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6938730 No.6938730 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, I cant handle it anymore

A long while ago I had 50 Ethereum in a MEW wallet but refreshed the page and didn't have the keystore saved and didn't save a copy of the PV key (i had it copied into the browser bar but the page refreshed and I lost it)... 50 thousand USD today.

I want to fucking end it daily. I am poor as shit and that 50 ETH would have changed my life.

How do I let it go? I can't get over it... I have nightmares about it

>> No.6938818

Try wanking it to gay porn, that always helps, trust

>> No.6938819
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R.i.p. I remember your last thread

>> No.6938827

At least your misclick didn't cause you to die in a car accident.

>> No.6938855

take out a 50k loan and buy RaiBlocks. thank me in a year when you 500k-1 mil

>> No.6938898

this, increase leverage

>> No.6938904

That's just sadistic. He's already lost one 50K investment

>> No.6938924

You mean you lost half a mil. Because that is what 50 eth is going to worth by EOY. I would consider it OP.

>> No.6938946

I would if it would help seriously


Well I suppose

No one can just take out a loan for 50k larper

Its so tragic to me now that it is almost funny but sickening at the same time

It fucks me up

>> No.6939102

Start an advertiser friendly youtube channel called "My biggest crypto mistakes". Explain what you did and teach others the basics of how to do that. Invite guests on that have done similar retarded things. Then have them explain how not to do that. Once you get big enough start a patreon. And sell mybiggestcrypto mistake tshirts and mousepads. Invite experts on to explain best practices. There's a lot of noob normies who need to be handheld and spoonfed what 2FA means and what not. Remeber op in Chinese crisis means opportunity or something like that.

>> No.6939105 [DELETED] 

stop sitting around waiting for shit to happen you plebs
join a pnd group and get your gains in between holds
https://discord.. geegee /ke4abPQ

>> No.6939125

Buy 50 ZRX today. It will be $50k in a few months.

>> No.6939150

give us ur address so we can hack it

>> No.6939165

It's funny because this would actually legitimately work.

Also, join discord gg/XNYjDTQ

>> No.6939216

fuck off

>> No.6939266

>how *not* to do that

typo. I wrote that while i was taking a dump and was careless

>> No.6939380

I wish pnd discord prajeet posters all die choking on their vomit in agony

>> No.6939449

>How do I let it go?
by realising that you would have used that ETH long before today.
probably before it was worth anything substantial at all.

>> No.6939515

You'll always be poor if you keep feeling bad.

>> No.6939529

Pretty good advice anon. Godspeed to you!

I dont think I would have
What gets me is that its still sitting there
I just wish MEW would let people retrieve by providing proof of ip, etc

>> No.6939557

People have had larger losses OP.

Draw a line under it and move on with your life

>> No.6939573

I cant help it though. 50k is a lifechanging amount to me and to think one stupid refresh changed that...

>> No.6939635

I've tried but still cant

>> No.6939642

no, you would have never gotten 50k. If it hadn't been for that mistake it would have been one of the other hundred mistakes you make every day in order to stay a poor

>> No.6939657

not as bad as you OP, but last september i sent 0.5 btc to a an expired address on trezor without realising,now holding a measly 0.43btc, shit happens, just more incentive to make more.

>> No.6939664


Was it worth 50k when you refreshed?
If not would you have sold it before it reached a certain point?

>> No.6939708

I dont believe so
I am usually frugal as can be anyway

No but I planned on holding anyway

>> No.6939840


You lost whatever amount it was worth at the time

If 1ETH = 1 Million at some point will you cry about losing 50 million?

>> No.6939919

thats nothing i lost 300 eth from 2016 in a hack which is worth 300k today. and i sitll have a shit ton of steem sitting in an account with i no longer have access to because i lost the password in another hack. fucking windows 10

>> No.6939944

think of it like this, you probably wouldnt of held it for very long because some shit coin would of sprouted up and you woulda fomo'd in on it and lost everything anyways.

>> No.6939965

you should've stopped everything, downloaded a program that would have dumped memory to a file and sifted through that mothertrucker to get your secrets

>> No.6940080

you are either paying for karma of bad previous actions, or it was an intervention to avoid something tragic that would have happened if you had the 50 eth. like you would have traded it and ruined your life or something.
be grateful that you have another chance to buy in and learn from the past

>> No.6940199
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This is how I think about things too. I genuinely convince myself that everything that ever happens to me is somehow for the best. I have olympic-level mental gymnastics ability now.

>> No.6940621

I mean thats one way of looking at it but I dont think so overall

I know but it wasnt worth much then
I remember saying "meh ill buy some more next week anyway" and of course... i didnt

>> No.6940668

I once killed myself

>> No.6940683

>Traded it and ruined it your life
>Lost 50ETH refreshing browser?

You do realise they are essentially the same? OP lost a big bag of money. I don't understand your logic.

Also Karma is bullshit

>> No.6940697

Its karma for investing in a PEDOcoin that is sucking gamer cards out of the market...

>> No.6940930

Mine is worse than trading and messing up. You knew that anyway. I browser refreshes by itself when left inactive and you return to it (which is what I did)

I knew as soon as the page went white I had fucked up
I also INSTANTLY knew that one day I would look back and regret it

And here I am...

>> No.6940991

No. MEW is an interface and nothing more. They don't know what private keys you generate and that's a good thing. How do you even send 50k to a wallet you haven't saved in multiple places? If you're dealing with over 10k you should probably have a ledger as wellm

>> No.6941066

I was new to crypto and had never used MEW before. I copied the Pv key but didnt save the json file because I thought it was some huge download of the blockchain or something, like I said, I was new...

>> No.6941086

>How do I let it go? I can't get over it... I have nightmares about it
I know these feels. Had 40 buttcoins in 2010, formatted HDD after I learned the concept and dicked around for a bit. I thought it was a cool tech demo that would never have any use.
It gave me the drive to get into crypto and make that money back.

>> No.6941164

i lost 1m dogecoins when my hdd burnt down

thats my biggest poorly saved wallet loss

>> No.6941177

wait... you have the key???
that's literally all you need you stupid nigger

>> No.6941212

No read the thread idiot
Ae you retarded? If I had the key I wouldnt be posting this would I?

>> No.6941251



>> No.6941477
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>didnt save the private key before transferring 50ETH

you deserve it

>> No.6941899

Nigga I lost a wallet with 400 monero. Give me a break. It's still on my computer. Learn from your fuck up and move on