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6936773 No.6936773 [Reply] [Original]

during the dotcom bubble, the opposite was the case

explain me this

>> No.6936813

Buy when retards are saying it's a bubble.

Sell when these retards start buying.

>> No.6936847

well, both is the case right now

>> No.6936890

They're butthurt that a bunch of fucking NEETs got in on crypto a few years earlier than them so they're crying bubble to make themselves feel better. The bubble was $20k BTC, but the actual value will surpass that by orders of magnitude before EOY.
So buy and sell, obviously.

>> No.6936923

It literally just crashed 20 days ago

>> No.6937273
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>“Back in the spring of 1720, Sir Isaac Newton owned shares in the South Sea Company, the hottest stock in England. Sensing that the market was getting out of hand, the great physicist muttered that he ‘could calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of the people.’ Newton dumped his South Sea shares, pocketing a 100% profit totaling £7,000. But just months later, swept up in the wild enthusiasm of the market, Newton jumped back in at a much higher price — and lost £20,000 (or more than $3 million in [2002-2003’s] money. For the rest of his life, he forbade anyone to speak the words ‘South Sea’ in his presence.”

Basically the people who know its a bubble aka the "smart money" and "nocoiners" will end up FOMOing later on seeing that they cashed out too early. Then thats when we dump our bags.

A lot of smart money expect the bubble to burst soon thats when you know its not about to burst yet. Bubbles pump and bust during the most unpredictable times.

>> No.6937318

if everyone says its a bubble then it is definitely not a bubble...yet

>> No.6937347

Yes but if we all agree that its a bubble it will become a self fulfilling prophecy as no1 trusts it anymore and we crash to oblivion?

>> No.6937377

No quite the opposite really. See >>6937273

>> No.6937416


Normies can barely figure out how to open a Coinbase account.

Institutional money has not entered the market in any significant form

>> No.6937462

You can't just assume that ''smart money'' will FOMO back in because of some shit Isaac Newton did. If I recall correctly the South Sea bubble bursted because the ones close to the company started cashing out on their scam and everyone else started doing so then aswell.

The moral of the South Sea bubble is, have insider info or get REKT.

>> No.6937499

Some banker that invested when it was 300$ said that institutional money could come flowing in Q2-Q4 2018 as BTC becomes part of their portfolios to reduce risk of the overall holdings.

He even has his BTC locked up for a long period of time in a safe... he's really confident in it. I'm not that confident but its nice to see someone who knows his shit doing this

Ofcourse he doesn't need the money though, in his own words he does it to be ''free''

>> No.6937629
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>btc is a bubble

>> No.6937930
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Crypto isn't a traditional bubble, that's what these old economist fucks don't seem to get. They see crypto as one entity, like the stock market. What they don't realize is that the crypto economy contains the equivilent of equivalent of stocks, bonds, housing, metals, etc, etc. When one bubble bursts, others inflate.

Bitcoin was a bubble, and technically the Bitcoin bubble has already burst. But instead of money leaving the system, the money allocated itself throughout the crypto ecosystem in what we know as altcoins/shitcoins.

>> No.6937991

Gen X fag here. I lived through the dot com bubble. You know what caused the bust? It wasn't shit being overvalued. It was infrastructure unable to keep up with demand. Hyperinflation of infrastructure demand could not be met. Dot com companies had massive projections for growth and as such, acquired a fuckton of debt real fast that they couldn't pay off because infrastructure giants like cisco could not meet the demands.

The DEBT that crushed the dot com bubble does not exist in crypto. It can be argued a kind of infrastructure problem exists in bitcoin: Fees and tx times. The thing is though, bitcoin doesn't have debt obligations to meet. It's pure speculation. It's only as valuable as the faith put into it. And I don't care what anyone says, but blockchain tech is THE trend 5 years from now. Remember when everyone started talking about cloud computing 5 or 6 years ago? Now the majority of tech companies out there leverage cloud providers. The same happened with VM. We are on the bottom floor boys and girls. When adoption occurs in major financial institutions, stock market facilitation, and retail PoS we will all be multi-millionaires. Don't be rash. Invest slowly over time, SAFELY. You will make it. I've been around the block, blockchain applications are the next VM, CLOUD, INTERNET marketplaces. You all laugh when Justin Sun says Web 4.0, he is right, in a way. It may not be TRON that does it, but one or a few of these companies WILL revolutionize information technology. Screencap this and put it in a thumb drive in your safe so you can print it and frame it in 10 years.

>> No.6938300 [DELETED] 



Just a reminder that these (((intellectuals))) didn't see the dotcom or housing bubble. Half of them actually argued for policies that created one or the other (see: Krugman). They don't see a stock market bubble, and they certainly don't see the tech bubble where you have IPOs for companies that are basically predicated on free apps that add dog noses and cat ears to your selfies, in essence.

Most of these people type with two fingers alone and keep their passwords on post-it notes next to their Macbooks. They use buzzwords like 'disruptive' in their tweets to promote companies without products founded by trans-gendered bi-racial demi-sexual unicorns. But they don't understand technology. And for once in their lives they're on the outside looking in.

