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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6916970 No.6916970 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else not worried in the slightest? It only takes an IQ of at least 50 to be able to realise that this will be $1000 in 2-5 years at the least. If you cant wait that long, then you deserve to be poor.

It belows my mind the stupidity and utter degeneration of /biz/ and the crypto community in general when they will call anything that moves a scam just because they were retarded enough to buy at an all time high, then sell for a loss after a correction.

Cue discord FUD, pajeets and salty walties in 5...4...3...2...1...

>> No.6917019

VEN very good coin, used for tobacco and boats. I buy VEN so I can go to US to find job as computer analyst.

>> No.6917055

this is the type of ironic FUD that is fine, but the actual full blown indians are just disgusting

>> No.6917072

got in at 40 cents, don't give a fuck about the normie faggots that "found out" about ven at 7 dollars

everything corrects on the way up, its a fact of life

>> No.6917098

ven chain is a scam its a wanna be walton coin
if you cant see this im sorry for you
no white paper
no product
fake partnerships

>> No.6917101


1000 dollars. That's not a retarded expectation. Like, at all. Totally realistic.

>> No.6917111

All the dumb money is already in VEN.

>> No.6917125

Get out of this shitcoin before it's too fucking late. You "people" are just as deluded as the dogs who think they're safe around chinks. I'm warning you to dump everything.

>> No.6917139

ok i'm selling everything. you convinced me

>> No.6917144
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>> No.6917152

buy walton coin
its good i think

>> No.6917205

Why would I be worried? Yesterday conference was what I needed to go from 25% of my folio to 50%. This is the new standard to "good cryptos", shitcoins should be fearing what is to be expected from them from now on.

>> No.6917222

>who is PwC

>> No.6917258

which is why the coordinated PnD groups and pajeets are shitting themselves right now because they realise the days of their shitcoins mooning is over

i cant even i just cant why did i make this fucking thread lmao

>> No.6917268
File: 84 KB, 1799x737, VenTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mooning to new ATH in few days venbros

>> No.6917285

hi guys im new to crypto, what coin should i invest in ven or niggercoin? tnanks

>> No.6917313


>> No.6917332

You're naive if you think the chinks aren't going to gut you. They're going to steal all of your money and profit off of it while your wife trades you for Tyrone who's making a steady living selling PCP.

>> No.6917387

>draws lines going up
Can't argue with that

>> No.6917393

kek VEN threads are the funniest shit on this board these days

>> No.6917426

It's a shit coin. Only stupid parnerships. Help me prove that for 3 of them, Wikipedia.

Breyer Capital

In August 2010, Fortune named Breyer one of the 10 smartest people in technology, and the smartest investor in technology. For three consecutive years, from 2011–13, Forbes has ranked Jim Breyer number one on the Forbes Midas List of Tech's Top Investors. Breyer received the Silicon Valley Forum's Visionary Award in 2012. He was also named to the Vanity Fair New Establishment Hall of Fame in 2012. In 2014, Breyer was given a Lifetime Achievement Award by Venture Capital Journal.


DNV GL is the world's largest classification society, providing services for 13,175 vessels and mobile offshore units (MOUs) amounting to 265.4 mill gt, which represents a global market share of 21%. It is also the largest technical consultancy and supervisory to the global renewable energy (particularly wind, wave, tidal and solar) and oil & gas industry - 65% of the world’s offshore pipelines are designed and installed to DNV GL’s technical standards.

How about China Tobacco?

It enjoys a virtual monopoly in China, which accounts for roughly 30% of the world's total consumption of cigarettes, and is the world's largest manufacturer of tobacco products measured by revenues.

What is even worse... the partners are actually USING VeChain? Who the hell uses a blockchain? This was supposed to be only promises.


>> No.6917427

Explain to me what makes this a valuable coin in any real way. What can vechain do that another blockchain can't? What can vechain do that a small company's internal database can't? What can vechain do that a large company's internal blockchain can't?

>> No.6917460

Vennies touch my frennies good

>> No.6917470

There's nothing funny about losing all your money because of greed. There are people in this thread right now who bought ATH a few days ago. They honestly believe VEN will go back that high. It's sad. It'll keep dropping and it'll end up back at $3.50 where it belongs. It's over. Sell now before you have to explain to your family why you're homeless and why your ex-wife is hanging around the local fried chicken dispensary.

>> No.6917496

dude, we don't need meme lines. VEN fundamentals are incredible strong, just buy, hold and take profits if you really need the money, or harvest thor if you are here for the long run.
I only hope my others coins can keep up with VEN (AElf, I'm looking at you).

>> No.6917502

bought ven at $2.50 and will sell at $1,000 cuck boy.

Even if ven crashed to $1 I would buy more

>> No.6917510
File: 6 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People who say its a scam with fake partnerships, no product, no whitepaper etc.


>> No.6917525

Yeah, but does Breyer buy high and sell low?

>> No.6917534

ven chain is a scam or something i think
i looked into it
it looks fake i think

>> No.6917537

this is what they have instead of a whitepaper

>> No.6917636
File: 108 KB, 1080x720, ciara020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you don't kill yourself when you see the eoy price.

>> No.6917657
File: 5 KB, 225x224, asdqw1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I have a rich company, therefore I can make my own blockchain and it will kick ass.

