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File: 21 KB, 545x297, iost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919634 No.6919634 [Reply] [Original]

Just went all in on IOST because it was back at an attractive price. What does this shitcoin even do?

>> No.6920513

This piece of shit is mooning RIGHT NOW. Get in or stay poor.

>> No.6920529

It takes your money

Should look good sitting next to your TRX bags

>> No.6920687


>> No.6920923

Isn't it funny that everytime I buy a coin it goes down? Haha, I will start warning you guys before I buy something so you can sell

>> No.6920985

investing in a bunch of chinks in a dormroom.

kek, formula to get rekd

>> No.6921848

Winning is impossible with chinks.

>> No.6921969

Everyone knows deep down, this is a chink coin built for one purpose, to pump and dump.

>> No.6922051

This is exactly why I bought this. Good potential to get a quick 30-50% and sell. This piece of shit is one of the only things that's green today.

>> No.6922169

Don't get too excited, the jig is up and the chink pieces of shit know it, so they're just off loading as much as the market will absorb now. Like fucking animals.

>> No.6922409

went from $350 to $520 in an hour last night with this coin, back down to $420 in literally 30 seconds, not touching the coin again its loaded with chinks

>> No.6922863

We told you guys to set your sell orders up for 1000, 1100 and 1200 yesterday.
It was an obvious p&d and all binance listings do this initial crazy pump.

>> No.6923097

Who are you referring to when you say "we said"? There was a thread here saying this shit would go to .25 last night. What happened to that?

>> No.6923167

well i said it, some other guy said the same thing too.
anyone predicting this thing would hit .25 when we didn't even know what the marketcap was, is a fucking moron.

>> No.6923168

moon when

>> No.6923222

We knew at the time.

>> No.6923260

As soon as chinks become human. So, never.

>> No.6923355

is it gonna pump or what

>> No.6923360

Chinks will always out smart you white boys. Go invest in a white boy coin like ripple

>> No.6923431

It wasn't available when I said that, looks like it only became available just before it started dumping again.
Either way, I got in early at 530 and my sell orders all kicked in.

>> No.6923459

Shameless scamming is hardly outsmarting. That's a short term strategy that just proves that you'll always be worthless chink scum.

>> No.6923517

You weren't so smart during the opium wars huh chongy?

>> No.6923529

Cool. Next time you won't be so lucky.

>> No.6923638

Perhaps, I've missed some big pumps due to my estimates being a little too conservative, but typically I don't end up being a virtual bellboy like the greedy tards on here often do.

>> No.6923689
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>> No.6923815

This coin has weird lines. Any other coin would have broken out an hour ago but this thing is on some other type shit.

>> No.6923943

It's a scam. I'm out.

>> No.6924240

You will only see white boys jump off buildings and diving head first down stairs thinking its cool.
You will only see white boys fomoing into a moon shot at its peak and are left with heavy bags then cry scam.
Silly pigs.

>> No.6924725

Another fucking noob who look at price instead of market cap. Get rekt idiot.

>> No.6924838

You will only see chinks being chinks. God made you weak for a reason. Here's the reason: He hates you.

>> No.6925214
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>> No.6925359
File: 43 KB, 677x423, THEWORLDISNOTTHEWAYITUSEDTOBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys this is going to get hot in a few hours. Strap in, the chinks wake up in 3 hours and then we hit payday set your sells at 1500 LOW ESTIMATE

>> No.6925401

you mean coin market cap, which is worthless

>> No.6925567

Bought this shitcoin at a very low price, missed yesterdays pump so let's see what happens tonight

>> No.6925597
File: 81 KB, 840x506, 1515597139163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this boys, this is your last chance to FOMO

>> No.6925605

Well, good luck.
Just remember not be like those greedy dbc niglets.

>> No.6925743

>660m market cap
>Team full of nobodies with no pictures, claims of several of them not existing
>No roadmap
>No product, whatsoever
>Twitter following is 50% bots

>> No.6926259
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 161615567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firmly inside 900 sats you faggots this is the big one, every fucking faggot wants one last win today before the weekend

>> No.6926391

Sold at 9100 gwei because it seemed stagnant and I wanted a quick gain on ICX. Now this shits mooning again. Do I fomo back in?

>> No.6926422

It does nothing.

>> No.6926966
File: 88 KB, 1920x1080, iost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its breaking out.

>> No.6926997

they just added 3 new guys to the team.
2 of them are in the forbes 30 under 30.
check their twitter.
they know how to do marketing.
Idgaf about the product.
crypto is autistic.
they follow hype.
iost will produce hype.

>> No.6927168
File: 101 KB, 450x526, 1651651561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirmed.
weak hands sold at 900-930
this is mooning in a few hours
again the chinks aren't event awake yet

>> No.6927224

looking forward to the dbc styled threads tomorrow because you greedy nigs bought in high and didn't sell for a profit because it wasn't enough.

>> No.6927585
File: 50 KB, 1050x549, moooooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go

>> No.6928019

calling all fat white pigs to get in now! come on!

