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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6915698 No.6915698 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is ABSOLUTELY FUCKED when it comes to their taxes?

I apparently owe a fuckton of money for 2017 for short-term paper gains for alt-coin trading. Gains that I don't even have now because my portfolio lost a lot of value this January.

>> No.6915730

larping faggot

>> No.6915743

holy fuck stop posting about taxes people its just a meme

>> No.6915744


at least in my country ... only realized gains get taxed ... also converting to other shitcoins ...

don't know for certain, but until i turn my shitcoins into fiat i won't consider doing squat other than keeping track of the transactions

which reminds me ... i should start doing that lol

>> No.6915770

I'm not fucking larping stupid faggot. How is that not a 100% possible scenario?

>> No.6915776

i've already paid around $50k in federal taxes this year, and the unwashed masses still ask for me. i've come to hate them.

>> No.6915784

dumbass, you better pray that like kind exchanges work for 2017 trades

>> No.6915828

REALIZED gains you absolutely underage faggot

>> No.6915854

Enter the scenario into bitcoin.tax if you don't believe me. Make a bunch of trades with shitcoins that realize short term gains in "fair market value" until December in 2017 and then enter in losses in January 2018, you still owe the money for last year and you only get to deduct those losses for the future.

>> No.6915874

In the US if you trade a shit coin for a shit coin it's identical as realizing the gain in USD. Also if you trade for any other good or service. I wish I was lying.

>> No.6915897

That would make you literally more socialist than most of Europe.
I'm pretty sure there is a way to work around this otherwise the US middle class would be non existent.

>> No.6915907

How the fuck is this enforceable?! Pro-tip: don’t declare shit

>> No.6915924

i spent the entire fucking 2017 drilling this into you faggots, how are you just getting this now?

>> No.6915970

I'm kinda fucked. I will definitely have to cash out before June to pay my taxes. Then the cashing out will cost me as well when I pay for this year in 2019... It never ends.
I will dry those tears if sadness with the tens of thousands of dollars I made.

>> No.6915998


sounds like good advice - sadly that binance ceo said he'd comply 100% with the countries authorities ... which in turn might mean anything or nuffin

>> No.6916043
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You do know you can file for a loss too right? You absolute fucking sperg go talk to an accountant. Fuck me the state of /biz these days.. or dyor

>> No.6916064

Even if you file for a loss this year it doesn't cancel out the gain from previous years.

>> No.6916160

You don't have to be verified on binance, dumbfuck.

>> No.6916178

I know for a fact that the majority of you in the US are in a similar situation. Short term gains throughout 2017 because crypto - crypto trading incurs capital gains. Then a majority of you probably also lost some gains this January but still have to pay for those gains from last year.

>> No.6916210

>You don't have to be verified on binance, dumbfuck.

for now

>> No.6916254

>land of the free



do you pay federal taxes when you purchase an item in Wow for gold as well?

>> No.6916281

go jump on a boat and sail out of the country, just abandon that shit immediately.

you either face a decade in prison for unpaid taxes, or you take your chances abroad without a visa/passport just living life as a vagabond

>> No.6916285


>> No.6916310


purchase once crypto shitcoin e.g. ETH with your bank account > your ETH adress will be a open book > so will be the one on the exchange

>> No.6916314
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What the fuck are you taking about? I don't make losses. That's why I'm 'kinda' fucked. I need to cash something out to pay for the gains I made trading.

>> No.6916423

They're working on that as well.

>> No.6916440
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OP kys if either this dumb or this larper

>> No.6916461

>Gains that I don't even have now

>> No.6916490

You... fucking... retarded piece of shit. BRB. I'll enter a similar scenario into bitcoin.tax for you and screen shot it because you're too retarded and lazy to know what I'm saying.

>> No.6916577

Even if in your particular case, you got cucked, It's your fault for not using one of the 1000s of ways to cash out under the radar. It's literally why crypto was invented you know

>b-but they make me pay anyway on trades
Ask them how can you pay if you haven't cashed out

>> No.6916980

>taxes are a meme
Holy fuck, after 12 fucking years with you degenerate cunts, you still make me spit my coffee

>> No.6917025
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Alright here. Let's say you buy 10 BTC on January 1st and trade it back and forth with ETH throughout the year. NO "CASHING OUT" just trading between coins.

>> No.6917064
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This is what your tax bill looks like. Nothing cashed out.

>> No.6917130
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Then you cash out everything this year.

