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6903926 No.6903926 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best system and why is it Anarcho-Capitalism, or at least Free-Market Capitalism?

>> No.6903953
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>> No.6903959

Crypto markets actual give us a good view on what an An-cap society would be like

Completely chaotic and unorganized.

>> No.6904032
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What is the problem here? Sounds pretty sweet to me.

Until indirect government regulation via taxation scams or forced bank deposit/withdrawal limitations work it like a puppet.

>> No.6904296

I honestly think socialism would be a better alternative to ancap
t. right leaning centrist

>> No.6904335


Laughed so hard I threw up

>> No.6904373

Gold and silver, stupid

>> No.6904458
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The more money I make and the more taxes I pay, the more I hate paying taxes for stupid ass leeches who never took a risk in their lives and are conformed with a life of mediocrity. It's entirely their fault their life is the way it is. And the government's use of your taxes is at times laughable.
I am leaning more and more towards ancap.

>> No.6904675
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we have to do some money work pronto

>> No.6904739

Thinking you know a way to organize human society in a totally different way than has ever been done successfully, and have it not fail horribly, is pure arrogance.

Every 'system' will fail.

>> No.6904765


always sage Pajeet Ancap threas. ALWAYS
Hidden too

>> No.6904825


Ancaps are the only caps. Everyone else is a commie.

>> No.6904830
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In any form of anarchism, only those with the will and fortitude to work, one way or another, will survive. There will be no lazy leeches to point out how they are examples of the failed system, because they will be dead. It is a perpetual Natural Selection machine.

Im australian cunt

>> No.6904840

Even if you could prove an Anarcho-Capitalist society would lower standards of living and happiness (You cant) But lets assume you can.

It would still be more moral to let people keep the fruits of their labor under voluntary contracts then to take from the hard workers and give to the parasites. And even if my life would get worse i would rather live under anarcho capitalism.

>> No.6904959

I would argue that something close to the original idea of thomas jefferson would be best. Where there would be very very limited federal government with limited power. We don't need income tax, just possible small sales tax, import taxes. and or tariffs. Since the government is smaller we won't need the bloated budget we have. Each state can then form the government they so desire but we still congregate to a republic for things like military protection. I think some form of a republic is healthy because if your jurisdiction gets too small, it can be overrun. There is some strength in numbers. I think direct democracy through the use of open source blockchains would be super beneficial as well. Representative democracy has its issues. A completely voluntary society isn't possible yet, because people are not evolved enough yet in their consciousness. I do think in the future though it could be possible. But we are atleast 100 years out.

>> No.6905092

Are you ancaps completely fucking delusion? We already live in a corporate state where the government works for them. So now you want no government to police the entities at all and you assume life will somehow be better. Jesus.... it's like you guys just want to believe you're so much better than other people by coming up with system that goes against the grain. Yeah I would totally be an ancap if the industrial revolution never fucking happened. You think a completely free-market wouldn't ass fuck us even further? Absolutely retarded, this an ideology not based upon our current reality and you fucks should feel bad for actually thinking this is feasible. Whatever fantasize all you want over your Google owned military junta.

>> No.6905174

submitting to the corporate militaries will somehow make life better! It will be totally better life for 98% of the population not born into immense wealth who will essentially be a slave with no chance to climb the culled social ladder irregardless of intelligence/merit!

>> No.6905185

Monopolies cannot exist without the state. You do realize that its not in a companies interests to fuck over customers right?

>> No.6905265

Wrong, even neoclassical economics which I've studied acknowledges the exist of market formed monopolies due to large startup costs/economic barriers to entry, thus resulting in necessary basic competitive economic federal planning to break up/stop monopolies in water/electricity services etc

>> No.6905331

Barriers to entry exist without the state.

>> No.6905434

The idea of natural monopolies is very much up in the air and in my opinion is marxist propaganda. Here are 2 reasons i disagree with the idea of natural monopolies assuming they exist.

1. If a person owns all the railroads in a coutnry, thats their private property and they can do with it as they please. Therefore natural monopolies are not immoral. What would be immoral is taking someones private property because you think they have too much

2. You dont need to be a railroad company to challenge another railroad company. Example Uber has challenged the taxi industry without being a taxi company. Cryptocurrency has challenged central banking without being a central bank.

Further if a monopoly exists in a free market it is because the consumers want it to exist.

>> No.6905487
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Free markets are best but ancap is kind of crazy desu

>> No.6905565
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That said, ancap is probably second next option

>> No.6905575
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According to Friedman the only 2 examples of monopolies existing long term without government assistance is the New York Stock Exchange prior to 1934 securities regulation and the De Beers diamond monopoly which is a very rare anomaly in and of itself and I have no doubt that if a free market trade system was adopted across many of the leading world powers, that too would not be sustainable.

>> No.6905663
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If we had free markets with no central bank the past 100 years we would probably be living to 120 and have a 2 day workweek.

God damn the state fucking sucks

>> No.6905700

De beers is the fault of state intervention


>> No.6905733

Even if you offered a better product than me if I were to have more capital I could effectively price you out of the market and bleed you dry. I could also punish other companies that associate with you. None of this is necessarily immoral I never claimed it was. I just don't see how that is in any way desirable.

>> No.6905751

A free market literally removes corporatism and creates a level playing field

It's much easier to sue companies in a free market.

>> No.6905852

The only reason it's chaotic now is because the state makes or semi illegal and it has to compete in a statist system.
Central banking is pushing up the price of crypto and giving us these crazy gains.

It's like blaming drug cartels on the free market

>> No.6905868

Ahhh I see. You're referring to a utopia that isn't achievable. How is this justice system maintained and incorruptible?

>> No.6905876

Natural monopoly is a myth

>> No.6905925
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You know nothing, wise men!

>> No.6905966

>We already live in a corporate state where the government works for them
>now you want no government to police the entities at all and you assume life will somehow be better.

If the government is run by the corporate entities isn't the government not going to police itself? In democracy/socialism who will police the police? In free markets police a police police b.

>> No.6906023

I'm a minarchist.
Smaller and decentralized governments are far less corrupt and if the state isn't handing out corporate gibs, there's nothing to lobby for.
My solution is to have free markets and property rights strictly laid out in the constitution and breaking these rules is severely punishable
I think the American constitution is far too weak.

It's not perfect but it's far better than the current system.

>> No.6906105

So you actually can't explain it but since once article confirmed your viewpoint it doesn't matter. What you are offering is a system that disregards all of history and human nature. Congrats natural monopolies are a myth. Although that ultimately doesn't change anything about what I was talking about

>> No.6906149

Im at work
Lol just read the article before you claim theres no free market solution to the natural monopoly problem

>> No.6906245

You're getting too caught up on the term 'monopoly'. These same issues could arise from oligarchies and duopolies as well. Nevertheless I will read your article and I appreciate listening to your viewpoint

>> No.6906359
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Nah, OP. The government will have to be involved to an extent. Caveat emptor man.

>> No.6906428


>> No.6906589

>what is the best pedal in a car, and why is it the brake?

I cannot stand political ideologues. They dedicate their life to being wrong on the most fundamental level.

No ideology is supposed to remain permanently in place. All will rot, because all are prone to corruption. Every system needs refreshing and, if you breed ideological idiots, they are going to get it wrong.

Brainlet pick a side; patricians know that the art of politics is understanding which ideological lever to pull, at which time.

>> No.6906613

>suporting the system that gives existance to pajeet streetshiter scams

>> No.6906914

>Invests money in obvious Indian scam pump and dump
>Invests more than he can afford to lose
>Loses everything
>Blames unregulated markets

Bern victim detected.