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File: 905 KB, 1035x3839, trtl-info-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6894897 No.6894897 [Reply] [Original]

Turtlecoin (TRTL) is a brand new coin with amazing potential that has gone up more than %5,000 in the last two weeks alone. It literally can not go down because it was just made. It's a safe place to gain when this market is going sideways.

Where to get FREE TRTL?
Where to get more TRTL?
You can buy it on the TradeOrge exchange
How to mine it? How to store it?
turtlecoin DOT lol/
Where to go if you have a problem or just looking to hangout with other TRTL crew?
discord channels/388915017187328002/388915017963143169

>> No.6895007

>Cant send xvg or btc from bittrex to tradeogre cause "too small withdrawal" or "no cofmirmation limit" (even tho i havent withdrawed anything)
>cant sell ltc on tradeogre, and pending btc is slow and expensive
why is everything so fucking shitty?

>> No.6895170

what are you talking about? Tradeogre is super fast. and the fee is only one TRTL for trades

>> No.6895317

Great coin, still mining

>> No.6895341
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>> No.6895398

Tradeogre took some time to exchange my ltc but then I got some comfy turtles and all was good

>> No.6895415

Been mining on z-pool.com for about a week. TURTLE POWER!

>> No.6895476

tfw not verified on gdax so can't buy more trtl's rEEEEEEEEEEE i want to go all in but fuck btc fees

>> No.6895549
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>> No.6895620

great coin, I got 500k for like 4 sats

>> No.6895646

how much time?

>> No.6895667

oh so thats where the last 500k went. got the entire supply except that for a buck I found in my couch. how much you want for it?

>> No.6895676

sent aeon to tradeogre so fast, then got me some nice TRTL

>> No.6895714


>> No.6895747

Mining has slowed a bit, but I'm still getting gains. The transactions w/ this are super quick

>> No.6895786


TFW no Turtle

TFW I have no face.

>> No.6895870


>> No.6895989

I just made a wallet, how fast are txns ?


>> No.6896015

infos https://turtleturtle.surge.sh

>> No.6896032
File: 71 KB, 1536x821, mining-trtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped mining when the pools went from 240K/s to 6MH/s.

>> No.6896049

fast son

>> No.6896057

What's the number of coins in circulation?

>> No.6896091
File: 100 KB, 353x353, 1396739239277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to turtlecoin.lol
>looks sketchy as fuck
I don't know anon...

>> No.6896146

Faucet doesn't seem to work ?


>> No.6896245

Are you guys retarded. This is the most obvious troll ever posted.
This gives it away more than anything. An average gaming rig that's 10 years old does 15mh.

>> No.6896296

Not on cryptonight algo. Did you even try anon?

>> No.6896333

I'm at 20 H, I have a 10 year old laptop

>> No.6896339 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 400x431, 1515964504649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faucet is frozen

>> No.6896353

Which software does that you fucking genius? I'm blasting dual 7970's and I'm lucky to get 1.3 kh/s. So tell me fuckface, how to i get 15mh/s?

>> No.6896352

What exactly is sketchy about TRTL site?

>> No.6896360

Why are you trying to FUD a very low sat coin
You can't be THIS pajeet

>> No.6896401
File: 58 KB, 812x652, pls explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain your post in the context of this picture. Your mom-coach can help you.

>> No.6896443

What mining software you guys using?

I'm on xmr-stak and am getting ~750H/s on a 1080 FTW 2.

Am I doing something wrong or is this ideal?

>> No.6896451

It's the download folder with the miner and everything. Seems sketchy, especially since I tried to download from there a few days ago and the site looked completely different, download was different, and it set my antivirus off. It's not reading any viruses now, just everything seems super sketchy. I really want to mine some turtlecoins though.

>> No.6896504

Vertcoin one click miner and zpool. Both give 15mh on a 10 year old computer.

Nobody download anything to do with this turtle shit unless you want your other legitimate coins stolen. You been warned

>> No.6896533
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>> No.6896574

I claimed my hundred coins the other day, can you make multiple wallet addresses from simple wallet? or do I need to make a new wallet.