>> No.6917150

Do you get anything off your $371,789 tax bill from last year? Nope, you just get to report a loss this year.

>> No.6917169
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6917180



Nice, when the game is as good as dead and gold prices are in the shitter they have decided to tax it.

Soon even posting on 4chan will be taxable as well, i guess. I cannot even imagine how high the taxes are going to be for /biz/ posts.

>> No.6917501

It won't work.

>> No.6917609

>It's your fault for not using one of the 1000s of ways to cash out under the radar.

Dumb faggot, you owe taxes even if you don't cash out. As I demonstrated here.


>> No.6917673

what site?

>> No.6917713


Cointracking.info will give you the same result.

I called several accountants and they all confirm that what I'm saying is accurate.

>> No.6917744

Every time you make a trade you realize capital gains in the fair market value of the trade in USD.

>> No.6917812

i can't shake the feeling that bitcoin.tax will feed your info to the IRS even if you don't use them to submit the return

>> No.6917840

What will the IRS do though? Will they charge you a fee or interest (and how much) or will you just have to pay like normal

if it's just like normal or not too high a fee, it's worth trying.
after all they only explicitly disallowed it in 2018

>> No.6917933
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>He doesn't trade on anonymous chink exchanges
>He declares his alt trades accurately

>> No.6918039

If you're afraid that bitcoin.tax will report your info to the IRS how are you not afraid that exchanges won't eventually report your trade history to the IRS?

>> No.6918051

Right, also keep in mind you can only deduct $3500 net losses each year. You can roll over the excess (and use it to offset future gains too), but keep this in mind.

>> No.6918091

each exchanges is only a subset of trades though, and only 1 of them has my id

>> No.6918108
File: 381 KB, 1536x1536, vestew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nobody has even mentioned puerto rico? If you own property there 6 months of the year you cash out TAX FREE. look up act 20 and 22

I am already moving later this year, its a no brainer if youre american

>> No.6918136

>have to live in a third world country for 6 months

>> No.6918158
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in east europe nobody give shit feels good

>> No.6918203

As I said multiple times, this is not about cashing out. This is about short-term gains you already incurred for last year for crypto-crypto trading. You can't go back in time to 2017 and move to puerto rico. Nothing I do in 2018 can undo the tax I owe for 2017.

>> No.6918204


YOu dont have to live their brainlet, the bank needs a certificate of residency

If you are doing even halfway decent and not a complete moron, you can get a property for around 5-10k and rent it out ..... brainlet.


>> No.6918238


Why TF do you think the irs has the manpower to track every trade? are you this fucking retarded listening to the fear mongering on reddit?

You only pay taxes if you cash out, dont get cucked by the every crypto trade fucking meme


>> No.6918254

sounds like it'll get you fucked somehow otherwise everyone would be doing this

>> No.6918279
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>Where did you get these coins
enjoy having your assets frozen, and jail if you're unlucky

>> No.6918288

They can subpoena exchanges and put everyone's names they find that didn't report trades on a list. Since I was dealing with a 7 figure sum last year I can't afford to assume they won't pay attention to me.

>> No.6918349

same here

plus idiots on /biz/ don't understand that blockchain means your fucking shit is public

>> No.6918375

Not if youre not on any kyc exchnages and trade using sketchy shit, so yea, youre fucked

Thats not how it works, it is literally legal under act 20 and 22. dyor faggot

most ppl are sheep which is why theyre cucked, look around you. this is a no brainer desu, ppl are just followers

>> No.6918414

If i never convert my currency back into canadian dollars i don't need to pay taxes, right? How is the government going to know i have cryptocurrency lul?

>> No.6918479

if this worked every single person with money would own a home in PR

>> No.6918545


>peter schiff

>assuming you know every wealthy person and how they handle their money

>assuming i dont know several millionaires who have done the same

youre retarded

>> No.6918613

and what are they gonna find on the exchanges? my bunked out info? you people are clueless.
if you make millions on crypto trading nothing is stopping you from never paying taxes on it outside of you cucking. Seriously its not like they can seize your assets when you could hide them indefinitely through crypto washing.

>> No.6918621

wait, can you actually owe more money on taxes then you actually gained? is that a thing? lol, what the fuck

>> No.6918630


I get in the USA that shit coin to shit coin is taxable and is the same as going shitcoin to fiat to shitcoin, but wouldn't that 'gain' from selling the first coin be canceled out by the decalred loss of reinvesting your captial into the shitcoin you bought?

