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File: 20 KB, 852x480, nlflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6914656 No.6914656 [Reply] [Original]

this hell hole taxes fucking EVERYTHING
where do I go with my EU passport?

>> No.6914679

Malta maybe?

>> No.6914703

The fuck you talking about faggot? Up to 24k in crypto is tax free

>> No.6914712

We betalen juist vet weinig belasting vergeleken met anderen

>> No.6914736

I was told you guys don't pay anything on crypto trades or cashing out, just a small % of your total net worth per year

was i lied to

>> No.6914746

conversion from btc to eur is tax free in austria. hit up a local btc atm amd enjoy your eur bags

>> No.6914779

Nætherlands is the best. I'd move away from DK to NL in a heartbeat... Not sure why you complain so much? Drink some jenever and smoke some herbal.

>> No.6914811


>> No.6914895

Fucking laagste belasting op crypto in Europa teringmongool

>> No.6914951

>thinking that crypto tax is the only tax that matters

>thinking that if your hell hole is an even greater socialist hell hole then it my situation improves in any way

>> No.6914990

Ga weg dan. Nederland is een kutland maar alle andere landen zijn nog veel grotere kutlanden.

>> No.6915143

Neger you don't pay shit for taxes
>30% on FICTIONAL gains

>> No.6915177

yeah keep thinking that. meanwhile every single EUR gets taxed down to literally 40c within the course of a single year
stay cucked Jens

>> No.6915303

to bruxelles and *ahem* make a point

>> No.6915318

why is NL touted as some kind of tax paradise here?
they have like 50% income tax plus health insurance, social security and all that shit. its fuckin terrible like any other country in western europe. als the place is crawling with sandniggers and island apes from their former colonies. desu I holiday in dutchland a couple of times a year and love the country and the people, but the place is going down the shitter just like any other country in the EUSSR

>inb4 butthurt dutchfags call me names

>> No.6915355
File: 164 KB, 1052x930, LOOLLLLLLLLl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domme kankeridioot.

>> No.6915362

>any other country in the EUSSR
western and northern yuropoors be cucked, slavlands stronk

>> No.6915373


OP im considering a move to the czech republic
all in all you pay 15% for income tax, health insurance and social security up to a yearly income of 80. thats all! above 80k you pay solidarity tax but cryptos might be exempt from that so a pretty good deal. beer is cheap, weed is virtually legalized and the girls have the biggest tits in europe

>> No.6915385

you only pay 2% of your trading account balance if have proof youre trading and not long-term investing

>> No.6915397

>western and northern yuropoors be cucked, slavlands stronk

im talking about real countries not post-communist shitholes though

>> No.6915410

Norway :)

>> No.6915444

slavs are just white niggers. so u have lost by default

>> No.6915500

that's cool and not at all sour-grapes like
enjoy your aliens, cucks

>> No.6915545


if slavlands so great why do slavs all come to western europe to clean toilets?

>> No.6915637

only the low-iq scum who can't find their livelihood at home has to emigrate to either be an underpaid alien or a criminal in alien lands ;)

>> No.6915668

>thinking that crypto tax is the only tax that matters
it basically is when you're making 6/7 figures on crypto yeah

>> No.6915679


well Ive yet to meet any high-IQ patricians when I travel to slavlands but Ill take your word for it Pjotr

>> No.6915794

that's because you won't find those anywhere near aien cucks unless they're balls deep in their unsatisfied womyn

>> No.6915816


>> No.6915843


>muh dick
>slavs are totally not white niggers

>> No.6915894

less niggers than your mongrel population, you mean

>> No.6915958

On average Netherlands has among highest rates in europe. Insane, glad i dont live in that socialist shithole

>> No.6916110


>even nigs dont wanna live in slavland


>> No.6916157

they'd love to if there were gibs to be had here and they were readily accepted by cucks and womyn like they are western yurop
only a question of time before they chop your dick off and turn you into a death cultist, cuck

>> No.6916261

Guys I just ate a stroopwafel with koffie and I just farted, did my monthly pay for air pollution just go up? My friend always farts in the shower and doesn't mention this when he files his yearly taxes, personally I think it's a bit risky because what if your neighbour hears it and calls one of the many snitch lines? Honestly if Abdul (my neighbour) hears it I'm in big trouble.

>> No.6916290

Lel free healthcare, great infrastructure, awesome pension system, free education system, govt doing everything to prevent being an amerifat country with amerifat people. Still taxes no comparison to germany or austria, but country has similar wealth tho its much smaller. still
>muh taxes
Cmon man move to fucking amerimuttistan

>> No.6916333
File: 4 KB, 179x200, I+had+a+hearty+chuckle+on+that+one+_7acd745fe4d74f9e685b5986bcc483a3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol stay mad Oleg


audibly keked

>> No.6916337

>govt doing everything to prevent being an amerifat country with amerifat people

>> No.6916355

>Still taxes no comparison to germany or austria
>dutchfags really believe that

>> No.6916377

>52% income tax
>21% VAT
>inheritance tax
>gift tax
>wealth tax

>> No.6916468

>where do I go with my EU passport?

The answer is simple, my friend. Monaco.

>> No.6916501

>increase living costs by more than my tax burden
is this real life

>> No.6916511

>the girls have the biggest tits in europe

>> No.6917298


>> No.6917406

Yeah sure faggot
We terminated your nazi larp and will purge your Western slaves from Islam you imposed upon them
Then we are coming for (((You)))

>> No.6917491

Are you kidding?
Mohammed doesnt even have to lift a finger
They cut their pencil dicks off themselves


>> No.6917508

Optyfen gauw, je betaald kapot weinig belasting in vergelijking met de rest. Moet je lekker naar malta verhuizen ofs

>> No.6917516
File: 180 KB, 936x526, DF93A236-CD5F-4365-8CBC-4480D3BBFF70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They have so many loopholes in their tax system

Settle down in the North and have a nice beach house in Sicily or Sardinia for the summer. Maybe a boat too

>> No.6917595


>> No.6917701

OP you need to pay for all the brown people you imported.

>> No.6918121

>he thinks Netherlands is bad

You are social democrats, we are full blown commies here in France.

>> No.6918406

>be believes government checkpoints are the only way out

>> No.6918474

Actually fun. Make some examples please

>> No.6918516

Mohammed is now the most popular male name for births in Germany

Better raise that tax rate a bit more you fucking yurocucks

>> No.6918539


>> No.6918552

NL is pretty much one of the best countries taxwise:
>only 5% on the gains of each trade
>1% of all your capital each year

I would pay 80% less taxes compared to my shithole in Germany