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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6902152 No.6902152 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6902224
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look at it go

>> No.6902377

If it breaks 1150 it could be something. No mooning just yet though.

>> No.6902397

Why it going up? Amazonethereum.com?

>> No.6902522


Still just mirroring BTC's chart at the moment. It'll have to decouple again if a new ATH is going to be hit.

Or if BTC starts going bullrun again, then maybe both. I doubt this scenario though.

>> No.6903170

there's been nice progress today though, we are up like 5% on buttcoin
and ETH pumped first today too, it was clearly BTC following this time around

>> No.6903367

Serious question. I bought .10 Eth last night at $959 . Today Eth is at $1,092 and Delta says I have. $13.82 profit. Explain to me how they came up with that number please.

>> No.6903412

Flippening within one month. Screencap this

>> No.6903418

Their formula is obviously wrong. Submit a bug report in app as it will help the greater good anon.

>> No.6903439


If you can't figure that out, you shouldn't be investing in crypto, or anything for that matter.

>> No.6903466

faggot tell me what I need to know or I’ll dump your gf.

>> No.6903476

Whenever I see this logo it reminds me of Star Fox

>> No.6903480


>> No.6903491


this has been very steady growth over the past 24 hrs...it's like the pump and dumpers got their shit kicked in by large buy orders (there were a few huge orders last night and this morning)

>> No.6903512

Damn you fuckin nigger
13% up everthing is alright

>> No.6903536
File: 141 KB, 1903x754, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could it break free based on depth? looks like it

>> No.6903547

Unironically kys Ifunny fag

>> No.6903564


>> No.6903575

Back to 1100??? Pretty late at night for these gains!

>> No.6903594

Probably the Weiss rating

>> No.6903607

Why is it doing this. Why now ? what changed ?

>> No.6903609
File: 245 KB, 480x654, 1F9356FC-3B1B-40FD-B899-1C39C18578A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it dump one last time before the 30th? My moneys coming in then

>> No.6903611

ur profit = (how many coins you have)*(price now/coin - price u bought/coin)
=> profit = .1*(1092-959)~13.3

>> No.6903640
File: 20 KB, 618x277, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fucking nothing, again.

>> No.6903643

thanks anon.

>> No.6903670


I'm sure it will

>> No.6903716

Realistically, is it possible that itll hit 10k this year?

>> No.6903744

Weiss rating

>> No.6903762

this is is guys, entering the orbit
we either make it to the moon or crash the fuck down

>> No.6903773

It is certainly possible, but Id think $7500 is more realistic

>> No.6903795
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i'm scare! i down wan crash!

>> No.6903804

If casper or whatever the hell its called isn't just a LARP and drops 2018 you can expect 25k

>> No.6903808


not ever, it's way overpriced as it is right now

>> No.6903834

ETH is guaranteed money. Comfy as fuck being all in. Don't even have to watch it all day. I can actually enjoy vidya again. Thank you money skelly

>> No.6903841

>Implying the crypto market won't overvalue it even further

>> No.6903850


I'm thinking of buying an ETH rig in the near future. Coinwarz calculations say it makes 1 ETH in about 42 days and pays for itself in about 304. Yes? Terrible?

>> No.6903887

Yes of course it's possible, ETH is the most developed crypto by far. 90% of my portfolio is ETH because I just need one last 10x and I can retire. Other coins will experience higher growth but there's no safer bet than ETH imo.

>> No.6903886

Dude man i dont know, Looking at order book sells are like 250-300$ per 1$ increase.. that seems fucked.. almost artificial.

>> No.6903885

wtf you talkin about nigga

>> No.6903906
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it really is the comfycoin

>> No.6903914

Ethereum is going to become proof of stake.

>> No.6903922

please don't get my hopes too high
if ETH got anywhere near those numbers I wouldn't have to wagecuck anymore
please make it happen

also looks like we made it past 1100 (bitfinex), moon it is lads

>> No.6903938


so was btc, until it wasn't

>> No.6903943

how the fuck did we do that

>check ID 12K+

>> No.6903965
File: 56 KB, 621x702, A91FFDF8-183F-4C9B-9CEB-B1A8641ECE24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serious question. I bought .10 Eth last night at $959 . Today Eth is at $1,092 and Delta says I have. $13.82 profit. Explain to me how they came up with that number please.

>> No.6903980

>check ID 12K+
ETH 12k EOY confirmed

>> No.6903991
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>> No.6903993


I'll revisit this thought post flippening when we are going from 10k to 20k ETH in a week

>> No.6904010
File: 35 KB, 600x400, ripple-its-gonna.jpg.b53f5c03fee027ee37f1aedc25b0c98b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is on the rise again , except for my White Blood Cell count..