>> No.6928176


>> No.6928331

Does someone know why it did a x4 yesterday?

>> No.6928400

Yep. I guarantee this is the next Tron.

>> No.6928852

just the binance hello, it was a whale pump though preparing for today

>> No.6928868


>> No.6929617

Don't mean to weaken your hands op, but some pleb TA at my college just shilled IOST to me. That's usually a very strong bearish sign.

>sitting in a hallway
>fucking around on my phone
>overhear some guy in his 30s talking to two of his colleagues
>"Yeah you should totally get into Bitcoin now! This is literally the best time to get in!"
>He goes on some more about futures and wallstreet
>Guys he is talking to are obviously zoning out and don't really care what he has to say
>"Yeah, thanks, but I don't really do stocks" one of them mutters while they both leave
>Cuck TA now walking in my direction
>He suddenly turns around while passing me
>"Aaah, another coin enthusiast!"
>Look up to see what he means
>tfw left coinmarketcap open on my laptop
>"Any advice for a fellow investor?" he asks with all the enthusiasm of a newcoiner
>Tell him something vague like to buy high and sell low because I don't really want to talk to him
>"Buy high and... sell low?"
>"Eh, I mean buy the dip"
>"Ah, yes will do!"
>He tries to start a conversation about Delta vs Blockfolio but I'm not in the mood to talk so I just pretend to resume studying
Definitely not buying IOST now. This happened before with Ripple and Verge. My dad shilled them to me because one of his coworkers was heavily invested in them. He did so right before they collapsed.

>> No.6929930

Holy shit is it mooning hard. I don't even know wtf a IOST is but it's a welcome surprise after days of getting justed

>> No.6930019

Sell pressure is coming from everyone who bought on huobi at 300-500 sats before binance. They've moved their coins over and along with the rest of the short terms put up sell walls

On the other side buy pressure because the team is deep and the project will produce sustained hype in the long term.

For short term traders you can probably get a lower price of you wait as bag holders dump.. For long term investors this coin is going to 1.00 in a year so they should be averaging in.

Since the ico was private the VCs will not be dumping coins and what you see on the books is probably close to the total circulating supply.

Once those coins are collected by long term investors supply is going to go way down and the price will go way up. So how long before this parabolic move? Watch the sell walls and price action. Accumulate under 0.10. Swing trade it if you want, at these volumes there is going to be a lot of action

As for the legitimacy of this coin, it's top tier. So if you are holding bags buying high wait. At these volumes it should double in 7 days. There will be pullbacks, but it should double again in one month depending on the absolute state of crypto.

You might want to reduce your stake in other companies for this one because this 8 week at rally has resulted in price level stagnation. Every other coin is overbought and maxed it's hype levels. IOST gain potential given its limited distribution and actual value is going to take market share rapidly. It's at 42 on CMC and its destination is top 10, so keep your eye on it

>> No.6930176

im swinging this for sure
how high is your estimate today?

>> No.6930192
File: 936 KB, 500x281, only get so errect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was actually a valueable post on 4 chan.
thanks dude.

>> No.6930271

Fuuckk I'm on huobi and every coin on there is shit. When will binance take Nas?

>> No.6930303

Is this a good buy under 1000 sats? It has around 790 million marketcap already

>> No.6931083

well it has better tech than EOS.
And EOS sits at 8 billion market cap.

>> No.6931246


Imagine what will happen to the price when they burn coins

This is a VC controlled coin, not a market dump public ICO money grab. So I wouldn't doubt they are going to take the price as high as it can go and there is nothing stopping them from doing so.

According to CMC circulation is ~6b which is half what they said in the paper so it appears they've already started the process.

As it continues I expect them to lock up more and more coins awarding early investors disproportionately using coin emission as the means to this end

This is all just a guess, I don't have any inside sources for this theory. But it makes sense when you add it all up. If you are doing a private ICO for venture capital, and you can control the price gain by limiting supply, why wouldn't you do it? If you had a project that was viable and lucrative and evidently going to hit the road with a market cap of a half billion, as a VC you aren't going to play roulette and just dump a bunch of coins on the market. Emission will be a factor. I can't prove it- its just a hunch.

Consider, This is as I understand it the staking coin for the project, and will have a different crypto for their network currency similar to EOS/XNN. So the value coin is IOST and the currency will be the inflationary one.

>im swinging this for sure
>how high is your estimate today?

I am expecting it will trade within the 500-1500 range before the break out. Basically the min-max range we've seen in the last 48 hours.

>> No.6931341

Anon can you please stop posting solid and reasonable info, I'm not used to it and it's making my nervous

>> No.6931836

good eye man
but 800-900 is probably going to be the new support now maybe good to buy around 800 if someone drops it

it's gonna level here for awhile now to refuel, the day is still long gents

>> No.6931885

buyers suddenly appear at 930 like clockwork this shit is legit

>> No.6932108

Mmm their team are just a bunch of avatars, also its very high marketcap already. This has to go to the billions to net gains which seems quite hard to do.

>> No.6932163

lol. next gen bag holders are ready?