>> No.6918674

Can we just address the sheer absurdity of taxing memecoin to memecoin trades? How the fuck can crypto survive if they start enforcing this shit.

If you make any money trading, you're gonna have to cash out your gains to cover the tax. Then you're back to square one. No more compound interest, no long term capital gains. Are you fuckers really going to comply with this shit?

>> No.6918698


Won't work, you need to live there, have PR ID, have no connection to mainland US, etc. etc.

Buying property only won't work.

>> No.6918699

Yeah it's a thing IF you make a gain in one year and lose some the next. If the loss is in the same year, it'll subtract out however.

>> No.6918722

It only gets cancelled out in the same tax year.

>> No.6918781

They don't have the resources to track every trade. If you go to cash out and you haven't reported anything in years the burden of proof is on you to show how you obtained those coins. If you don't have that they are going to tax you at the highest rate and fuck you in the ass on tax evasion. So go ahead believe this is just a meme and don't report anything but you better not even make a whimper when the taxman shoves his hand elbow deep up your ass with no lube checking to see if you have any buttcoins hidden up there.

>> No.6918847

Two years ago i was a diehard Bernie Sanders supporter. I volunteered for him. I shill for him online. I did everything in my power in the hopes to try and help him get elected. Just by coming to /biz/ the past year, i’ve become pretty counter-semitic. I hide my power levels in front of normies/friends but holy fucking shit. /biz/ and /pol/ are never wrong.

>> No.6918851

Is that you in the picture by chance?

>> No.6918886

here's a tip: fiat capital gains right away, or every week or something.

even if your portfolio loses value at least you still have the USD to back it up. you're still losing it either way.

>> No.6918893

I owe $9k but I'm not a retarded autist like you all and I paid it in estimated payments already

>> No.6918946

they literally can't comply. it's all too complicated and unreasonable. a simple clean easy to understand tax of 15% on the way out is so obvious but nooooo. the irs doesn't want to make money thats clearly not the goal here or they would make it a lot easier. they just want to scare the shit out of you and be assholes, because they are.

i seriously doubt joe blow who barely understand crypto is going to keep the neccessary exhaustive records on every single tiny trade. millenial generation that barely understand money is going to do this? no. people barely understand whats going on so here;s what they're going to do: ignore it, tune out, its fucking complicated. fuck that noise.

what are they going to do anyways, damage my credit rating? fine me a bunch of money i have no intention of paying them and then jail me? is that how it works? is there enough room in all the jails for every crypto trader who cant be arsed to figure out this complicated tax shit storm? are there enough accountants in the world to fugure this shit out even if people did want to pay their convulted retard taxes? no.

the whole thing is a fucking shitstorm retard mess. and at this point its just easier to leave the country and never come back.

>> No.6918948

What a cuck

>> No.6918965

Warned people about this in December. Set aside what you owe. This is just a dip, in case of a real crash, you can very easily end up it the hole. The anons that claim otherwise are playing with sub 2k stacks and didn't bother to research. If you made any substantial gains, they aren't going to let it go and in they won't come for it this year, it will be 2 or 3 years from now with fines, fees and interest. That is how they do.

>> No.6918974

On Form 8949? 1099-B? There's no "estimated payments" option. They make you enter the cost basis for everything.

>> No.6919019

How would you explain the excess of BTC/ETH? If you bought 2 BTC to invest and cashed out 10 the IRS will ask questions

>> No.6919036

>muh day trading taxes
I will get my FOID card (burger here - no concealed carry unfortunately I live in a suburb 50 mins outside Chiraq) and pay a one time tax for '''long''' holds. Anyone tries to squeeze me for anymore I will take out as many agents as I can before myself.

>> No.6919056
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>tfw merimutts will start to cash out en masse before April to pay taxes

>> No.6919067

Even if I had set aside the amount I owe, I'd still be justed by paying the amount of taxes when my portfolio was value'd at the highest Because it peaked on December and dipped in January.

>> No.6919081

Yeah I get that but then your trades throughout the year would cancel one another out every time, no? You only would not have a corresponding buy from your sell if you were selling to fiat, or if you sold at the end of one year and bought at the start of the next.

>> No.6919140

lol every thread about taxes full of convulted explanations and debate and complicated questions.

its retarded, most people dont even know what the fuck is going on. this tax plan isnt going to work. i dont think it was designed to. its just the irs being assholes nothing more.

>> No.6919151

Yes but what happens when you want to cash out?

>> No.6919154
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>taxed on every single trade

and the laaaaaand of the freeee

and the hoooome

of theeee


>> No.6919249

So what's stopping me from moving all my gainz to XMR & my ass to Belize?