>> No.6904037


12k+ EOY confirmed holy shit green id has spoken

>> No.6904109


>trillion dollar market cap just on eth

what do you think, anon?

>> No.6904108

hey guys remember when that shitcoin "btc" was the king in 2017? wtf were we thinking? glad the real champ took his place on the throne

>> No.6904117

I've been hearing about "much flippening" for THREE YEARS
Get a hold of yourself anon, shits all based on popularity and Primordial BTC has been around in our minds for wei longer

....but I wouldn't mind if a flippening did happen...

>> No.6904129
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>Iniate lower high protocol
>dump everything

>> No.6904140

That matters a hell of a lot more than just a little bit more money for us, if it becomes the new number one coin then more people will invest in it because it is rising faster and subsequently more people will have and be using ETH as a currency and it's value will hold.

>> No.6904145

here I'll help you:
>you were poor
>you bought .1 ETH
>still poor

>> No.6904154

You are a faggot. Both coins compete in different niches
>b-but ma marketcap
Just fuck off

>> No.6904172

>thinking I’m the guy who originally asked the question
>being this stupid

>> No.6904190


that ID is yellow. are you colorblind anon?

>> No.6904192


So I'd just be better off hoarding and staking if/when this happens. Hm.

>> No.6904220

Who is the ethereum of altcoins? Neo? XMR?

>> No.6904240

who is this guy, i see his picture on here all the time...

>> No.6904247

You know how much people have said this and been proved wrong? A year ago the ENTIRE market cap was 17b. People like you would have laughed at anyone saying Ethereum could reach 100b by itself. Eventually the crypto market cap will be in the trillions and ETH will be a significant percentage of that. It already accounts for over 50% of all crypto transactions, and that's before any of the upcoming scaling upgrades.

>> No.6904250


Ehhhh.. its more like babyshit green.

>> No.6904265

He’s the president of crypto, he calls the shots around here

>> No.6904275

XMR is just for pedos.

>> No.6904279

/biz/ pumps eth
Ethereum crashes.

Never change biz.

>> No.6904286


it's clearly lime green

>> No.6904287

Pretty sharp fall in the past few minutes, fugg. Applied to btc too.

>> No.6904290

Eth is switching from pow to pos so why

>> No.6904298

In 2 days ETH will flip BCH

>> No.6904311

No, you can buy drugs with it too, or hodl it for inevitable long-term gains

>> No.6904334


this of course is satoshi nakamoto

>> No.6904347

>XMR is just for pedos

Having a solid use case and user base, makes it infinitely better than most cryptos. Pedo is a growing market, ride the wave.

>> No.6904432
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According to latest TA across various coins, we are currently in a bull-trap before we see another drop >>6892960

>> No.6904499

sell that eth back down to 980 i'll hop on.

>> No.6904521

just traded all my eth for xmr

think i'm going to make it

>> No.6904526

Ethereum is the ethereum of alts. It IS an alt you mongoloid

>> No.6904566
File: 76 KB, 1024x759, cleo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's going to be a bad month for Sagittarius since it's the year of the dog

>> No.6904574

have you ever seen a fucking lime?

>> No.6904621

We almost got it last year and there was a huge fucking trade to be made there... Another attempt like that nets 2.5x

>> No.6904653
File: 1.79 MB, 1128x1702, limes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up ethereum is going 10x whether you like it or not

>> No.6904776

That's a bearish chart. Why do people keep failing this concept

>> No.6904834

which alt should I put my eth profits on?

>> No.6904860


sure, cause a $1 trillion eth mc is so realistic

>> No.6905131

ETH is currently responsible for 105b out of the 566b market cap. If the total market cap goes to 7t or the market cap of gold then a 1t ETH is pretty reasonable.

>> No.6905139

B-but somebody is willing to buy a looooot of Tokens at less than current price. Quick need to buy all coins and set buy orders above mega wall. Do you hate money anon?

>> No.6905142


meme works best with a one liner over the phone to an unknown party....causing HEAVY shit to go down

/pol/ took it to it's final form last year during French elections

>> No.6905193

None currently, market is fucked up. Buy xmr I guess or BAT if you can get a lot.

>> No.6905220

It is technically but nobody considers it an alt anymore you dumb dingus

>> No.6905268

You sound like a bcashier

>> No.6905279

You sound like a dclerk

>> No.6905611

I expect there to be a bit of a sell off tonight but we're still headed for steady growth over the next few days

>> No.6905726

I think the sell off just happened and price is rebounding to make another attempt at 1100 range

>> No.6905938

Possible, I'd like to see a retest of $1000 before moving up but that just may be me be selfish and wanting to buy more in that price range before continuing up