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6908588 No.6908588 [Reply] [Original]

DeepBrainChain General thread

>> No.6908619

so much for that pump when it hits the exchanged ay lads

>> No.6908671

Shit ain't going anywhere. Still not selling. I'll hodl for at least 4 months.

>> No.6908741

I need this to moon haha

>> No.6908757
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Dunno if this means (part of) their team is gonna be in Korea or does it mean listing. Listing would be logical because of the topic. Also, (part of) the team is going to be in conferences in this timeline.

>> No.6908781
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>> No.6908792

Sounds like a korean exchange listing is coming. Which should be good, considering the korean market is gonna be heavily regulated towards registering exchanges.

>> No.6908887

ill never accept that Lil Pump rip off to be our true anthem.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kate Bush and DBC.

>> No.6908952

Indeed, DBC also mentioned that they have a surprise in February, it makes me greedy.

>> No.6908992

>get 500k-1mil views with the communitys help
>shill the comment section with actual info on dbc with sources
>make it an echo-chamber

>> No.6909187


>> No.6909234

Guys, it was a PnD because Kucoin was cool for a week. I'm sorry to say I sold at the top.

>> No.6909385


>> No.6909493

Uh where is the good guy..is he ok?

Hope he didn't get kicked out the house over this shit

>> No.6909511

I hope this korean exchange doesnt have a stupid competition again.

>> No.6909517

Saw him few days ago. Earlier he mentioned that he's having a hard time.

>> No.6909594

the prophet is dead, sell the news

>> No.6909649

Thanks bought 100k

>> No.6909664


>> No.6909751

I wonder if his wallet address is in the archives somewhere

>> No.6909781

he always refused to give up his wallet address for donations.

>> No.6909850

I think he's a whale, even though he says he only owns 3,4k dbc

>> No.6909886

so why did he help? just felt like making a few other people rich too?

>> No.6909942

Bought 15 ETH worth at 145 vits. Watched it rise to 500 Vits and back down. Just sold at like 155 Vits and bought more HST lel

>> No.6910044

We kicked brainganggoodguy out of our pump group because he was a fucking creepy loser, and that is saying a lot since most of us are creepy losers

He threw a psychotic tantrum with like 30 lines of text after we warned him to sell and take a minor loss, since the pump as over and we didnt have the volume to sustain it

He only had a couple hundred dollars worth of this shit, but based on his unhinged reaction my guess is that he was some type of third world slum dweller, and that was his entire lifes savings. Would not be surprised at all if he is dead by now, either from a loan shark or killing himself.

>> No.6910095

He kept trying to get people to chant with him. He follows some religion called "the secret" which boils down to retards believing they can manipulate reality through positive thinking.

>> No.6910117
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Word on the street is BGGG he got pumped by CIA glow in the niggers in an alley when he was getting off work.

>> No.6910238

Pics or no proof

>> No.6910387
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>> No.6910435


>> No.6910607

Okay, it's confirmed they are going in Korea for marketing purposes. Listing is not confirmed on this weekend.

>> No.6911126
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>> No.6911759


>> No.6911966
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>> No.6911982


>> No.6912009


>> No.6912075
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I am not kidding, btw sold most of my stack for other shitcoins, but I consider getting some more dbc later on after gains, if they appear

>> No.6912132

My portfolio dropped 12k, feelsbadman. DBC will moon some day, though.

>> No.6912160

Tbh I remember the same shot with chainlink- who is going to buy this shitcoin, it was just a pump and dump, this will both have a real use case for years and years, sever manipulation on a shit exchange, so much FUD

>> No.6912182

*not have a real use case

>> No.6912536

Words cannot describe how much of a faggot you are. You unironically raged because a pajeet with $200 and an IQ of 25 wouldn't sell for you. So you and your little faggot squad decided to throw a tantrum and spam and every dbc thread with weird serial killer shit and koran quotes like the impotent cuckolds you are. You should honestly consider suicide, you are a waste of air.

>> No.6912551


>> No.6912594

That guy was a nice dude. Fuck you.

>> No.6912655



Show most go on brain gang. Good gainz will come to us if you say "patience my little brain"

>> No.6912678
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>he's having a hard time
He is? Damn. I like(d) him because he was in general a positive upbeat guy. So many people give him shit about this but I really liked him being around, he usually managed to make my day.

DBC will rebound tho. It was always meant to be a long term hold.

>> No.6912686

>some type of third world slum dweller
Like you and your Discord buddies.

>> No.6912745

BGGG switched to AGI if he knows what's good for him.

>> No.6912761

I agree with everything you said

>> No.6912914


>> No.6913677
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looking forward to selling this dec 31st for massive capital losses

>> No.6913795
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>> No.6914178

Bought some yesterday, will HODL until 10x.

>> No.6914584
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Screencapped faggot, stick around this place come december and you will most likely kill yourself.

>> No.6914644
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then i sell it for massive capital gains
i can't lose

>> No.6915594
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DBC is my biggest gainer currently. Weird. It's going to be like this for 6 months at least (the market going slightly down/sideways, i mean), won't it?

>> No.6915686


>> No.6916387


World economic forum? This is huge

>> No.6916508
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pump it

>> No.6916928
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>I fell for the "whales are accumulating" meme

>> No.6916967

It's mostly just bots trading with each other

>> No.6917196

Tomorrow the DeepBrainChain music video gets released. Let's get a million views and shill the comment section (even when the music video is going to be shit)

>> No.6917484

lol, yall still havnt actually read the whitepaper and seen this is a chinese fake coin right? Their entire whitepaper is listing how to buy the token, how to buy into the ICO, who is investing in it and then there's a paragraph of "it'll be used for AI because AI makers will use it to make AI"

this is worse than tron LMAO anyone who actually bought this shit

>> No.6917532

It's true that their whitepaper is garbage, but you also haven't done your research, pajeet.

>> No.6917584

Will like and comment brainbro

>> No.6917766

I'll use proxies and few different devices and browsers with auto-refresh, it will grant some views. Worked the last time, don't know about this day if Youtube can detect that.

>> No.6918103

Someone from DBC will also be attending the Decentralised AI Summit on the 1st Feb:


confirmed on TG

>> No.6918189


"By Chinese New Year, we aim to integrate DBC with our current clients and grow our community, like Microsoft and so on."

>> No.6918233

A ticket is 150$. No biggie.

>> No.6918643
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its over Brainlet Gang

>> No.6918672

No one interested?

>> No.6918688

It's literally climbing right now

>> No.6918700


>> No.6918711

I had to check it too, topkek. FUDders are welcome, though.

>> No.6918813

I'm going to stick this shit in a wallet check back in 10 years and hope I'm rich

>> No.6918859

Ohh I forgot to mention I came to this conclusion about 4 days ago when I woke up at 3 am threw myself out of bed yelling the chinks are pumping it while running to my laptop on to find it at .17

>> No.6918938
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I'm fucking losing so much sleep over this coin. Just now I sold so I could buy in at at a lower point but I already feel like i fucked up.

>> No.6919689


>> No.6920219
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>> No.6920917

Anon, jump in again or you will regret it.