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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6931084 No.6931084 [Reply] [Original]

Nick Szabo (AKA Satoshi Nakamoto) just shilled LINK on Twitter.

>> No.6931099


>> No.6931107

Priced in

>> No.6931120
File: 88 KB, 651x630, HD_Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(AKA Satoshi Nakamoto)

>> No.6931126

delight! simply delight!

>> No.6931149
File: 62 KB, 506x395, 1516720556876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you buy LINK you'll have to live with the fact that you're a nazi for the rest of your life

>> No.6931190

Boi I am so fucking ready to be a rich nazi

>> No.6931205

you jumped to like 10 conclusions from this twitter post. That wasnt shilling....

>> No.6931222

he is though

>> No.6931240
File: 432 KB, 820x1202, Nick Szabo's vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is this true?

>> No.6931356




these digits don't lie

>> No.6931370

nice shop

>> No.6931385

No I mean did Szabo actually retweet?

Not a shop, is real picture.

>> No.6931400

its real. tig if brue

>> No.6931440

He did, but I guarantee he has no clue what Chainlink is.

>> No.6931444


>> No.6931462


he just retweeted a post asserting that smart contracts would see mainstream adoption in the form of LINK to his 168K followers

>> No.6931482

Gonna wait for Craigtoshi tweet myself before I invest in this shit when I have no idea what it does and don't care anyway

>> No.6931492

I just checked, he did actually retweet it omfg.

>I guarantee he has no clue what Chainlink is.
The guy's been in on crypto from day 1, I guaran-fucking-tee you he knows exactly what Chainlink is.

>> No.6931491

Oh man, it's so fucking funny, the brainlets on here won't even fucking get it even when Satosho fucking Nakamoto himself throws them a bone. Nu /biz/ truly is a wonder to behold.

>> No.6931493
File: 8 KB, 212x237, 1516474791530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeeeeeee mein boi

>> No.6931524

Nick Szabo is NOT Satoshi. No way. 0%. I hate this faggot. He is so much up bis own ass, no way he couldve kept it secret.

>> No.6931529

>(RT/Fav/Follow does not imply endorsement)

>> No.6931545


and why would you assume that? the guy is obviously in deeper with smart contract technology than anyone here. you don't think he'd be aware of the leading company in this domain?

>> No.6931589

Szabo and Finney are guaranteed behind what was written by pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, probably somebody more.

>> No.6931612

I invested in the LINK ICO (474)
But come on, be realistic.

>> No.6931671


Hes like the most quiet genius autist in crypto. its him bruh

>> No.6931705

>I invested in the LINK ICO (474)
Good old times, when everyone posted their blocknumber. I have to look up mine.

>> No.6931707
File: 20 KB, 221x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6931715


what you're experiencing isn't skepticism, it's incredulity. szabo was writing about smart contracts 20 years ago before crypto even existed and just retweeted someone asserting that link would bring smart contracts into the mainstream. i understand you'd like more time to accumulate link but you literally have no point

>> No.6931783

>just retweeted someone asserting that link would bring smart contracts into the mainstream.
More likely he retweeted because it was a nice article about himself.

>> No.6931805

this. old people click shit all the time without thinking.

>> No.6931846

How many fucking projects in the top 100 are about smart contracts? Ethereum? Rootstock? ADA?

>> No.6931890

You're cute when you're coping.

>> No.6931900

Seen the post. going to the moon boys

>> No.6931905

Yeah he constantly praises himself and retweets people praising him. And stupid anti-communism posts. Nick Szabo is the biggest faggot in crypto

>> No.6931984

>stupid anti-communism posts.

>> No.6932039


even if that's the case the effect is that he advertised link to his 168K followers, who will in turn take it as an endorsement. intent doesn't matter, only perception

>> No.6932114


how many projects in the top 100 are about making smart contracts usable in the real world? link, mobius, and aeternity

>> No.6932395