>> No.6896631

Sounds right, my 980ti gets ~650H/s with ccminer

>> No.6896704
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1490206380603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, miner from the download link is not working. It just opens a command prompt and then exits. Any tips?
I'm scared

>> No.6896721

Exactly why I didn't even try opening it.

>> No.6896747

all your coins are belong to us stupid /biz/raeli

>> No.6896797
File: 7 KB, 250x230, 1496611865877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't joke
now i'm getting errors in the wallet

>> No.6896858
File: 102 KB, 712x719, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6896704 >>6896797
You dun goofed. Enjoy botnet.

>> No.6896859
File: 33 KB, 408x408, 1511247444066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.6896875

you need to sync with blockchain first
also found this https://turtleturtle.surge.sh/ guess those wallets will be better for you

>> No.6896911

any screencaps or evidence?
people on various threads keep saying the wallets a keylogger and shit like that

the entire thing feels astroturfed as fuck

>> No.6896945

Open cmd in the folder and then run the exe in the cmd dumbass

>> No.6897070

Use xmr-stak, the downloaded miner is for solo mining and you need to give it a command line flag as well I think

>> No.6897090

If you're not launching it from command prompt you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6897188

leddit thread got a lot of responses
so is it actually legit?

>> No.6897204
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, breaking-news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is Female turtles.

>> No.6897226

I prefer xmrig https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig get all the infos here https://turtleturtle.surge.sh

>> No.6897229

Why would you download anything when I just said not to.. It's like you want your alts stolen

>> No.6897233

yes this coin is legit. Why wouldn't it be? The code is open source, the faucet is open source. In fact everything related to this coin is.

>> No.6897243
File: 45 KB, 720x619, 1516740935728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The miner on turtle(dot)lol is a keylogger, you idiots

>> No.6897258

It's just FUD from people wanting to accumulate. If this was a keylogger I'd have been screwed at this point and I've had it running for a month now.

>> No.6897269

All this "KEYLOGGER" FUD is getting annoying. Cut it out. This coin is 100% real and there's never been a single report of it being any type of virus. Holy shit.

>> No.6897281
File: 42 KB, 161x131, aAbnWFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6897287

The future is TRTL, nice devs, good pools, etc. Get it while it is <10 sat

>> No.6897299


Dont do it guys, it put a key logger on my computer, they got my private key and stole .34 btc. DO NOT install this pajeet shit on your computer
im trying to warn everyone

>> No.6897300

come to the chat discord. we will help you. everyone here is trying to fight Shredder the best we can

>> No.6897325

Shit's open source

>> No.6897337
File: 147 KB, 1500x500, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocksteady here, we just want to make everyone happy and give them a platform to express their talents and ideas. Wouldn't be a Rocksteady response without me getting banned, so first wallet I see gets 100k, let's GO!

>> No.6897342

you need to synch with the turtlecoin blockchain first anon. Run Turtlecoind.exe for 25 min

>> No.6897374


>> No.6897378

thats great for programmers but myself and everyone else its robbed so far can't read code

>> No.6897394


>> No.6897414

How do I get xmr-miner to run CPU only? My graphics driver keeps crashing every time it gets to detecting a new block.

>> No.6897430


>> No.6897442

Aww man, missed it :(


>> No.6897445

>how do i get robbed by some pajeet shit coin scam

>> No.6897460
File: 332 KB, 960x720, 1488157447642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6897486

What's the cap on this though? Is it infinite supply but managed the way Monero does?

>> No.6897490

go the fuck back to plebbit

>> No.6897508

What does the 10th wallet get?

>> No.6897532

stop larping assfaggot proof or gtfo, oh a proof requieres to much effor for a stupid meme? your bad your life is worthless anyway so go on now waste those 2 hours on photoshop you filthy pajeet

>> No.6897572


Look at all the people endorsing it here. That's a huge red flag

>> No.6897588

RockSteady, I know I'm a pleb for asking this but please spare something for me too I'm a Turt-o-maniac and any help with TRTL that you can send me will be really appreciated.. please RockSteady... you are my only hope...


