn Thor. Why would anybody in their right mind risk millions holding Vet just to earn a few hundred dollars (max 1000$) when they can simply pay other companies (waltonChain) a much smaller fee and get the same service without having to risk so much money? I highly doubt we will see Ven implemented, this coin will bleed slowly and tank to 1-2$ per coin, any more than this and it defeats the purpose of the coin. Keep in mind im saying this as a substantial Ven holder

>> No.6945238


they pay for the platform use, by buying VEN and generating their own thor you moron

>> No.6945279

mfw i had a sell order in for the fuck of it, and that person picked it up :)

Now i'm not so annoyed by it just bleeding out

>> No.6945311

Walton pays higher dividends with their Masternodes

>> No.6945835

Weakest FUD ever.

>> No.6946329

Walton is a remora on the Great White Vechain

>> No.6946663

be honest who sold just now

>> No.6946686


>> No.6946740

I did lol. Sold 1600 ven at.0627.

I always fail when trying to double my stack, but I am hoping this time it works.

>> No.6946797

you almost sold the bottom, congratulations. Come back in 4 hours to FOMO back in

>> No.6946806


me to, bring on the crash

>> No.6946825

yeah I'm getting that weird feeling... on the edge of selling part of my stack. the FUD is getting to me. if it doesn't show ANY upwards movement after tomorrow I think I'm gonna sit on the sidelines for a bit.

on the flipside, I'm hoping this is a shakeout of the normies who bought at $7-9

>> No.6946843


if it does a tron its going down to $3.00 im not taking that risk, ill just buy back in for a bit of a loss if it goes up, losing 50% is worse.

>> No.6946848

Been dropping for 10 hours straight. It looks like it is only gonna go down from here. Maybe 4.00

>> No.6946851

I'm not fucking selling

>> No.6946867
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its FUCKING over look at the sell walls
fuck this shit im OUT
t. bought at $6

>> No.6946882
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Ven on the left, TRON on the right,

>> No.6946897

Your under the assumption that Thor would be worth pennies and not dollars Kumar.

>> No.6946914

dude sell now it's not worth it

>> No.6946922

Nobody fucken asked for an explanation waltcuck. Go win another science fair cuckboi

>> No.6946963
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ok im back
i dont have the heart to sell this coin

>> No.6946974


>> No.6946976

get the weak hands and weak foresight off the train

>> No.6946985

why? posts like this make me want to go in more

>> No.6947018
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jesus christ we are getting SLAUGHTERED

>> No.6947049

Dude, it's gone down another 3% since I posted that. I love VEN, but I'm not going to sacrifice my portfolio to go down with what is currently a sinking ship. Be smart here. Sell now and buy back tomorrow when its gone down another 10%.

Also, after selling I bought XRB which has already gone up 5%, lol. If I reversed the trade I could buy back 8% more VEN than I sold. However, I'm going to wait until tomorrow when its 20%.

There's no pride in trading, only gains matter.

>> No.6947056

follow your gut this is gonna correct below 3

>> No.6947060

the wrong color dildo so deep in my but

>> No.6947076
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Yeah, we’re fucked VENbros. Because coins never go down, just up. For example last year when ETH went from 141 to 410 and back to 137 within 2 months, that was imaginary. How much is it now? Oh, certainly not over 1000 USD. In a bear market.

>> No.6947082

Fuck I bought VEN at 700k thinking no way it would go down more.

>> No.6947086

why does this coin dip when good news comes out? i don't understand

>> No.6947122

just except it is over
this coin is done

>> No.6947127

>He holds coins for months at a time instead of trading to increase his stack

Never gonna make it anon

>> No.6947131
File: 56 KB, 540x361, 1516550871118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good news means nothing in crypto, its all about hype
ven revealed all its cards, even "pboc", theres nothing to hype about anymore
its over.

>> No.6947158

If it doesn't bounce of the fib 55 I'd be surprised.