>> No.6919250

Let's say your portfolio is worth $100,000 in January, $1,000,000 everything all realized because of short term trading. You sell at the end of the year like you said. You have a $900,000 short term gain. You owe like $360,000. So now you have $640,000 to reinvest at the beginning of January. You re-buy. It falls a fuckton.

See how it doesn't take away any of the JUST? If it had fallen before January it would have cancelled out and you wouldn't have parted with that high of a tax.

>> No.6919252

Estimated payments are due every quarter to avoid penalties

>> No.6919256

if they audit you, they will know you traded on there

>> No.6919263

Idiot, because they changed the rules for like kind for 2018 they created a legal precedent that 2017 alt to alt was like kind. Don't pay 2017 taxes on that. Hire a tax attorney if they come after you, it'll be cheaper.

>> No.6919282

Can I do this as a Canadian?

>> No.6919314

>Taxes laws are complicated, they can't possibly work. Ignore them.
The laws work the exact same as they always have, the confusion comes from the fact few people do it themselves, you get a 1099 as a courtesy. You decided to participate in a do-it-yourself bleeding edge investment, that means you do your own taxes, just like any other business.

>> No.6919339


>> No.6919350

..... If that's true then that's another whole level of JUST that I have to deal with because I knew nothing about estimated quarter payments with penalties.

>> No.6919383

give me a 15% capital gains tax when i cash out and ill pay it gladly. if i need to get an accounting degree to even comprehend the tax situation im not going to bother. majority of us wont bother. the answer is no

>> No.6919436

Until you cash out, at least. Once you do it depends on the local laws, which in many cases means income tax or similar shit applies.

>> No.6919506

Well yeah, I mean why is this surprising? That's how taxes work. If you cash out to fiat at the end of the year you should know you have to pay taxes on it for that year. Thats how stocks work too. You made it sound a lot worse desu. You're not really being taxed on shitcoin to shitcoin you are being taxed because you cashed out and didn't rebuy until the next year.

>> No.6919562

Ok, but I DIDN'T cash out, so I in fact am being taxed on my shit coin trades.

>> No.6919567

You'll be fine the first year unless you made a shit ton of money last year, but by the 2nd year of big gains you'll likely owe penalties if you don't pay in time.

>> No.6919599

Then how? Explain how you are if you didn't sell to fiat and you didn't sell and rebuy across the years? Why don't your subsequent buys cancel your sell you place 5 min earlier ?

>> No.6919630
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if you're working with less than $20,000 and using exchanges without any real personal info (social security #, etc), and haven't been withdrawing USD into a bank account, you really don't have to worry about taxes.

>> No.6919631

Well then your choices are pay someone to do if for you, or ignore it and hope for the best. The ones that actually do it, all those boomer normies that are used to doing taxes, are going to fuck you over.
For what it is worth I agree that it is stupid, but I made too much to risk losing it to the irs. Look up the fines for *unwittingly* failing to file a FBAR, no thanks.

>> No.6919752

if i make enough money for the irs to sniff around demanding complicated taxes i might hire an accountant to figure this shit out. but im not keepin records on every single tiny trade so i just hope the records shittrex keeps are good enough. if the tax demand is unreasomable (over 25%) or they tax me more then i've even gained.

then i wont cash out. i'll just fucking leave. i'd rather live well in a foreign smei-shithole then continue to be poor forever in america

>> No.6919820

Do you understand that if you trade 1 million dollars of bitcoin for 1 million dollar of eth, that the IRS considers it IDENTICAL to selling for 1 million dollar USD? In fact that's how the 8949 form that bitcoin.tax generates reports it. That if you trade 1 million dollar of BTC for ETH you made a 1 million dollar sale. That's why in my example:


No USD was ever touched except for my first buy in yet I have a $938,861.43 short term gain that I have to pay $371,789.13 in taxes for ins USD. For trading between BTC and ETH only.

>> No.6919870

are you really going to pay that? have you considered just leaving? thats more money then i ever expect to see in a liefetime of wage slaving.

just leaving the country is an option right?

>> No.6919878

if i have about 600 dollars in total in crypto and have only lost money i dont have to worry about taxes right. last year i only bought btc/lit/eth on coinbase and this year i only traded some eth for ven.

>> No.6919911

Im only up like 40k ill leave the taxes to the poor how its intended

>> No.6919934


Cashing out under the radar as it were is for children who think a couple hundred dollars is something major.

