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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6926133 No.6926133 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

Wanted to follow up on a thread from yesterday. I hope you bought in, since you'd already be up about 15%.

But that's nothing.

This project is so solid that looking at the gains day to day would be a foolish thing to do. I've been in it since my discord group called it at $0.30, and I can't believe how lucky I am that i managed to HODL.

This coin will revolutionize voting, and they had some major announcements yesterday with Ian Ballina.

The most important one?
>We will be on a TOP exchange within 5 weeks (AKA end of February)

I really really implore you /biz/ don't miss out on this.

>> No.6926172

Been in this shit since 20 something cents

>> No.6926226
File: 148 KB, 1330x527, HST-shouldhavebought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to tell these guys the implications of this token but they didn't want to listen.

Shareholders meetings. That's literally all I need to say.

>> No.6926334

Got this pajeet tier coin on Ku and it instantly jumped off a cliff...

Fuck this and fuck you anon.

Give me one good reason to throw any more into this dumpster fire and I'll buy 100k

>> No.6926365

Because of the implications.
"Dennis are you going to hurt these women?"

but seriously, if you don't realize HST is going to be one of, if not the top blockchain voting platform INTERNATIONALLY, then just quit crypto. Right now you're getting in at peanut prices.

>> No.6926376
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Think of the future, not last week you weak handed faggot.

>> No.6926392


"jumped off a cliff"

I've been telling people to buy on 4chan since this was sub 8k sats. But, none of this will matter. I told you in the OP: They announced yesterday they will be on the biggest exchange in a few weeks (They've mentioned Binance talks a lot in Telegram, so that's the most likely option)

Also a very low mcap still.

>> No.6926407

Yeah, you bought ATH, right? While not buying before and kept saying "this shit coin does nothing"? Right?,

>> No.6926458

It jumped off a cliff because of the market dump. Also the fact that it's basically only on Kucoin which isn't the best market to crash resistance. But that's why it's still a deal, when it does get to binance or whateverthefuck place it's going to be too late by a long shot. This isn't one of those pnd shitcoins, stop looking at such a narrow timeframe and grow up if you want real gains.

>> No.6926562


>he fell for the "a 3% trade every day meme"
>thinks the future means 4 days from now

I feel bad for people like this, with no foresight. Don't worry anon, at least you and I will make it.

>> No.6926830
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Been holding this for a couple of months now, dont be like Bill guys you will regret selling this coin.