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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6919675 No.6919675 [Reply] [Original]

It is $0.71 right now.

No, seriously, what the FUCK.

Thankfully I bought in at $0.33, but there would have to be a serious pump to get this shit back to even $1, which is where I know a lot of people bought in here. And I was expecting $5 by now.

How is it that so many shit coins are like $6-8 already while this is still less than three quarters? Don’t even tell me “whales accumulating xD” because that’s fucking bullshit.

>> No.6919723

Because this is the next bitconnect

>> No.6919745


>> No.6919760

It was 50 cents five days ago and 1.10 three days ago. Grow some balls

>> No.6919763
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he's still in... keep dumpin' it !!!

>> No.6919772
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>> No.6919774


Yeah, I'm disappointed to see such a great project get no respect to anon, but stop being a faggot and hold until eoy. We all know it can't be suppressed after it launches and partnerships are announced.

>> No.6919785

Because this project is dead, and /Biz can't accept it. Sell off that shit and throw it into a real project instead

>> No.6919806

The crypto space is filled with coins that are hyped up and marketed like crazy. It has become the norm. Any coin that doesn't do this is considered a shit coin because of "muh news".

Chainlink has not marketed their product at all. It has risen from $0.17 to $1.40 without any news. The past week and a half has been bad for LINK, but it's also been bad for most coins. The fact that it is still trading at $0.70 and not back to $0.17 says something. People are holding this token, even though no news has come out, because they believe in this project. I wouldn't doubt that the minute any news is released, we see a $2-$3 LINK in one day. Will probably find a new floor $1.90-$2.50.

Anyone who sells this close to announcements coming out over the next two months would be a complete autist.

>> No.6919821

Whale here, i confess: I pumped it to $1.40. it's on its way back to 13 cents a la post sibos. Enjoy your bags

>> No.6919822

Because nail salon, Thai hookers, McDonald’s, Rory isn’t even real and last but not least the shadowfork. It’s like sergey is trying to warn you idiots

>> No.6919831

other coins have srs propaganda of the majority of people. Look at trx normies dropped a lot of money on the shit and Justin sun has them tweeting every 5 min about it.

Link is not meant for the public. Its meant for commercial use. The only place it get talked about is here.

4chan has a way of finding shit before anyone else even thinks about it. I was around when btc was being shill on /b/ and regret it. I wont take the chance missing this one

>> No.6919853

should the fuck up

mainnet isn't even realised yet, getting released Q1 this year
Sergey speaking next month at the super conference

you just expect your investment will keep rising for no reason or what?

>> No.6919857
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>> No.6919890

This is a perfect example of what I said in this post

>no news
>oh shit project is dead sell sell sell

That fact that Sergey and the team have no hyped or shilled LINK in any way should show that the project is still alive and promising. I don't know if you faggots realize this, but they actually benefit from a higher price LINK token, considering that's what they are getting paid with. Like I said, the fact that they are not shilling or hyping their OWN TOKEN means that good things are yet to come.

>> No.6919923

You not using a g in "dumpin'" made me unreasonably uncomfortable.

>> No.6919955

I wish you short sighted cunts would sell already so I don't have to keep reading the same shit day after day.

>> No.6919964
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Because it’s overvalued? You invested in an idea.

Do they have a full functioning main net? No. Have they announced major partnerships? No. Have they a created a extensive roadmap? No.

You gambled on an idea, nothing more.

>> No.6919966
File: 62 KB, 432x240, cool-hand-luke-33564-16x9-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought 2k right at $1 usd

if this were any other coin id be freaking the fuck out

here's a current photo of me

cool hand link

>> No.6919973

you don't deserve to be a stinky. Sell faggot.

>> No.6919977


dea wit it dud, yo ca stil rea jus fin

it lik hackin ur brain. insid ur hea stealin ur gigabyte

>> No.6919987

Link truly is the /comfiest/ hold of all time.

>> No.6920013
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>toilette clogged again
>problem: happy meal diet
oh, noooooo

>> No.6920044

Anon, you're supposed to hold this for at least 2 years. Don't listen to the "get rich quick" niggers on biz.
Is Link ATH? Hold
Is Link dipping? Buy more

>> No.6920077

why the fuck would you expect it to be 5$ by now. What sort of reasoning would constitute that shit valuation?
And who the fuck would buy in at 1$ and not sell at a healthy support line which is an ATH in JANUARY. Newfags, that's who. People who understand nothing about investing, do not try and accumulate knowledge and need every shit spoonfed to them.
You guys are ridiculous and pathetic. I bought in at 0.15, I could not give 2 fucks if this stagnates for another 3 years.

>> No.6920134
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recent dub check. thanks kek

>> No.6920151
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>I could not give 2 fucks if this stagnates for another 3 years.
Its happening.