Even if you gather up small amounts from thinks like bitcoin atm's and local bitcoins you can't just put it in your bank or make a large purchase with it. Even if you use it to offset your every day necessities to pad your earned income at some point in the future you get audited and have to explain how you never pay for things with the money from your job.

Stop encouraging people to be dumb.

>> No.6919988

So why does the government get to tax something unregulated, decentralized, that they don't own?

You guys are stupid for falling for this. Stop giving them power retards

>> No.6920014

Blockchain analysis gg

>> No.6920063

That literally makes so sense. That makes crypto effectively valueless because any time it's transacted the value of the currency transacted would be declared as a net gain, not the actual profit.

That's like buying a 20 dollar item from a store, which the store paid 15 dollars for. Normally they make 5 dollars net income but if you buy with crypto they make 20 dollars net income?

Why couldn't you just do 1 mil BTC to 1 mil fiat to 1 mil ETH? Then it would be a gain followed by a loss and then not be taxable. None of this makes any sense, who the fuck is gonna pay that? I'm not, that's for sure.

>> No.6920144

>Why couldn't you just do 1 mil BTC to 1 mil fiat to 1 mil ETH?

Yeah that's what I'm saying. That BTC > ETH is identical to BTC > USD > ETH. I'm saying that's taxing crypto to crypto trade in USD.

>> No.6920156

is it that complicated to figure out taxes in UK too? USA system seems so complicated what the fuck?

>> No.6920230

OP, how much was your portfolio worth on December 31st, and what is it worth now?

>> No.6920255

Taxes should only be for cashing out. Crypto to crypto taxes are insane and anyone who pays them is an idiot and is part of the problem

In theory, if you do trading in 2017 and end up owing 500k in taxes, but on Jan 1st of 2018 your shit gets hacked and you lose it all, you will still owe that money even if you don't have it.

What, is the IRS gonna force someone to sell their house, empty their bank account, and force them to pay every penny they earn until the 500k is paid off? That's fucking insane. So someone can end up owing more than they can pay off because they played around with internet funny money? Bullshit, taxes should only matter when cashing out to fiat. End of story.

>> No.6920296

Then how is that not a loss? I don't understand. If I buy a stock for 10k sell it for 10k then buy a different stock for 10k I don't have to pay taxes on it and am in fact at a net -10k. How is that different than how it works for crypto? You are basically saying your investments do not count as deductions and only your gains count.

>> No.6920465

who the fuck does this encompass on here?

>> No.6920468

Illinois has concealed carry permits

>> No.6920491

Ok then it's identical to stocks. I misunderstood you because you.

>> No.6920542

I misunderstood you because many people think going from BTC/ETH is not identical to BTC/USD/ETH and that it doesn't incur a capital gain in USD*

>> No.6920641

This really.
Don't report anything.
If they see no one is reporting, they'll be forced to change it so they can't tax it.
It's fucking insane to tax on every crypto-to-crypto.

>> No.6920668


>Buy Antminer
>Mine 20k of BTC
>Cashout with Amazon giftcards and Localbitcoins

This is how you do it bruh

>> No.6920673

If anyone of you is using Coinbase, especially for larger sums, you're fools.. There are ways of buying crypto anonymously, and once you do that, you can simply trade on chink exchanges, since most exchanges don't require verification at all. Coinbase is literally the gateway for the IRS.

>> No.6920688

>What, is the IRS gonna force someone to sell their house, empty their bank account, and force them to pay every penny they earn until the 500k is paid off?
Yes, this happens all the time and if that isn't enough they will garnish wages as part of a "payment plan". That is why those debt settlement radio commercials exist.
>Bullshit, taxes should only matter when cashing out to fiat.
Write a letter to your congressman.

>> No.6920714

OP, mind emailing me? We're in similar situations


>> No.6920795

>get an accountant faggot
Yea, they tell you to abide by the law
>get an attorney
Believe it or not, finding an attorney willing to take the risk of being disbarred for trying to pull kikery for some neckbeards with meme coins, is hard to come by.
>dont be poor and have enough meme coin to move out of the country or hire a Saul Goodman character
thanks for the solid help. kys if you think this is reasonable. Somebody with a 6 figure portfolio is "poor" on this larping website. It literally boils down to whether you want to literally break the law and roll the dice that you dont get audited or pay ridiculous amounts of money on because the laws are early and grey.

>> No.6920797
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If you stay in crypto the whole time and use an exchange that's outside of the US that doesn't have any personally identifying information, there's no way the IRS could know right?

