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6923580 No.6923580 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts, positive or negative?

>> No.6923604


>> No.6923623

It went from 10 cents to 36 dollars in a matter of days

It is overvalued as fuck and the devs have probably dumped and become billionaires

>> No.6923624

sell it and buy IOTA today
>not even fucking kidding you man

>> No.6923626


>> No.6923761

>10 cents to 36 dollars in a matter of days
>implying that hasn’t been most every coin in the top 100 over the last 2-3 months

And if the devs pulled an exit scam why are they sticking around and developing it still?

>> No.6923817


>> No.6923877
File: 30 KB, 298x403, waitingforbinancelisting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

positive, but holy fuck its momentum got killed hard by the node problems

I'm just gonna hold to see what happens on binance

>> No.6924233
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>still newfag here
idk,positive thoughts
Raiblock is better then IOTA and has more potetial.
I guess everyone is waiting for raiblock to be listed on binance, that will drive the price a lot

>> No.6924258
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I think the tech is very promising, and unlike most shitcoins, it actually has a future and might be the main coin used for transactions and arbitrage.

But it got pumped at the worst possible time (just before all crypto crashed) and then the node problems really ruined its momentum. It very likely would have reached about $80 if it hadn't been for that.

Now all the exchange problems and general FUD is just destroying it. I expect the value to continue to go down. But the devs are doing extremely good work, and the roadmap is good. When the new wallets are released and it goes on Binance and maybe gets a rebrand, who knows what will happen?

It's just a shame that everything that could go wrong went wrong for it, when other shitcoins enjoyed undeserved pumps based on empty promises throughout 2017 and remain inflated above what they're worth, whereas a coin with actually good tech gets FUDed to death.

Despite the fact that I love RaiBlocks, I wouldn't advise anyone to invest in it.

>> No.6924311

Anyone who wanted to buy raiblocks already did. Binance won't do shit for it, other than dump it as people realize there won't be another pump until december.

>> No.6924573

Binance will actually be big. Pretty strong signal that the issues are fixed when it gets listed.

>> No.6924873

Complete newfag here.
From lurking I've heard good things from seemingly reliable people.
It's probably going to make up a pretty good chunk of my long term portfolio to start. Will keep scooping it up under $13.
Plan to hold XLM and ETH as well.

>> No.6924944

shit erc20 scam china token

>> No.6924960
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why XLM?

>> No.6925010

op, there is no incentive for node operators so it has no future. cut your losses

>> No.6925052

Maybe they pulled a charlie lee?

>> No.6925127

This thread reaks. The development team is shilling their own coin. No one mentioning the wallet issues, or node issues, or exchange issues, or Bitgrail pump/dump...major red flag

>> No.6925157

I'm super bullish on XRB. Of all the coins, the FUDDers of it are the most retarded (just look at this thread for proof). It's all either bullshit or FUD from weeks ago.

>> No.6925186

nah that worked fine for iota

oh wait

>> No.6925236

It didn't work for BTC either
oh wait
KYS retard

>> No.6925315

OP and others , the fud here is for a reason or just trolling for the hell of it. I hold raiblocks and i fudded all day long yesterday for a bit of laughs.
Every one of these snarky posts got a fat fuck behind it giggling trust me on my word.
Just hold its a bright future for this one.

>> No.6925347

It's seems like the safest bet out if every alt. Almost everyone is in on it and it'll moon when we inevitably get more fairx news.
I'm not in it now but I'll pick some up when it dips below 50c

>> No.6925402

Check this thread for more thought out opinions:

>> No.6925480


It will moon but it will be a slow takeoff opposed to what people here (and reddit) thought, maybe not until EOY 2019. The lamentations of the sellers will be great.

>> No.6925815
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You think the current market will last for at least 2 years more?

>> No.6925833
File: 28 KB, 318x318, chig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shit happened last year with IOTA, went to almost $1 US in the spring and then crashed and bled out to a third of that. Then it did 15x in a couple of months despite fundamental technical flaws and developers that openly advocate for human zoos.

Let the ADHD moonboys FOMO in on this one in a few weeks

>> No.6925904
File: 62 KB, 740x444, b848efb5-06a1-4c3a-9157-c76bfd3b7803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

devs some nazi alt-right boys who dumped on fellow /biz anons and long time gone already
>faggots who still shilling XRB here every minute will be in denial for a long time

>> No.6925907

great coin, shitty community

>> No.6925974
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>serious discussion

>> No.6926137

Just made some money with PonziCoin, and bought more XRB with the profits.
Today was a good day.

>> No.6926205

positive at 1 dollar

wait until it has real world use to buy

>> No.6926225

How is a coin that only can be used as currency better than IOTA?
You shoud probably check what IOTA is. IOTA can die like almost every crypto out there but chances to be a top 5 coin by EOY are very, very high. And if you don't believe it, just wait some month.

>> No.6926424

Because it's not built to be a currency for people like you and I. Their entire mission is to be the "blockchain" (muh tangle) backbone for IoT. It's a currency for robots.
Also you're missing the entire point. We need a pure currency in the market and XRB is in the best position to become known as that currency. Everything else in the top 20 will either run into the same scaling problems BTC is, or is an ICO platform (read: congestion)

>> No.6926752

Beats IOTA in its simplicity, actually working, and extensibility.

>> No.6926764

I'm sorry, but you're wrong.
IOTA is a pure currency and much more.
m2m payments is a very generic term. paying some food with your phone is a m2m payment. an aumated payment for the energy you used is also a m2m payment. paying for critical data for your company that was gathered by...let's say sensors, is also a m2m payment.
machines are here to stay, to use them, so at the end of the day a m2m is a payment for people. And the tangle growth and network speed will be based on the need for people and companies to run their own node not only because they need a currency but because they need the tech behind it.

>> No.6926792

Bitgrail is cucking XRB hard

>> No.6926801





>> No.6926808
File: 12 KB, 200x200, pascal-coin[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it FUD all you want, but all 0 tx fee networks are highly vulnerable to penny-spend attacks. The only solution I have seen so far is Pascalcoin, that allows 1 free tx per block

>> No.6926885

I was talking to my friend yesterday and he said he seen a pajeet buying IOTA. Im out sorry.

>> No.6926957

You will buy at $8 or so, when you see it won't stop growing.

>> No.6926963
File: 69 KB, 742x518, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual wtf moment here.
Everyone, FUDders and shillers, i have no idea what is going on. Can we make sense of this together?

RaiBlocks mentioned in the Stellar roadmap:

>> No.6927073

By the way, there's an AMA on Reddit right now. If you want to hear about use cases, read.


>> No.6927213


dafuq this is actually real

>> No.6927282


uhh. shit.

>> No.6927354

They might just be making a joke of RaiBlocks getting popular and a lot of people asking them about it. At the very least, they are acknowledging XRB is a thing, but not in any negative/positive way still yet her.

>> No.6927790

This. For some reason, the FUD on Rai is the most retarded out there. I guess that's a good sign.

>> No.6928169

People think it's a diamond when it is really cubic zircona