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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6905578 No.6905578 [Reply] [Original]

how does a /biz/ness man find a non gold digger gf?
I hate being lonely

>> No.6905605

You don't

>> No.6905633

I want dis wamen

>> No.6905643

i like this girl's face
most people on biz have horrible taste
melted face underdeveloped asian girls
closet pedophiles maybe?
i like a good forward grown bite on a girl

>> No.6905645

go to church, meet a woman there

>> No.6905649

They don't exist?

>> No.6905674 [DELETED] 
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non-gold digger gfs are for poorfags

>> No.6905710

found it in a trap subreddit kek

>> No.6905727

OP, there are more important things in life that satiating your loneliness with a kind woman. you wouldn't have the capacity to love her even if you found her (which you won't) because you're only concerned with your own emotions. forget about yourself and pursue something else.

>> No.6905728

If you're in here you're probably a huge piece of shit, and no girl worth her salt will come anywhere near you. Don't worry its all part of Gods plan

>> No.6905775

What a fucking autist virgin kek

>> No.6905831


This is true. I'm fucking ugly as fuck (legit 3/10 at best). Have almost no social skills and missed out on normal adult development and experience. Can't imagine a girl being attracted to me that wasn't messed up in some way herself.

>> No.6905866


>> No.6905882

hey they don't call em traps for nothing
i've seen legit girls with stronger jaws

>> No.6905919

Your wealth is an extension of who you are, just like your intelligence is. This question is like asking "how do I find a gf that doesn't care if I'm retarded or not?" Any worthwhile girl will care. It doesn't mean you need to pay for anything she wants.

>> No.6905954

Don't indicate to her how much money you have
Don't buy her expensive shit
Be frugal with your money

>> No.6905992

My old man wisdom: Get to know your authentic self and learn to express yourself in the world, have a larger purpose in life and some good women will start showing up along the way

>> No.6906229

unless you're autistic (90% of this board), then you're out of luck

>> No.6906347

Surround yourself with good friends and family and let them set you up with someone. Make sure you see pics first.

>> No.6906382
File: 44 KB, 960x540, 1495493179244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough with the /r9k/ tier threads already

>> No.6906411

Hide your wealth from women until you think you've found a good one. If she turns out to be a thottie, pump and dump her ass.

>> No.6906414

improve your game and stop depending on money to get women. stop talking about your money.

>> No.6906418

>tfw worth 6 figures
>tfw gf worth 3
>still make her pay for dates

>> No.6906448

modern women are garbage. pump and dump only or get stuck holding bags.

>> No.6906592
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>tfw nice face
>tfw notice girls mirin nonstop
>tfw girls trying to talk to me and flirt with me
>tfw too autistic to make anything out of it

girls dont really care about money in 2018 desu except for like russian or asian girls.

from my experience and observations: looks>personality/charisma>clout/status>physique>height>money

>> No.6906665


looks and personality go hand in hand. it's extremely hard to get anywhere with one but not the other. but if you have both then you really don't need anything else.

I count height and physique under "Looks"
Clout/status is basically "Money"

You need two of these: Looks / Personality / Money

>> No.6906740


Status is everything you dumb fucks.

>> No.6906803

/Biz/ is now a matchmaking service.

>> No.6906829

If you'd buy high and sell low like I do you wouldn't be having this problem.

>> No.6906834

And you probably pay for everything else cuckoo

>> No.6906860

From what I've seen they care about the social status that being seen with you confers upon them. Looks are secondary to that, unless they're just looking for a quick fuck.

>> No.6906878

Marry into money. Then when she divorces you, you get half.

>accustomed to a certain lifestyle.

>> No.6906892

status is fixed. there's no point discussing it

>> No.6906961


This man is correct. This is why your girlfriend would fuck Kodak Black. People might say, she’s only fucking for his fame but you have to ask yourself this, when your girl is travelling across the country to see and fuck a rockstar....does it really matter?

Status is fixed? Ok, status is fixed just as much as your looks are. If anything, it’s easier to change your status than looks

>> No.6907010

It takes under 50k to completely change your looks via plastic surgery
50k does jack shit to your status, so yeah, it's not even comparable

>> No.6907025

Good luck

>> No.6907057
File: 185 KB, 400x300, 1512641402310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>status is money

this isnt 1950

which would get you more pussy? a million dollars or a million followers on X social media website? hell even 100k followers

>> No.6907148

>Get /lit/
>Spend some time at a bookstore that has a coffee shop in it
>Read some good books and enjoy a warm beverage
>Casual chat with ladies who appreciate the finer things in life than money
>Play field at own pace

>> No.6907971

I went to /r/traps and found it but the fucking thread was titled "random trap on 4chan"

>> No.6908039

I want to see more pics, can't find anything.

>> No.6908061


>> No.6908079

its likely not actually a trap. sorry to disappoint

>> No.6908127
File: 88 KB, 1023x686, 8F9FE133-8F0D-4DB6-B354-A00F32B89DC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a camera, make a legit 100k instagram account - you will have pussy. Personal experience

>> No.6908130

If you have to ask this question you're already a kek

>> No.6908131


Trial and error. Just like investments.

>> No.6908133

Offering a $10 USD in eth bounty to anyone who can find more pics

>> No.6908180


>> No.6908926

>date girl with legit 1.2 mil followers on instagram
>snapchat premium bimbo
>crazy about me
>im not even rich
>im good looking, good physique
>i have a shitty personality
ill take the million dollars. im sick of hearing about stupid shit regarding social media with her

>> No.6909076

How about fake followers?

>> No.6909103


>> No.6909130

> comes from reddit
> is a faggot
Checks out.

>> No.6909245

I got with my woman when I was poor and when I became rich she became a gold digger. You literally can't stop it

>> No.6909356

you can. You have to make it clear that she is not allowed to see your finances and if she doesn't like it she can fuck off