>> No.6920847

Alright wait I'll make a proton mail.

>> No.6920937
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This is why i moved to a tax haven (Jersey).
Zero capital gains tax.
I'm British though.

If you are american you are completely fucked. Americans are still subject to domestic tax even when they take residence in another country. Only country in the world that does this.
Only way to avoid is to give up your american citizenship entirely. Plus you guys have some of the highest capital gains tax rates in the world. Land of the free hahaha.

>> No.6921105

Any brits cashed out? The only place I can find talking about taxes is plebbit and they've been infiltrated by tax advisors saying crypto to crypto is taxable when HMRC have never said that. Seems like the cunts are just trying to get work.

>> No.6921130


If anyone else wants to contact me. (No IRS plz)

>> No.6921147

No we have tax bands. As long as you can prove where the money comes from and is not laundered you just have a % to pay

>> No.6921414

Nice try, no one is putting their info onto that data mining Honeypot

>> No.6921505

so what are u going to do when you moved fiat from your bank account worth say 1000 then move in a total of 100k back into your account? its going to raise questions

>> No.6921514

I said a fake scenario, but anyway you don't have to. I already showed you what happens.


>> No.6921551

Do u use discord? I have some questions and it's also pretty discreet.. dog#8831 is my handle for it.

>> No.6921574

Literally no one is reporting their crypto gains except boomers. Only report when you cash out.

>> No.6921594

>hundreds of dollars
Not everyone is poor you know

>> No.6921714

you're a fucking idiot. You report or you don't report at all.

if you report when you cash out and it's anything more than tendie money, they're going to ask where it came from. They will want transaction records or you're fucked

>> No.6921844

>crypto to crypto is taxable when HMRC have never said that.
Technically it is. But capital gains tax in the UK is scalable so it's really 6 and half a dozen as far as HMRC is concerned, at the moment at least. Best thing you can do is talk to an accountant/ tax advisor. An IRL accountant. Not a reddit LARP accountant.
Get them to file your taxes for you if you can afford it.

>> No.6921904

So fucking sick of the autistic retards thinking the IRS has the time or knowledge to spend all day tracing blockchain ledgers to make sure you paid your 3k in taxes when you sold your Link for Request. Fuck off you fucking retards and stop scaring well meaning kids here with your bullshit. Declare on what you cash out and you will be fine.

>> No.6922001

Stop worrying about taxes.
If you bought 20 ETH, cash out 20 ETH.
If you made more than that by trading shitcoins, hold it and use it to buy shit in the future. The government doesn't need to know about it.

>> No.6922154

again.. what happens when u withdraw a large sum of money into your bank account in the future? what explaination will u have when u stated that u put in 20 eth and ended up with 20 eth?

>> No.6922180

muh tax fud

just pay capital gains on your fiat profit. ignore everyone trying to make taxes seem like the end of the world.

>> No.6922182

> so what are u going to do when you moved fiat from your bank account worth say 1000 then move in a total of 100k back into your account? its going to raise questions

What if you never move to fiat? What if you just stay in crypto forever, and make purchases using crypto. How will they know if you don't tell them and they can't associate that crypto stash with your identity.

>> No.6922210

a good goyim always pay his masters.

>> No.6922269

>paying taxes

don't be a cuck. at worst if they find out they will charge you the taxes plus interest on late payments.

>> No.6922317

>dont pay, at worst you owe literally millions in backtaxes, fees and lawyer costs
nobody is fucking asking about your 10k crypto portfolio faggot

>> No.6922339

>pay taxes on unrealized gains
>cryptos drop to 0

have fun being the most retarded faggot in America. Never pay taxes until the money is in your bank account and secured. Would you pay taxes for 2018s income before you even worked a month? no, you might get fired, laidoff or any number of things.

>> No.6922356

nobody cares about your LARPing millions in crypto and boring as fuck tax FUD either.

>> No.6922399

Drilling into faggots....


>> No.6922664

I mean use your residual cryptocurrency to buy shit.
You won't have to cash it out.
But if you want to, just claim that you mined it.

>> No.6922947

the absolute state of denial you have to be in to either be such a no coiner or poor fag to think people on this board dont have 6 figure portfolios is pathetic.

>> No.6923040

If you boil this down it won't work in a IoT economy...the paradox is they need the next "thing" to stop the debt spiral we are in.

In my opinion, It's simply that .gov doesnt want it's citizens to participate in a world economy. Your money needs to stay inside the walls....so the next best thing for them is to tax everything.