>> No.6897594


can you cash out with this exchange? Heard you couldn't

>> No.6897614

Run in a batch file with --noCPU, but if you're using nvidia try lowering threads in nvidia.txt, or changing the bfactor and bsleep up or down

>> No.6897651

please don't scam me filthy pajeets

>> No.6897653

not first but i support the shit out of you guys on here


>> No.6897676


>average individual hash rate is 21 KH/s

what the fuck... my pool is under 1k on average

>> No.6897715

yes, i've withdrawn about a bitcoin total

>> No.6897725


>> No.6897731

yeah it works fine. test it with a small amount first if you want

>> No.6897744

how can i prove i had coin stolen? you know i cant- stop trying to rob people

>> No.6897756

I remember your initial threads about creating a new crypto and the contest for a logo. Congrats on getting something going.

>> No.6897780


Fuck what clocks? I think I got a shitty 980 Ti when I bought it a few years back that doesn't OC well. Running at 1534/3304 base clocks and am getting like 540 H/s on the GPU with xmr-stak and windows 10

>> No.6897790

who the fuck even downloads "wallets" anymore? Chad traders just keep all their coins on the exchanges

>> No.6897799

too late?


>> No.6897835


G-guys... is shilling this on /biz/ a good idea at this point? It's only gonna make it harder to mine

>> No.6897872

guys you'll miss out, this is like the beginning of BTC

>> No.6897894

The moon mission begins next week Anon. Strap in. You won't see TRTL at lower than 10 sats soon.

>> No.6897925

>100 Trillon coins
>installs a keylogger your computer
Yeah guys its just like bitcoin!

>> No.6897940

the faucet broke

can any anon send me 100 trtl ? love you less than 1 cent

>> No.6897982


The website has been the same since the 6th of January. You can check that here: https://github.com/turtlecoin/turtlecoin.lol

If anything you could download from github and check for yourself.

>> No.6897996

i think the cap is 1 trill not 100 trill

stop being cheap and buy TRTL on the exchange. it's only 5 SATs next week it will be 15 SATs

>> No.6898010

lol you don't even need to install anything, just use the paper wallet https://turtlecoin.lol/wallet/

>> No.6898019

Where and how did you arrive to the conlcusion of 100 trilion coins?
Can you point to the location of the keylogger inside the repo, or any reputable source where we could confirm your information?

>> No.6898036

still kinda paranoid about it
desubh i want my turtles but i'm keeping the entire everything on paper based until it's established

>> No.6898039

The website has been shown many times by many experts to mine with your cpu in the background and install a trojan keylogger virus

>> No.6898042

Are people going to turtle.lol instead of turtlecoin.lol ahahaha

>> No.6898069

how do you use it? never used paper wallets before
it generates it, but whats next? inb4 install wallet and sync with blockchain

>> No.6898080



>> No.6898092

Does it also send your IP to the CIA and track the amount spent on porn sites a day?
I'm fucked!

>> No.6898105

what? 15mh? laptop??

>> No.6898114

Post 1 (one) link

>> No.6898163

oh when you want to sent trtl to yourself just use the address, or if you mine on one of the pools just use the address of the paper wallet

>> No.6898169

does your mom spoon feed you too? im just trying to give you faggots fair warning, if you cant DOYR don't come back crying when all of your shit is stolen

>> No.6898175

just letting yall fuckin know, I'm holding this coin until $1.00. I don't give a fuck what happens until then.

Nothing can replace the feeling of seeing ETH go fuckin bezerk when I knew I couldve bought it when it was single digits.

This shit is privacy coin so i have nothing to worry about on gainzz and tax season, that is enough for me. I was doing my portfolio on BTC then converted to XMR (because I was fuckin a believer in XMR) .. but fuck.. this is XMR but buying it when it was $4.

I will HODL this shit with steel hands...

