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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 368x160, Screenshot - 03182015 - 11:43:34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
690976 No.690976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Watch the video we made for the group :)

We make sites/blogs, sign them up for AdSense/Media.net, and then click each other's ads for $$$.

Long story: Really, I'd call this grayhat, but some of you may find this useful, especially if you're on a shoestring budget and have some extra time to make cash. Google's AdSense and Yahoo's Media.net offer relatively good money for little work -- you can easily make $3-$5 per click (which only takes around 7-10 mins to finish).

You don't have to take my word for it; we've got a huge community on Palringo, as well as splinter communities on IRC and Skype. We've been doing this successfully for just under a decade now in total, and it pretty much pays for my schooling/bills.

I am a reputable leader of my own group on Palringo, and there are dozens of rooms you can join to exchange links. There are 2-3 really good rooms, which I will be glad to direct you to as well. The biggest room has over 400 members.

type [adsense boost exchangers] turns blue click it and put sugar as password.

>> No.690981

fake, scam
great way to get your adsense account banned for life

>> No.690984

yeah bans happens and we dont give a fuck. We get new adsense accounts. We scam advertisers here, not users. Moron.

>> No.690996

>We get new adsense accounts
How easy is this? Because to get an adsense account you need to provide an address and phone number iirc and wait for them to mail you a code to activate account (this took like 2+ weeks for me)

are there ways to "cheat" or abuse adsense that actually work? Even 10 dollars a day would be great

>> No.691010

looks like OP found another sucker

>> No.691015

stop fucking spamming this site with your scam

>> No.691018

You can make $10 dollars a day easily. And if your adsense account happens to get banned in the future there is ofc ways to get you another one. This is a proven money making method. 500+ members cant be wrong.

>> No.691021

I didn't even watch the video yet I've just been curious about this for a while, surely you can be "low profile" about it to fly under google's radar?

>> No.691024
File: 35 KB, 232x226, Screenshot - 03132015 - 10:58:22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best and biggest group for exchange.

>> No.691025
File: 67 KB, 640x359, IMG015089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its safe we been doing this for over 5+ years. There people older then me around palringo.

look at these earnings.

>> No.691026

dbell bitches

>> No.691033

Classic 4chan with it's hivemind. How many of you even tried it. Probably no one. Someone sad "scam" and then you went full sheep and keep repeating it, with no real knowledge about the subject. At least join and talk with us so we can explain how it works. It's not a piramid. Every user is equal.

>> No.691039

wtf do you want to know troll

>> No.691090
File: 25 KB, 804x253, Screenshot - 01202015 - 02:33:31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we also do other things like selling services int he group as long as there no scam your welcome. made 1k from the group selling fiverr services i had

>> No.691107

I did this around 2012-2013 and started out in /b/ forums trading links around. Later on some dude posted an IRC advert and I followed the link and ran into a group of about 5 people who were trying to set up a click ring operation. At the height of my time doing that I was making about 100-400$ daily and got paid 5k$ for my biggest pay day. I was on route to get around 10k the following month but then I got banned and lost everything. I then made my friends make adsense accounts, started new blogger sites and repeated the process. We split it 60-40 with me receiving the 60% of whatever I made. I did this for a total of 3 times until I couldn't find time to do it again. It was a lot fun doing it and the easiest fucking money I have ever made so far in life. Overall I would say I made about 25k$ but only receiving about 10k$ in total payments

>> No.691110

>Sri Lanka
I knew this thread smelled like brown people.

>> No.691111
File: 32 KB, 480x320, pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats just a recent example. i can give you more

>> No.691114
File: 34 KB, 480x320, screenshot-1356580781079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i got lots of example im the owner of the group yes we have brown people and we have a lot of Europeans/western people

>> No.691115
File: 33 KB, 480x320, sam3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so your point besides trolling?

>> No.691117
File: 92 KB, 530x409, Screenshot - 03182015 - 06:15:59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join back 500+ members :)

there lots of people who were in IRC/skype first and about 1 year ago everyone move to palringo

>> No.691124
File: 304 KB, 1148x1022, 1421179557654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i had the time and motivation to do it again i would but that's long gone. Besides it sucked when it came time to trade with 3rd world countries that gave you shitty 20 cent clicks meanwhile my US clicks gave them upwards of almost 5$ per click. Hell those freaking media edu ads used to give out 100$-$200 per click at the hay days.

>mfw eventually we formed a USA only clicking ring and quintupled our revenues with no shitty third world countries involved. Of course most 1st world European countries were allowed in and then it all came tumbling down.

>> No.691137
File: 65 KB, 181x443, Screenshot - 03182015 - 06:27:17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there a first and EU group only. pretty useless you can just ignore others and exchange in the main group since main group always get fresh people the first/2nd world country group might take 1 week until they get invited.

>> No.691138
File: 67 KB, 211x450, Screenshot - 03182015 - 06:27:28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im owner of both groups.

>> No.691148

I never used that pal stuff only was in an IRC channel that some guy operated but didn't adsense make some massive changes like last year or something

>> No.691228

Misleading info. We've been up to this for years, brah.

>> No.691230

Let's do it again, you joyous motherfucker

>> No.691242

Nice try Matt Cutts

>> No.691266
File: 341 KB, 750x1205, shillimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still a pretty active IRC community. Here is some info.

>Matt Cutts

>> No.691274

>>Matt Cutts
And I should trust your SEO advice for what reason?

>> No.691285

what's to stop me from joining and then repeatedly clicking your ads to generate red flags and have your whole operation outed

Answer this question and I'll join.

>> No.691310

Nothing at all. Though, none of us has ever been banned due to click bombing in the 8 years we have been up to this.

>And I should trust your SEO advice for what reason?
I am not giving any SEO advice. This is about click exchanging.

>> No.691321

Debating whether I should do this or not. How much money would I make doing this if you were to say I worked the average amount of time at an entry level job per week?

>> No.691330

40 hours per week? Depending on how many Western countries join up. If all of these retards would all work together, there's no reason we couldn't be like China's Dormring1 operation where they scammed Adsense for millions.

Anyway, 40/hrs per week. Each click may pay $0.30-$2.00 regularly. The ocassional $20.00 click randomly per month. You'll do 20 trades per hour or more if you go nonstop. I won't calculate it right now, but some of us have made $1,000.00 or more per month. I am currently doing nearly no trading and am making $200.00 per month.

>> No.691336


>> No.691339

So if I did 20 clicks per hour, making the lowest margin of .30 cents, for 8 hours a day every day I'd make about 1344 a month. How long does each click take? Do you need to complete surveys and what not or do you literally just click once and call it a day?

>> No.691352

I'll bite.
Do you need a full fledged blog to do this? Too lazy to set that shit up

>> No.691358
File: 331 KB, 480x640, dearzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join mate i dare you. you prob only be able to attack 1 guy before your reported and banned from the group.

>> No.691369

why does this fucking Jizzbag never get banned?

eh? SAGE & DIE, you boring cunt - GTFO.

>> No.691449
File: 55 KB, 480x640, IMG003773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you in picture?

>> No.691506
File: 13 KB, 640x129, IMG021766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can have any page/blog/website with ads and it should work

>> No.691617

>why never banned?
Cause not enough people report his posts.

>> No.691981

I tried this a couple years ago and got my adsense account banned immediately, before even getting into the chatroom and sharing my blog. I have a theory that they read my google searches referring to "adsense click ring fraud" and decided to ban me because it actually said in my account that I was banned for "invalid click activity"...