King Dollar and the rulers of this country don't give one iota about us. Don't forget that.

>> No.6923171


OP have you considered the situation if you qualify as a day trader? That's a special qualification that lets you "wash" your investments once per year and pay short term gains rather than treating things like a typical investor going for capital gains. It's what I was considering. Way simpler. Don't know that it will help the tax year cutoff issue though, so might not work in your specific case.


>> No.6923201

>How is that not a 100% possible scenario?
Because you're a filthy fucking kike, and filthy fucking kikes bear a curse on their forked tongues that causes them great physical pain if they ever tell the truth?

Why do you fucking jews insist on lying every goddamn hour of every goddamn day about how taxes work? Are you truly that desperate to drive down the price of crypto just so your kike elders can save a few thousand shekels buying Bitcoin?

The holocaust wasn't real, but it should have been,

>> No.6923276

>6 figures
stay retarded

>> No.6923282


>> No.6923312


Better link, see mark-to-market


>> No.6923311

Fuck Fiat. We don't need jewish money anymore.

>> No.6923321

Anyone with a six-figure portfolio knows how basic goddamn accounting works, and that "expenses" (ie buying a new holding) are deducted from any gains, real or imaginary. "Selling" $1000 worth of a crypto to "buy" $1000 worth of a different crypto is not a fucking gain. $1000 + ($1000) = No tribute to Israel.

How the fuck do you think a company like Amazon can have $130BILLION in fucking sales each year but show on-paper that they haven't yet earned a single dime in profits? Because purchases, expenses, upgrades to facilities, salaries, ie every goddamn dollar they spend is deducted from dollars earned.

You'll get your turn in the ovens soon. Don't worry. No need to beg.

>> No.6923440
File: 510 KB, 500x1107, ARK-MAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I live in switzerland and pay 0 cap gains taxes on cryptos.

>> No.6923742


STFU I already demonstrated how you can owe a large amount of short term capital gains for crypto to crypto trading. Then lose the gains in January and still owe the tax.


>> No.6923797

The kike is a natural born liar. They are so proficient, so natural, so graceful at lying the jew can lie to your face *even while telling the truth.* It all comes down to the slightest technicalities.

When the lying jew walks among the goy in his attempt to spread panic and fear that the jew will then attempt to profit off of, he explains to the goy in simplistic terms intended to confuse them. "It's a tax event, goyim! You have to pay your taxes on every trade now!"

The jew smiles quietly, knowing that while he has "told the truth" (for you have always had to pay tribute to Israel; this has not changed, and nothing is new...) he has presented the truth while concealing a far bigger lie. You've always had to pay your tribute on profits, but only on profits. You have shown no profits when you immediately spend your shekels on a new investment. The tax code demands tribute on profit, but expenses are deducted from profits. Trading one investment for another, even if either investment has appreciated, may truly be an on paper gain in only the most technical sense... but it is simultaneously an on paper loss as money went back out again. Your tributes to Israel are calculated at the end of the fiscal period based on profits. Yet you have no gold in the Jew's bank to pay tribute with. You simply have holdings... which are not taxed.

The fact it is a "taxable trade" is true... while being utterly irrelevant to how taxes work. Every sale is taxable, but every buy is deductible as an expense. The jew did not tell a "technical" falsehood by omitting other facts... he simply meant to mislead the goy by selectively presenting facts the way that are most advantageous to his own pocketbook. Thus, the jew lies to you openly while telling the truth.

>> No.6923835

You didn't demonstrate a goddamn thing with your meme-lines, oven-dodger. You do not pay taxes simply because the book value of your POG collection has increased.

>> No.6923843

Lol I am a US citizen but I don't live there. I ain't doing none of this shit. Fuck u irs

>> No.6923872

I've been making money off crypto since 2012. Never claimed taxes.

However, I'm worried about this year with all the IRS attention. I think I made 40k-60k in total this year. I work as a freelance developer so I do have a legit source of income. Might just continue to not pay and see how it goes. Will I be fucked?

>> No.6924001
File: 104 KB, 1080x1077, received_10159134700840012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can defer those capital gains taxes so you can balance against losses if you held for less than 6 months. Go see a tax attorney who is familiar with stocks and crypto. It'll be the best money you ever spent.

>> No.6924008

I said multiple fucking times that if it's in the same year you can deduct your losses from your net gains but once the year is over, if it crashes in January (which it did), you're fucked.