>> No.6920214

Idk I sold 20k of my 50k stack at 1.35 but I'm hesitant to take too much profit because the non long term holds in MURICA I have to pay more tax on

>> No.6920240

>just use TA astrology to make all your decisions
>being this retarded

>> No.6920247
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This has alot of potential

>> No.6920301

>Cool hand link

>> No.6920326


>> No.6920384


>> No.6920420

If anything that's horse

>> No.6920449
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>> No.6920510
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>the state of Linkfags

>> No.6920515
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>> No.6920520
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You boys ready?

>> No.6920536
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>it's over

>> No.6920642

Nice thumbnail.

>> No.6920701
File: 391 KB, 638x477, 1234533_649668295071043_1862351277_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link bout to blow the fuck up right now

>> No.6920704

true just make sure you drop your bags as soon as their mainnet launches

>> No.6920758

Weak ass bitch hands

>> No.6920771
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>> No.6920809

thanks anon, you've done well

>> No.6920838

ERC20 token after all.

>> No.6920871
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link to the m0000n

>> No.6920947
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stop being a normie faggot

>> No.6921026
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cup and handle formed. praise lord Sergey!

>> No.6921030

Great fuckin job anon, saving to link folder

>> No.6921037


>> No.6921074
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>> No.6921076
File: 321 KB, 1290x670, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 11.47.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when a link fud thread ignites more rocket boosters

>> No.6921087
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LINK d o n t BLINK

>> No.6921170

Better wait until all that stuff is up and running to buy. Buy high a few sell low.

>> No.6921215
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All the major players decided speed and price matters. Sorry fellers

>> No.6921233
File: 12 KB, 245x206, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought in at $1.30 cuz /biz/ said its "only going up from here"

>> No.6921392

Just market sold my 12k link. It was tough, been a day one bagholder buts its over. Double top is complete, now we bleed for 3 months until the new .20 floor. Feels good to be out of this shitcoin. I feel free for the first time in months. Now im gonna put the money into a TRUE decentralized currency, Ripple.

>> No.6921399

I remember this shit was even lower in late November and everyone was making sad posts but then it reached $1 without significant news

>> No.6921448

Everything mooned then idiot, and 100x bigger than shitlink

>> No.6921449

TA is bullshit

>> No.6921457

Better late than never.

>> No.6921490

The whole market is down, there is no marketing and no news. This is a good project but you are a brainlet if you thought it is going to moon short term.

>> No.6921593

>sells link to buy ripple
nice b8, m8

>> No.6921651


>> No.6922522

Be more subtle next time please.

>> No.6922605

Yes they gave out links for kisses, not ethereum

>> No.6922842

Can we try to share something interesting about link for once? I'll start: the concept of "token sinks" is very interesting. When staking for SWIFT related stuff I believe the penalty payment alone has to be in hundreds of thousands. Also all the users will want to stack up for years when they decide to use CL. Even if there's some weak handed investors still left I will be here to carry your bags. My link sink is at least two years deep

>> No.6922999


>> No.6923082

praise kek

>> No.6923183
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>> No.6923618

Shit coin. Around for years and even trx has more going for it. Bail while you're green anon, for pities sake.

>> No.6923725
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You were so close to master the bait. As serious master baiter (for brits - wanker) you should have changed ripple to mobius for maximum triggering. Until next time, kid.

>> No.6923753

I'm unironically still dumping in all my free income into LINK. The meme potential of this coin just has the feeling that it could be a $30 billion mcap within a year or two.
>t. 1.6k linklet

>> No.6923899

Doesn't this do the same thing as Chainlink?

>> No.6923955

Yes, this latest Chainlink hardfork

>> No.6923969

testnet is Q1, nobody knows when mainnet is

>> No.6924094

This is the McLink fork I was warning about! Why didn't any of you LISTEN? WE ARE ALL DOOMED!

The only thing that could save us now is the Japanese ninja fork that is currently being developed in rOrys basement!

>> No.6924177

Testnet will be the day after bitcoinsuperconference ends. Cap it

>> No.6924253

Thank God I didn't FOMO at $1

Saved by my funds waiting to be deposited.
Thinking about scooping up a small bag at .71 what do you think?

>> No.6924295
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you'll make it dont worry

>> No.6924302
File: 23 KB, 515x430, disco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait... 69 22 999
in 69 days, 22 link will be worth 999$, which is 45.41$ per LINK

screencap this

>> No.6924330

Why would anyone pay $1/coin for vaporware?

It's literally 2 people working in their garage.

>> No.6924430


>> No.6924432

>meme potential
Fucking imbecile, you make me want to sell all my stack

>> No.6924469

Do it

>> No.6924529
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Yea, I do, more LINK for us

>> No.6924577

>Apple started in a garage

>> No.6924622


shit man you're so funny posting this the 34th time

>> No.6924696

.71 is gone for now. That was the dip. Probably will come again, might not.

>> No.6924940

No one knows fees