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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 400x400, AIX-Token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941636 No.6941636 [Reply] [Original]

Bought some of this before we blast off tomorrow. I suggest you do the same.

>> No.6941646

be honest OP, how long have you held those bags for?

>> No.6941678
File: 27 KB, 251x194, ya_dun_goofed_by_yadungoofedplz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love when cucks like you don't understand what is going on

screenshot this

you will cry tomorrow

>> No.6942009

Im fucking ready

Let's go senpai

Lambo dreams and Honda nightmares, either way, we going big tomorrow

>> No.6942074

wut news. I bought some at 1:00 and dropped it right away after I read about the coins function.

Drone insurance? Smart car insurance? Small IoT devices aren't even worth insuring.

Phone batteries, sure. But when's the last time any of you bought battery insurance?

>> No.6942150

you are worried about use case in crypto?

lol fucking pajeet

>> No.6942310

you still have a few hours to join

>> No.6942327


pajeet because this coin is worthless in todays market. yup.

good luck flipping your bags of shit

>> No.6942352


>> No.6942417

is this going to be pump and dumped or what?

>> No.6942430

im not OP buy nice try senpai

>already 200 gwei more than i bought for
>tomorrow a new phase is releasing

top kek

>> No.6942486

What a shitty logo. Looks like it belongs on coinexchage.io

>> No.6942505

I dont get it, its going to launch something tomorrow? or you joking on pajeets try

>> No.6942519

Take a look at the top 100 at cmc and try to say this again with a serious face

>> No.6942591

as CCK would say: you have seen.

>> No.6942636
File: 11 KB, 436x265, 1494468158143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You heard it here first. New exchange tomorrow. Get in or stay poor.

>> No.6942768

you have DEFINITELY not seen.

new exchanges don't mean dick, there is much more in store for AIX tomorrow

>> No.6942933

I don't know if I should trust yall... but can it really get much lower?

>> No.6942977

I'm sorry, did you miss 3rd grade math?
can you read a graph?
are you able to count an order book?

it's not fucking difficult to see the manipulation holding it down so they can gather

do yourself a favorite: if you cannot realize that this is an easy bet, get the fuck out of crypto

>> No.6943148

You're not wrong

>> No.6943302

wow thanks for the encouragement!!!

now go commit sudoku, ok senpai?

>> No.6943416

Take your shitcoin/scamcoin/pajeetcoin and shove it up your fucking ass.

This coin has been on the steady decline forever. Go get your asshole AIGangbanged, queer.

>> No.6943470

who hurt you sweetie?

mad because you're another poorfag who lost his life savings for a total of $300 on a shit coin?

awww it'll be ok bb

maybe gramma will send you $100 for your birthday and you can try again

>> No.6943639

Nah I just picked some up at 8065 thanks bizbro!

>> No.6943666

I did my laundry and came back... already up 300 sats... I'm ready lol

>> No.6943699

I already set my buy orders but can somebody fuckig tell me why? Why is this supposedly mooning tmro. Im seeing it on here a couple times with the same theme so it looks like PnD. Whats my sell price pajeets.

>> No.6943861


you have no idea how lucky you are right now, and it's still not enough

just forget it

>> No.6943929

It's a fucking PnD.

>Shit Volume
>No News
>/biz/ says buy my bags

>> No.6944215

keep telling yourself that
please come back to /biz/ tomorrow
i beg you

>> No.6944268

why dont you just say why you think its going up?

>> No.6944307

>10 posts by this ID
that did it, i'm out

>> No.6944343

it's almost as if some people get information that other people don't, and then use that information to make money

kinda funny how that works, huh?

now if only they had a term for it...

>> No.6944514

Yeah, it's called a pump and dump rakesh, I never understand why shitskins have to take away from the goal of making money. 4chan is a place for friends you fucking faggot. Just till us the sell signal

>> No.6944602

you've been here for less than 2 weeks haven't you?

>> No.6944667

Bud I been here since late 2016. Bought ETH at $11. Fight me. I don't participate in Bullshit, I make money by being smart, not fucking over my community.

>> No.6944783

christ goddamnit. then stop acting like a fucking newfag with a low iq.

you know exactly what's going on stop acting so... bewildered by it.

I mean... I could explain all the various scenarios of all the market forces acting on this and break down the fundamentals (and technicals) of this coin + the behavior of the shillers for you... but jesus fucking christ if you've been here that long I shouldn't have to.

>> No.6944806

what was the ico price

>> No.6944854

Shillers and momentum provide more market cap than use case ever will

Just watch what happens to AIX over the next 24 hours

Just fucking watch

>> No.6944927

So are you rich? You should be if you bought ETH at 11. If you're not then you should shut the fuck up because that's more pathetic than coming into the scene late.

>> No.6944973

I already have some of this bad boys. What would a sell price be ? >>6941636

>> No.6944990

1300 gwei to be safe, but wouldn't be shocked to see 2000

>> No.6945008

No balls
3000 or bust

>> No.6945045

went in, hope I didn't just get pajeet'd

>> No.6945090

all the more power to you, but fuck that noise

>> No.6945160

Whats 2k in dollars? Sorry for noob question, I have it in BTC

>> No.6945364

this is pathetic, most of us could pump it to there ourselves

goddamnit it really is a shitty $50 pajeet pump and dump group.

I was hoping this had to do with the rumours they had regarding major partnerships

>> No.6945385

because its not a 1 day pump you kuck

jesus christ

>> No.6945435

Plankton alert

>> No.6945446

tell us more sempai, apparently since you need /biz/, more than /biz/ needs you

>> No.6945464

Jesus just looking at AIX chart on kucoin is depressing

>> No.6945508

Why do we fall Bruce?

So we can learn to shill back up

>> No.6945948

This guy cryptos

>> No.6946471

>pajeets already selling


>> No.6946934

Thank the heavens for pajeets

>> No.6946983
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 2f7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6947214
File: 23 KB, 400x400, logo_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bitches better be right about this,
i sold my xrb in 50% loss,
this shit needs to pump asap or i will kms

>> No.6947246

You bought xrb at the all time high?



lucky as fuck this whale is letting you in on AIX. Don't fuck up this time

>> No.6947305


>> No.6947330

this is shit is bellow ocean deep now,
the only way is to go up.
fucking XRB

>> No.6947350

I bought 4 of these today

>> No.6947766

Every time the wall is attacked, more is added to the same wall

Manipulated as hell

I'm all in senpai, don't fuck me

>> No.6948239

Grab some lube, it'll be easier

>> No.6948776

My anus is prepared

Do you know where the prostate is?

>> No.6948848

This shit is worthless. Will never get back to previous ATH.