You do if you realized the gain with a trade and the FMV is increased.

>> No.6924019

Because your losses wash out your gains. Anyone who's ever done taxes knows that. That's how we know its a larp

>> No.6924051

I think you can carry over losses for something like 3 years.

>> No.6924087

All you have to do is not report anything.

>> No.6924138

Read the statement again. It doesn't cancel out the gain from PREVIOUS years. I have a million dollar short term gain for 2017. The value of my portfolio went down in January of 2018 but I'm stuck paying for the high FMV trades right before the year turned.

>> No.6924306


Maybe I'm an idiot but does it actually matter at all? Why couldn't you just leave the country for some shithole and stay there for a year before cashing out? You don't have to pay tax on 'foreign income' if you're not classed as a UK resident.

>> No.6924437

im doing my taxes on bitcoin.tax and I made around 86k in profits. when I choose a different option instead of FIFO Ipay something like 16-17k instead of 20k. Pick that?

>> No.6924443

Prove you have any significant money in crypto. You can't. Literally kill yourself tax FUDer.

>> No.6924604

>if you report when you cash out and it's anything more than tendie money, they're going to ask where it came from. They will want transaction records or you're fucked
No they are not, this is total fud

>> No.6924731

I owe 400k if I use FIFO, 100k if I use LIFO. I'm desperately searching for an accountant that let me use LIFO. Every single one I contacted so far says I have to use FIFO. One anon that emailed me said the same thing. This is fucking retarded because FIFO is literally less accurate. If you have 30 coins in cold storage and are actively trading with 10, if it's calculated with FIFO, then those coins that were just sitting in cold storage are considered to be "actively traded" because it uses up the cost basis and "date acquired" of those coins first, ruining their long term capital gains status. Also there's no law mandating that you must use FIFO, yet most accountants say you have to use it.

Whatever, I don't give a fuck whether you believe me or not. I literally already showed you that it's possible in tax software.


>> No.6924884

I'm pretty sure my accountant will accept it thankfully. Also helps that you can select the like kind option to make it easier for your accountant. Much more simple that way.

>> No.6925046

Forgive me if this is nonsense, but can Monero muddy up the paper trail a little? I intend to pay my taxes, but I have no interest in listing all my trades.

Is going from (Binance -> personal wallets -> obscure exchange -> convert all to Monero on new exchange -> move all to Monero wallet -> whatever you wanna do after that) possible? I'd rather it look like one or two large taxable events than a ton of small ones. Seems convoluted, probably simpler approaches.

>> No.6925198

but cant you hide capital losses in with 2000 trades easier than you can hide 2000 trades?

>> No.6925271

Have you used any KYC exchanges and made any trades at all? If you intend to pay the full amount of taxes anyway that's clearly a waste of time because listing all of your trades is less effort and riskier than consolidating and faking some of them. You just download the CSV's of the trades from any exchanges you used and import them into bitcoin.tax or cointracking.info.

>> No.6925363

What about exchanges like liqui.io or yobit that don't have csv files? Can I use the API keys from them somehow to transfer them to coinbase.tax?

>> No.6925511

I just dont see how among thousands and thousands of trades, some losers some winners in a zero sum game where 50% are losers, adding a couple extra losers on exchanges like Huobi, Yobit and even decentralized exchanges can raise flags. Even in the event that flags are raised, you are audited and negotiations begin... how do you get to the point of literally needing forensic technology to link IP addresses (multiple if your using more than one computer), explore various block chains all to DISPROVE these transactions?

>> No.6925520

I'm fairly certain I didn't KYC on Binance, but many of my friends claimed they had to. I registered so very long ago that I'm unsure. All the other exchanges I know for a fact I didn't do any KYC (aside from obviously GDAX).

I guess what I wanted to do was have a couple taxable events recorded closer to the end of the year. If I were to pay quarterly, I'd have less working capital for trading as opposed to keeping all my capital gains, compounding the money, and then getting taxed at the end. The percentage taxed may likely end up being the same, but the amount of growth may be lower if I pay quarterly.

>> No.6925559

when "proving" a transaction took place only involves an excel spreadsheet.

>> No.6925668

Are Americans this retarded?
Losses are not taxable. You are not paying taxes for gains which don't exist anymore.

>> No.6925755

The losses happened in January of the following year.
The losses happened in January of the following year.
The losses happened in January of the following year.

I can't believe how a huge portion of biz is.

>> No.6925774

how retarded*

>> No.6926583

fud thread
saged and hidden