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6928006 No.6928006 [Reply] [Original]

>Paying an institution thousands of dollars for years to give you exams on information that you have to teach yourself from textbooks and videos to earn a piece of paper that proves to employers you know how to perform the task you're being hired for.
>Get hired, be told on the first day "Forget everything you learned in school, this is how you actually do it"

Really? Everyone is cool with this? "Just the way it is bro deal with it." What a fucking ponzi scheme. Classes are just people showing a power point presentation and reading off of them, then giving you assignments and exams based on textbook info. We can't just pay to take a comprehensive exam after studying on our own and be given a degree that way? If college wasn't so expensive, it wouldn't be a big deal, but when it costs 50k a year it becomes robbery.

>> No.6928055

>Not having free education

>> No.6928068

Yea but how else will they trick people to start their working adult lives with a large amount of debt?

>> No.6928095

I want to drop out desu, youre 100% right.
got 250k in crypto and at this point i might as well leave uni to trade full time, put gains towards my business idea after the 2018 bull run

>> No.6928133

>Be Eurocuck
>Cheap uni
>Got 2 degress
>Costed about 7k euros (in total)
>No student debt
>Now working in IT for 60k yearly)


>> No.6928161

College is only for kids with parents that have too much money to throw on their kids. Then they get to attend a young adult amusement park chasing roasties, booze, and drugs. The roasties study their asses off to get jobs in steady career growth positions while the anons graduate with shit degrees and having to settle a job in sales. That’s alright because the hardworking nose to the grindstone roasties are too risk averse to become crypto millionaires. Sorry story of my life currently . Also i went to that school OP

>> No.6928177

>be completely average
>want to be seen as not average
>go through the motions and do what people tell me to do
>finally get some recognition
>"forget everything you learned in school, this is how you actually do it"


>> No.6928293

>pay an institution thousands of dollars to get instruction and insight from qualified people with actual experience in your targeted industry, as well as pick up useful connections/references for the job market
>learn how to fuction in social settings and manage your own life/time/work without assistance (some people do need that)
Also it doesn’t even remotely resemble a ponzi, I don’t think you know what that means.
Stop wasting your time in a $50k/yr school filled with professors who’ve been academics since graduation and never actually worked in the field. $2k-5k a year at a small school is sufficient and those schools are more likely to have professors with industry experience. Plus, it’s free if your pre-tax income is <$100,000 at least in my home state NY.

>> No.6928480

oldfag here. get the degree so you have something to fall back on in case shit hits the absolute fan. don't fuck yourself kid, you're already set. go bang some roasties and enjoy college, do well enough to get the degree, make connections. then when you're out you can trade full time and not have to get a job, but you also have another option if worst case scenario plays out.

>> No.6928546

I personally am on the GI bill, the cost isn't an issue, but the content is. The professors even say "well this is the textbook way to do it, but it could be totally different IRL!" So we have to learn this way that won't be done? Wow great help.

>> No.6928637

> be me
> study in finland
> pay 0e for university

how about you pussies just do your studies in a country where education is free?

>> No.6928708


When its put like this its so true.

pay thousands for enrollment
pay hundereds for textbooks
teachers stand there and read you the text book while you re-write the text book on a different bit of paper.

>> No.6928726

An American would have to pay to go study in Finland dippo.

>> No.6928795


well it sure as hell ain't 50k a year.

>> No.6928825

I suppose it depends on where you go. If you chose a high tuition school (assuming because GI bill, why not right) what I usually see now in those schools is that the profs have little real experience. Or it’s old and outdated. My business profs are actual business owners in the area at a $2k/semester school. This avoids the problem of profs teaching old concepts unfit for the current world.
We read textbooks but most of the time they will often tell us the information is no longer fully accurate, and to use them as a foundation instead.

>> No.6928850


At last I truly see

>> No.6928918


>> No.6929034

School is just class warfare on the poor worldwide, if you can afford college go because it immediately makes you upper class. However I personally cannot stand school, I was skipping classes freshman year of highschool to go teach myself to code. I make around 50k a year passively now, and am searching for investors for my startup that will be valued at 50mil in 4 years if it pans out, and am only 19. Just remember anon, school is the easy route, you will face uncertainty if you choose not to go and will have to work 3* as hard to make it if you choose not to go

>> No.6929115

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6929136
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>pay to take an exam

Why are you paying for things you can learn for free?

>> No.6929176


>> No.6929280

Tax is higher but I don't graduate with a mountain of debt. Take your pick. :^)

>> No.6929351

I live in America and I paid $6000 a year for uni so wasn't that bad.

The problem is jobs are generally terrible. i make a lot but absolutely hate my job. Trying to look for another one but they all sound bad. I'm thinking I will just keep switching shitty jobs until I have like 1 mill in crypto and then just sit comfy and live cheaply and daytrade until I can actually find a job I like.

>> No.6929398

>move to a place where tuition is free
>pay tax for 2-6 years and living costs
>move back after graduation to a lower tax area and enjoy the benefits of education for the rest of your life
Smoking hot deal right there

>> No.6929401

>be eurocuck
>no degree
>79k per year working in IT

People I know are still studying, kek. 20k in the bank and 80k-ish in my house. Higher education is a joke for almost every job.

>> No.6929481

People who skip higher ed do have larger savings to start, but are limited in their lifetime earning potential. Statistics on this topic are still showing income increase with more advanced degrees, and the disparity widens over time.

>> No.6929518

Shhh don't ruin it for them.

>> No.6929703

This is completely true, which is why I said you have to work 3* as hard. Nobody gives you a chance without a degree so you have to make your own luck. I guarantee though if 35% of college grads had instead spent 10 hours a day researching and planning businesses, an industry they can get in without a degree, and in general dedicated their time just as much as school into their own ideas they would be better off.

>> No.6929786


and to top it off, you pay minimal, if any taxes when you're a fucking dirt poor university student with some shitty side job

>> No.6929833

80K per year in IT. Nice LARP unless youre a developer team lead God in Norway

>> No.6929932


80k is definitely possible, just depends on the company and their salary model

t. same salary

>> No.6930059

If you wanted to learn something, you can do so on your free time. If you wanted to prove to your superiors that you aren't a social failure, can work with or on a team, and can partition your time like an adult, you go to college.

>> No.6930206

>average salary of the norwegian population is 70K usd
really makes you think

>> No.6930995

Physicians and other skilled medical fields should require a schooling program, but most of what we have today is a ton of academia bullshit with some actual medicine thrown in. Does a family practitioner really need to write a 20 page essay on pay gap disparity in order to be a good doctor? Does a surgeon? Or maybe, you know, just a researcher does.

Outside of that, does an engineering student need 35 credits in shit that doesn't apply like history, government, music appreciation and philosophy? I surely don't give a shit yet had to waste two years of my life doing it before I could get into subjects that mattered for my degree. That's the worst part, just tailor it to their specific field and cut out the bullshit, get them working. Of course a university wants them there longer to get a "well rounded education", but it's just to extract more money.