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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6893924 No.6893924 [Reply] [Original]

still can not sync a new node up
fucking piece of shit, my node can still not sync, always gets stuck
broken network
new nodes syncing up, can get stuck by picking the wrong fork - they dont know which fork to pick since they
dont know the current stakes, the current representatives weights
once a node has picked the wrong fork, it went down a bad path in the DAG
it spreads to others like a disease
there is no way for syncing nodes to know if they are on a disease path, getting stuck, or not.

thats why, all the nodes synced up by RaiBlocks networks since block heights 2 373 000, around a year ago when the forks happened
are not synced up by the RaiBlocks network - but by sharing a "good" trusted database file

its possible to break the RaiBlocks network by introducing forks, and especially by a minority spamming with "change representative" transactions


>> No.6893957


same it took 12 hours for me to send 100 xr b. fuck this piece of shit

>> No.6894006

i sent a transaction it literally took a few second stupid fudder

>> No.6894059

tried moving 1 XRB out of Kucoin, not showing up in my raiblocks client wallet (windows). Am I on a forked chain or some shit

>> No.6894086

u just got shadowforked bruh

>> No.6894116

I literally just set and synced a new node today. Set it as the representative for multiple accounts and did multiple near instant transactions with no problem. I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6894124

the tech is so shitty. it seems good cuz of muh free and instant transactions, but it's not. there are huge issues, particularly with version control, and you are a damn fool to ignore them.

>> No.6894158

are you fucking brainlets?
how fast you send trx doesnt matter if the fucking network is broken by design

RaiBlocks network does not keep a history of consensus
old reps can go offline, and new nodes syncing up need their votes, but they are gone
new nodes do not know they should trust the current reps since they cant follow the history if its true the current reps have that much stake or not

how to halt raiblocks: aquire enough weight from other transactions, aquire enough stake, minority is enough. spawn many nodes. begin forks. new nodes will now end up in your shitty fork and never reach the global consensus and theyll spread this to other nodes.

>> No.6894173

Buy Skycoin, it's free and instant and doesn't have any of these problems.

>> No.6894181

RIP, they just traced your IP and coming to get your other belongings

Vitalik said XRB is one of the scammiest ERC20 tokens around, listen to him

>> No.6894207

its only a smaller probability of nodes to sync up like yours, if just by luck your node picked the correct nodes as peers.

>> No.6894264

>believing the coordinated raiblocks FUD

>> No.6894271

Lol EC20 meme that is good one I have to admit

>> No.6894305


It's not an ERC20 token

>> No.6894308

I got in to XRB at $20...this was supposed to be easy..took days to get out of exchange. I tried sending to another wallet and it wont send...what happened to XRB?

>> No.6894340

Did your desktop wallet finish the initial sync? What does the transaction say? Pending deposit?
Copy and paste either the transaction identifier or the wallet address in the top right text field:

>> No.6894966

> Did your desktop wallet finish the initial sync?

what a joke.