Yes. That seems accurate. That is precisely why all big companies use self made software.

>> No.6917685

I sold my 16k strength node, beware of this piece of shit scam, you WILL lose your money

>> No.6917687

Ven fud is ETH/NEO quality level fud.

>> No.6917705

p-p-please sunny

I just wanted some extra cash to pay for my wife's son's new iphone

>> No.6917770

>don't have a whitepaper
>get partnerships with pwc dnvgl china tobacco
>get investment from jim breyer

100% guarantee you that we will start seeing lots of cryptos with "not a whitepaper!" popping up, now that its been firmly established a public whitepaper is not required for massive institutional investment.

>> No.6917780

Get on q9xXVCC discord if you actually want decent coins that ARE NOT IN THE FUCKING TOP 20 ALREADY

>> No.6917841

Yeah with ETH, Antshares/NEO, and VEN I actually enjoy the FUD. I'm holding a lot of VEN, if the FUD goes on long enough I can accumulate more. I'm going on holiday for 3 weeks in a few days, leaving all my VEN in cold storage and I fully expect it to be $20 when I return end of Feb. I would LOVE to see $50 by summer and I think it's pretty achievable.

Feels good VENbros!

>> No.6917893

I'm not sure in the next few days, but you could be right bro, what's the news on the 31st? I'm sure I heard that mentioned

>> No.6917901

There's a difference between "hurr imma write my own blockchain" and "have the nerds fork a
popular blockchain for us so we control it"

>> No.6917994

>Bought at $7.50
Should have sold when it hit 9 and bought back now :(

>> No.6918057

its not just the whitepaper, nobody has seen their tech.

its known sunny is good at talking, and they were incubated in a pwc program, of course he can get prolific people to shill vechain if he will make them millions

the problem is people holding vet won't make any and the vechain platform doesn't exist and won't match any of the promises being said

its a pyramid scheme

>> No.6918164

All of these would be reasonable questions if they didn’t have existing partnerships with massive companies and weren’t going to be used in real systems in all sectors of DNV GL’s business. The companies have alreay determined VEN to have value, so the relative advantages of VEN over other solutions don’t matter (wrt convincing you that it’s valuable).

>> No.6918241

nobody stupid has seen their tech, only breyer capital, DNVGL and PwC...

>> No.6918361

I think people outside the maritime industry are just ignorant to how ubiquitous DNV is and how much money actually flows through the maritime industry.

>> No.6918559

There's nothing comfy about VEN and quite frankly I don't find this scam funny anymore.

>> No.6918591

how do you know jim breyer is even real i mean have you met him personally do you know he is a real person you say he is but you dont know him you show a picture but it can just be some guy how do you know breyer capital is real its just a website the medium is just some guy his twitter is "jimihendrixlive"?? thats not jim breyer its just a total invention hes not even real its just a chinese scam they invented jim breyer to market to white people hes not even real its all fake its just a scame how can you be so stupid jim breyer is fake his chinese ceo wife is fake and his step sister isnt even the secretary of transportation shes fake too its all made up there is no such thing as breyer capital its fake chinese propaganda STOP falling for it its all fake DNV GL?? what type of company calls its self that its fake also you ahvent ever seen a dnvgl (try pronouncing that) deeennveeegeeellll so stupid you havent ever seen a dnv truck its fake also chinese made it up pricewaterhousecooper? is this harry potter universe thats not even ar eal name youve never even met somebody called that before pricewaterhouse cooper its like a chinese person making up a white person name its fake RFID chip blockchain what a scame fake wine fakewine shipmens its nto even real you didnt see the wine yourself its fake more chinese propaganda SUNNY LU? sunny loo??? thats nto a chinese name, "sunny" thats not a chinese name its fake another fake person you havent met him its all made up its just an erc20 token it doesnt DO anything these """"partnerships""""are fake they dont mean anything chinesetobacco monopoly are you kidding?? they dont care about vechain also who the fuck supports tobacco company what the fuck you must be a trump supporter its all fak e its a scam ven scamcoin just like tron jim breyer isnt even real hes not a real person its a fake website fake twitter fake medium all fake just tron 2.0 like UFR pajeet shill fake scamcoin everything is FAKE stop fALLING FOR IT stopitt

>> No.6918650

yes, dnv gl who said "its not always about tech" in the live stream yesterday, lol.

vechain are a pyramid scheme, selling VEN in exchange for shilling. vaporcoin

>> No.6918675

spot on,

im in dry bulk, and i swear to god when i read people writing here that dnv gl is a scam it makes me realize this place is full of 14 year old autists

>> No.6918731


We're not gonna make it, bro

>> No.6918732

you salty waltoncucks are so predicatble

>> No.6918803


thank you well said, sunny lu isnt even a real person if you notice "he" looks different every time he shows up somewhere, they are just rotating like 10 different chink actors in the sunny lu position

>> No.6919013

Comfiest train I have been in

>> No.6919060

I am deep into ven, but my comfiest one is ACT. Than the second is ven, you should check out ACT.

>> No.6919188

Thanks for the tip anon, will check it out

>> No.6919280


can confirm

1 ven = 1 shill

>> No.6919295

Are we dying VEN brahs? Is this the end for us? hodl me ven brahs.