>> No.6947161

>bought at 61k thought it was the floor
>57k now

>> No.6947170

I feel dirtier than a stinky linky right now

>> No.6947198
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no but seriously
how can they top the "pboc" rumor
is there any way to get this ship back on track

>> No.6947241
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Buy high, sell low

>> No.6947247


>> No.6947269
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I went from 540 to 707.

I feel pretty happy about VEN, I was actually happy to buy the dip. Only 19.3 k more for a strength node

>> No.6947271
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im down to $4000 "profit" from this coin

>> No.6947275

The /biz prophecy being fulfilled as always.
Buy high sell low faggots. Kek

>> No.6947339
File: 136 KB, 1600x639, byebye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your boy Jim Breyer is dumping his bags

>> No.6947342

see you back at $4 bros

>> No.6947365

> muh sell walls
> muh whales accumula

>> No.6947383

>Whale pushing the price down = dumping bags
Watch him and everyone else remove it in the next couple of hours. Profit taking was done slowly these last 24 hours, this is a pushdown to accumulate.

>> No.6947424

I posted a thread 3 days ago warning biz this was gonna happen they never listen. See you guys at $3

>> No.6947428
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boutta reach my limit
im fairly sure i bought at 54

>> No.6947477

Yeah because the price obviously would't be going down if he weren't pushing it down...
I genuinely hope that you aren't deluded enough to think this. Sure, they got 5 minutes of increased volume because they put out a tweet, but now what? It's down another percent and dropping. There's still time for you to sell and buy WTC (jk WTC is trash but I know you will accuse me of being a salty walty anyways).

>> No.6947507

YOu discord whale cocksucker are such faggots I hate it so much

>> No.6947526
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I got 20 of these, am I gonna make it in 10 years?

>> No.6947539

You're going to make it because you only lost $180 on this shit.

>> No.6947578

I can afford it.

>> No.6947579


>> No.6947590

The price is going down because it was way overbought (70 percent on the 4h chart), now its way oversold below 30 percent. It will bounce again before trailing sideways. If btc doesn't completely shit the waters in the next hours. This isn't some catastrophic dump. The people that are wojacking are the ones that bought above 70k.

>> No.6947630

I'm leaving my buy order up at $5.50, and I have a feeling it will be filled when I wake up tomorrow. Hopefully I won't lose too much more money after the sale goes through

>> No.6947650
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>> No.6947659

Whats this shit? Is it comfy?

>> No.6947687
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I still have faith in this coin
Even though I bought at 6, 7 and 8.
And am officially losing money on it.
I’m gonna buy the dip.
And 2 weeks from now this will be a hilarious memory.

>> No.6947697

How low will it go? I might actually buy some if it dips under $4.50 or so.

>> No.6947705

i told u guys it was gonna hit 5 but you called me a pajeet. now im predicting low $4 eom with room to drop further.

>> No.6947709

Red candles straight to $1

>> No.6947752

i don't get it. /biz/ loves holding the chinks bags.

>> No.6947772

Comfy as fuck with my thundernode. Next run will be big.

>> No.6947796

Just added 200k to my stack.

>> No.6947821

>800 eth sell wall

time for some cheap ven boys. big news around the corner?

>> No.6947827

Get ready for the bounce to 62-5k. Hope you bought back in.

>> No.6947848

Fuck off street shitting pajeet

>> No.6947873

Can't wait until this depressive month is over

>> No.6947894

its called a bear market guys, how are you delusional cucks still holding any kind of coin?
The only coin you should be holding is bitcoin, and only so that it can be used to short with leverage. Im up 400% in the week lol

>> No.6948022

This. Really looking forward to this.

>> No.6948751

Good analysis, pajeet.

>> No.6949045

three buy ladders filled today

Winning. Bigly.

>> No.6949382
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>> No.6949449

just bounced hard weak FUD

>> No.6949486

god you’re fucking stupid