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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 108 KB, 1200x675, taxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6924096 No.6924096 [Reply] [Original]


It's game over now

>> No.6924198

Wow, such intimidation

>> No.6924259

I am so scared now.

Lucky that i have never bought crypto and never sell crypto ;)

>> No.6924298

How is investing in crypto not considered gambling? We're all taking a risk investing in a completely unregulated market. The chance of everything dumping and losing all your money is huge. So how we are expected to pay full income taxes is horse shit. This should be the same as if I put everything on black and lost. It's gambling and should be taxed like it.

>> No.6924326

Gayest thing I've seen today and I lurked /fit/ earlier.

>> No.6924386

I think this has more to do with corporate tax shelters and Trump's tax plan than crypto currencies.

>> No.6924501
File: 86 KB, 680x748, 1514568635496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Faggots here is what your do to escape this every trade after every year without cashing out BS madness:
This advice is only for the masterrace that never sold anything on a verified exchange tho:

Keep trading whatever the fuck you want
and if let's say in 2 years you decide to cash out make up some fake trade history from that year (so they won't ask why you haven't paid taxes so far for previous years). Make sure it adds-up to the amount of btc/eth you want to cash out, it's up to you if you want to claim 20 smaller fake trades, 1 big one, maybe even icos or something.

That way you only pay when you cash out, and everyone is happy. Prove me wrong tax cucks

>> No.6924613

I only owed like 200 Bucks according to bitcoin.tax. Where i fucked up is my return and kikebase accounts have the same email. I may do time bois but my 1.5k is safe! I doubt i will be audited however as i can be claimed as a dependant and the deposits to my account are all less than 500 pesos.

>> No.6924677


I paid nothing extra on my $100k+ crypto gains last year. I will continue to do the same this year

>> No.6924981

So say I got money from selling a forked crypto I got for free, do I have to pay taxes on that?

>> No.6925033

I'm a neet and only made like 5k. Do i need to file taxes on that? Is there a thresh hold or what

>> No.6925108

the threshold you speak of is strictly a "what are the odds of getting caught"... you owe taxes on your 5k. Do you fall under the threshold of getting flagged, probably not.

>> No.6925128

How many of the high profile guys that run taxes and write laws actually shit their own pants when writing those laws? Or how many of them actually take advantage?
No memeing, facts pls.

>> No.6925225

i was scammed with confido.
lost money because of exchanges going down. and now have to pay taxes??? so i can go to police too when hacked?
i will go on with crypto till i have enough and then just buy a new passport. fuck the taxman

>> No.6925300

Here's my biggest concern. I put all that money into LINK. 2-3 years from now when I sell am I going to have legal trouble for not reporting the initial transactions in 2017?

>> No.6925554

that's the wise thing to do. Just keep trading without worrying about the jews from the IRS and when the day that you made it comes, just choose a country that is not fucked in the head. It's so easy with crypto, and that's why the regulators are shitting their pants. because to transfer a lot of cash you would need to set up an entire mission like in GTA how to smuggle those money abroad etc, with crypto? you can tatto your private eye on your ass and there is fuck all the IRS or whoever can do to stop you from leaving, lol

>> No.6925617

Do they really have the resources to go after us though? I made 50K from crypto and wont be paying my taxes. I'll post what happens on here, but I'm betting nothing will happen.

>> No.6925684

dude, there is nothing those fucks can do
If it's only 50k, just sell that shit on local bitcoins if you want, and keep cash at home. Literally nothing the kikes from IRS can do about that

>> No.6925801

What if I already deposited it to my BoA account tho...

>> No.6925890

what are you fucking 12 or what?
how can you be so reckless, enjoy what's coming then.

>> No.6925990

This only affects yuropoors though, so who cares?

>> No.6926043

>What is a Suspicious Activity Report

yeah def pay your taxes, and enjoy the penalty for not paying estimated quarterly taxes after anticipating to owe more than $1,000 by the tax filing deadline

>> No.6926257

Fuck. I didn't do one large deposit though. I've been slowly making <5K deposits over the past 2 years. I do contract work so it's normal for me to get deposits in those amounts. Or am I flagged automatically because I use coinbase?

>> No.6926340

>80 countries in EU
meriturd gentlemen!

>> No.6926401

the thing is you won't know until they knock on your doors. I gave tips on how to avoid the fucking taxmen or at least delay it but in your case I would try to find out what would be the fine if they caught you, If it's relatively small I would just pretned like nothing happens, but if it's big enough to keep you stressing at night then I guess I would pay and never repeat the same mistake again

>> No.6926485

Oh wow even more so called countries that don't matter.

Thanks for the update.

>> No.6926539

Fucking moron, I'm implying that there are not 80 countries in EU, which means this doesn't just apply to Europe, retard.

>> No.6926581

Wait how do quarterly taxes work? So if we are all expected to make like a million dollars this year, would we have to be paying quarterly taxes already right now? or do we that until next year?

>> No.6926672

Yes yurostan I'm aware of that. Please try to keep up.

Tell me something. Does it make your day to reply to someone from a real country like myself? Does you get the feeling of actually existing after I read your boring post?

>> No.6926687

Whew, one more year, good. I definitely didn't pay this year or last year or any year

>> No.6927278
File: 132 KB, 768x576, 1380576460704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I buy a real state with no taxes?

The house will be in my name

>> No.6927434

Anyone from Austria here? I've read that if you don't pay income tax (if you make less than 11k yearly) you don't have to pay taxes on crypto.Is this true? Also if you make a profit on crypto and cash out, does that add to your yearly income. Idiot studant fag asking, need answers.

>> No.6927466

How does taxation work in trading between fiat currencies

I imagine it would be the same?

>> No.6927985

homestead laws

look up the list for the states
you buy in texas for instance and they can't touch you.