>> No.6898182

To all the retards reading this:

1) buy/mine this coin NOW as much as you can
2) wait for it to hit some major exchanges
3) shill the living shit out of it on any social media platform weeks in a row. Even pay commercials on fb or google or w/e.
4) price will go beyond fuck beyond Voyager

6)Profit from everyone buying the coin at a high

Come on anons we just need to work together to build up the brand and make it go as viral as possible and we'll all be bidding each other for the International Space Station after. We just need to work together for once.

>> No.6898191


>> No.6898230

but you can't check how much you have without installing some gui or using repo's wallet?

>> No.6898235

Couldn't you think of a more pajeet answer?

>> No.6898255

So I want to trade in TRTL, here's what you do, go to bittrex buy some AEON, go to tradeogre.com and sign up, send AEON to your tradeogre account, sell it, use the BTC to buy TRTL, easy right?

HODL; now you are in lambohand

>> No.6898277

How many id's do you have pajeet? are you stealing coins to save up for a new goat to marry?
Fuck off whit this scam shit

>> No.6898288

we dont marry goats, just fuck 'em

>> No.6898294


notice me, turtle senpai~


>> No.6898342



>> No.6898361

yeah anon, work together

>> No.6898371

> trtl is a trojan
the coin goes from 1 sat to 4 sat in less than 7 days
tfw you miss a 4x minimoon and are too retarded to get on the next mission

>> No.6898379
File: 733 KB, 850x638, trump trtl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6898446
File: 350 KB, 1750x2500, tmnt-leonardo-pillow-pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6898477
File: 367 KB, 1200x1500, KCLT_2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6898606

>has gone up more than %5,000 in the last two weeks alone.
I know you think this makes it sound good but it just means its a terrible time to buy.

>> No.6898612

>buy in ay 2 sat
>sell at 3 or 4
>literally buy low sell high
>puy up a buy order two days ago, 1MM at 2 sat
>no one has sold it
f-fug I was so close to a million
Please tell me it will dip a bit, I need comfort...

>> No.6898713

I made a wallet and am now mining 24/7. Short term goal is 1MM turtles


>> No.6898754


As a turtle whale, I can safely tell you 2 sats will no longer cover electricity costs at this network difficulty

>> No.6898967


it will never go below 2 sats ever again.. in a few days 4 will be the new min

>> No.6898984

TRTLv2KqmmX2X8THuT8knBFrjWxaQdyow34ChwG56Fzx4hwUMixJvyiJc786yhYrbY2d1YJfcUs7dCHHH1KRi1XpFucabcvszeb my mom needs a new kidney got to buy it on the black market need some turtles, not begging just sharing my sad true story

>> No.6899032


I hate being a TRTLlet... I'm just now mining up to 100k total after 3 days, I mean I know it'll moon to 1cent eventually but I still feel like I got in way too late. It'll probably take me over a month to reach 200k now with this increased difficulty.

>> No.6899132


just past 1m turtles yesterday....committed all my resources to mining turtles.

Slow and steady

>> No.6899293

something about all this still feels fishy, but the FOMO is too strong in me


>> No.6899469


hey guys so everyone afraid of turtle listen up. I've been mining for a few days now.

there's a step by step here:

mining DOT turtlecoin DOT lol

the instructions are a bit dated because the block chain takes about an hour to download now.

but basically you start the dameon, once it gives you the green Sync Complete then you open the simple wallet and make a new wallet...

of course store your keys appropriately.

Then follow the instructions on how to use the xmr stake miner....all the pools are torwards the bottom of the step by step...

Let me affirm its legit and been doing it a few days no issues. I just really like turtles.

Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.6899521
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I really shouldnt say this.. but anything below 50 sats is a good deal for a cryptonight coin if it wasn't premined.

>> No.6899629

Do you think I can manage to buy back at 3 SAT then?

>> No.6899768

Balance: 0.00$

>> No.6899861


>> No.6900008

Can't mine it, shows my ip is blocked the wallet is empty.