You have a huge chunk of an entire generation that is unwilling to work to be part of a system that has told them they should be lucky for whatever table scraps get thrown by the wayside, or for unpaid internships, or for 6 figure education loans to earn enough qualifications to stock shelves. To be discriminated against for being a white male or increasingly even female. To contribute to a system that actively spends their tax dollars to create economic, socio-political conditions to wipe their genetic lineage off of the face of the Earth. To know that no matter what they do, for the first time in Western civilization's existence, most children will have a lower quality of life than that of their parents.

For many on this board, this is a once in a generation opportunity to opt-out by circumventing the system. The system that makes you unable to invest in promising startups because you're not a 'qualified investor' by SEC standards, or because you live outside of blue-blood networks in the Sodom and Gomorrahs that run the global financial industry.

>> No.6938318

this. 5000x this.

>> No.6938387

I'll explain OP

Bitcoin does not have enough liquidity to drop

That means that enough cannot be sold for it to drop below a certain threshold without rebounding because it is either: lost, in cold storage, held by whales, held by banks, held by nations, and held by traders who don't want USD since they are making money by trading.

It is a currency, not a stock or a tulip bulb. Why would it crash?

>> No.6938414

what coins are you holding?

>> No.6938437

I love you anon

>> No.6938445 [DELETED] 
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They don't understand that this isn't about libertarianism or anonymity or any abstract ideal anymore. They don't understand the power of the psychic gestalt of NEETs, who propelled a reality TV star to the Presidency via memes and trolling. They don't appreciate how much NEETs alone have riding on this. There are people on this board right now that put in 60 or 80 hour weeks to AVOID the concept of working for other people. For some to feel pride in gains well below their salary, merely because THEY did it without having to lick the boot of some Boomer manager.

Talk of bubbles don't scare us. Real bubbles don't scare us. Losing our investment doesn't scare us. The only thing that scares us is not having hope, and so long as we have crypto, we have hope.

Their people willingly went into 'work camps' a generation ago, and run their offspring them today. And we're breaking out.

We are all going to make it, because we have no other choice.

>> No.6938514
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Here is the bubble. Imagine fiat is air in your lungs and crypto is the air inside the bubble. It has barely begun to inflate.

>> No.6938551


Privacy coins are too risky. They'll get legislated against in the next few years. Watch, they're already talking about regulation and funding terrorism. Governments will target privacy coins because they want their cut of taxes. And don't worry, if your country doesn't tax cryptocurrency yet, it probably will soon.

>> No.6938555

I love you, anon.

>> No.6938656

>Just a reminder that these (((intellectuals))) didn't see the dotcom or housing bubble
Funny thing is, there were actually indicators of a bubble in those situations. Especially the ARMs.

>> No.6938685

doesn't matter what boomers think
they'll soon be dead, and the younger generation will take over

use crypto, and you strengthen the network and its future
try and stop crypto, and you strengthen its future

young people aren't stupid, and news travels fast. people question everything these days, and too many questions will be asked if the government trys to outlaw

the only reason governments and banks would want to ban crypto is so they can maintain the corrupt society we live in.

support crypto and the governments will be working for us, not us working for them

>> No.6938692

I wouldn't worry about the bubble
the real pain is when the IRS deemed bitcoin as property instead of an investment, meaning you can owe the tax man between 40% and 60% after all the fees pile up.

>> No.6938707

>normie portfolio
>thinks governments will be able to regulate crypto that hard
Get out

>> No.6938750

Anon what is your opinion on VEN? Overhyped or legimatey good tech that will see plenty of growth?

>> No.6938761

>young people

I wish that was true, go to any campus.
Check out what teenagers watch on youtube
Check out what babies watch on youtube

>> No.6938764

thx satoshi

>> No.6938809

>Young people aren't stupid
Dude.. wtf.. my generation is fucking insane have you ever looked around you at how manipulated and sheeple they are?
>Question everything
Yeah sure thats why they're still fucking oblivious about the monetary system and politics

>> No.6938894

Grade A hopium.

>> No.6938912

Actually Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and various other tech and investment gurus knew that there was a tech bubble.

>> No.6938950
File: 36 KB, 590x518, d95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man i just hope you're right... I live in a 3rd world country and everybody i know just shit talks crypto calling it tulip mania 2.0 or ponzi scheme... even the head of our central bank calls it a bubble. Thing is, my country is such an intelectual shithole, whith shitty politicans, shitty laws and shitty economic and social development policies that i just have absolute 0 confidence in what they say, the people in charge are just everything that is wrong with this fucking world. All I want to do is show these people the middle finger one day and tell them to shove it up their asses and I genuinly just want to become rich so I can help people by giving them proper education, that's it.

>> No.6938954

"Its a bubble" is a sentiment among people that are smart but understand nothing about cryptocurrency.

There are products in the market that are overvalued (dogecoin, ripple, etc), but its not a bubble.

>> No.6939045

Were 90% of clueless normies screaming 'BUBBLE TULIPS BEANIE BABIES' to appease their pain of missing out?

>> No.6939059

Good post

>> No.6939124

You that nigga bro

>> No.6939264


>> No.6939391

Exactly. Every coin or token represents their own value based on their characteristics, but the market is interconnected. Its truly mindblowing.

Your post is severely underrated anon.

>> No.6939429

People have been calling bitcoin a bubble since it hit $1. How did that work out for them?